Q & A What is IMMEX? IMMEX stands for interactive multimedia exercises, and this is an internet – based software package designed to obtain in – depth information about student problem solving. This software package was developed at the UCLA medical school. These problems can be used in the classroom for free. Why IMMEX? IMMEX differs from traditional software packages in its ability to track student movements. Therefore, we can readily identify what items students used to solve the problem, the amount of time they viewed the items, and even the order in which the items were viewed. What types of problems are available? IMMEX problems are case – based problems similar in style to problems used in business and medical schools. These problems are designed to assess student abilities in unique situations that they may encounter on a job or graduate school. With regard to chemistry, the following list is just some of the topics for which IMMEX problems are available: Topic Stoichiometry………………………………………………….. Gas Laws………………………………………………………. Qualitative Inorganic Analysis……………………………….. ……………………………….. Qualitative Organic Analysis…………………………………. Stereochemistry……………………………………………….. Periodic Trends………………………………………………… Enthalpy………………………………………………………… Organic Mechanisms………………………………………….. Organic Synthesis……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Electrochemistry……………………………………………….. Lewis Structures and Physical Properties…………………… Separation of a Mixture……………………………………….. Kinetics…………………………………………………………. Thin Layer Chromatography…………………………………. Organic Spectroscopy………………………………………… Acid-Base Chemistry and Buffers…………………………… Analytical Spectroscopy……………………………………… IMMEX Problem Convertible Rust Never Sleeps Hazmat Desperately Seeking Solution Finding Carbons Neighbors In - Stereo Periodic Trends Coins R Us OrganoMech Aro-Synth Mega-Synth Coulomb’s Lab Lewis Structure Separation Mechanism Mechanics Chromatography Challenge Spectra Analysis Buffer Analyze That! 1 Can students memorize how to do the problems? No, students must understand the underlying concepts because for each problem there are between 5 and 60 cases, and one strategy will not suffice for all of the cases. For example, with Hazmat students may have a flame test negative compound in one case and a flame test positive compound in another. Therefore, successful strategies will need to be tailored for each problem case. Can students work together? Yes, if that is your intentions. Students cannot work together if they login using two different IDs because they will most likely get a different problem case, but they can work together if they login using only one ID. Because of the relatively large number of cases associated with these problems, unwanted collaboration is minimized. How are the problems assessed? Students are provided with immediate feedback stating whether their solution was correct or incorrect. Most problems given students more than one attempt (usually two) to arrive at the correct solution. As far as grades are concerned, most of that is up to the individual instructor, but here are some suggestions: 1. Effort – Based Grading: Students are assigned a number of problem cases and receive full credit if they complete the minimum number of cases. 2. Performance – Based Grading: Students are assigned a number of problem cases, and are told that they must answer a certain number of these cases correctly in order to receive full credit. For example, students may be assigned 5 cases, and they are told they have to get 3 of the 5 correct. 3. Strategy – Based Grading: This is like performance based; however, the requirements are more stringent. Students are told that they must do a given number of cases in which they must get a minimum number correct, but they lose fractions of their points for each problem case worked to get the minimum beyond the number of cases assigned. Example: Students are assigned 5 problem cases (4 of which must be answered correctly) for a 10 point assignment. {(Number of Correct (Max of 4)) – (Number Attempted – Number Assigned)*0.15)} x 2.5 At Clemson University, we typically use a combination of the methods above in particular the effort – based and strategy – based systems. Students will receive 40 to 60% of the credit by completing the minimum number of assigned problems, and the remaining credit will be assigned based upon the correctness of their answers. 2 How do I create an account for IMMEX? Go to the IMMEX website (www.immex.ucla.edu) and click on “Sign Up to Use IMMEX.” Follow the instructions to create a personalized account. Where can I sign up to use IMMEX problems with my classes? After creating a personalized account (as detailed above), go to the IMMEX website (www.immex.ucla.edu) and click on “Schedule My Class to Use an IMMEX Problem Set.” Follow the instructions provided to stage problems for your class. The IMMEX staff requests that you allow one week to process the staging request. What information will I receive after staging the problems? You will receive basic information concerning IMMEX and a list of student IDs and passwords. The student IDs are a 12 – characters in length consisting of both numbers and letters, and the ID includes the year, course title, instructor name, and unique digits assigned to each student. Students may have difficulty differentiating between numbers and letters in some cases – so it is best to be aware of this. How can I login to the site? Use the login ID (your email address and password) to login to the site. The instructor login will give you access to all of the student performances for each of the classes in which IMMEX problems have been staged. Please note that if you have popblockers, then you may not be able to login to the site because a new window will pop-up listing the classes (instructor) or problem sets (students) available. How do I view student performances? Login to the IMMEX site using your personal ID (your email address) and password. After logging in, click on Teachers’ Aid, then classes, and then select the appropriate course. A complete list of performances will appear as well as a graph the class’ performance index which identifies the number of problems attempt vs. the number correct. After this screen appears, scroll down to see other menu options. You decide whether you want to view of all the information for the class by clicking on the “Download” option to view everything in either a tab-delimited or Microsoft – Excel file or results for individual problems or students. What are the components of the Tab-Delimited and Microsoft – Excel files? Class Title | Problem Set Name | Student Login ID | Number Correct | Number Attempted | Percent Correct | Index Can students change their password? Yes, and it is recommended. By changing the password, this will eliminate students mistakenly (or intentionally) working problems under other users’ names. If students lose 3 their passwords, they can be obtained easily by the instructor by going to Teachers’ Aid, classes, and then scrolling down to the bottom of the screen and downloading the class roster. This will have a list of login IDs and their passwords. How will incorporating IMMEX problems affect the curriculum? Because of the nature of IMMEX problems, large scale changes in the curriculum will not be required. Most IMMEX problems can serve as a substitute for traditional homework assignments, quizzes, or even tests. The IMMEX problems were designed to ensure that they can easily be tailored for implementation in the classroom. How will students respond? For the most part, students have responded favorably at Clemson. Students who are less familiar with technology may have difficulty, but after working one or two problems, such will become familiar with the software such that problems will be minimized. Generally, students comment on the usefulness of the interactive environment and prefer working these problems instead of traditional homework problems or quizzes. 4 Elements of IMMEX Problems IMMEX problems are designed to focus on the four elements of problem solving namely: identification of goals and objectives, problem representation, strategy development, and verification. These problems are equipped with an HTML tracking ability and can readily identify each of these four elements as a basis for the development of a greater understanding of student problem solving. The goal of these problems is to use this resulting understanding as a way of implementing teaching methodologies to best foster understanding of chemistry concepts. The IMMEX problems are case – based problems similar to what is used for medical and business schools. Each problem begins with a prolog statement designed to describe the problem scenario. For example, the Lewis Structure problem has the following prolog: Your team of forensic scientists has found an unlabelled vial at the scene of a crime. It is your job to identify the substance by performing the appropriate tests and observations of the compound. Once you think you have identified the compound you should choose the Lewis structure that corresponds most closely with the data that you have collected. After students read the prolog statement, they are equipped with the goals and objectives of the problem (the first aspect of problem solving). Students are then prepared to navigate throughout the rest of the problem space (all of the available information for students to view). The problem space provides the second aspect of problem representation and generally includes library information. In cognitive science, the problem space is associated with all of bits of information students string together when solving problems. With this in mind, the problem space was designed to include all information which students may find relevant, even though, experts may find some information as useless and irrelevant. The inclusion of such information is important because this can be used as a basis for identifying where students go wrong, as well as, alternative conceptions. The problem space for each chemistry IMMEX problem is provided in this workbook. A graphical representation for the problem for Hazmat is provided in Figure 1. The different colors represent the different types of items available for students to view. The gray item is the prolog, and all students will view the prolog by default. The green items are library items, the red items are physical properties, the purple items are acid-base tests, the blue items are chemical reactions, and the yellow item is the inventory. 