Will Adams

A.P. European History Outline
Will Adams
I.Breakdown of Renaissance
a. Labor force declined, manor + guild destroyed
b. Italy head of New Era
1. In close contact w/ Byzantine Empire+trade
2. Feudalism not strong, cities flourished
3. Papacy + German feud-no monarchy emerged
II City States of N. Italy
a. Parties supported emperor or Pope
b.Despots of city hired condottieri(mercinaries)
c. City States:
1. Milan: manufacturing + trade, Gian Visconti
2. Venice: Trade w/ Constant. + Egypt, Council of ten
3. Florence: Cosimo de Medici, Piero, Lorenzo the Magnificent
III Italian Urban Civilization
a. Castiglione: The Courtier-Renaissance man, knowledge of classics, arts
+ literature, good taste-excels effortlessly in everything-virtu
b. Individualism: Economic mobility allowed man to move independently,
favored man w/ talent. Cellini-Autobiography-ego
c. Secularism: Boccaccio-Decameron-preoccupation w/ worldly affairs +
contempt for false spirituality.
d. Humanism: Study of man through examples in classical literature,
Petrarch-imitated ancient styles in writing
Lorenzo the Mag.-founded Plutonic academy-Greek philosophy
e. Historical Consciousness: Saw themselves as separate from Romans
IV Family Life
a. Wife: to advance husband's career, raise children between ages 2-7,
boys sent to boarding school.
V Renaissance
a. Lorenzo Valla: Proved Donation of Constantine false
b. Alberti: bourgeois values(thrift, prudence, foresight
c. Machiavelli: favored Republic like Florence, wrote Prince-pleas to unify
d. Arts:
1.Brunelleschi: Churches w/ symmetrical design + stately facade
2. Giotto: Volume in paintings
3. Masaccio: few details, more emotion
4. Classical and religious themes.
5. Mirandola: Oration-man is free + creator of his own destiny
VI Economic Growth of N. Europe
a.N. Euro.-agriculture, Italy-trade
b. Large up front investments(printing, machines) were organized as
capitalistic ventures
VII Political Consolidation + Centralization
a. France
1. Charles VII-1438 Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges(control over
church), 1440's-land tax, won middles class, standing army
2. Louis XI-"Spider"-Political genius, outmaneuvered Charles the
Bold, married son to Princess of Brittany, kept control of
aristocracy, encouraged trade
3. Charles VIII-1494 invaded Italy-started was w/ Spanish
b. Spain
1. Ferdinand + Isabella united kingdom
2. Charles V-emperor in 1519
c. England
1. Henry Tutor-encouraged trade, took down challenges to throne,
won war of Roses
2. Henry VIII- w/ Cardinal Wolsey, reformed common law,
brought Enlightenment education, wanted divorce from wife,
Catherine, declared Act of Supremecy in 1534-head of English
Church, elected humanist Thomas More as Chancellor, then
beheaded for not agreeing w/ remarriage
d.Power of assembly declined everywhere except England
1. manipulated assemblies by playing factions off one another
2. Henry VII used the parliament to establish power
3. Henry VIII used it frequently used it-money+power
e. Monarchs overcame clergy
1. Preempted appointments of prelates, taxed clergy, FrancePragmatic Sanction of Bourges, Concordat of Bologna-pope
allowed Francis to nominate members of clergy
I. Efforts to Reform Church
a. Brethern of Common Life: mysticism, founded schools, Theologico
b. Marsilius of Padua: Defensor Pacis-state should control church
c. Wycliffe: state should take church's property, questioned transformation
of bread and blood of Christ in service, translated Bible to English
d.John Huss: faith must be from Bible, Christ head of church, salvation
through Christ, burned at stake by Council of Constance-1402
II. Triumph over Conciliar Movement
a. Pope humbled princes of church
b. Charles VII-Created French church, pope can't tax or appoint
c. Germany lacked central government, dominated by pope
d. Renaissance Papacy: 1447-1527
1. Nicholas V-Vatican library
2. Julius II-initiated rebuilding of Rome
III Problems of Renaissance Church
a.Officials held more than one office, paid person who appointed them
b.Indulgences: Penance for money
1. Sixtus IV-pope had power to release dead souls from purgatory
IV Responses to Corruption
a.Florence: Savonarola-church was divine, preached repentance, critical
