Syllabus Financial Management Master of Management - Jakarta Program Executive Class A – 33A Universitas Gadjah Mada Facilitator Contact Information : : Academic Year : Reza Masri Mobile: +62 8111 331286 Email: Feb 2013 – Jul 2013 BASIC RULES Ethics: no cheating, no plagiarism. Maintain order during class discussion: switch off cell phone! Active class discussion: read materials beforehand. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed to equip students with further understanding of the concepts of financial management and their applications in business corporations. It would begin by covering basic financial concepts and tools such as time value of money, risk and return, financial statements and cash flows estimation which develop into the notion of valuation, an important aspect in major financial management decisions, namely investing decisions, financing decisions and income distribution decisions. OBJECTIVES After taking this course, students are expected to have thorough understanding of the theories underlying financial management decisions as well as to have some exposure to the practices in reaching the decisions. COURSE TEACHING & DISCUSSION The course is delivered through a combination of class teaching, discussion, exercises and writing. Basic materials are delivered during class teaching by the facilitator and interactive discussion with all class participants. Understanding of necessary mechanics and calculation may be enhanced by in-class exercises and home works. 1 Case studies are incorporated into the course design through group analysis and presentation of the cases that are followed by discussion by all class participants. EVALUATION & GRADING Final Exam 30% Mid-Term Exam 30% Discussion (case presentation & discussion, class participation) Papers (case analysis, home works, etc) 25% 15% CASE STUDY Case study is group assignment. All groups are required to make a summary report of every case that should be submitted before the class presentation and discussion of the case. Each group will be given assignment to analyse and present a case. The presenting group should give copies of the case report & presentation slides to all members of the class as materials for discussion. Case report and presentation should at least cover background, underlying theories/approaches, analysis & conclusion/recommendation. Time allocation for each case discussion: group presentation ±45 minutes, class discussion ±45 minutes, facilitator’s remarks ±30 minutes. REFERENCES 1. Brigham, Eugene F and Ehrhardt, Michael C.; Financial Management; 13th Edition; Thomson; 2010. 2. Bruner, R.F.; Case Studies in Finance; 5th edition; McGraw-Hill; 2007 (For case discussion). 3. Other relevant reading materials. 2 COURSE SCHEDULE Session 1 Monday 11-Feb-13 2 Tuesday 12-Feb-13 Monday 25-Feb-13 Tuesday 26-Feb-13 Monday 18-Mar-13 6 Tuesday 19-Mar-13 7 Monday Monday 01-Apr-13 08-Apr-13 3 4 5 Date Topics Overview of Financial Management Financial Statements & Cash Flows Financial Statements Analysis Bonds & Valuation Risk & Return Stocks & Valuation Cost of Capital Cash Flow Estimation Financial Planning & Forecasting Corporate Valuation Distribution to Shareholders Capital Structure IPO (Initial Public Offering) Merger & Acquisition MID TERM EXAM Working Capital Management Case Study: “Krispy Krepe Doughnut Inc” 8 Tuesday 09-Apr-13 Presenting Team: Group 1 Financial Options Case Study: “Diamond Chemicals plc (A)” Ref. Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 9 Ch. 11 Ch.12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 20 Ch. 21 Ch. 16 Bruner’s Case #6, p.83 Ch. 8 Bruner’s Case #20, p.279 Presenting Team: Group 2 9 Monday 22-Apr-13 10 Tuesday 23-Apr-13 11 Monday 13-May-13 12 Tuesday Monday 14-May-13 27-May-13 Multinational Financial Management Case Study: “Gainesboro Machine Tools Corporation” Presenting Team: Group 3 Project Financing Case Study: “JetBlue Airways IPO Valuation” Presenting Team: Group 4 Derivatives & Risk Management Case Study: “The Wm. Wringley Jr. Company: Capital Structure, Valuation, and Cost of Capital” Presenting Team: Group 5 Real Options Case Study: “Deutsche Bank Securities: Financing the Acquisition of Consolidated Supply S.A.” Presenting Team: Group 6 FINAL EXAM Ch. 17 Bruner’s Case #25, p.327 Module Bruner’s Case #26, p.343 Ch. 22 Bruner’s Case #29, p.381 Ch. 25 Bruner’s Case #33, p.449 3