5 Figure 1: The problem space for Hazmat. The strategy development is modeled using IMMEX’s HTML tracking ability. Using this software, it is possible to determine the items viewed, the order in which they are viewed, whether they are viewed more than once, and the amount of time in which they are viewed. This strategy development is depicted using what is known as a search path map. Colors are lines are used to indicate how students have transitioned throughout the problem space. Gray items are items that students elected not to view, and items in color were viewed. Lines are draw between items to represent how students moved around in the problem space. A line from the left edge of an item box to the center of an item box represent a transition in the problem space. Figure 2 provides an example of a search path map for Hazmat. One important note is that unlike written assessments, students cannot leave out pertinent information from the search path maps. 6 Basic Information about the performance Strategy Development Relative amount of time spent on each type of item. Figure 2: Search Path Map for Hazmat Additional information is also provided on the search path map such as whether the problem was completed and solved correctly, the problem case, the total amount of time spent on the problem, and the relative amount of time spent on each type of item. There are several possible classroom activities that can be incorporated to aid in the development of problem solving skills. These activities include: Metacognitive activities in which students describe why they chose a particular path and explain how they could improve their strategy in the future. Students can answer questions concerning why a particular strategy was either successful or unsuccessful, and can work on developing a better strategy for future problems. From this activity students could be required to develop a strategy and implement it for a new case. Group assignments in which successful and unsuccessful students are paired to discuss how their strategies differ. Classroom discussions in which students collectively describe their reasoning when solving a problem. The discussion can include problem space items that students felt were relevant or irrelevant, the logical progression of how to move throughout the problem space, and how strategies would differ for different cases. The final aspect of problem solving, verification, is tracked as well by determining 7 whether students view problem space items more than once. This will indicate whether students are verifying their understanding and logic. In addition, the problems are equipped with point systems that will either add or subtract points from students’ overall scores. These point systems are in place to make students more aware of their actions. If points are at stake, students will be less likely to view all of the problem space items – therefore, this will force students to become more selective in their actions. Finally, students are asked to verify their conclusion before submitting the final result. Most problems will also allow students who are unsuccessful on the first attempt to try again. Students are given the opportunity to review the problem space items once again, thereby, verifying or re-evaluating their initial conclusions. The problems will provide immediate feedback to students, thereby providing them with reassurance if they are correct or perhaps motivating them to review concepts if they are incorrect. From an instructional standpoint, this can be used to determine whether concepts need to be reviewed in class or whether some other type of intervention such as collaborative group is needed. Figure 3 provides an example of a feedback screen for students. Figure 3: Immediate feedback provided to students. 8 IMMEX Information for Students Basic Information: The IMMEX software is designed to study how people solve problems. It is equipped with an HTML tracking device that will identify how students navigate throughout the problem space which is simply all of the available information ranging from physical or chemical tests to a library. This software serves a tool to identify misconceptions or gaps in understanding and can be used to identify when intervention methods should be implemented. Login Information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to www.immex.ucla.edu Use your assigned login ID and password. Select Clemson University as the affiliation. Hit enter. A screen should appear stating that you are being logged into the system. A series of problem sets will appear. Select the appropriate problem set. Change Your Password: Once you have logged into the system, and the series of problem sets appear, go to the password icon and follow the directions. Working the Problem Set: 1. All problems will begin with a prolog statement which identifies the goal of the problem. Read this statement carefully. 2. There are several toolbars available for navigation. These toolbars are generally located at the top and bottom of the window. 3. View as much or as little information as you deem necessary to solve the problem. 4. Once you feel that you have collected enough information, proceed to solve the problem by clicking on the solve menu on the lower toolbar. IMPORTANT: Once you click on the solve menu, you will be required to submit an answer – you generally will NOT be able to go back. 5. Most IMMEX problems allow two submissions (or two attempts at the correct answer). You know that you have completed the problem, when a screen such as the following appears: 9 Toolbars If you are incorrect, a screen such as the following will appear. If you have not exhausted all of your attempts, you can go back and review as much of the information as you wish and try the problem again. Please note that once you have exhausted all of your chances, the IMMEX software will no longer track your progress. However, you can click on problem sets, and then click on the same problem set to begin a new case. Each IMMEX problem has between 5 and 60 cases – therefore, you will have multiple opportunities to work the same type of problem. Toolbar 10 Tracking Your Performance: After logging in, go to the MAPSS icon on the problem set page. Then go to get my performance progress report. This will provide a detailed list of all problems that have been completed correctly or incorrectly, as well as, all of the problems that have been started. Additional Information: 1. Use only Internet Explorer or Netscape (the latest versions of each). 2. Do NOT use Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, or AOL browsers because there may be some compatibility issues. 3. If you have popup blockers, then the IMMEX site may not be able to load. 4. Do not hit SOLVE until you are ready to enter a solution. Once you hit solve, you will not be able to review data and will be required to submit an answer. 5. Most problems have a point system that is designed to track your actions. The points accumulated or lost in the problem will NOT affect your grade. All that affects your grade is whether you are successful at solving the minimum number correctly and whether you attempt the minimum number assigned. 6. After completing a problem and reaching the screen with dancing icon, go to Problem Sets on the lower toolbar, and click on the problem that you wish to work (this will bring up a new case of the problem set that you have just solved). There is no need to logout to get a new case. There is no need to log out and log back in to complete a new problem. 7. Do not contact the IMMEX staff for support – contact your instructor. 11 Hazmat Problem Description This problem focuses on qualitative inorganic analysis using chemical reactions to identify anions, flame tests to identify cations, conductivity and solubility tests, and litmus paper tests to identify the relative pH. Problem Goals and Objectives Assess student understanding of basic techniques commonly emphasized in general chemistry including flame tests and precipitate tests. Provide a comparison with the laboratory results from the use of the multimedia flash videos. Students can compare their observations with those in the problem. Number of Different Cases Ammonium carbonate Ammonium chloride Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulfate Barium chloride Barium hydroxide Barium nitrate Calcium chloride Calcium hydroxide Calcium nitrate Carbonic acid Copper (II) chloride Copper (II) nitrate Copper (II) sulfate Hydrochloric acid Iron (III) chloride Iron (III) nitrate Iron (III) sulfate Iron (III) nitrate Led (II) nitrate 39 Magnesium chloride Magnesium nitrate Magnesium sulfate Nitric acid Potassium carbonate Potassium chloride Potassium hydroxide Potassium nitrate Potassium sulfate Silver nitrate Sodium carbonate Sodium chloride Sodium hydroxide Sodium nitrate Sodium sulfate Strontium chloride Strontium hydroxide Strontium nitrate Sulfuric Acid Implementation This problem is used in conjunction with a qualitative inorganic analysis experiment in the first semester general chemistry laboratory. The problem is completed before starting the experiment and after completing it. 12 Information Available for Students Physical Tests 1. Flame Test (an illustration will be provided for the students—therefore, students must draw their own conclusions) 2. Conductivity Test In this case, the solution is conductive. 3. Solubility Test A movie is shown which depicts solid being added to solution and stirred. A message is provided indicating whether the solid is soluble or insoluble. 