b Christian Humanism(humanism of the North)
1.Studied Christian writings-liked St. Jerome best bcs writing style
2. Sought to retrieve original texts
a. Jimenez-Spain, Hebrew, Greek +Latin side to side in
b. Thomas More-England, wrote Utopia-criticized society +
called for Bible in vernacular
c. Erasmus: Christian humanist/scholasticism, first critical edition of NT
(1516), Love of God + neighbor
d. Luther: Critical of indulgences + Tetzel, writer of 95 theses posted on
Church door in Germ, condemned by Pope Leo X(1518)
1. Summoned at Diet of Worms-Charles V permitted return to
Fredrich of Saxony
2. 3 main principles: salvation through faith, authority of Bible,
priesthood of all believers
3. Translated German Bible
4. 2 sacraments: Baptism + Communion
5 Succeeded because: printing press, early support of humanists,
local monk support, urban support(most hard-hit w/ indulgences),
peasant support-Peasant's Rebellion(1524-5)-defaced church
property-social unrest, Germany's decentralization
6. Religious Peace of Augsburg: 1555, Charles V lets German
princes choose between Luther and Pope
e. Bucer: influenced by Erasmus, Dominican friar
f.Zwingli: Zurich, people's priest, freedom from church
1. 67 conclusions: Scriptures basis of Christianity, wanted slow
taking away of relics + idols
g. Calvin: Institutes of The Christian Religion-presented Protestant
theology, predestination
1. Established Univ. in Geneva
V Anglicanism
a. Henry VIII-Act of Supremacy- got rid of church bcs. of divorce
b. New Church: Book of Common Prayer, English Bible-Cranmer, confiscated old
church land + sold to aristocracy
c.Mary- tried to reunite Catholics + England
VI Reformation + Counter Reformation
a.Oratory of Divine Love-simple Christian life, Genoa(1590)
b. Council of Trent: Faith through God not good works, reaffirmed Pope,
clerics couldn't hold multiple offices, encouraged seminaries, authority in
Bible + tradition.
c. Counter Reformation-Phillip II of Spain
1. Jesuits founded by Loyola-physical training, carried out
missions, ran schools
d. Ferdinand + Isabella of Spain-Index-banned Catholic books
I Emergence of Oceanic trade
a. Marco Polo traveled across steppes to Mongolia
b. Needed sails-small crew for less food
c. Lateen sails-could cut up through wind
d. Astrolabe-determine latitude by son + stars, compass
II Motivations for Exploration
a. God: Desire to make Christian converts
b. Gold: Needed to set up trade routes for spices to keep foods good
c. Glory: Personal fame in exploration
III Portuguese Exploration
a. Prince Henry the Navigator: find gold, send ships to Africa
b. Dias: Cape of Good Hope, encouraged by King John II
c. de Gama: rounded Cape w/ 4 ships
d. Cabral:Colony in India-governor Alberquerque-captured Persian Gulf
III Columbus-Spain
a. Landed in Bahamas in 1492
b. Vespucci-mapped New World
c. Treaty of Tordesillas(1494): Line of demarcation of territories in the
East between Spain and Portugal
d. Magellan rounded cape of Good Hope
IV Spanish Empires
a. Cortes conquered Aztec Empire(1519)
b. Pizarro-Incan Empire-military and diseases killed
c. Las Casas: Indians were God's people living by natural law
d. Spanish used forced labor for sugar in Carribean
V Philip II
a. From Charles V, Phillip got Spain(1556)
b. Economic Policy: influx of bullion caused inflation
c. Religious Policy: Told Moriscos to stop taking hot baths, get rid of
ess, Muslims rebelled
d. Revolt of Netherlands: Netherlands very protestant under Phillip
1. Council of Blood-Phillip sent Duke of Alva killed Protestants
2. "Spanish Fury"(1576), provinces formed Pacification of Ghent,
later Union of Utrecht, beat Spanish, marched north + freed
Netherlands under William of Orange-prospered on trade
VI Elizabethan England
a. Allied herself w/ Calvinists, Mary tried to kill her, then executed
b. 1588-Philip assembled invincible Armada against England bcs. of
Protestantism, England fought + defeated them w/ fast ships
VII French wars of Religion
a.Catherine de Medici-ruled while young sons, weak
b.St. Bartholemew's Day Massacre-Catholics killed Huguenots at wedding
of Protestant Henry of Navarre-came to power as Henry IV
c. Henry IV denounced Protest.
