What does it mean to boycott?

What is a tax?
Money people pay to their
What does it mean to
a refusal to buy a product or
service, or to deal with a
business or nation
What year did the British
capture Fort Duquesne? Why
were they able to do it?
November 1758- they had
gotten more money and
When did the British
invade Quebec, Canada?
June, 1759
What was Pontiac’s Rebellion?
Chief Pontiac united the natives
against the British and captured 8
Why did the colonists
think the new taxes were
They did not have any
representation in Parliament
Who fought in the French and
Indian War? What were they
fighting for?
The French and the British- the
Natives fought on the French
What is a duty?
A tax on imported goods
What fort did Britain build
quickly in the French and Indian
War? Why did they build it? Fort
Necessity because the French had
built two forts
What were the two French
forts called?
Fort Duquesne and Fort Carillon
What was the Treaty of Paris?
Which British man approved
more money for the French
and Indian War?
William Pitt
The end of the French and
Indian War
What is the Proclamation How did the land holdings
of 1763?
in America change after
Gave all land west of the
the F & I war?
Appalachian Mountains to
Britain gained all of
the Natives
France’s land
What does it mean to repeal?
To cancel
Who are the Sons of Liberty?
A group of men that organized
colonists to fight against the British
What is the Stamp Act?
When was it passed?
A tax on all paper products,
What items did the Townshend
Acts include?
Paint, glass, paper, lead, and tea
How did the Daughters of
Why were the British
Liberty boycott the
taxing the colonists?
To get money to pay for the
They made their own tea
French and Indian War
and cloth
How did the Sons of Liberty
protest the Stamp and
Townshend Acts?
They burned the stamps and
threatened tax collectors
What was the Boston Massacre?
When was it?
When the British accidentally
killed 5 colonists, March 5, 1770
What is the Tea Act and when
was it passed?
It was a tax on tea created to help
the East India Company, 1773
When did the British send
soldiers to Boston?
What are the Intolerable Acts?
What was the Boston Tea Party?
When was it?
When the Sons of Liberty
boarded a tea ship and threw all
of the tea into Boston Harbor,
December 16, 1773
What is the First Continental
Representatives from each colony
meet in Philadelphia to discuss
what to do
Who created the famous
picture of the Boston
Paul Revere
What did the colonists
decide to do at the First
Continental Congress?
Collect weapons, train a
1- Britain closed Boston Harbor
2- More British troops arrive in
3- Not allowed to have town
4- Put a British General in
charge of Boston
What is Parliament?
Britain’s law making body