13 Chemical Tests 1. Red Litmus 2. Blue Litmus This provides the same type of result as the red litmus test but uses blue litmus paper. Reaction with: 1. Hydrochloric Acid 14 2. Sodium Hydroxide 3. Silver Nitrate 15 4. Sodium sulfate 5. Potassium iodide 6. Barium nitrate For all of the reactions above, a Flash macromedia player is needed to visualize the results. For 3 – 6, either a precipitate will be observed as with case 3 or a message indicated that no visible reaction has taken place. For the acid – base reactions, a message will be provided indicating whether there has been a change in temperature. Library 1. Glossary of Terms acidic solutions which have pH less than 7.0 alkaline solutions which have basic pH anion a negatively charged ion basic solutions which have pH greater than 7.0 boiling point temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas carcinogen a substance that causes cancer in some living things cation a positively charged ion conductivity degree to which electricity or heat moves through a substance density relationship between mass and volume of a substance electrolyte substance which conducts electricity in its aqueous form flame test method of identifying metallic ions by placing a small sample in a bunsen burner flame hazmat specialist a person on a specially trained team that is called upon to advise, fight, or clean up any hazardous material or spill litmus paper paper strips soaked in litmus solution, used to determine acidity or alkalinity of a solution mass quantity of matter in a substance melting point temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid nvr no visible reaction pH inverse log of the hydrogen ion concentration, indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution solubility degree to which a substance dissolves in a specific solvent volume space occupied by a quantity of matter 16 2. Chemical Properties the entries acidity/alkalinity, electrical conductivity, and reaction with acid/base refer to the listed item when in aqueous solution alkaline earth metal salts acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases cation tend to form neutral solutions high to low depending on anion soluble forms have high conductivity generally form neutral solutions no visible reaction alkali metal salts acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases cation tend to form neutral solutions high high no visible reaction no visible reaction ammonium salts cation acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases depends on properties of anion high high depends on properties of anion pungent gas released acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases tend to form alkaline solutions many are insoluble soluble forms have high conductivity generates carbon dioxide gas no visible reaction carbonates anion halide salts anion acidity/alkalinity tend to form neutral solutions solubility in water high solubility except those with lead, mercury, and silver ions electrical conductivity soluble forms have high conductivity reaction with acids no visible reaction reaction with bases no visible reaction 17 hydroxides anion acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases tend to form alkaline solutions depends on cation soluble forms have high conductivity water formation, heat generation no visible reaction (hydroxides are bases) acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases form alkaline solutions where soluble insoluble insoluble forms have no conductivity heat generated no visible reaction oxides anion nitrate salts anion acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases form neutral solutions high high no visible reaction no visible reaction sulfite salts anion acidity/alkalinity solubility in water electrical conductivity reaction with acids reaction with bases 3. generally form acidic solutions depends on cation soluble forms have high conductivity forms toxic, pungent gas depends on cation Solubility Rules 1. all alkali metal salts are soluble 2. all ammonium salts are soluble 3. all nitrate salts are soluble 4. all acetate salts are soluble, except those of the silver and mercury II ions 5. all halide salts are soluble, except those of the silver, lead II, mercury I ions 6. all sulfate salts are soluble, except those of the calcium, strontium, barium, lead II, and mercury I ions 18 7. most sulfide salts are insoluble, except those of the alkali metals, ammonium, barium, strontium, and calcium ions 8. most hydroxides are insoluble, except those of the alkali metals, ammonium, barium, strontium, and calcium ions 9. all carbonate, phosphate, and sulfite salts are insoluble, except those of the alkali metals and ammonium ions 4. Flame Key 5. Litmus Key red litmus paper stays red in unknown solution – solution is not basic 19 red litmus paper turns blue in unknown solution – solution is basic blue litmus paper stays blue in unknown solution – solution is not acidic blue litmus paper turns red in unknown solution – solution is acidic 20 5. Conductivity Key zero conductivity, non-electrolytic solution partial conductivity, semi-electrolytic solution High conductivity, electrolytic solution 21 6. Periodic Table This periodic table is interactive and students can click on elements to view the following information: Atomic Number Atomic Mass Boiling Point Melting Point Oxidation States Chemical Inventory 22 Solving the Problem When students feel they have collected enough information to the solve problem, they can click on solve, and they will be given a pull down menu with 39 possible choices. This problem allows 2 attempts. Average Time Needed to Complete a Case 10 – 20 minutes Average Solve Rate Approximately 50% Associated Assignments 23 At Clemson, a qualitative inorganic analysis experiment is completed in conjunction with this IMMEX problem. This project is available in Cooper’s Cooperative Chemistry laboratory manual. Convertible 24 Problem Description An important problem solving skill for general chemistry and even advanced chemistry courses is the ability to do stoichiometry problems. This problem is designed to aid students with stoichiometry by providing them with a tutorial that identifies their errors. Problem Goals and Objectives Identify where students go wrong in completing stoichiometry problems. Allow students to conceptualize their errors in preparation for quizzes and exams. Prepare students for more challenging stoichiometry problems. Number of Different Cases 9 (each case has multiple other cases with different numbers) Case 1 To determine the mass of carbon dioxide produced when a given mass of gasoline (C 8H18) is burned in air. Case 2 How many grams of water are produced when Xg of gasoline (C8H18) are used in the combustion as shown below? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 3 How many grams of CO2 are produced when Xg of O2 are used in the combustion as shown below? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 4 How many grams of H2O are produced when Xg of O2 are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 5 How many grams of C8H18 are produced when Xg of CO2 are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 6 25 How many grams of O2 are produced when Xg of H2O are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 7 How many grams of C8H18 are produced when Xg of H2O are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 8 How many grams of O2 are produced when Xg of CO2 are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 16CO2 + 18H2O Case 9 How many grams of CO2 are produced when Xg of C8H18 are used in the combustion as shown? 2C8H18 + 25O2 -> 16CO2 + 18H2O Solving the Problem Students can opt whether they want to complete the tutorial or immediately solve the problem after reading the question. For students who are very well skilled in solving stoichiometry type problems this will be merely an exercise. The icons below illustrate the types of information that students can elect to view: The tutorial begins with the following message: Choose your starting point: g C8H18 g O2 g CO2 g H2O 1 mol C8H18 1 mol O2 1 mol CO2 1 mol H2O The remainder of the problem involves choosing the appropriate conversion factor from the following list: 26 The completed problem will have the following form: X X X The problem then instructs students to click on solve and select a numerical answer from a list of possibilities. Implementation This problem is used in the first semester general chemistry course following a unit on mole conversions and stoichiometry. Students are asked to complete each case of problems in preparation for the exam. Coins R Us 27 Problem Description This problem deals with thermochemistry and concepts pertaining to heat, specific heat, and changes in temperature. The prolog statement is as follows: Your interview with Coins R’ US has gone very well. Everyone seems impressed. You are told the final decision will be based on your performance of “a little test” and lead to a small room containing a few familiar items. You are given a handful of identical coins and asked to determine what metal they are made from. You are wished “Good luck.” as the door is closed. This was not the test you had in mind, and after a moment of panic you proceed. Problem Goals and Objectives Identify information students use when working problems related to heat. Specifically what information do students view that is relevant and irrelevant as a basis for identifying alternate conceptions. Determine whether errors are likely resulting from conceptual errors or mathematical errors. This can be determined by assessing the information viewed and determining whether students could have gotten the answer correct based on this information. Number of Different Cases Aluminum Copper Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel 11 Silver Tin Tungsten Titanium Uranium The problem then instructs students to click on solve and select a numerical answer from a list of possibilities. Implementation This problem is often used in the laboratory following an experiment entitled Hot and Cold in which students determine the heat evolved in a set of reactions using the formula: q = mcT. By the time students work through this problem, related concepts had been covered in lecture. Information Available for Students 28 Coins 1. Denomination There is no value indicated on the coin. 2. Density determination There is insufficient equipment to determine density. 3. Final temperature 4. Initial temperature You placed the coins in a preheated temperature controlled drying oven, set at 80.2 C. After temperature equilibrium, you remove the coins from the oven and immediately place them into the calorimeter. 5. Inscription On the reverse of the coin are the words, “Reading this will not help you”. 29 6. Mass This is mass of all the coins together. 7. Shape Each coin is circular. Inventory 1. Balance The analytical balance accurately displays to 000.01g. The balance was used to determine the: 30 2. Total mass of the coins. The mass of the water used in the calorimeter. Calorimeter The calorimeter is a device that is used to measure thermal properties. It can be used indirectly to determine the specific heat of the coins by noting the change in water temperature after the addition of the heated coins. Assume no loss of heat from the calorimeter. 3. Coins The coins has been specially minted by the Coins R’US Company. These coins are made of the same pure metal. Your task is to determine which pure metal was used. 4. Thermometer 31 The thermometer is accurate to 0.1 oC. It was used to determine the: 1. Initial temperature of the water and calorimeter. 