1. Edict of Nantes(1593): freedom of worship, civil rights to
d. Bodin: obedience to authority no matter what religion
e. 1660-1700-Witch trial craze
VIII Peasants
a. Peasants began to own land in France + Germany after plague
b. Spain: peasants freed, but poor bcs of cheap imported grain
c. Cities divided into wards, young men married late to start business, wife
was to be mother.
IX Art, Literature, Science
a.Durer: painter-focused on Biblical scenes
b. Michaelangelo: departed from serenity, Last Judgement
c. Tinteretto: Tried to copy Mich.
d. El Greko: Phillip II liked, mysticism
e. Pieter the Elder: Right before crucial event happens, rural life
f. Marlowe: Plays, cheap entertainment-England(c.1610)
g: de Cervantes: Don Quixote, short stories
h. Copernicus + Brahe: Earth + planets circle sun
i. Kepler: eliptical orbit
j. Galileo: Gravity, telescope
I. France's search for authority(1598-1661)
a. Bodin-Republic(1576)-sovereignty, total power
b. Henry IV- chief minister de Sully: canceled debts, avoided war, fixed
tax system-farmed taxes-hired out contractors for tax collection
c.Marie de Medici lost money, summoned Estates General
d. Louis XIII appointed Richelieu: sought absolute monarchy
1. raison de etat: reason of the state, the state is supreme
2. Pursued 4 objectives:
a. Destroy Huguenots
b. Crush Nobility
c. Exclude Hapsburgs from French politics
d. Win Bourbon-Hapsburg rivalry
3. Attacked Huguenots at La Rochelle, but allowed to worship
4.intendants: local rule of king-middle class
5. Bad financial state
e. Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV was regent-appointed Mazarin
1. Bcs. of high taxes, Fronde-movement against monarchy, didn't
work bcs. sides weren't united + didn't use lower classes
II England: In search of liberty (1603-1660)
a. Tudors used Parlaiment for taxes
b. Elizabeth kept foreign affairs in "royal prerogative"
c. Few classes-younger sons of nobility linked classes
d. James I: Establish peace w/ Spain, strong monarchy, toleration of
Catholics + union of Scotland + England(1603-1625)
1. Got around parliament by raising money through tariffs
e. Charles I: levied forced loan to attack Catholic states
1. Charles tried absolutism, ran w/o parliament in1629-1640
2. "Long Parliament" 1640-53, parliament must control taxes, king
must summon parliament every three years, outlawed royal court
3. Church and State split parliament, Charles arrests dissenters
f. English revolution: London + economically advanced south east support
parliament, rural north supports King
1. Cromwell: created New Model Army for parl.
2. After defeating king, executed Charles, set up republic
3. Cromwell suppressed revolts in Ireland
g. Thomas Hobbes-Leviathan-social contract between people+ruler
III Causes of 30 yrs war
a. Revolt in Bohemia
1. Ferdinand tries Counter-Reformation in Bohemia
2. May 1618-defenestration of Prague-throw out Ferdinand,
Frederick becomes emperor w/ Protestant league
3. Hapsburgs and Ferdinand quickly crush rebels+forced convers.
b. Danish Intervention+Catholic Triumph (1625-29)
1. Danes support Protestants in 1625, but get taken by Wallenstein
and Hapsburgs mercenaries.
