13 Colonies

13 Colonies Map/Quiz Printout
US States: Map/Quizzes
US Regional Map/Quizzes
US Flag Quiz Printouts
1. The thirteen colonies were colonies of what country? _______________________________
2. Which colony was farthest north? _______________________________
3. Which colony was farthest south? ____________________________
4. The colonies were bounded by the Appalachian Mountains on the west. What ocean bordered the
colonies on the east? ______________________________________________
5. The oldest colony was Virginia (founded in 1607). Which colony was just south of Virginia?
6. The colony of Virginia contained what are now the states of Virginia and West Virginia. What
colony bordered Virginia to the northeast? ______________________________
7. The colony of Massachusetts was composed of what are now the states of Massachusetts and
Maine. What colony was between the two parts of Massachusetts?
8. What colony was located east of Connecticut? ______________________________
9. The colony of New York contained what are now the states of Vermont and New York. What
two colonies bordered the colony of New York on the south? ______________________________
and ______________________________
10. In what year did the 13 colonies declare their independence from Britain? _______________
Thirteen Original
Colonies WebQuest
Your expertise is needed immediately! We need historians to report on the
13 original colonies. The information you provide will be used to teach
others about colonial times.
Select one of the thirteen original colonies to investigate.
New England
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
Southern Colonies
New Jersey
South Carolina
North Carolina
New York
Useful links:
American Colonies (Reasons Founded)
Founder's Chart
Colonies- Geography &
Farming in the 13 New England Geography & Industry
Middle ColoniesGeography & Industry
Life in the Colonies
Social Studies for Kids13 Colonies
Southern Colonies Geography & Industry
After analyzing your findings, you will create a multimedia presentation to
illustrate your colony's history.
The Task
The task is to identify and make discoveries of the 13 original colonies.
You will uncover this information through research. Your final report will
•Identification of the original colony
•The founders of the colony and the year it was founded
•Descriptions of why the colony was founded
•Economical & Geographical characteristics of the colony
•Other important facts discovered about the colony
•Multimedia presentation
The Process
1. Each person will select a colony to research.
2. Each expert must research and take notes on their colony.
Thirteen Original Colonies Organizer
3. Using the information sheet answer the questions below for your area of
1. Name the colony, the date founded, and the founder of the colony.
2. Description of why this colony was founded and where the settlers
came from.
3. How did people earn their living? (Products, etc)
4. Describe the geography of your colony.
5. Include other important facts you have found about the colony.
4. Once the Information Sheet has been completed, create a multimedia
presentation using PowerPoint. Your presentation must include
approximately 4-5 slides ranging for a duration of 3-5 minutes.
Title Slide - Name of colonies, years founded, and founders, your
name(s), and posssibly a map
Slide 2 - Reasons founded and where settlers came from
Slide 3 - Describe the products & industries (how did people earn
their living?)
Slide 4- Describe the geography of your colony.
Slide 5 - Other important facts
Your teacher will discuss evaluation of your project with you.
You will have a better understanding of how the 13 original colonies were
founded after completing this WebQuest.
You will select a colony and report on the following information by
creating a multimedia presentation.
Slide One:
Name of colony:_____________________________
Date founded:_______________________________
Founded by:________________________________
Slide Two:
Reasons founded:Explain where the settlers came from and
Slide Three:
How did people earn their living? ____________________________
Slide Four:
Describe the geography of your colony.
Slide Five:
Other important facts:
Back to 13 Colonies WebQuest
Back to 5th grade
good one
Culminating Activity
First Continental Congress – Present our findings to the class
Use nettling site
Use nettling site for assessment (look at top of her site)
Mr. Cooley site – current unit of study, and
Roving reporter
Flowcharts = note taking under teacher link
Oh BTW, homonyms are words that are alike in their sound.