2. Final temperature of the water, calorimeter, and coins. 5. Drying Oven The drying oven maintains a preset temperature. The coins are placed into the oven, heated to the preset temperature, removed, then immediately placed into the calorimeter. 7. Water 32 The pure water is used in the calorimeter and has a specific heat of 4.184 J g-1oC-1. You will need to know the mass of water and the initial and final temperatures in order to calculate the total heat gained by the calorimeter. Water 1. Final Temperature 33 2. Initial temperature The initial temperature of the equilibrated water and calorimeter is 22.8 C. 3. Mass Mass of the water in the calorimeter: Reference 1. Formulas q =c m ∆T qgain = - qloss where q is the energy gained or lost, c is the specific heat of the object gaining or losing heat, and ∆T is its change in temperature. Assume no heat loss from calorimeter. 34 2. Density Table Al Cr Co Cu Au Fe Pb Mg Mn Ni Pt Ag Sn Ti W U Zn H2O 3. Metal Aluminum Chromium Cobalt Copper Gold Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Platinum Silver Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Zinc Water Density( g/cm3 ) 2.699 7.19 8.9 8.96 19.32 7.87 11.35 1.738 7.44 8.88 21.45 10.5 7.31 4.54 19.3 18.95 7.13 1.00 m.p. (C) 660 1860 1492 1083 1063 1535 327 651 1244 1453 1769 960 232 1675 3380 1132 420 0.0 Specific Heat Table Al Cr Co Cu Au Fe Pb Mg Mn Ni Pt Ag Sn Ti W U Zn H2O Metal Aluminum Chromium Cobalt Copper Gold Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Nickel Platinum Silver Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Zinc Water Specific Heat J/(gC) 0.903 0.461 0.440 0.385 0.132 0.449 0.129 1.025 0.448 0.461 0.134 0.235 0.213 0.528 0.138 0.112 0.444 4.184 35 Buffer Problem Description This problem requires students to use acid-base chemistry (Henderson-Hasslebalch equation) to determine the appropriate buffer system and concentration of each component. Problem Objectives Provide students with a real-world scenario in which acid-base chemistry and buffers are important. Require students to synthesize information on acid-base chemistry to determine the correct buffering system. Number of Cases 12 Tank pH Pref. Fish pH Buffer Molarities Grams (5 gal. tank) 6.5 7 Phosphate 0.0250 M salt 0.0405 M acid 82.1 g K2HPO4 104 g KH2PO4 6 8.5 Ammonia 0.0100 M salt 0.0575 M acid 3.21 g NH3 58.0 g NH4Cl 6.5 5.5 Acetate 0.0562 M salt 0.0100 M acid 87.0 g NaC2H3O2 11.3 g CH3COOH 4 6 Bis-Tris HCl 0.0100 M salt 0.0316 M acid 39.4 g Bis-Tris 147 g Bis-Tris HCl 5 6.5 Bis-Tris HCl 0.0100 M salt 0.0100 M acid 39.4 g Bis-Tris 46.4 g Bis-Tris HCl 7 8 Phosphate 202 g K2HPO4 25.7 g KH2PO4 8 6.5 Bis-Tris HCl 0.0100 M salt 0.0100 M acid 39.4 g Bis-Tris 46.4 g Bis-Tris HCl 5.5 7.5 Phosphate 0.0195 M salt 0.0100 M acid 64.0 g K2HPO4 25.7 g KH2PO4 9 7.5 Phosphate 0.0195 M salt 0.0100 M acid 64.0 g K2HPO4 25.7 g KH2PO4 0.0616 M salt 0.0100 M acid 36 Tank pH Pref. Fish pH Buffer Molarities Grams (5 gal. tank) 6 7.5 Phosphate 0.0195 M salt 0.0100 M acid 64.0 g K2HPO4 25.7 g KH2PO4 8 4.75 Acetate 0.0100 M salt 0.0100 M acid 15.5 g NaC2H3O2 11.3 g CH3COOH 8.5 7 Phosphate 0.0250 M salt 0.0405 M acid 82.1 g K2HPO4 104 g KH2PO4 Information Available to Students The problem begins with a prolog statement such as: Your Lake Malawi Cichlids keep dying in your 5 gallon fish tank. The Cichlids generate alot of waste and you notice some decomposed fish food in the tank. You suspect an unhealthy water pH. In the past you have adjusted the pH using acid and base. You decide if pH is again the problem you will try to "buffer" the system against future pH changes caused by the fish waste and decomposed fish food. After reading the prolog statement, students are ask: What will be done first? 1. Select a buffering system. 2. Determine the tank's pH. 3. Determine buffer molarities needed. The answer is of course to determine the tank pH, and students will be prompted to select another option if they do not select this one at first. Options for Determining Tank pH 1. Test with litmus paper 2. Test with universal pH paper 3. Test with universal liquid indicator 4. Test with phenolphthalein 37 These tests are depicted using macromedia flash software. The result of the test with universal pH paper is shown below. After viewing the pH results, students are asked to identify the pH of the tank from a list of possible choices such as: 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, etc. After identifying the correct pH, they are then asked if that is the correct pH for their fish. The problem is designed such that the pH does not match so that students will have to develop a buffering system. Students will then be prompted to select the appropriate buffer from a list of options. BUFFER SYSTEMS 1. Acetic Acid/Sodium Acetate 2. Carbonic Acid/Sodium Bicarbonate 3. Ammonia Chloride/Ammonia 4. Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate/Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate 5. Bis-Tris.HCl/Bis-Tris After selecting the appropriate buffer system, students are then asked to select the appropriate molarities for the salt and acid. 1. 0.0562M salt with 0.0100M acid 2. 0.0100M salt with 0.0316M acid 3. 0.0250M salt with 0.0405M acid 4. 0.0100M salt with 0.0100M acid 5. 0.0195M salt with 0.0100M acid 6. 0.0616M salt with 0.0100M acid 7. 0.0100M salt with 0.0575M acid 38 After this step, students are prompted to solve the problem by selecting the appropriate gram quantities for the salt and acid from a pull down menu list. Library Information pH Test 1. Key for litmus test pH<7 2. pH>7 pH=7 Key to pH indicator paper pH=4 pH=5 pH=6 pH=7 pH=8 pH=9 39 3. 4. Key to pH indicator solution test pH=4 pH=5 pH=5.5 pH=6 pH=6.5 pH=7 pH=7.5 pH=8 pH=8.5 pH=9 Phenolphthalein Test A color test to indicate pH: The indicator changes in the range of pH 8.2 - 10.0 If the solution is colorless, the pH is below this range. If the solution is pink, the pH is above this range. pKa values 1. Acetic Acid pKa=4.75 2. Ammonia pKa=9.26 3. Benzoic Acid pKa=4.20 4. Carbonic Acid pKa1=6.20 pKa2=10.3 5. EDTA pKa1=10.7 pKa2=7.56 40 6. Glutamic Acid pKa1=3.85 pKa2=7.84 7. Glycine pKa1=2.3 pKa2=9.60 8. Maleic Acid pKa1=1.83 pKa2=6.07 9. Phosphoric Acid pKa1=2.12 pKa2=7.21 pKa3=12.3 10. "Tris" = Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane pKa=8.10 11. "Bis-Tris" = 2,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-2,2',2"-nitrilotriethanol pKa=6.50 Acid and Base Ionization Equations Acetic Acid CH3COO- + H3O+ pKa = 4.75 CH3COOH + H2O Ammonia NH4+ + H2O NH3 + H3O+ pKa = 9.26 Carbonic Acid_ H2CO3 + H2O (HCO3)-+ H3O+ pKa1 = 6.20 (HCO3)- + H2O (CO3)-2 + H3O+ pKa2 = 10.3 Phosphoric Acid H3PO4 + H2O (H2PO4)- + H3O+ pKa = 2.12 (H2PO4)- + H2O (HPO4)-2 + H3O+ pKa = 7.21 (HPO4)-2 + H2O (PO4)-3 + H3O+ pKa = 12.3 Tris Tris.HCl + H2O Tris + H3O+ + Cl- pKa = 8.10 Bis-Tris Bis-Tris.HCl Bis-Tris + H3O+ + Cl- pKa = 6.50 41 FISH pH PREFERENCES lake malawi cichlids pH8.5 african cichlids pH8.0 guppies pH7.5 jack dempsey pH7.5 tetras pH7.0 south american cichlids pH6.5 angelfish pH6.0 south american characins pH5.5 Metric/English Conversion Factors 42 1.00 liter = 1.06 quarts 454 grams = 1.00 pounds 2.54 centimeters = 1.00 inch Molar masses KH2PO4 136 grams/mole K2HPO4 174 grams/mol NaCH3COO 82.0 grams/mole CH3COOH 60.0 grams/mole NH4Cl 53.5 grams/mole NH3 17.0 grams/mole Na2HPO4 142 grams/mole NaH2PO4 120 grams/mole Tris.HCl 158 grams/mole Tris 121 grams/mole Bis-Tris.HCl 246 grams/mole Bis-Tris 209 grams/mole Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation pH = pKa + log([salt]/[acid]) pH is the desired pH for the system (dependent on fish species - see library) pKa is a constant dependent on the buffering system used (see library) [salt] is the concentration (in molarity) of the unprotonated species * [acid] is the concentration ( in molarity) of the protonated species * *refer to library for ionization equations showing protonated/unprotonated species for each buffer. Mechanism Mechanics 43 Problem Description This problem requires students to interpret kinetic data to determine the appropriate mechanism for a chemical reaction. Problem Objectives Assess students’ understanding of kinetic data and their ability to apply this information in a laboratory – type setting. Provide students’ with a real-world type example of why kinetic data is important in chemistry. Number of Cases 5 Information Available to Students Experimental Data DATA TABLE: Initial Concentrations Experiment Number 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Initial (CH3I) (M) (OH-) (M) 0.22 0.44 0.22 0.44 0.69 0.22 0.44 0.44 0.22 0.23 Initial Rate of Reaction (M / s) - By clicking on the experiment number, students are given the initial rate of reaction. In example, Experiment Number 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Initial (CH3I) (M) (OH-) (M) 0.22 0.44 0.22 0.44 0.69 0.22 0.44 0.44 0.22 0.23 Initial Rate of Reaction (M / s) - 1.26 x 10-5 - Rate Equation 44 Potential Rate Equations for CH3I (aq) + OH- (aq) ) CH3OH(aq) + I- (aq) Which corresponds to the Experimental Data? Mechanism Determination After students select the rate equation which they feel most accurately corresponds to the kinetics data, then they are promoted to determine the most appropriate mechanism based upon this data. Students will select a mechanism from this list as their answer to the problem. After you have determined which of the reaction mechanisms (to the right) is the reasonable choice based on all data examined, click on the solve button below. CH3I CH3+ + -I (slow) CH3I + -OH CH3OH (fast) 45 CH3I + -OH CH3OH + -I CH3I + CH3I CH3CH3 + I2 (fast) CH3CH3 + 2-OH -OH + -OH 2CH3OH (slow) H2O + O2- (slow) O2-+ 2CH3I + H2O 2CH3OH (fast) Reference Materials 1. Glossary Reaction Rate The increase in molar concentration of product of a reaction per unit time or the decrease in molar concentration of reactant per unit time. Rate Law An equation that relates the rate of a reaction to the concentrations of reactants raised to various powers. Rate Constant A proportionality constant in the relationship between rate and concentrations. Reaction Order The exponent of the concentration of a given reactant species in the rate law, as determined experimentally. 