2. 1629-Edict of Restitution: restored Catholic lands lost since
1552-by Ferdinand
c. Gustavus Adolphus "Lion of the North" (1630-2)
1. universal conscription, light artillery, uniforms, defeated Wallen.
d. France intervenes
1. 1635-France declared war on Spain w/ Sweden + Germ
2. Crushed Spanish in 1643
e. Peace of Westphalia-1648: accepted decentralization of Germ., froze
church lands as of 1624, added Calvinism to Peace of Augsburg
IV Dutch + Spain
a. Maurice of Nassau-1609, leads Dutch to 30 yrs. war, prosperous
b. After being invaded by France, William of Orange takes over.
c. Spain declines: Duke Olivares spends lots of money on wars
V European Population + Economic Crisis
a. Little Ice Age-malnutrition, disease
b. Price revolution-influx of bullion, lending of Italian bankers
c. putting out system: channeled money to countryside, bad for guilds
d. Italy starts joint stock companies
e. France: suffered badly during ice age
1. Colbert: tried to start industries w/ Dutch help, mercantilist: state
intervention to promote exports
VI European empires
a. Colonies to produce export materials for mother country
b. Portugal not advanced enough to hold empires in East and New World
c. Raleigh couldn't start colony in Virginia
d. French: Cartier-Lawrence River, Le Salle-Mississippi
e. English allowed religious minorities to settle in colonies-self gov.
f. Russian Cossaks go to Pacific
I France of Louis XIV
a. Sun King, divine right monarchy, I am the state
b. Colbert-mercantilism, annual budget
c.Louis did three things to get past Nobility:
1. Curved power in provinces: appointed own intendents, ministers
from middle class
2. Made a lot of nobility-nothing fancy anymore
3. Made nobility serve him in court
d. Controlled Church, revoked Edict of Nantes
e. Dramas: Human passion: Racine, Corneille, Moliere
f. Louis-1678-tried to take Dutch, Dutch saved by opening dikes+flooding
g. 1686-Hapsburg emperor forms defensive league of Augsburg
h. France lost-signed Peace of Ryswick-had to give back gains
i. War of Spanish succession: Charles II gave his lands to grandson of
Louis XIV's grandson-Phillip II rose to king
j. Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy fight for England + Austria-lose
k. Peace of Utrecht(1713-14) France got to keep Spanish throne, Spanish
Netherlands, part of Italy
II. England- Parliamentary Monarchy
a. Charles II-Cavalier Parliament, allowed them to rule, Catholic
b. Clarendon Code- excluded non-Anglicans from gov
c. Treaty of Dover-France gives $ + troops to Charles to call himself
d. Whigs- Protestant, exclude Catholic James from throne, Tories- support
Charles II + James, Anglican
e. James II succeeded in 1685, Catholic-alienated everyone
f. Glorious Revolution William of Orange + Mary come to throne
g. Locke-natural rights, gov. had to act w/ consent of people
h. Cabinet system developed for Parliament members
i. Settlement Act 1701-Heir to throne must be Anglican
j. Act of Union(1707), Scotland came into G.B., kept Presbyterianism
III Central + Eastern Europe
a. Holy Roman Empire: Austria + Brandenberg Prussia
b. Hapsburgs-defend Austria, Bohemia, Hungary split w/ Muslims, Peace
of Carlowitz gave Hapsburgs all of Hungary(1699)
c.1640-Fredrick William, T.G.E.-Brandenburg-Prussia-raised standing
army, taxes, new skills in agriculture, tolerant
d. Russia ruled + owned all property
1. Peter I (1689), curious, visited German quarter, brought western
experts, forbade traditional robe, long hair, ball room dancing,
equality of sexes, executed brutally streltsky that tried to overthrow
him, created schools, encouraged industry, acquired Gulf of
Finland, service nobility in exchange for deeply ensurfed peasants,
founded newspaper, St. Peterdburg.
e. Sweden declined in power, Poland declined w/ great nobility, liberum
I Scientific Revolution
a.Vesalius-human anatomy-dissection-1543
b. Copernicus: earth rotated on axis+around sun, discarded epicycles
c. Bruno-God was present in every planet
d. Bacon-inductive reasoning only, founded scientific institute in London
e. Descartes-link from Geometry to Algebra, start w/ empirical proof, science could save
g. Gilbert-electricity, Harvey-circulation, Torricelli+Pascal-Barometer
h. Kepler-eliptical orbits
i. Galileo-telescope, saw vastness + moving of universe, denounced by
j. Newton-forces that work on humans work on space, mechanical, infinite
k. Newton + Pascal tried to connect mechanics to Christianity
l. Spinoza-strict universal laws were God.
II Baroque culture
a. Painting often dramatic
b. Dramas studied ppl. caught in conflict as science studied bodies in
III Main ideas of Enlightenment
a. Individualism-political theory started w/ individual
b. Relativism-Other cultures have other values, space is so large, who is to
say what is right
1.Bayle-used reason, atheists could be good citizens
c. Rationalism + empiricism: Things governed by laws, not superstitions,
Locke-tabula rasa
IV Enlightenment
a. France center of enlightenment bcs.: gov. after Louis XIV became
ineffectual-sapped prestige, aristocracy revenged monarchy, rise of middle
b. Voltaire: attacked religious intolerance
c. Montesquieu: separation of power, environment determines gov.
d. Diderot: Encyclopedia
e. Enlightenment faith:
1. reason: applied science
2. nature: things that followed nat. law-Holbach
3. Happiness in this world
4. progress of humanity is in their hands
5. Liberty- allow communication of ideas
f. Quesnay-Economic survey, free trade
g. Smith: denounced mercantilism, restrictions on trade
h. Rousseau: Social Contract, general will would emerge, noble savage
i. Methodism(England, Wesley) + Pietism(Germany) flourished bcs
emphasized emotion- offset science
j. Hume: only empirical truths
k. Kant: science limited to what could be seen, not religion
I State system
a. Balance of power, limited war to meet goals + save soldiers
II Peace + Prosperity (1715-40)
a. Mississipi Buble: John Law assumed Louis XIV's debt, paid off by
collecting taxes + promoting raise in stock prices, bubble happened-stock
b. 2 stock bubbles in Britain, but companies reorganized
c. When George I + II, Walpole England 1721-42, PM of Whig, diffuse
religious tension, salutary neglect of colonies
d. 1726-43 Louis XV-Cardinal Fleury-got rid of religious tension,
encouraged trade, stabilized currency
e. Queen Farnese of Spain: tried to reestablish diplomatic status, but Spain
f. Charles VI left Austria to Marie Theresa in 1740
g. After Peter I, Elizabeth 1741-62, more power over serfs
h. Prussia-William I-greatest, Fredrick William-cut gov. waste-worked
employees, doubled army
III Mid-Century World Wars 1740-63
a. War of Austrian Succession(1740-48)- Fredrick II of Prussia seizes
Silesia from Austria-united w/ France+Bavaria, Theresa gives up in 1748
b. France vs. Engalnd: England w/ Austria in Succession war, War of
Jenkin's Ear-Spain vs. England over trade(1739), France vs. England in
American colonies + India, ended in stalemate
c. Diplomatic Revolution-1756, Kaunitz of Austria got in w/ Louis XV's
mistress Pompadour. France outbid Britain for Russian support. Thus
when Prussia attacked Austria: Prussia + Britain vs. Russia + France +
d. 7 yrs war: 1757-60, Pitt and Clive capture parts of India from French
1757-year of miracles for Prussia, fought and held enemy
1. Treaty of Paris 1763- Austria gave up Silesia, France didn't lose
III Enlightened Absolutism
a.Russia(1762-96): Catherine the Great
1. Succession of lovers
2. Consolidated nobility: rights against state
2a. 1767-re-did law system
3. Corresponded w/ Voltaire
4. Non-enlightened bcs: killed + took over husband's position,
allowed nobility to rule over serfs(34-6 mill), stamped out revolt at
Volga, partitioned Poland, conquested Ottomans
b.Prussia(?-1786): Frederick the Great
1. Invited Voltaire to Postdam, welcomed all religious exiles but
Jews, mercantilist, rationalized laws, tried for universal education,
encouraged scientific agriculture
2. Not bcs: Socially static, partition of Poland, ruthless
c. Austria(1780-90): Joseph II
1. Put tariffs to shift tax burden on nobility, limited amount of
labor of serfs, tolerated Christians+Jews, equal taxation in
proportion to income, took $ from monasteries to hospitals,
emancipation of serfs, common German language
IV Britain France America
a. France,1770-74: After 7 yrs War, higher taxes + abolition of parliaments
b. England-also high taxes, especially on colonies, Boston Tea Party 1774
c. 1774-Quebec act-Canada remains Catholic + French speaking
d. American Revolution-French help to humiliate British-Enlightenment
nation-Montesquie, Locke
I Origins Of Revolution
a. Rise of population, low education(condemned by Voltaire+Diderot),
low wages+bad crops
b. Immediate cause: Necker then Calonne kept borrowing $. Calonne tried
