CHM 2045-714 General Chemistry I – Spring 2015

CHM 2045-714 General Chemistry I – Spring 2015
Instructor: Dr. Timothy Herod
Office: NM205 Monday, Wednesday 5:00-5:30 p.m.
Phone: 727-642-6669
Text or MyCourses email communication is the best way to reach me
College email address:
Note: An assessment exam will be given on the first day of class. The score on this exam
will not be included in your final grade, but will serve as an indication of your
preparedness for this class. It is strongly recommended that you take CHM 1025 instead
of CHM 2045 if your score on this exam is lower than 70%. This class will give you the
pre-requisite foundation and preparation for success in CHM 2045.
Prerequisite: CHM 1025 and CHM 1025L, and MAC 1105 (or appropriate score on SPC
math placement exam) or one year of high school chemistry and permission of
program director (requires 70% score on the chemistry placement test.) [Please note
that the CHM 2045 material is covered with the expectation that the student has a
working knowledge of the CHM 1025 and 1025L material. If this is NOT the case, the
student is expected to spend the extra time outside of class in order to function at the
CHM 2045 level. Class time will NOT be spent on the prerequisite material, except as a
Corequisite: CHM 2045 Laboratory. (Withdrawing from lecture requires that you also
withdraw from lab, no exceptions.)
It is YOUR responsibility to be knowledgeable about these
policies. Failure to know them may negatively affect YOUR
Supplies to be Furnished by the Student: (All are available at the Barnes and
Noble Bookstore on the Clearwater Campus).
(need to obtain these during the first week of classes.)
1. Textbook: Zumdahl/Zumdahl Chemistry, Hybrid Edition (with OWLv2 24-Months
Printed Access Card), 9th Edition 9781285188492. Note: The “Hybrid” version
does not contain the post-chapter problems. However, they can be accessed on
the OWL site. The text bundle is available at the bookstore on the Clearwater
campus. The OWL component is mandatory and is not optional.
TI-30Xa, TI-30XIIs or similar calculator. No engineering or graphing calculators
are permitted, nor any calculator that has advanced functions, such as
numerator/denominator display (ex.; TI multiview), answers that are put into
correct number of significant figures, etc. Other brands are fine also, but make
sure that they meet the guidelines.
Scantron Form 882E (6 total).
There are no exceptions to this requirement. Course information, notices,
worksheets, etc. will be posted on MyCourses. You should check the MyCourses
class site at least 3 times a week. If I need to contact you, I will do so through
the MyCourses email. You will need to understand how to access and navigate
the MyCourses site prior to attending the first day of class. Tutorials and Help
information for the MyCourses are located on the login page of the MyCourses
The following will not be permitted in this class:
Cell phones unless the ringer is turned off and phone is put away.
Cell phones may not be used in the classroom or lab for any reason, including
calculator usage and text messaging. Photographs and videos are strictly
prohibited. Cell phones that are taken out during class will be confiscated. One
point will be deducted from your final overall grade for each cell phone
disruption (ringing, usage, etc.) If a cell phone is out during an exam, the
student will receive a zero for that exam. This policy is enforced any time an
exam is out, including when the graded ones are given back for you to view.
(Also, refer to the syllabus addendum published by SPC.) Except for an
approved calculator and an audio recorder, no other electronic device may be
used or out during class or exams. The only exception (with my approval) is if
you use a tablet or laptop to access the e-book. I expect that you use that
device for note-taking or accessing the e-book only. Please sit in the back row to
prevent distracting others from the lecture. I reserve the right to ask you to
suspend using your computer or other electronic device during class if I feel it is
distracting others around you. Programmable calculators will not be permitted
for use on an exam, NO EXCEPTIONS. (Failure to bring an approved calculator
to an exam will not excuse you from taking it.) Students may not borrow or
share calculators from other students during exams.
Wearing of cologne, after-shave or other fragrances, including, but not limited
to scented lotion. Some people experience ill effects from fragrances. For the
health and comfort of others, please refrain from wearing to this class. If you
do wear it to class, you may be asked to leave the room.
Personal conversations or any other disruptive behavior during class (please
refrain from yawning and sighing aloud.)