46 Elementary Reaction A single molecular event, such as a collision of molecules, resulting in a reaction. Reaction Mechanism The set of elementary reactions whose overall effect is given by the net chemical equation. Reaction Intermediate A species produced during a reaction that does not appear in the net equation because it reacts in a subsequent step in the mechanism. Molecularity The number of molecules on the reactant side of an elementary reaction. 1 molecule: unimolecular; 2 molecules: bimolecular; 3 molecules: termolecular Rate-Determining Step The slowest step in a reaction mechanism. Equations Rate Law Equation rate=k [A]x[B]y . . . Reaction Order-Determination Equation rate2/rate1=([A]2/[A]1)x([B]2/[B]1)y... Zeroth Order Concentration vs. Time Equation [A]=[A]0 - kt 1st Order Concentration vs. Time Equation* ln[A]/[A]o= -kt *Also known as the Integrated Rate Law 47 2nd Order Concentration vs. Time Equation 1/[A]=1/[A]o + kt Arrhenius Equation ln (k2/k1)=(Ea/R)([1/T1]-[1/T2]) 1st Order Half-Life Equation t1/2=0.693/k Periodic Table 48 Lewis Structure Problem Description Understanding Lewis structures is a key component in general chemistry and organic chemistry, particularly with regard to bonding and reactivity. This problem requires students to develop a Lewis structure model based upon the physical properties of an unknown compound. Problem Goals and Objectives Determine physical properties students deem as relevant or irrelevant. How well do students make the connection between physical properties and structure? Do students understand that properties are a consequence of structure? Number of Different Cases 10 Ethanol Dimethyl ether Dioxane Diethyl ether Ethyl acetate Piperdine Butanoic Acid Butanol Butane Pentylamine Implementation At Clemson, this problem is used in both the second semester general chemistry lecture and at the beginning of organic chemistry. The problem is assigned after the general chemistry unit on organic chemistry where functional groups are introduced. In organic chemistry, this problem is used to introduce or review organic functional groups and the physical properties commonly associated with these groups. What Information is Provided for Students a. Analysis 1. Elemental Analysis – This identifies the percentage of carbon and hydrogen in the unknown. Nitrogen and oxygen data is not provided. 49 2. b. Mass Spectrometry – This data can be used to identify the molecular weight of the unknown. Properties 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Physical State – (i.e. solid, liquid, gas) Color Melting Point Boiling Point Solubility in water Solubility in hexane Solubility in dilute sodium hydroxide Solubility in dilute hydrochloric acid It should be noted that students could look up the melting point and boiling point information for the unknowns, however, in such cases, this can be readily identified using the assessment information provided by IMMEX. c. Lewis Structures The Lewis structures for the possible solutions are provided. These structures are equipped with a chime plugin which will allow students to view and rotate the structure in 3-D. The Lewis structure for ethanol is shown below. d. Library 1. Melting Point The melting point of a compound can tell you quite a bit about its structure. The melting point is the temperature at which the “units” (typically molecules or ions) in the compound separate and begin to flow around each other (giving what we call the liquid state). The more energy needed to separate the units, the higher the melting point. For example: Ionic compounds tend to have very high melting points because in order to melt the compound you have to supply enough energy to actually break ionic bonds. Typically this occurs at very high temperatures, since ionic bonds are strong. 50 Melting points for ionic compounds range from ~500 - 3000 °C Molecular compounds tend to have lower melting points than ionic compounds; ranging from very low (below room temperature) to ~300°C (after this temperature compounds often start to decompose). This is because when a molecular compounds are melted it is the intermolecular forces (such as London forces, dipole-dipole forces or Hydrogen bonds) that are broken, NOT the bonds that connect the atoms within the molecule itself. Since intermolecular forces are usually weaker than covalent bonds or ionic bonds, then the energy required to break them is smaller and so the melting temperature is lower. Typically for molecular compounds the melting point increases as the molecular weight increases, (due to increases London forces), and as the strength of the intermolecular forces increases So for two compounds with the same molecular weight, the most polar compound will have the highest melting point. There are also other factors that also affect the melting point such as how the “units” of the compound pack together. 2. Boiling Point The boiling point of a compound can tell you quite a bit about its structure. The boiling point is the temperature at which the “units” (typically molecules or ions) in the compound completely separate and go off into the gas phase (- giving what we call the vapor or gaseous state). The more energy needed to separate the units, the higher the boiling point. Boiling points for ionic compounds are not usually recorded since they are so high. Molecular compounds tend to have lower boiling points than ionic compounds; ranging from very low (below room temperature) to ~300°C (after this temperature compounds often start to decompose). This is because when a molecular compounds are vaporized it is the intermolecular forces (such as London forces, dipole-dipole forces or Hydrogen bonds) that are broken, NOT the bonds that connect the atoms within the molecule itself. Since intermolecular forces are usually weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, then the energy required to break them is smaller and so the boiling temperature is lower. Typically for molecular compounds the boiling point increases 51 as the molecular weight increases, (due to increases London forces), and as the strength of the intermolecular forces increases So for two compounds with the same molecular weight, the most polar compound will have the highest boiling point. 3. Solubility The solubility of a compound can tell you a great deal about that compound's molecular structure. The general rule of thumb is "like dissolves like" so that polar or ionic compounds tend to be soluble in water, and non polar compounds tend to be soluble in non polar solvents like hydrocarbons. If a compound has polar and non-polar parts the solubility will depend on the relative amounts of each portion of the molecule. For example low molecular weight alcohols with up to 3 carbons e.g. CH3CH2CH2OH are completely soluble in water in all proportions, because the polar nature of the OH group allows Hydrogen bonding to occur with water - which is a favorable interaction. These compounds are also completely soluble in non-polar solvents also. However as more CH2 groups are added (eg , CH3CH2CH2CH2OH) the solubility of the alcohol in water decreases rapidly. 4. Elemental Analysis Most simple compounds - particularly those containing carbon and hydrogen - can be subjected to combustion analysis in which the compound is burned in air to produce carbon dioxide and water. CxHyO + z O2 x CO2 + y/2 H2O From the mass of the initial unknown and the masses of carbon dioxide and water produced, the % C, %H (and by difference the %O) can be calculated. Typically results of combustion analysis are reported in this way. From this % composition data, the empirical formula (the lowest mole ratio of the elements in the compound) can be calculated. 5. Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry is a technique that allows us to find the molecular weight of a compound. The compound is vaporized and injected into a chamber 52 where it loses an electron (either by being hit with other high energy electrons, or high energy radiation). The resulting ion may break up into smaller fragments or stay intact, but each fragment is then accelerated by an electric field which passes through a strong magnet towards a detector. The ions are deflected on the basis of their charge to mass ratio – Lighter ions are deflected more than heavier ones. The detector is calibrated in mass units so that the heaviest ion that the detector reads is usually the ionized molecule itself and this peak is known as the molecular ion. The lighter fragments usually appear as smaller peaks at lower molecular weight. 6. Lewis Structure Lewis structures are the two dimensional representations of molecular structures. From the Lewis structure you can deduce the shape of the molecule and the polarity of the molecule. This will allow you to predict some properties for the molecule. Number of Attempts Allotted 1 Unlike most IMMEX problems, students are only given one attempt for this problem. Please make sure your students are aware of this. Average Solve Rate 51% Average Time of Completion 10 minutes 53 Follow Up Assignment Complete the assignment in groups of 3 or 4. 1. 2. Draw Lewis Structures for each of the following: a. Pentane b. Pentanoic Acid c. Ethyl Propionate d. 2-aminopentane e. Ethyl propyl ether f. Pentanol Describe the trends in melting point and boiling point for a - f. What Lewis structure features lead to higher melting and boiling points? 3. Describe the trends in solubility for a – f. What Lewis structure features lead to greater solubility in water, base, and acid? 54 Separation Problem Description Separating a mixture of compounds (inorganic and organic) is an important laboratory component particularly for synthetic projects. The purpose of this problem is to provide students with a tutorial in separating a mixture of inorganic and organic compounds. Problem Goals and Objectives Allow students to observe the steps required in a separation scheme in preparation or in conjunction with laboratory exercises. Identify alternative conceptions held by students as to the appropriate methods for separating a mixture. Make a connection to lecture where related concepts such as solubility, acids and bases, and ionic vs. covalent bonding are discussed. Number of Different Cases 2 Mixture 1: calcium chloride, m-nitrobenzoic acid, and p – dichlorobenzene Mixture 2: sodium chloride, benzoic acid, naphthalene Implementation This problem is used in both organic and general chemistry laboratories at Clemson. The second semester general chemistry lab requires a separation of a mixture of inorganic and organic compounds using relatively simple methods as outlined in the problem. This problem serves as an introduction to the separation methodology. In organic chemistry, extraction schemes are emphasized, and this problem serves to review or even introduce in some cases separation methods. The problem is assigned before the proposal for the separation of matter experiment is started (available in M.M. Cooper, Cooperative Chemistry) or before extractions are needed in organic laboratory. Information Available for the Students: Mixture Information -- for each component in the mixture the following information is provided. a. Formula b. Lewis Structure c. 3D Structure (uses a Chime plugin) d. Physical State e. Color f. Melting Point g. Boiling Point h. Vapor Pressure 55 Separation Options a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Evaporation Add Acid Add Base Distillation Filtration Pipette Add Water Reference Information a. Intermolecular Forces 1. London Forces The weak attractive forces between molecules resulting from the small, instantaneous dipoles that occur because of the varying position of the electrons during their motion about the nuclei. 