Programs and Services for Persons with Visual Impairment (Foundations) SPE 515 Fall 2008 College of Education Conceptual Framework Syllabus Course days time: 09-06-08 10-04-08 10-25-08 11-15-08 12-06-08 All sessions will begin at 1:00 PM CST and end at 4:00 PM CST. Classroom: ESC TETN Room or Human Services Building, Room 306, SFASU. Contact information: Instructor: Office: Michael Munro, M.Ed. Department of Human Services #222 PO Box 13019-SFA Station Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Telephone: 936-468-1036 Fax: 936-468-1342 Cell: 903-641-7917 E-mail: Office hours: Monday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST Tuesday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST Wednesday By appointment Thursday 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CST Friday NA And by appointment by telephone or virtual office hours explained below Web Site: A Word about Office Hours: One of the biggest challenges faced in the process of learning how to structure a distance-learning program is ensuring the availability of the instructor to his/her students. Because practically none of you are able to come to campus and because most of you work in schools, traditional office hours often aren’t helpful to you. I have listed both a cell and an office number above. If you are unable to reach me during the office hours I encourage you to call me on my cell phone. If I am unavailable I will call you back as soon as I can. Please leave a message including where, when, and how (phone number) I can reach you. Required text: Koenig, Alan J. and Holbrook, M. Kay, Editors (2nd ED., Volume I and Volume II) Foundations of Education. American Foundation for the Blind, New York, New York. Course description: This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills to teach in an educational setting with students who have visual impairments. Topics will include: • History of the field—United States and world • Characteristics of students with visual impairment • Physical and motor development • Psychological and social aspects including diversity • Agencies serving students with visual impairments, professional resources, and organizations • Roles, responsibilities and service delivery options of persons working with students with visual impairments • Legal perspectives, law, Admission-Review and Dismissal (ARD’s), Individualized Educational Plans/Individual Family Service Plans (IEP’s/IFSP’s), and Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) as related to students with visual impairments • Programs for Efficiently Managing Caseloads • Working with families of students with visual impairments • Transdisciplinary teaming Course objectives: • Identify significant events in the history of education for students with visual impairments, including the development of Braille, and their affects on the current educational system. [TExES Competencies 004,017] Evaluation method: Midterm Exam • List and explain characteristics and unique needs of students with visual impairments. [] Evaluation method: Learning Activity 1 and Exams • Compare the physical and motor development of students with visual impairments and their non-disabled peers. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 011] Evaluation method: Web Instructional Activity-B and Test • Explain the unique psychological and social aspects (including diversity) and their affects for students with visual impairment. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 011,012, 015] Evaluation method: Learning Activity 2 and Test • List and explain provisions of federal and state law and Commissioner’s Rules as they relate to students with visual impairments including ARD’s, IEP’s/IFSP’s, and MOU’s. [TExES Competencies 005, 006, 007, 010, 014, 017] Evaluation method: Learning Activity and Test • List, explain, and justify the roles and responsibilities of teachers for the visually impaired and their array of service delivery options. [TExES Competencies 003, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 017] Evaluation method: Learning Activity and Test • List agencies, professional resources and organizations (with their contact information) which provide services to families, students with visual impairments, and professionals in the field of vision. [TExES Competencies 013, 014, 015] Evaluation method: Learning Activity and Test • Review a packet of information concerning “Quality Programming for Visually Impaired “. [TExES Competencies 005, 006, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014] Evaluation method: Learning Activities and Test • Design an RSPI assessment package for a student with visual impairments. [TExES Competencies 005, 006, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014] Evaluation method: Learning Activities and Test • Develop a strategic plan for working with a transdisciplinary team in programming for a student with visual impairment. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015] Evaluation Method: Learning Activity and Test • Develop a strategic plan for working with a hypothetical family of a student with visual impairment. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 016] Evaluation Method: Learning Activity and Test • Construct a notebook of essential forms, materials, etc. that are necessary to successfully managing a Visual Impaired caseload. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 005, 007, 009, 010, 014, 017] Evaluation Method: Learning Activity • Maintain a log of field experience and activities (40 hours) related to serving students with visual impairments. [TExES Competencies 002, 003, 004, 007, 009, 010, 014, 017] Evaluation Method: Learning Activity A Word about TETN: Over the course of the last few semesters, I have learned that the TETN system is far from infallible. It may cease to work due to weather, power outages, or a myriad of technology issues. If this happens, don’t panic. We will make arrangements to get the information to you either through the web site, email, or at the next class meeting. A Word about the Web site: This class is VERY dependent on the internet. You MUST be able to use the internet to: • obtain instructions on completing Learning Activities • submit assignments • do outside research on assigned topics • participate in class activities • take exams • complete other activities as assigned. It is, therefore, essential that you not only have ready access to the internet, but also that you are comfortable in using it. UNFORTUNATELY, I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SOLVING TECHNICAL PROBLEMS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH ARE NOT A PRODUCT OF THE WEB SITE. If you have questions about the web site (how assignments are posted, what you are responsible for, etc.) or, if there is a problem with accessing the material on the web site (ex: “I can’t access the instructional resources links in Learning Activity 2”) please do not hesitate to either e-mail or call me. I need to know about these problems so that I can fix them and pass information along to your classmates. For many reasons, it is the policy of the Department of Human Services that all handout material is provided to the student via the web site. This means that you will be