
Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue
1. What are the major functions of muscle?
2. Explain the CT organization of muscle. What is the epimysium, perimysium, and the endomysium?
3. What is a muscle fiber? What is a fascicle?
4. What are a tendons and an aponeurosis?
5. Explain the sarcolemma and the transverse tubules. What is the function of T-tubules?
6. What is a myofibril?
7. What is a myofilament? What are thin filaments made of? What are thick filaments made of?
8. What is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
9. What is the sarcomere? Be able to label a sarcomere. I-band, A-band, M-line, Z-line, and zone of
10. Be able to explain tropomyosin and troponin. What are their functions?
11. Be sure to understand the levels of organization in figure 10-6 on page 301.
12. What is the sliding filament theory?
13. Be able to describe the appearance of actin and myosin. Know the active site on actin. Look at
figure 10-7.
14. How is muscle activity controlled? What is the definition of a neurotransmitter? You must
understand skeletal muscle innervations in figure 10-10 on page 305. Know each step in order.
15. What is the function of acetylcholine (Ach)? What does it do to the motor end plate? What is the
function of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)?
16. What happens when an action potential reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
17. You must know the steps of the contraction cycle on pages 308-309. You will need to know what
happens when an action potential reaches the neuromuscular junction and how a muscle contraction is
produced. This is the most important part of the chapter.
18. What does the duration of a muscle contraction depend on?
19. What is the cause of rigor mortis?
20. Explain length-tension relationships. Know figure 10-14 on page 312. How does sarcomere length
affect tension?
21. What is a muscle twitch? Explain the latent period, the contraction phase, and the relaxation phase.
22. How does the frequency of stimulation affect a muscle twitch?
23. What is Treppe, wave summation, incomplete tetanus, and complete tetanus?
24. What is a motor unit? What is recruitment?
25. What is muscle tone?
26. Explain the difference between an isotonic contraction and an isometric contraction.
27. How does a muscle relax and return to its resting length?
28. Know ATP generation in a muscle cell. What is creatine phosphate?
29. Compare energy use in a resting muscle to energy use in a muscle that is moderately active and one
that is at peak activity.
30. What occurs during the recovery period?
31. What is oxygen debt?
32. Explain the difference between fast, slow, and intermediate fibers. What is hypertrophy?
33. Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
34. What are the major functional characteristics of cardiac muscle? What is an intercalated disc?
35. What are the major characteristics of smooth muscle? Where is smooth muscle located? Be able to
list several important locations.
Chapter 11: The muscular system
Explain the difference between parallel, convergent, and circular muscles.
What are the definitions of origin and insertion?
You are expected to know and will be tested over the major superficial muscles in the human body.
You will need to know for the exam the origin, insertion, and action for each of the following muscles.
The chapter 11 exam will be a separate exam done in lab.
Orbiularis oculi
frontalis, occipitalis
orbicularis oris
pectoralis major
latissimus dorsi
external intercostals
internal intercostals
bicepts brachii
tricepts brachii
external oblique
rectus abdominus
transverses abdominis
gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
Quadricepts femoris -rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
biceps femoris
Chapter 12: Neural Tissue
1. What are the anatomical divisions of the nervous system? What are the functional divisions of the
nervous system?
2. Be able to explain the structure of a neuron. What is a dendrite, a cell body, and an axon? What is
the axon hillock?
3. Explain the structure of a typical synapse.
4. What is the definition of a neurotransmitter?
5. How are neurons classified? Compare and contrast anaxonic, bipolar, unipolar, and multipolar
6. Explain sensory neurons- compare and contrast somatic sensory and visceral sensory neurons.
7. Explain motor neurons- compare and contrast somatic and visceral motor neurons.
8. Explain the neuroglia of the CNS. What are the major functions of ependymal cells, astrocytes,
oligodendrocytes, and microglia?
9. Explain the neuroglia of the PNS. What are the major functions of satellite cells and Schwann cells?
10. Be able to explain the transmembrane potential. Figure 12-9 is helpful. How is it maintained?
11. Explain what is meant by the electrochemical gradient of a neuron.
12. Be able to explain the electrochemical gradients for potassium and sodium ions.
13. What is a passive (or leak) channel?
14. What is a voltage gated channel?
15. What is a mechanically gated channel?
16. Explain graded potentials. Why is a graded potential also called a local potential?
17. What is meant by the terms depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization?
18. What is an action potential? How is an AP generated? You must know this for the exam.
19. Explain the all-or-none principle.
20. What happens in salutatory propagation?
21. What happens in continuous propagation?
22. Does axon diameter affect propagation speed? Which axon type is fastest? Slowest?
23. What is an electrical synapse?
24. What is a chemical synapse?
25. Be able to explain figure 12-17.
26. What is a cholinergic synapse?
27. What is meant by synaptic delay?
28. What is meant by the term summation?
29. Compare and contrast temporal and spatial summation?
30. What is an EPSP and an IPSP?