2. Hydrogen Bonding A weak to moderate attractive force that exists between a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a very electronegative atom and a lone pair of electrons on another small, electronegative atom. 56 3. Dipole – Dipole Forces An attractive intermolecular force resulting from the tendancy of polar molecules to align themselves such that the positive end of one molecule is near the negative end of another. b. Solubility Rules 1. “Like dissolves Like”-for example, if a substance is polar, it will dissolve only in other polar substances. 2. Highly charged ionic compounds tend to be insoluble. 57 c. Electronegativity Chart d. Changing Solubilities e. 1. Add Acid -- if a solid exhibits basic properties, treating the solid with an acid will cause it to dissolve in the acidic solution. 2. Add Base – if a solid exhibits acid properties, treating the solid with a base will cause it to dissolve in the basic solution. Laboratory Techniques 1. Distillation Distillation is the process of heating a liquid until it boils, capturing and cooling the resultant hot vapors, and collecting the condensed vapors. Distillation is used to purify a compound by separating it from a non-volatile or less-volatile material. When different compounds in a mixture have different boiling points, they separate into individual components when the mixture is carefully distilled. 2. Filtration Filtration is an operation for separating a liquid from a solid. There are two types of filtrations: gravity filtration and vacuum filtration. 3. Evaporation A solution of nonvolatile solid in a volatile solvent can be separated into its compounds by removing the liquid solvent by evaporation. The solution is poured into an evaporating dish which has a shape that provides a large surface area for both heating and evaporation. When the solution becomes sufficiently concentrated, the solid will begin to crystallize. 4. Add Water By adding water, certain components can dissolve and separate from the other components. 5. Pipette A laboratory technique in which a pipette is used to add or remove liquids. 58 How Students Work the Problem To begin separating the mixture, students should click on separation scheme, and they will receive the list of possible laboratory techniques. To start, they select a lab technique such as add water, and a message will appear stating whether the choice is correct or incorrect. If they are incorrect, they must select another option. If they correct, the separation scheme is begin to develop. The process will continue until the student reaches the end. This problem is unlike other IMMEX problems in the solution and format. To receive credit for solving the problem, students should still click SOLVE and click Finish. Separation Scheme Separation completed successfully Average Solve Time 10 – 15 minutes 59 Associated Assignments General Chemistry Complete one case of the separations problem on the IMMEX server as a group (work in groups of 2 or 3). Only one person needs to login to the IMMEX server to complete this problem. After completing the problem, write a detailed summary explaining your thought process as you were working through the separation scheme. Why did you choose specific reagents? Describe in chemical terminology. What errors did you make and why? What have you learned by completing this assignment? The summary should be written in lab, and should be no more than 250 words. It is also possible to give this assignment to individual students. 60 Organic Chemistry In organic, an additional separation scheme is assigned with acidic or basic organic functional groups, and often this scheme requires using distillation to separate a mixture of neutral organic liquids. Example: Cl OH O NH2 b a I d c NaOH, ether Organic Salt HCl, ether Question #1 What is the isolated product here? Mixture of Organics HCl, ether Organic Salt NaOH, ether Question #2 What is the isolated product here? Remaining Organic Products Question #3 What technique is required to separate these compounds? a. acid - base extraction b. distillation c. melting point d. TLC 61 Chromatography Challenge Problem Description The content of this problem focuses on the identification of an unknown using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Problem Goals and Objectives Identify what solvents students use for these experiments in order to identify possible alternative conceptions about what is appropriate and inappropriate eluents? Obtain information to identify how students piece together information concerning functionality based upon TLC results. Make a connection between lecture where polarity is emphasized. Can students identify the relationship between polarity and TLC results? Number of Different Cases 5 Acetanilide Benzoic Acid Benzophenone Oxidole Triphenylmethane Implementation The problem is best implemented toward the end of a first semester organic laboratory. Students should have used TLC throughout the semester to determine the purity of their products as well as verify their products’ identity. At Clemson, we used this problem during the first semester sequence of organic laboratory in which students run between one and three TLC analyses every laboratory period. We required students to complete all 5 cases with a minimum of 4 correct. What Information is Provided for Students TLC Results (an actual TLC plate is provided with appropriate markings) in the following solvents: ethyl acetate, toluene, ethanol, 1:9 ethyl acetate:toluene, 1:19 ethyl acetate:toluene. 62 Stationary phase. Students are informed of the stationary phase that is used for the problem. It is silica in every case. Dissolving Solvent This is acetone in every case, but many students will likely be want to know this information. Other Information Concerning TLC Analyses 1. Volume of Eluent 2. Temperature 3. Visualization Method (an actual TLC plate under UV Light is provided) Inventory of possible answer. Structures are provided, as well as, authentic R f values for comparison with the data. Library of Information 1. What is TLC? 2. Why use TLC? 3. Retention Index 4. Example of a TLC for Salicylic Acid Average Solve Time 10 - 15 Minutes Average Correct 81% Percent of Information Used 34% Library Information Why Use TLC ? TLC is a chromatographic method that is often used to obtain qualitative information about an organic compound. In particular, this method is quite useful in identifying unknown compounds by comparing with control compounds, as well as, determining product purity. How does TLC work? TLC is based on equilibration between a mobile and stationary phase. The stationary phase for TLC is a polar material (usually silica) and the mobile phase (or eluent) has a range of different possible polarities. Solid organic compounds are dissolved in a volatile solvent such as acetone and are spotted on the TLC plate. The plate is then placed in a solvent chamber where the solvent rises up the TLC plate by way of capillary action. There is an interaction between the organic species and the stationary and mobile phases which is based on the polarity of the three components. Polar compounds will interact 63 more strongly with polar solvents and the polar stationary phase than nonpolar compounds and vice versa. Retention Index The amount of interaction is determined by the retention index (Rf) which is defined as the ratio of the distance the spot moved over the distance the solvent moved (solvent front). Rf values close to 1 indicate that there was a stronger interaction with the solvent than the stationary phase and conversely, Rf values close to 0 indicate that there was a more favorable interaction with the stationary phase. Salicylic Acid Ethanol Similar results are provided for toluene, 1:9 ethyl acetate:toluene, 1:19 ethyl acetate:toluene. 64 Follow-Up Laboratory Questions These questions can be used in a variety of different ways ranging from group work, to homework, quiz questions, or exam questions. At Clemson, group work and Concept-Test format was implemented. 1. An Rf of 1 indicates which of the following? a. the compound interacts strongly with the stationary phase b. the compound interacts strongly with the mobile phase c. there is equal interaction d. the compound is reacting with the solvent For 2 - 3 use structures A – D. O O OH O H A B C D 2. Using silica gel TLC plates and toluene as the eluent, __ would have the greatest Rf. 3. The Rf of C would be fairly close to __ using silica gel TLC plates and dichloromethane as the solvent. Cl 4. Cl Given the reaction: OH Cl Cl Which of the following diagrams indicates the most probable result if a TLC plate was spotted with the starting material (the left spot) and the product (the right spot)? Note: Dichloromethane was used as the development solvent. A B C D 65 In-Stereo Problem Description Stereochemistry requires students to be able to visualize three dimensional space and often requires the use of molecular models. This problem will allow students to view various molecular models including wireframe, space fill, Lewis structure, Newman projections, and ball-and-stick to determine the absolute configuration of a chiral molecule. The problem also requires students to identify the Fischer projections for the enantiomers of this molecule. Problem Goals and Objectives What models do students prefer when solving stereochemistry problems? Are these models effective? How well do students under the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules? This can be determine by whether students use the library information, as well as, whether they make analogous errors in solving the problems. The underlying goal of this problem is to determine what models should be implemented when introducing stereochemistry to students. Number of Different Cases 6 Cl Cl CH 2I O OH SH OH O Implementation The problem should be implemented following the lectures on stereochemistry. At Clemson, we used the problem after completing Chapter 5 in Bruice’s Organic Chemistry text. 66 What Information is Provided for Students Available Materials a. Line Structure b. Lewis Structure c. Newman Projection d. Sawhorse Projection 67 e. 3-D Structure (Ball & Stick) f. 3-D Structure (Wireframe) g. 3-D Structure (Space Fill) 68 h. 3-D Structure (Stick) i. Chime Structure The last model available uses a chime plugin to allow students to rotate molecules in 3-D space. Library Information a. Cahn-Ingold Prelog Rules The substituent with the highest atomic number has the highest priority. In cases in which there is an identical substituent such as a carbon and oxygen, the rules state the we must look at the substituents on these atoms. For instance, -OH has lower priority than -OCH3 because carbon has a greater atomic number than hydrogen. Likewise, -CH2CH2R has lower priority than -CH(CH2)R' regardless of the identity of R or R'. For alkenes and alkynes, the number of carbon - carbon bonds is considered. For alkenes, there are 2 carbon-carbon bonds and for alkynes, there are 3 carbon-carbon bonds. Therefore, alkenes and alkynes will take precedence over CH2CH2R groups because carbon has a greater atomic number than hydrogen. In summary to assign priority we look for the highest atomic number. In the case of chains and rings, we identity the first difference in the rings or chains and ignore the rest of the substituents. 69 b. Rules for Assigning R/S Orient the lowest priority group so that it points away from you. Then determine the orientation of the substituents. If the substituents move from highest to lowest priority in a clockwise direction, the molecule has an R absolute configuration. If the substituents move from highest to lowest priority in a counterclockwise direction, the molecule has an S absolute configuration. c. Tutorial Given the following structure, what is the absolute configuration? 1. Which group has the highest priority? -NH2 -CH3 -H -C(CH3)3 2. Which group has the second highest priority? -NH2 -CH3 -H -C(CH3)3 70 3. From highest to lowest priority, what is the direction of rotation? Counterclockwise Clockwise 4. Based on your answer above, assign the R and S configuration. R S The tutorial is available for students who are having trouble with the fundamental ideas and concepts. Answer List 1. The absolute configuration is R or S ? 2. Select the correct fischer projections for the enantiomer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. When solving the problem, students will be given a string of possible solutions such as R, 1, 2, 3 representing the R configuration and Fischer projections 1 – 3. 71 Organo-Mech Problem Description Organic mechanisms (SN1, SN2, E1, E2) often give students difficulty. This an interactive problem dealing specifically with these four mechanisms. Problem Goals and Objectives Identify what information students feel is relevant in determining the mechanisms. What information do students employ to differentiate between first order and second order reactions? What information do students employ to predict the results of competition between substitution and elimination reactions? What information do students employ that is irrelevant and not useful? This will identify possible alternate conceptions that students hold concerning these problems. Number of Different Cases 8 Two cases for each of the four mechanisms: SN1, SN2, E1, E2 Implementation The problem is best implemented in the first semester organic chemistry course following the introduction to these mechanisms. At Clemson, we used these problems after completing chapters 10 and 11 in the Bruice Organic Chemistry text (4th edition). What Information is Provided for Students Available Information 1. Molecular Formula of Reactant and Product 2. Substrate Type (most cases are secondary) 3. Kinetic Data 4. Solvent 5. Leaving Group (examples include water, tosylate, chloride) 6. Nucleophile 7. Reaction Time 8. Volume of Reaction Container 9. Temperature of the Reaction 10. Rotation of Plane Polarized Light of Reactant and Product 72 Library Information (as given to the students) Substrate Sn1 Secondary, Tertiary, Allylic, or Benzylic Sn2 Primary, Secondary E1 Secondary, Tertiary, Allylic, or Benzylic E2 Primary, Secondary Rate Law Sn1 Rate = k[Org] Sn2 Rate = k[Org][Nuc] E1 Rate = k[Org] E2 Rate = k[Org][Nuc] Solvent Sn1 Protic, High Dielectric Constant Sn2 Polar, Aprotic E1 Varies E2 Polar, Aprotic Intermediate Sn1 Carbocation Sn2 Concerted Reaction E1 Carbocation E2 Concerted Reaction Leaving Groups Sn1 Good leaving groups (e.g. weak bases) are favored Sn2 Not Applicable E1 Good leaving groups (weak bases) are favored E2 Not Applicable Stereochemistry Sn1 Racemization results Sn2 Inversion Results E1 N/A E2 N/A Rearrangements Sn1 Rearrangement can occur Sn2 Rearrangement is not observed because a carbocation is not formed. E1 N/A E2 N/A Energy Diagram Sn1 Sn2 E1 E2 Competition between Substitution and Elimination Base Strength: Temperature: Strong bases favor elimination Elevated temperatures favor elimination 73 Definitions Aprotic: solvent that does not have protons that can be easily removed. Examples include dichloromethane, toluene, and acetonitrile. Protic: solvent that has protons that can be removed easily. An example is ethanol and water. Dielectric constant: measure of how well the solvent will moderate the attractive forces of the electrophile and nucleophile. The greater the diaelectric constant, the better the medium to support the formation of the carbocation intermediate. Polarizable: this describes how tightly an atom holds on to its electrons. Fluorine atoms are not polarizable because the electrons are tightly centered around the nucleus, but iodine atoms are polarizable because the electrons are not held in place as tightly. Leaving Group: A group that is lost from the starting organic substrate. These groups are typically weak bases. Examples include: tosylate, water, iodide, bromide, and chloride Primary carbon: a carbon that is attached to one carbon and three hydrogens. R H2C CH3 the primary carbon is enclosed in a box Secondary carbon: a carbon that is attached to two carbons and two hydrogens. R CH2 CH3 the secondary carbon is enclosed in a box Tertiary carbon: a carbon that is attached to three carbons and one hydrogen. CH 3 RH 2C C CH 3 H the tertiary carbon is enclosed in a box Allylic carbon: a carbon that is alpha to a double bond. R CH2 the allylic carbon is enclosed in a box 74 Benzylic carbon: a carbon that is alpha to a benzene ring. CH 2 R the benzylic carbon is enclosed in a box Tutorial: This will provide students with an opportunity to assess their understanding of information presented in the library. Tutorial Questions [1.] Identify the type of carbocation (the location is indicated with an arrow) that would form from the loss of the chlorine group: (i) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary (ii) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary (iii) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary (iv) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary (v) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary (vi) a) Benzylic b) Allylic c) Methyl d) Primary e) Secondary f) Tertiary 75 [2.] Check the protic solvents in the following list: Chloroform Dicholoromethane Ethanol Benzene Formic Acid Hexane Dimethyl Sulfoxide Dimethyl formamide [3.] Check the statement that is true about leaving groups: The best leaving group are strong bases The best leaving groups are strong acids The best leaving groups are weak bases The best leaving groups are weak acids [4.] Check the statement that is true about nucleophiles: The best nucleophiles are strong bases such as RO- and NH2The best nucleophiles are strong acids such as HCl The best nucleophiles are weak bases such as IThe best nucleophiles are weak acids such as a carboxylic acid 76 [5.] Check the statement that explains why I-is a better nucleophile than Cl-: I-is a stronger base than ClIodine is more electronegative than Chlorine The I-ion is less solvated than the Cl-ion Cl- is more polarizable than I[6.] Rank the following in terms of leaving group ability: 1=Best Leaving Group 4=Worst Leaving Group H2O TosOFI[7.] a. Rate = k[Organic Substrate][Nuc-] b. Rate = k[Organic Substrate] c. Rate = k[Organic Substrate]2 d. Rate = k[Organic Substrate]2[Nuc-] The expression above that corresponds with SN1 rate law The expression above that corresponds with SN2 rate law [8.] Check each true statement in the following list: The attack of the nucleophile is the rate determining step in an SN1 reaction. The SN1 reaction yields streochemical inversion. Bimolecular is another name used to describe an SN2mechanism. 