Word Chest Assignment

Mrs. Stawisuck
CAP Writing 101
Words are to be treasured!
As you read the essays in the Reading Critically Writing Well textbook (or
handouts) or any other print material (including independent reading and reading
for other classes)—jot down the line using the unfamiliar word (capture
the word in action that captured your attention); identify the source (where you
found the word: what you were reading/viewing).
Look up the dictionary definition and record it including the part of speech as
used in the reading.
You should record as many as you want but no less than 5 words a week.
This assignment is due every Monday. On Monday each student will share
words with their peers to expand their word chest and exposure to worthy
Week #1 will be due on Monday, September 21st and will continue to be due
every Monday thereafter until the end of the semester in January.