Elements and Principles of Design Match-up

Name _________________________________
Color Awareness Assessment
1. List the three primary colors: ______________, _____________, & ________________.
2. List the three secondary colors: ______________, _____________, & ______________.
3. How do you make a secondary color? ______________________________________________________
4. How do you make a tertiary color? _________________________________________________________
5. Of the 6 primary and secondary colors, which are considered warm colors? _________________________
6. Of the 6 primary and secondary colors, which are considered cool colors? __________________________
7. What is a monochromatic color scheme? ____________________________________________________
8. What is an analogous color scheme? _______________________________________________________
9. What are complementary colors? ____________________________________________ ______________
10. What is a triadic color scheme? _____________________________________________ ______________
11. What is a split complimentary color scheme?________________________________________________
12. What is a neutral color scheme? _____________________________________________ _____________
13. What is an accented neutral color scheme? __________________________________________________
14. A hue is:
a. The name of a color,
i.e. turquoise
b. The intensity of a
c. The lightness or
darkness of a color
15. A value is:
a. The name of a color,
i.e. turquoise
b. The intensity of a
c. The lightness or
darkness of a color
16. A tint is:
a. Made by adding
black to a color
b. Made by adding
white to a color
17. A hue is:
a. The name of a color,
i.e. turquoise
b. The intensity of a
c. The lightness or
darkness of a color
18. A value is:
a. The name of a color,
i.e. turquoise
b. The intensity of a
c. The lightness or
darkness of a color
19. A tint is:
a. Made by adding
black to a color
b. Made by adding
white to a color
c. Made by combining
two light colors
20. A shade is:
a. Made by adding
black to a color
b. Made by adding
white to a color
c. Made by combining
two light colors
21. Dark colors
a. Advance
b. Recede
c. Vibrate
22. Light colors
a. Advance
b. Recede
c. Vibrate
Name _________________________________
Color Harmonies Portfolio
Instructions: You are to make a portfolio in which you will keep your work from this class. You may be able to use it
for college interviews! The front and back of the portfolio are each to show 2 color harmonies. Each color harmony
should include:
 A title which identifies the color harmony (6 points)
 A picture of the color wheel that represents each color harmony. (6 points)
 An explanation or definition of each color harmony (6 points)
 A picture from a magazine of an outfit depicting each color harmony.(6 Points)
 Your name (6 points)
Name _________________________________
Name _________________________________
Elements & Principles of Design Match-up
Instructions: Using the list of terms below, place the letter of the appropriate term on the line next to each
vertical line
horizontal line
diagonal line
curved line
This element will make the wearer look wider & shorter. ___
This principle guides the use of spaces or shapes within a garment. ___
This element involves hues, shades, and tints. ___
Ruffles are an example of this element. ___
This element tends to make garments more exciting. ___
Bright versions of this element make objects advance. ___
Focal point. ___
A side, front, wrap skirt. ___
Is more formal. __
The relationship of shapes within a garment or an outfit. ___
This element makes the wearer look taller & thinner. ___
A piece of fabric is dyed so that one selvedge edge is navy blue and gradually fades to white by the other
selvedge edge. ___
Fur, terry cloth, and vinyl are all examples of this element. ___
When a horizontal line is used over and over again in a design it is an example of an element being used
according to this principle of design. ___
The elements of design are used to create a pleasing design. ___
This element tends to make garments more feminine. ___
An oversized, hip length sweater worn with a fitted mini-skirt is an example of the element of shape being
pulled together using this guiding principle. ___
A bright red belt worn on a black dress that draws your attention to the waistline is an example of this
principle of design. ___
The details on the left side of a garment are different that the details on the right side of a garment. ___
Dark versions of this element make objects recede. ___
e. texture
f. shape
g. color
h. emphasis
i. proportion
m. rhythm: repetition
j. harmony
n. rhythm: radiation
k. asymmetric balance o. rhythm: progression
l. symmetric balance
Name _________________________________
Design Analysis
1. What is the predominant line in dress A? ___________________________
2. What is the shape of dress A? ___________________________
3. Which principle is used in dress A? _________________________
4. What is the predominant line in dress B? ___________________________
5. What is the shape of dress B? ________________________
6. Which principle is used in dress B? ________________________
7. What is the predominant line in dress C? _______________________
8. What is the secondary line in dress C? _______________________