to have equal tax, fired by Louis. Louis XVI sent parliament home, then
crop failure of 1789
II Revolution
a. 1788-Sieynes called for enlarging third estate
b. Great Fear: When parliament reconvened, peasants rioted for food
c. May 1789-Third estate becomes National Assembly, tennis court oath
d July 1789-Fall of Bastille-masses take down prison
e. The fourth of August-Jacobins prompt clergy + nobles to denounce
f. Declaration of Rights of Man-Constituent Assembly goes for equality
g. October Days: Housewives brought King+Queen to Paris
h. Constitution-Sept 1791, did not cure financial situation
i.July 1790-Civil Constitution of Clergy-took church lands
j. Louis tried to escape to Austria-Belgium.
k. 1792-France vs. Prussia
l. September Massacres-aristocracy killed-internal threat
m. July 21, 1793-King killed
n. June 1793-Committee of Public Safety(St. Just, Robespierre)
o. 1793-4 Committee of Public Safety kills moderates-Great Terror
p. Thermidor-August 1793-Rob. killed
q. Directory of five members, assembly of Five Hundred new gov.
III Napoleon
a.1790-Burke prophesied a general coming to France
b. Horatio Nelson cut Napoleon off from Egypt, but French studied
monuments, Rosetta Stone
c. Sieyes w/ Napoleon took the French Legislature
d. Administrative centralization, Napoleon Code, gained territory
e. 1803-Russia, England+Austria vs. France
f. Napoleon centralizes-Confederation of Rhine
g. Alexander of Russia divided spheres of influence for Europe
h. Napoleon had trade boycott w/Britain
i. Germany+William II appeal to lower classes to fight against France
j. Prussia gave some self-gov to provinces to promote revolution of
intellects against French
k. Napoleon abdicated in treaty of Chaumont(1814), retired in Elba
I Population surge
a.After little ice age, agriculture + nutrition surged
b. Started to bathe-have washable cotton undershirts
II Industrial revolution causes
a.Islam: turned inward in submission to Allah, questioned western ideas
b. China: political instability in throne successions, nobles dominated, all
property belonged to ruler
c. Western world: inquiring minds, political fragmentation, religious
separation + diversity, individuals claimed rights, property important
d. Britain: no serfs, rights of property(magna carta), social mobility,
primogeniture, enclosure movement, agricultural revolution, cash
economy, international trade
III First Industrial Revolution
a. cotton, coal, iron
b. Kay-flying shuttle, Hargreaves's spinning jenny, power loom, Saveryfire engine(ventilated coal mines), Cort-wrought iron process
IV Second Industrial Revolution
a. Steel, chemicals, electricity, internal combustion engine
b. Bessimer converter+Siemens-Martin-make steel, synthetic dyes,
Nobel-first high explosive, telephone, Marconi's radio, sowing machines,
c. Differences to first revol.: required less capital, close connection to
d. Industrial revolution included US + Germany bcs of public edu. +
e. US: Erie canal connected Midwest w/ east, Whitney's cotton gin-boom
in slave trade in South, refrigeration
f. Italy, Russia, Japan
V Consequences of Industrial Revolution
a. Rise in Life expectancy: between 1851-78 real wage went up, infant
mortality down
b. Urbanization+Emigration: Jobs in cities, countryside couldn't support
population growth
c. Social Structures: Rise of new business elite vs. old nobility, middle
classes expanded rapidly, white collar workers, lower class: rural laborers,
pick pockets
d. Family:separtation of work + home,family source of love, romantic love
I Science and scholarship
a. Mendeleev-periodic table, Lobachevsky-described physics via math,
Pasteur process, Lamarck + Darwin-biology, Comte-sociology, von
Ranke-historical analysis, Renan-bio of Jesus
II Religion
a.People moved away from Church bcs:
1. Physical relocation
2. Small physical church sizes
3. French Revolution
4. Scientific advancement
5. Church defended status quo
b. Methodism in America: John Wesley's revival
c. Lower Class women often kept piety +rulers needed it to maintain order
d. Leo XIII: "Of New Things" reforming Cath. to modern doctrinesrenounced greedy capitalism + Godless socialism
III Romanticism
a. Rejection of classical limitations on form and structure in art
b. Prizes emotion
c. Celebrated nature
d. Youthful misunderstood genius that was often persecuted.
