Week of ____4/7/14___________________ Course – World History M O N D A Y Class Periods – 2, 6 Instructor ___Dan Moore__________________ Course – AP European History Class Periods – 1,4, 7 Goal/s-Objectives: Goal/s-Objectives: Students will understand a brief overview of the 20’s and 30’s. CCS: R1 PBIS Cool tool of the week Understand the Causes of WWII. Lesson (activities/methods): Receive vocab words, read an excerpt from Cartoon History of the Universe and take notes on central ideas. Discuss CCS: R1 Lesson (activities/methods): Video and then PowerPoint/discussion afterwards the points. Assessment: part. grade Assessment: note assignment and part. grade Homework: Read ch. 30 secs. 1 & 2 Homework: Bring 50 Varsity name note cards Reflection: Reflection: T U E S D A Y Goal/s-Objectives: • Describe the autocratic methods of Alexander III and the economic changes Goal/s-Objectives: Understand the most important details about the 50 most important people in AP Euro under Nicholas II. • Explain the crises that paved the way for the March Revolution and the end CCS: R2 Lesson (activities/methods): Group work of czarist rule. • Summarize the Bolshevik Revolution and its outcome. Assessment: group grade CCS: W1 Lesson (activities/methods): Short video on the Romanovs, followed by discussion and notes Homework: email test questions Reflection: Assessment: Part. grade Homework: 30.1 Reflection: W E D N E S D A Y Goal/s-Objectives: • Explain Lenin’s reforms and the rise of Stalin. • Define totalitarianism. Goal/s-Objectives: Understand the key battles and victors of WWII. CCS: R1 • Describe Stalin’s goal of transforming the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. CCS: R1 Lesson (activities/methods): PowerPoint and discussion Assessment: Part. grade Lesson (activities/methods): short video on Stalin, followed by discussion of Homework: Read pp.910 - 920 his rise to power. Reflection: Assessment: Part. grade Homework: 30.2 Reflection: T H U R S D A Y Goal/s-Objectives: ACT Vocab activity • Summarize Stalin’s state-controlled economic programs. Goal/s-Objectives: Students will understand the causes and effects of the Holocaust CCS: • Describe Soviet daily life. CCS: R1 Lesson (activities/methods): SMART board activity followed by notes and review. Assessment: Part. grade Lesson (activities/methods): Discussion and writing activity Assessment: Part. grade Homework Study for varsity names test Reflection: Homework: Study Guide Reflection: F R I D A Y Goal/s-Objectives: To assess student learning. CCS: R1 Lesson (activities/methods): Test Goal/s-Objectives: To assess student learning CCS: R1 Lesson (activities/methods): Test Assessment: Test Assessment: Test Homework: Begin reading ch. 31 Reflection: Homework: : Read pp.920 - 930 Reflection: