West Hills College Lemoore - West Hills Community College District

West Hills College Lemoore
Planning and Governance Council
Wednesday – February 21, 2007 - 1:30 p.m.
Conference Center Room 256
Marta Hendrickson, CTA/Faculty Representative
America Planas, CSEA/Classified Representative
Jan Young, Counselor/Advisor
Dave Bolt, Vice President of Educational Services
Jose Lopez, Dean of Students
Vince Montoya, Director of Facilities Services
James Preston, Academic Senate President
Angela Tos, CTA/Faculty Representative (sitting in for Marty Ennes)
Susie Brioines, CSEA/Classified Representative (sitting in for Teresa Quilici)
Don Warkentin, President
Brian Kron, Curriculum Committee Chair
Ron Oxford, Librarian
Teresa Quilici, CSEA/Classified Representative
Marlon Hall, Associate Dean of Educational Services, Evening College
___________, Student Government Association Representative
___________, Student Government Association Representative
Susan Kincade, Dean, Learning Resources (Ad Hoc
Marty Ennes, CTA/Faculty Representative
In the absence of President Warkentin, Dave Bolt called the meeting to order at 1:36
The minutes of the February 7, 2007 meeting were approved on a motion by Jose Lopez,
seconded by Angela Tos, all in favor, motion carried.
New Faculty Positions
Dave Bolt reviewed the three new proposed faculty positions. There are three:
Spanish/ESL, PE/Coach, and Psychology. These are recommendations from the President
Warkentin in consultation with the Academic Senate. Additional positions proposed were
for Child Development, Art, AOJ and Geography. Dave asked if there was any feedback
from the respective constituency groups. There were no comments. He reported that at
this point President Warkentin has let him know that we will probably only have three
positions, but should there be more, then further recommendations could be considered.
Angela Tos motioned to approve the three positions, James Preston seconded, all in favor,
with one abstention (Jose Lopez), motion carried.
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February 21, 2007 - Minutes
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BP and AP 6317, Conference/Travel & Expense Reimbursement
Dave reported that BP & AP 6317 were discussed at the last meeting. America Planas
stated that the classified staff has concern with hotel expenses not being paid up front.
They suggest that an invoice be sent from the hotel to have the Business Office send a
check. Jose Lopez commented this would entail much paperwork and should there
need to be a cancellation, more paperwork. Dave stated that it is his impression that
this language is also in the current policy language. He will ask about this. America
commented that most of the large hotels have a 24 to 48 hr. cancellation policy and if
cancellation would be necessary then the money could be returned in full. America
moved that BP & AP 6317 be tabled at this time, Jan Young seconded, all in favor,
motion carried.
Budget Request Worksheets
Dave Bolt reported that worksheets were received this past Friday from the Business
Office. They have prepared preliminary worksheets for 2007-08 which will begin as of
July 1, 2007. Budget managers can see where the monies are currently placed and can
choose to make adjustments in their accounts for starting balances. The Business Office
would like us to have allocations placed in the proper account numbers as accurately as
possible. These budgets will be reviewed by the Budget Allocation Committee which is
comprised of representatives from all constituency groups. Adjustments, if any, will
need to be made by April 1. Dave suggested that this information be shared by the
representative on this Council to their respective constituency group, and also shared
with each group’s representative on the Budget Allocation Committee. Dave gave a
reminder that if monies are moved in these worksheets an adjustment will be needed
elsewhere to offset the move in order to balance. This is the annual fiscal year process.
Accreditation Update
a) Mission Statement (revised 2.15.07)
Dave Bolt announced that we are in the process of responding to recommendations for
our mid-term report which is due March 2008. He provided a handout of the draft
mission statement, outcomes and goals. There are four recommendations with a team
assigned to each, and an Oversight Committee made up of the chairs from those teams.
The purpose of the Oversight Committee is to make sure that progress is being made by
the individual teams. Power Team #1 is co-chaired by Jody Ruble and Jameson Birrell.
Power Team #2 is chaired by Dean Stephanie Atkinson-Alston. Power Team #3 is
chaired by Dean Jose Lopez. Power Team #4 is chaired by Dean Marlon Hall and Rene
Sanchez. Part of what we need to do for Recommendation #2 is look at our mission
statement. A meeting was held last Thursday which was a continuation of a meeting
held on flex day. The focus of both meetings was to reexamine our mission statement
and institutional outcomes/goals. James Preston stated that at the flex day session the
mission statement was simplified. The meeting held on 2/15 resulted with a few word
changes to the mission statement and a review of the institutional outcomes/goals.
Dave suggested that representatives on this Council discuss the revised mission
statement, outcomes and goals with each of their respective constituency group.
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February 21, 2007 - Minutes
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Accreditation Update (continued)
Institutional Learning Outcomes & Goals (revised 2.15.07)
The second aspect of this update is to deal with the goals. These are student outcomes
at the institutional level. These currently exist, however, there were too many and some
that did not link to the mission statement. During the meeting last Thursday, these
were looked at and how to tie them back to our mission statement. Dave reviewed the
goals and how they linked to mission statement. Our mission statement and
outcomes/goals also need to align with the district’s mission statement. Part of the
community participation rates is a district office goal. Another is to have high school
grad participation rates by high school. Consideration of both missions statements has
had to be given. Some of the previous goals related to student and auxiliary services and
did not align with reports that need to be completed for accountability to the
Chancellor’s office in Sacramento. These outcomes/goals will be moved into the
program review process. Angela questioned why high school graduation rates were not
included. Dave responded that we will be able to capture them in the community
participation rates. Dave recommended these be taken to constituency groups for
Library Outreach Efforts
Ron Oxford was not in attendance to report on this item at this time.
Ken Lake/Emergency Response Plan
Vince Montoya reported that consultant, Ken Lake, in conjunction with the Facilities,
Technology and Safety Committee(FTSC) and the Risk Management Committee have
been working toward the development of an Emergency Preparedness Plan. On March
22, 8 a.m.– 12:00 noon, a training will be held and twenty participants will be identified,
including administrators, to have a role in the plan. Mr. Lake will guide us to a
comprehensive plan. Vince highlighted the different types of functions that go into this
plan. He will prepare flowcharts of functions. He is communicating with the community
and businesses (i.e. Leprinos, the charter school, and Lemoore Police Department). A
drill is scheduled for October 16 and will be isolated to one building, most likely the 400
bldg. There will be no surprises and no mock fatalities.
Mr. Lake wants to go three
deep per participant (i.e. Vince is the chief, with two backup persons). Do we have the
potential for crisis? Yes we do. Leprinos uses a chemical that should there ever be a
leak could affect a radius of quite a distance. Angela would like the counselors and
advisors to be involved. She believes we are fortunate to not have had a crisis to date.
America Planas questioned whether there is a process in place to deal with an irate
student. Vince responded in the negative and suggested that America establish a process
now with her immediate supervisor. He reiterated that incidents had increased. Vince
has received a quote on a type of remote that is worn around the neck with a button,
when pushed, dials an emergency number.
Report from Committee Representatives
a) Student Learning Committee
Dave Bolt reported that this committee will meet on March 7.
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February 21, 2007 - Minutes
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b) Budget Allocation Committee
Dave Bolt reported that this committee will meet this Friday to review items from the area
budget committees for prioritization.