Cheating on exams or other outside assignments. You will receive a grade of zero
for that exam or assignment and may be subject to a grade of F for the class and
possible expulsion from the college. (See SPC handbook for reference and
During exams, keep your hands on the table at all times; not in your lap, and
remove hats. All scrap paper will be given to you. Do not use your
own paper. All papers used during an exam must be turned in with exam, no
exceptions. Cell phones taken out or looked at during an exam will give you an
automatic zero for that exam; no exceptions.
1. Read each chapter in advance of its coverage in class. Be sure to read each chapter
thoroughly as some material may not be covered in class. Some exam questions will
come directly from the readings and on material that may not be specifically covered
in lecture.
2. Refer to the assignment sheet for the post-chapter homework questions. You will be
required to have a Homework Assignments Notebook. This notebook should be
bound or spiral and contain no other notes or class material. NO LOOSE OR THREE
RING BINDERS. If you turn in a notebook that is not bound or spiril or it contains
anything other than the homework it will result in a reduction of one grade level. You
should answer each question and work out each problem assigned in this notebook.
This will collected before each exam for grading (+ plus (100%),  check (75%),  minus
(50%) or 0 zero (0%)). Be sure to bring it to class each day. Your exam grades will reflect
your successful completion of readings and assignments. Homework notebooks are due
and will be collected and graded on the same day as exams are given. Late notebooks
will result in earning the next lower grade.
3. OWL assignments (the online component for Zumdahl). These problems are done on
a computer and deadlines are strictly enforced. Stay on task with the OWL assignments.
Deadlines will not be extended.
4. Realistically, you should plan to spend between 10 and 25 hours outside of class for
studying and assignments for this course (no different from most other science courses)
Class Attendance and Participation:
1. Regular class attendance and participation is expected and required. This includes
coming to class prepared to answer questions and to work problems. In order to do this
properly you must read the sections in advance of the lecture and keep up with all
assigned homework. In addition, you are required to bring your textbook, paper to
write on, pens or pencils, calculator, and any worksheets that are pertinent to the
chapter. These are posted on the MyCourses class website.” Class time consists of
lecture and problem-solving of either in-text or worksheet problems. Attendance will be
taken at every class meeting. If you miss more than 45 minutes of lecture, you will be
considered absent and will be marked as such. Sleeping in class, texting, or working on
other material is not acceptable in this class. Any of those activities will result in an
unexcused absence for that day. We have a limited amount of time to cover a great
deal of material.
If you incur more than 2 absences prior to the withdrawal date of Wednesday, March
25, 2015, you will be subject to administrative withdrawal, which means that you will
receive a WF; a WF grade is calculated as an F for GPA purposes. (See the SPC
attendance policy)
2. Late Arrivals are not acceptable. Two late arrivals will be changed to one unexcused
absence. Additionally, each late arrival will incur a one-point deduction from your final
overall grade. IF an unavoidable circumstance causes you to be late, you are expected
to enter the classroom quietly and unobtrusively by taking the nearest available seat.
Repeated late arrivals will not be tolerated. If you are repeatedly late, you may be
prevented from entering the classroom and possibly withdrawn from class. Work
schedules are not valid reasons for lateness or absences. Those schedules need to be
conducive to your regular class attendance. Vacations should not be planned during
the days that your class is scheduled, especially during Final Exam week. You may NOT
take the Final earlier or later than it is scheduled.
3. Absences:
 Regular Lectures: It will be entirely YOUR responsibility to obtain any notes,
handouts, announcements, changes to the syllabus, etc. from another student.
In addition, be sure to check Angel for any assignments.
Exams: Make-up exams are given at my discretion and you are allowed only
ONE make-up exam for the semester. It is possible that you will be given
permission to take a make-up exam IF and only IF
You have made prior arrangements (24 hours) with me and I
have stated that you have approval.
You have contacted me by e-mail within 24 hours of the
beginning of the missed exam period. I will require formal
documentation for the situation.