IV German ideas
a. Kant: limited reason, freedom found in obedience to universal law
b. Fichte+Hegel: upward evolution of self, realization or world spirit
V The "ism's"
a. Conservatism: Burke-predicted French Revolution, denounces variation
from historical tradition
b. Liberalism: laissez-faire, Smith-only free market could allocate
resources efficiently
Malthus-pop. will outrun food supply except w/ moral restraint, consumer
tastes, late marriages
Ricardo-iron law of wages-wages always just above starvation level, labor
theory of value-value of article is in proportion to amount of work put into
Bentham-utilitarian-greatest happiness to greatest number of people
through gov
Mill: Govern very little-improve working conditions
c. Socialism
1. Owen: cooperation of humanity
2. Fourier: phalanxes-self sufficient agrarian communities
3. Saint Simon: socialism a result of history-earthly paradise
4. Marx: capitalists stole surplus value of goods from worker,
socialism was the culmination of history
a. Marx:
1.Philosphy of History
2. economic theory
3. damnation of capitalism
4. Call to revolution
b. Capitalism did not collapse, but made amends to help
workers, living standard improved, Marx contradiction:
socialism the culmination of history, but he had to call for
c. Marx's major faults:
1. dictatorship perpetuated itself
2. Had to call for revolution
3. His claim to know history=intolerance
4. Freedom=social unity=get rid of anyone unlike
5. Bachunin-anarchism
d. Nationalism:villages dissolved, nationalism united, language is marker
1. social contract/ general will
2. Kant's moral autonomy(nations don't recognize law they didn't
3. Hegel's moral state working towards good
4. Ethnic nation
5. Language: Herder called for development of own language
6. Carbonari: youth of Italy, unified Europe, ethnicity=citizenship
VI Social Reality
a. The State: Germany-centralization of bureaucracy-universal education,
1846-Corn Laws in Britain to lift grain tariffs, 1819-Factory acts-limit
child labor, Prussia: school system pioneered mass literacy, expansion of
railroad network
b. Workers: 1845-Britain grants peaceful picketing, Germany-1860's-labor
c. Women: Wollstonecraft-equality for women, Necker-attacked
conventional views of marriage + women's edu, Dudevant-free love,
smoked in public
1.Women's subordination
2. Equal but different: Deroin-had duty to be mother
3. Liberation of women: based in Locke(self-determination), MillSubjection of Women
I The Congress of Vienna and after(1814-48)
a. Settlement of France + division of booty: France got 1789 borders,
Prussia separated to Eastern + Western halves, Bourbons returned to
thrones in France, Spain, Naples, Germany unified into confederation
b. Holy Alliance-conduct according to Christianity
c. Metternich-Germany: Carlsbad Decrees-suppressed free speech
d. 1819-Parliament passes 6 Acts-unorthodox political view is crime
e. Greek War for Independence: 1821-9, Serbs revolt against Turks,
Britain France and Russia annihilated Turks-Russia breaks from holy
alliance+intervenes against the will of Metternich(Austria)
f. 1830: Louis XVIII's successor, Charles X muzzled press, tried to
dissolve chamber-that spurred revolt-forced to abdicate, replaced by July
monarchy-Louis Phillipe
g. Belgium-1830 revolt resulted in neutrality
h. Poland-1830 rebellion resulted in mass executions by Russians
i. Britain: 1830 redistricting of pocketboroughs, stopped Ali from taking
Ottoman Empire down-tried to secure right to Medit. Sea
II End of Revolution
a. Little revolution after food shortages of 1848 bcs:
1. "Terror" of 1792 was example to liberals
2. No want for revolt from below
3. Artisans and intellectuals didn't want mob
4. There was no war for this revolution