1. How does a Moose begin a letter to his cousin?
2. What is a complete opening in the ground?
3. What is a smelly chicken?
4. What do you call a less expensive bird?
5. Who is married to Uncle Beetle?
6. What does a broken window feel?
7. What do you call a bucket that has seen a ghost?
8. What on your face is first aware of a good smell?
9. What is a large animal with thick fun but no clothes on?
10. Wat is perfume that is mailed?
11. What did the math student shout when he added up all the numbers?
12. What is a weird street of shops that sell incredible things?
13. Two ran the race, but only . . .
14. What is a reddish-purple vegetable that is all worn out?
15. What will a foot doctor do for you?
16. If they are not here, where are they?
17. What is a rabbit fur?
18. When two couples go to a restaurant together, they aask for a table . . .
19. What are nervous little outdoor cloth houses?
20. What do you use to make blossom bread and petal pie?
21. How does the short man meet the tall man?
22. If you don't listen over there, where should you listen?
23. What does the man who looks at oceans do all day?
24. What did the rich man give his rabbit?
25. If a big rock is brave, what do you call one that's even braver?
26. What do you call a hot drink on the golf course?
27. What is clam strength?
28. What is a string of jewels for someone with no neck?
29. What do you call the sharp, curved nails on a crab who is playing Santa?
30. If two apples are a couple of apples, what are two pears?
31. What is a great accomplishment using the ends of your legs?
32. What does a female deer use for baking?
33. What is a sailor's bellybutton?
34. How do you say, "Make that wool into a sweater, little insect!"
35. What is a good-looking, horse-drawn carriage?
36. What is a pier for doctors only?
1. Dear deer
2. A whole hole
3. Foul fowl
4. A cheaper cheeper
5. Aunt Ant
6. A pain in the payne
7. A pale pail
8. A nose knows
9. A bare bear
10. Sent scent
11. Some sum!
12. bazarre bizarre
13. One won.
14. A beat beet
15. He'll heal your heel
16. They're there
17. Hare hair
18. For four
19. Tense tents
20. Flower flour
21. Hi, High!
22. Hear here!
23. Sees seas
24. 14-carat carrot
25. A bolder boulder
26. Tee tea
27. Mussel muscle
28. A neckless necklace
29. Clause claws
30. A pear pair
31. A feet feat
32. Doe dough
33. A naval navel
34. "Knit, nit!"
35. A handsome hansom
36. A Dock dock
As an expert on your assigned colony, you will create a poster that
addresses the following questions:
Who was the founder of the colony?
What were the economic characteristics of the colony?
What was the predominant religion?
What Government was established in the colony?
Why did the founders leave Europe to find the colony?
Your poster should reflect the colony in the following ways:
Posterboard is at least 2 ft. x 2 ft. and is shaped like the colony.
All of the key ideas are written on the posterboard.
The information must be accurate and all words should be spelled
At least five visuals should accompany the written aspects; these may
be from the computer or drawn by hand.
It should be neat, colorful, and visually appealing.
return to top
When you deliver your two-minute presentation on your poster, you will
summarize the key ideas from your research, then answer one of the
following questions. Your response should be different than what is
already on your poster and should include your original thoughts as well
as your thoughts on the following questions:
What are three unique qualities about this colony that would draw
families from Europe to live here?
What are the key aspirations people have in this particular colony?
If you had to choose one of your teachers to live in this colony,
explain, in detail, who it would be and why.
The Colonies Scavenger Hunt
Lesson Plan
List each set of colonies
Describe each group of colonies
Compare and contrast the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
Materials needed:
Print out a data sheet for each student (or one per pair of students)
Computer with Internet Access
1. Explain to the students that they will be looking for information to answer the
questions about the three groups of colonies and when they gather the information
that they will use it for a project.
2. The project could be a simple report, a poster, an oral report, or any other activity you
3. Students can work in pairs or individually to gather their information. Remind students
that a website is given above each set of questions. You might like to do the first on
Part 1: Coming to America
The first colonies in North America were along the eastern coast. Settlers from Spain, France, Sweden,
Holland, and England claimed land beginning in the 17th century. The struggle for control of this land
would continue for more than a hundred years.
The first permanent settlement in North America was the English colony at Jamestown, in
1607, in what is now Virginia. John Smith and company had come to stay. The Pilgrims
followed, in 1620, and set up a colony at Plymouth, in what is now Massachusetts.
Other English colonies sprang up all along the Atlantic coast, from Maine in the north to
Georgia in the south. Swedish and Dutch colonies took shape in and around what is now
New York.
As more and more people arrived in the New World, more and more disputes arose over territory. Many
wars were fought in the 1600s and 1700s. Soon, the two countries with the largest presence were England
and France.
The two nations fought for control of North America in what Americans call the French and Indian War
(1754-1763). England won the war and got control of Canada, as well as keeping control of all the English
By this time, the English colonies numbered 13. They were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia.
Monday, February 9
Tuesday, February 10
1. Divide kids into groups
Wednesday, February 11
Print out Worksheets
Computer Lab
Thursday, February 12
Computer Lab
Friday February 13
No School
Monday, February 16
No School
Tuesday, February 17
Computer Lab
Wednesday February 18 Praxis III
Students meet with the six other students who completed the same “expert” worksheet
Divide Class into six groups. Each group will have one of the “experts” to help them complete their project.
The experts are