You are responsible for ensuring that I have received your message. IF you
have approval to take a make-up Exam, it must be made up during the next
class period. Oversleeping is not a valid reason for missing an exam. The 24hour period begins at the start time of the class. Failure to follow this
procedure will result in your receiving a grade of zero for the missed exam,
which will be averaged, in with your other exam scores. There will be no
exception to this rule and only one make-up exam per student will be allowed,
regardless of the reason for the absences. The make-up exam will NOT be the
same one given in class. Due to abuse of the previous make-up exam policy I
do not allow exams to be taken in the Testing Center.
I reserve the right to assign seating at any time during regular class periods and/or
testing periods. Personal conversations taking place during class will not be tolerated.
You will be assigned to a different seat if this occurs. Repeated disruptions will not be
tolerated; you will be required to leave class and meet with the Academic Chair before
Testing and Grading Policy:
The following criteria will be used to determine your final grade for this course:
1. Post-Chapter Exams (5 total): Exams will count 60% of your grade. These will be
given after the completion of specific chapters. Please refer to the syllabus for
details. There are no formal reviews for exams. All in-class and homework
assignments are designed to help prepare you for an exam. Allow one week for
exams to be graded. They will be handed back to you in class for review and
returned to me before the end of the period. You may review them again at any
time during my office hours by making an appointment. Exams may not be taken
out of the classroom. If you fail to return the exam to me at the designated time
or take it out of the classroom, your grade will be recorded as a ZERO. ALL
of the previous exam make-up policy all exams must be taken on the scheduled
day and must be taken in class. Make up exams will NOT be available at the
Testing Center.
2. 10% OWL Assignments: All OWL assignments will be averaged together for the
grade. The lowest grade out of the OWL assignments will be dropped.
3. 10% Homework Assignments Notebook: Notebooks will be collected, graded,
and returned on the day of each Post-Chapter Exam. The Homework
Assignments Notebook grade will be reduced by one level for each class day it is
4. Quizzes may be given throughout the semester: They may be announced or
unannounced. In addition, there may be in-class and/or take home quizzes for
you to complete and turn in at the start of every Chapter. There are no makeups
for missed take-home or in-class quizzes. Quiz grades will be averaged into your
OWL online assignments grade.
5. 20% Final Exam: This exam is cumulative, covering all material of the semester.
You should review for this throughout the semester. There are no formal
exam review sessions. There are no make-ups available for the
final exam.
6. Aside from extra credit questions on exams, there is no other extra credit in this
class. This is a foundational course and mastery of the material is important. The
time to be concerned about your final grade is NOT at the end of the semester,
but early on. Little can be done about a poor grade at the end of the semester.
Final grades will be assigned as follows:
90% and above
Below 60%
CHM 2045 Schedule – Spring 2015 – M/W Section
Please note: The schedule is planned as stated on the next page. However, it may be
necessary to move exams or chapter content before or after the scheduled week. The
changes will be announced in class. If you are absent from any class period you will
miss the announcements, therefore you must obtain all missed information from
another student. It is your responsibility to know when an exam will be given.
Course Content Schedule (subject to change)
Week beginning:
Assessment Exam
(Review on YOUR OWN; not covered in class) Chapter 1,
Chemical Foundations
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday – No Class
(Brief Review) Chapter 2, Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Chapter 2, Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Exam 1, Ch. 1, 2
Chapter 3, Stoichiometry
Chapter 4, Types
Exam 2, Ch. 3, 4
Chapter 5, Gases
Chapter 5, Gases cont’d
Chapter 6, Thermochemistry
Chapter 6, Thermochemistry
Spring Break Week – No Classes
Exam 3, Ch. 5, 6
Chapter 7, Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Chapter 7, cont’d.
Chapter 8, Bonding; General Concepts
Chapter 8, cont’d.
Exam 4, Ch. 7, 8
Chapter 9, Covalent Bonding: Orbitals
Chapter 9, Covalent Bonding: Orbitals
Chapter 10, Liquids and Solids
Chapter 10, Liquids and Solids, cont’d
Chapter 11, Properties of Solutions
Exam 5, Ch. 9, 10 & 11
Max time: 1 hr and 50 minutes. Starts at 5:00 p.m.; same room.