77 The properties of nucleophile are more important in SN2 reactions than in SN1 reaction. The loss of the leaving group is the rate determining step in an S N1 reaction. There are no intermediaries formed in an SN2 mechanism. The following energy diagram can be used to describe an SN1 mechanism: 78 Spectra Analysis Problem Description This problem focuses on elucidation of organic structures using spectroscopic data. Problem Goals and Objectives Identify which pieces of spectroscopic information student rely upon the most. Do they rely upon all available information or just selected information? What types of example spectra do students elect to view? What functional groups are present in these spectra? Do students use the correlation charts? If so, what kind of charts do student rely upon the most? What characteristics of organic compounds give students the most trouble when interpreting spectra? What types of compounds are most easily elucidated by students? Number of Different Cases 15 Cyclohexanone Diallyl Ether 1-Hexyn-3-ol 1-Ethynylcyclopentanol 3-methyl-2-cyclohexa-1-one Dicyclopropyl Ketone 3,5-Heptadiene-2-one Ethoxybenzene o-ethyl phenol o-methoxy toluene 2-pentanol 1-penten-3-one Cyclopentanone 1-pentyn-3-ol 5-hexene-2-one Implementation This problem is best implemented in either lab or lecture after a unit on spectroscopy covering interpretation or IR, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR. Students should also be comfortable with identifying the molecular ion peak in mass spectrometry data. What Information is Provided for Students 79 Library a. 13C b. 1H Correlation Data Correlation Data 80 c. IR Correlation Chart IR correlation chart 81 d. Mass Spectrometry Correlation Data e. Periodic Table 82 Examples NMR, IR, and MS data is provided for each of the following compounds as a reference of actual examples for students to use. 1-nitropropane 2-butanone 2-methyl-1-butene benzaldehyde benzene diethyl ether methanol propionamide propanoic acid Available Equipment a. 13C Spectrum Actual Example: 83 b. Mass Spectrum Example: c. 1H NMR Spectrum Example: 84 d. IR Spectrum Example: Comments about the Spectra: The resolution of the NMR spectra is not the best; however, we feel that students need to be exposed to non-textbook style examples. The spectra are clear enough for students to obtain general idea about peak shape, and the chemical shift information is very clear. The integration is not provided because students should be able to solve the problem without this information. There are only 15 possible solutions, and the integration would enable students to “game” the problem, and make a reasonable guess just on the basis of the 1H NMR. The objective of the problem is to require students to piece together information from several spectra—not just NMR. Solvent Issues 85 13C-NMR 1H solvent issues – NMR solvent issues Additional Comment: The solvent signals have been removed from the spectra, but we wanted to reassure students that the peaks in the NMR are associated with the molecule of interests and not associated with unrelated noise. 86 Hints/Formula a. Possible Formula List b. 13C - Hints 87 c. 1H d. Degree of Unsaturation NMR Hints 88 e. IR Hints f. MS Hints 89 Finding Carbon’s Neighbors Problem Description This content of this problem focuses on the use of qualitative organic tests to identify an organic unknown. Spectroscopic data is not provided. Examples of the qualitative tests include: Tollens’ Test Hydroxamic Acid Test Baeyer Test Iodoform Test Ignition Test Prussian Blue Test Lucas Test Chromic Acid Test Ferrox Test Reaction with Bromine and Water Problem Goals and Objectives Identify how students begin such unknown type analysis. Where do students start? Obtain information to identify how students piece together information concerning functionality to identify an unknown. Provide students with exposure to qualitative methods commonly omitted in most organic laboratories today. Make a connection between lecture, where many of these reactions are taught, and lab. Number of Different Cases 24 Acetamide 4-Hydroxy- 3-methoxy-benzaldehyde Chloroacetic Acid 2-Heptanone 4-nitrophenol 1-Heptene 2-chloro-benzaldehyde 2-nitro-1-methoxybenzene 1-chloro-2-propanol Benzoyl Chloride 2-Aminoheptane Pyrrolidine Benzyl Alcohol Propyl Acetate 4-chlorophenol 4-chloro-cyclohexanone Isopentyl Acetate Maleic Acid 3-nitroacetophenone Acetanilide 2-pentanol 3-chlorotoluene 90 cycloheptanone E-cinnamyl alcohol Implementation The problem is best implemented in a second semester organic laboratory sequence after students have learned about carboxylic acids and esters in lecture because carbonyl chemistry is well represented in this problem. At Clemson, we used this problem in the last two weeks of the laboratory. This problem was initially implemented in conjunction to a similar unknown type analysis that is provided. In subsequent semesters, the problem was successfully implemented without prior laboratory experience. We required students to work a minimum of 5 problems – four of which must be answered correctly in order to receive full credit. What Information is Provided for Students Various Chemical Reactions This information is presented in terms of color changes associated with positive results or students are informed that there is no visible reaction. Solubility Data This information is presented in terms of whether the compound is soluble, slightly soluble, or insoluble. Physical Data This includes melting point, boiling point, color, odor, and physical state. All of this information would be accessible to students in the laboratory. Combustion Data This is provided to enable students to narrow down from the 24 possible choices in order to provide them with a more manageable working space. Library of Information Includes all pertinent information concerning reactions (positive and negative results) and solubility. Average Solve Time 20 Minutes 91 Laboratory Experiment Implemented at Clemson University CH 228 | Adv. Organic Chem. Lab | Qualitative Organic Analysis | Project 3 Written by Melanie M. Cooper and Charlie Cox Project Description: You are working for a new company and finally making big bucks. Everything is great until one day you are asked to obtain an up-to-date inventory of all of the chemicals in your department. All goes well until you find a single bottle in which the label has been removed. You check the old inventory list (that was taken two months ago) and conclude that it must be one of the 12 compounds that has not been located. Knowing how easy it is to obtain and analyze NMR you prepare an NMR sample and head to the 500 MHz NMR to quickly finish your task by the deadline. However, to your dismay the NMR is down and the computer for the FTIR is being replaced. The only option is qualitative organic analysis methods. Knowing your boss, he will not accept just melting point or boiling point data. Work quickly and efficiently to reach the deadline. The first task is to prepare a detailed written proposal explaining exactly how to proceed. Possible Compounds: Benzaldehyde Acetaldehyde Benzyl Alcohol Acetanilide m – nitro Benzoic Acid Aniline Benzoic Acid Benzophenone Diethyl Malonate Nitrobenzene Methyl Benzoate Maleic Acid Possible Tests: Tollens Test Chromic Acid Test Iodoform Test Reaction with 2,4-DNP Hydroxamic Acid Test Ferrous Hydroxide Test Baeyer Test Lucas Test Reaction with Silver Nitrate Beilstein Test Ignition Test Others may be used with permission 92 Proposal | Pre - Lab: Write a descriptive summary of how you plan to identify your unknown. What tests do you plan to use? Why? In what order will you use them? Provide a description of how to conduct each test you plan to use. o Include the order in reactions are mixed. o The mole and gram or mL quantities of all reagents. o Techniques needed such as refluxing or filtering. o Provide a summary for each test explaining what to expect for a positive result and a negative result. Provide a brief summary of the hazards associated with each test. The proposal is to be typed (double – spaced, 12 pt font). The proposal should be between 2 and 4 pages typed. Grading Criteria: Item Excellent Good Fair Poor Test Scheme with a Description (6) Complete Experimental Description (8) Hazard Summary (3) Scientific Strategy and Planning (3) 93 Laboratory Report | Qualitative Organic Analysis 1. Outline the tests used for the analysis and briefly describe their results. 2. Based upon the results outlined above, what conclusions can be drawn concerning the functional groups present? 3. Unknown Code __________________ Unknown Name_________________________________________ Unknown Structure 4. Which tests did you find to be the most useful? Least useful? Why? 5. In future experiments, briefly explain how you would alter your procedure or explain why you would not alter your procedure. 94 Qualitative Organic Analysis – Library Information Alcohols Chromic Acid Test – a primary or secondary alcohol will reduce the orange – red chromic acid/sulfuric acid reagent to an opaque green or blue suspension of Cr (III) salts. Lucas Test – The Lucas reagent is formed by adding ZnCl2 to concentrated HCl a. Tertiary – alkyl halide formation is identified by the formation of an insoluble layer or emulsion. This will take place in less than a minute. b. Secondary – same result but a longer period of time (5 – 10 minutes) is needed for the reaction to take place. c. Primary – No Reaction Iodoform Test – a yellow precipitate of iodoform appears within 15 minutes. Aldehydes/Ketones Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine – formation of a large amount of yellow to red insoluble 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrozone indicates the presence of an aldehyde or ketone. Chromic Acid Test – Oxidation of an aldehyde is possible using this reagent. The orange – red chromic acid/sulfuric acid reagent will turn to an opaque green or blue suspension of Cr (III) salts. Iodoform Test – a yellow precipitate of iodoform appears within 15 minutes in the presence of an aldehyde or ketone. Tollens Test – a silver mirror or colloidal silver appears in the presence of either an aldehyde or ketone. 95 Alkenes Reaction with Bromine – alkenes react with bromine and the characteristic color (dark red/brown) of bromine disappears. Oxidation with Potassium Permanganate – the purple color of the permanganate solution is replaced within 2 – 3 minutes by a brown precipitate of manganese dioxide. Alkyl Halide Reaction with Silver Nitrate – the formation of a precipitate of (silver halide) is a positive indicator for the presence of an alkyl halide. The precipitate usually has a white coloration. Reaction with Sodium Iodide – the formation of an obvious precipitate of sodium chloride and sodium bromide is a positive test. Aromatic Hydrocarbons Ignition Test – Aromatic compounds general burn with a smoky flame. Reaction with Aluminum Chloride/Chloroform – a color change of the powder and the solution indicates a positive job. Amines Prussian Blue Test – a dark blue precipitate is formed in the presence of an amine or any other compound containing nitrogen. Reaction with HCl – amines will react with HCl. 96 Nitro Compounds Prussian Blue Test – a dark blue precipitate is formed in the presence of a nitro group or any other compound containing nitrogen. Ferrous Hydroxide Test – a dark red solid precipitate is formed in the presence of a nitro group. Esters Hydroxamic Acid Test – a positive test for an ester is the formation of a blue or red colored precipitate. Ethers (and all of other functional groups that contain oxygen) Ferrox Text – a red to reddish purple color appears if the unknown contains oxygen. Phenols Reaction with Bromine/Water – the disappearance of the characteristic dark red/brown color of bromine is a positive indication for the presence of a phenol. Reaction with Ferric Chloride – most phenols react with Ferric Chloride to form a red to blue ferric phenolate complex. 97 98