c) Facilities, Safety, and Technology Committee
Vince Montoya reported that there had been two incidents: There was a power failure
on Monday and IT was notified. A student lost her keys and the finder had already gone
through her car. Vince asked the student to park in a designated spot in order that her
car could be watched. Scheduled maintenance dollars have been approved for concrete
work to be done over spring break. There are areas off of College Avenue (the entrance
to the circular drive) that need pavement work and concrete added. There are plans to
upgrade the air conditioning in the snack bar. Portable outside lights will be upgraded
and portables will be painted. An emergency shut down procedure is being developed in
the event Leprinos should have a leak. ADA dollars will be used for automatic doors in
the conference center and child development center. Mini bus shelters are to also be
installed. Vince reported that the facilities meetings have included approximately 20
participants and the events center has been the main topic of discussion. With no bond,
the state matching dollars are still available and communication is being made with the
City to partner in the construction of an events center. The base design will remain,
with $500,000 for additional square footage. This will not be a gym, rather a multi-use
events center. After several visits to other events centers it has been determined that we
want this facility to be multi use (i.e. a sports event to another type of event). Staff from
Coalinga have been in attendance at the meetings to provide input.
d) Student Success Committee
Jose Lopez reported that the last consisted of discussion of plans for the Student
Leadership Conference to be held on campus March 28. Ernie Gee will be the noon
speaker. Chris Jordan is also being considered for a keynote speaker. Sylvia Robinson
is looking into a one card identification system for student tracking. The Graduation
Committee has met twice so far and is being chaired by Teresa Quilici. New diplomas
covers have been received and are bigger than the previous covers. The Student Success
Committee meetings are held every Tuesday.
e) Employee Success and Development Committee
Jan Young reported that they have had discussion on increasing the membership of this
committee when the meetings will be held. Susie Briones added that the last thing they
tried to do is have a fund raiser on Valentine’s Day. She would like for this committee to
have a $100 fund, perhaps from MAA monies. Jose Lopez stated that he would check to
see if MAA professional development funds could be used to provide some monies.
Susie will also discuss this with Marlon Hall. Angela Tos asked if there are any sunshine
funds? Currently sunshine funds do not exist but donations from employees may be a
place to start.
Academic Senate
James Preston reported that they have a meeting on Friday from 12 noon – 2 p.m. The
meetings are held every other Monday and they’ve now decided to have Friday
workshop meetings. They will be looking at a number of items. Tenure is an item of
discussion and they will be voting on resolutions. A resolution related to a student
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February 21, 2007 - Minutes
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learning outcomes coordinator with release time, and one regarding a “Hold Harmless
Policy” which states that the faculty evaluation process will not be affected by student
learning outcomes. AP 3430 will also be discussed. James stated that he had spoken
with Chancellor Gornick regarding AP 3430 and legal council has advised the academic
freedom paragraph to be left in the procedure. A vote will be taken to remove it, leave it
in, or a revised version will be developed at the workshop this Friday. Dave asked if they
expect closure on AP 3430. James responded that he hopes to be able to make a
recommendation after Friday’s workshop.
Student Learning Outcomes Update
James Preston reiterated the student learning outcomes resolutions as discussed in the
previous agenda item. Angela Tos reported on discussion at the Curriculum Committee
meeting. A recommendation from the Accrediting Commission is to have an effective
mechanism and timeframe for program improvements in place. Brian Kron has worked
hard to create flowcharts and the first draft on student learning outcomes. Vocational
courses go through program review every two years and they want to link to when
program reviews are scheduled. There would be two calendars, one for vocational and
non vocational classes. All courses would have student learning outcomes by 2010 and
each year another percentage would be added. They are also discussing program review
but not related to student learning outcomes.
Student Government Association
Dave Bolt stated that students are needed to participate on governance committees.
Student participation is weak. Marta suggested an e-mail be sent to all students. Many
committees are without student participation.
Dave Bolt reported that WHCIST will meet next on March 7 at 10:00 a.m. Two items of
discussion have been the single card for student identification and facilities/room
assignments scheduling software. The company is Astra out of Kansas. WHCC may benefit
better with this software than WHCL. It also has a degree audit component.
Action items:
 WHC Lemoore Mission Statement and Institutional Outcomes/Goals
 BP & AP 6317, Conference/Travel and Expense
 AP 3430, Prohibition of Harassment
Informational/Discussion items:
 Graduation Committee Report
The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.