responsible for printing out any and all materials related to this class. Course requirements: Class preparation: Students are expected to come to class prepared for discussion and activities. Please have assignments completed and materials (if applicable) read prior to attending class. Chapters from the text will be covered on the mid-term and final exam! Students are expected to take part in all class activities including discussions, role-plays, small group assignments, blogs, etc. This is a rigorous class that covers an enormous quantity of material that will be obtained from the web. You cannot afford to get behind with your assignments. Attendance: Faculty are required to include the official policy of the university on attendance in their syllabi, Class Attendance and Excused Absence A-10 Original Implementation: November 9, 1981 Last Revision: January 15, 2002 Class Attendance Regular and punctual attendance is expected at all classes, laboratories, and other activities for which a student is registered. For those classes where attendance is a factor in the course grade, the instructor shall make his/her class policy known in writing at the beginning of each term and shall maintain an accurate record of attendance. Regardless of attendance, every student is responsible for course content and assignments. Excused Absences It is University policy to excuse students from attendance for certain reasons. Among these are absences related to health, family emergencies, and student participation in certain Universitysponsored events. Students are responsible for providing documentation satisfactory to the instructor for each class missed. Students with acceptable excuses will be permitted to make up work for absences to a maximum of three weeks of a semester or one week of a six-week summer term when the nature of the work missed permits. FOR THIS CLASS: Students are expected to attend class. Attendance will be taken each class day. Students may receive excused absences for illness and family emergencies, but must present written documentation for such absence (i.e. doctor's note, emergency room admissions, funeral notices). Students will be allowed one unexcused absence without penalty. After that, one letter grade will be subtracted from the final grade for each unexcused absence. Interactive Television (ITV) Sessions: Students are expected to attend class. Attendance will be taken at each interactive television session. Students may receive excused absences for illness and family emergencies, but must present written documentation for such absence (i.e. doctor's note, emergency room admissions, funeral notices). Students will be allowed one unexcused absence without penalty. After that, one letter grade will be subtracted from the final grade for each unexcused absence. Class participation: This class is designed to be highly interactive between the students and the instructor. I will be asking questions and calling on every student at some point during the semester (whether on Distance Ed or during a chat). A total of 100 points will be awarded based on your level of class participation. Please note that these points are not assigned on the basis of correct responses, but on the willingness of the student to respond and work through the problem. At the end of the semester, students will be evaluated by the instructor on the following criteria: Appropriateness of participation in class discussions and computer chats. Willingness to answer questions. Evidence of critical thinking during class activities. Demonstration of good “consulting skills” (e.g. politeness, manners, diplomacy, etc.) Display of a positive attitude toward the subject material, class activities, etc. Attendance (physical and mental) to class activities and discussions. Preparation Up to 100 points will be added to the final point total based on the criteria listed above. At the end of each session, I will give students a grade on their class participation score. Web Instructional Activities: Due to the limited amount of Distance Ed time that we have available for this class, MOST of the instructional material will be provided through Web Instructional Activities (WIAs). These WIAs are designed to be instruction provided over the web. Therefore, they DO NOT have assignments that will be turned in attached. Almost every topic that is covered in this class will have an accompanying Web Instructional Activity. WIAs are a very important part of the class, and students are responsible for completing them (reading the materials, doing the exercises, etc.) as part of their course work. The material covered in the WIAs will be included on exams and in Learning Activities. Examinations: Two examinations (a Midterm and a Final worth 200 points each) will be administered in this class. A proctor system will be used to take both of these exams. Remember that students will be responsible for all material covered in class, in readings, and in any outside assignments or exercises. Academic Honesty Academic Honesty—It is the policy of Stephen F. Austin State University that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University. (see Academic Integrity A-9.1) Course evaluation: Students will be given an opportunity to participate in an anonymous formal evaluation at the end of the semester. This is required as your tuition is paid by a grant. Your evaluations will be submitted to SFASU. We will receive a list of students who have not submitted their evaluation. You will not receive a grade for the course until you have submitted your evaluation. These evaluations are online and must be submitted before finals are given. The instructor encourages students to visit with her during her office hours or to schedule an appointment with her in order to discuss opinions on the quality of the course or ways to improve it. The instructor is dedicated to providing students with a high quality learning experience which is supportive as well as instructive. Field Based Experiences: This class will require the documentation of a minimum of 40 Field Based Experience hours (100 Points) to be selected according to the guidelines presented in the chart accompanying this syllabus. Forms for documenting these activities will be provided by the instructor and should be maintained in a special Practicum Notebook, which will ultimately, serve as verification of the 350 hours of field-based experience and as a portfolio of learning experiences undertaken by the student. Grading Scale: Midterm Final LA 1-7 (30 pts each except LA 2 which is 20 pts) BFD (LA 8) Class Participation Field Hours 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points TOTAL 1000 Points 200 Points 100 Points 100 Points The following grading scale will be used to determine letter grades awarded for this class: A = 900-1000 Points B = 800-899 Points C = 700-799 Points D = 600-699 Points F = Anything below 600 Points Adaptations/accommodations: To obtain disability related accommodations and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Human Services Building, Room 325, 936-468-3004/936-468-1004 (TDD) as early as possible in the semester. Once verified, ODS will notify the course instructor and outline the accommodation and/or auxiliary aids to be provided.