b. Louis Phillipe kicked out-2nd French Republic, held first free elections
c. Meternich fired from Austria after hearing about France
d. Milan defeated Austria
e. Fredrick William IV surrendered in Germany when crowd revolted after
his troops shot into crowd
f. Italy: Mazzini and Garibaldi defeated by French troops, Hapsburgs take
North w/Charles Albert
g. 1849-Russian soldiers restored Hungary to Hapsburg control
h. 1849-Fredrick William demobilized after being faced w/ possibly
fighting Russians(Treaty of Olmtuz)
i.1848 changes:middle class feared masses, ethnic definition
IV German and Italian Unification
a. Russia claims protector of Ottomans, France+Britain send fleets to
Turkey, encouraging revolt, Russia defeated
b.Charles Albert's successor: Victor Emmanuel II-Cavour
c. Vienna tried to boss Piedmont around-told to dearm, Napoleon III and
Cavour fought Austria, enlarged Piedmont
d. Garibaldi took southern Italy w/ volunteer 1000
e. Prussia was better than Austria in Germany because: wholly German,
coal and iron, by 1860 most innovative army
f. Bismarck + William I double Prussian army-annexed Schleswig and
Holstein from Danes
g. General Moltke used telegraph in 7 weeks war against Germany
h. Austria acknowledged Prussian domination in north
i. Bismarck drafted new const.-he's PM, creates Reichstag
j. Prussian to succeed throne in Spain-France against it. William I
telegraphs Napoleon III-Bismarck edits Ems telegraph as mockery to
France, France declares war, loses-gives up A-L
k. Franco-German wars-declared William I Kaiser
I British World Empire
a. British Expansion bcs: missionaries, adventures, emigration, trade
b. Innovations allowing expansion:
1. Steamboats(opened rivers)
2. Iron hulled steamboats(Opium Wars)
3. Quinine fought malaria
4. Weaponry-muzzle loading rifles
c. Best gov. governs least-only intervened when had to
d.White colonies:
1. Canada-Durham said it should have self-gov
a. British North America Act-self gov
2. 1901-London gave dominion status to Australia
3. New Zealand-slow indep.
e.India: Britain began to make reforms-Dalhousie(railroads), no
sati(burning of widow)
1. Sepoy rebellion: cartridges made from cow/pig-against Moslem
+ Hindu-British put down revolt, dissolved East Indies Co
f.East Africa-putting down slave trade offended Sultan of Zanzibar
g. British show force to Egypt after Mahdi of Sudan uprises
h. South Africa-Dutch settlers, Boers go north out of British control-form
Free Orange State and Transvaal-independence in 1881
II British rivals: France, Germany, Italy, Russia
a. France: 1847-Abd el Kader defeated, Algerian post
1. Empire + colonies to make France feel powerful
2. Planted unsuccessful dictatorship in Mexico
3. Forced claims to West Africa
b. Germanys colonies:
1. To anger Britain and to secure French interest
2. German nationalist vote
3. Backed by liberal Prince Fredrick
c. Italy: Got Red Sea Port, defeated by Ethiopians
d. Russia: like France, military colonies, manifest destiny
III Non Western World
a. Spain collapsed and S. American countries of Creoles, mestizos and
slaves not used to self rule. Many developed caudillios-narrow despot
b. Paraguay-Lopez created police state, then son waged war on every
country on borders-large pop died
c. Egypt: cotton boom of 1860's allowed Ali's successor to spend,
Gladstone and British ended by occupying
d. Ottoman Empire: supported by Europe
e. China: 18th cent: Qing only allowed port of Canton for trade
1. English East India Co's monopoly on China's trade spurred
British investment-Opium Wars-Britain brought gunboats
f. Japan: Tokugawa ruled, developed agricultural economy and
merchant class
1. 1868-Japanese Civil War, Tokugawa out, emperor Meiji ij,
began conscription army