9. Which principle(s) enable the designer to combine two types of lines successfully? ______________
10. What is the shape of dress C? _________________________
11. What is the predominant line is dress D? ____________________________
12. What is the shape of dress D? ________________________________
13. What two principles of design are employed in the design of dress D? ________________________
14. What is the predominant line of dress E? ________________________________
15. What is the shape of dress E? _______________________________
16. What two principles are employed in the design of dress E? ________________________________
17. What is the predominant line of dress F? __________________________________
18. What three principles are employed in the design of dress F? ______________________________
19. What is the shape of dress F? _______________________________
20. What type of balance is used in dress G? _________________________________
21. Three types of line are used in dress G. What are they? _______________________________________
22. List the principles of design that are obvious in dress G. _______________________________________
_____ _______________________________________________________________________________
23. Look back over your answers. You may be surprised to find that a good design can be composed of more
that one type of line. What do you think is critical to successfully using more than one type of line in a
garment? ___________________________________________________________________________
24. For which dress do you think color might be considered a more critical element than line? ______________
Name _________________________________
Name _________________________________
Design Your Own Collection
The object of this assignment is to design a collection of 4 outfits using the elements and
principles of design.
1. Decide whether you want to design your collection for yourself, a male, a female, a child,
or a toddler.
2. Each outfit should employ a different type of line: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved.
3. Decide upon a theme. It will be easier to build your collection if you have a theme, i.e.
Betsy Goes to the Beach (the collection might include a graduation dress, bathing suit &
cover up, a casual outfit, and one in which to go clubbing).
4. To sketch each garment:
a. Select the appropriate croqui figure and place it under a sheet of white paper.
b. Draw your design on white paper.
c. Color with colored pencils.
5. Once your sketches are complete:
a. Using Microsoft publisher make a title plate for your collection.
b. Type a description for each outfit that states:
i. Its intended purpose, i.e. prom dress, ski wear, etc.
ii. The type of line, shape (refer to the red text, p.180), color, and texture.
c. Arrange and affix your collection title, fashion illustrations, and garment
information to a sheet of paper that will fit into your portfolio.
Collection Rubric
Collection Theme (4 pts)
Sketched Garments, each a different type of line (10 x ___)
Colored Garments, each a different color scheme (6 x ___)
For each garment:
Description of line (1.5 pts x ___)
Description of shape (1.5 pts x ___)
Description of color (1.5 pts x ___)
Description of texture (1.5 pts x ___)
Entire collection, theme, and descriptions presented on paper (8 pts)
Name _________________________________
Fashion Design Project
The objective of this assignment is to design a garment that would look good on you. There are 3 parts to this
1. Following the instructions below, determine your body type.
2. On paper, design a garment that would look good on you.
3. Select a pattern (or patterns that you could combine) to create the design.
Part 1
To choose clothing that emphasizes your best features, people need to keep body height, shape, and size in
mind. Taking the following measurements will help you figure out your best clothing styles.
1. Your height (don’t know, have someone measure your). ___________
2. Using the chart at the bottom of p.173 in the red Clothing book and a tape measure, determine your frame
size. Measure your wrist. __________
3. Have a classmate take your back neck to waist measurement. ________
4. Measure from your natural waistline to the floor (without shoes). ________
5. Compare the measurement in #3 to #4. Do you have a long upper body with short legs or a short upper
body and long legs? _________________
6. Measure the distance across your shoulders. _________________
7. Measure the distance across your waist (side to side) _______________
8. Measure the distance across your hips (side to side) ______________
9. Using the information on p. 174 which shape are you? _____________
10. Based on your answers to #2, #5, and #9, which clothing shape from p. 180 would best flatter your body
shape, height, and size? ___________ Explain ___________________
Part 2
Using the croqui sketches for a woman or man, and the clothing shapes on page 180 in the text (or the silhouettes
in Easy Steps to Fashion Design) design a garment of your choice that would best flatter you. To do this:
1. Place the croquis of the average woman underneath a sheet of white paper.
2. Draw your design on the white paper.
3. Color in with colored pencils.
Part 3
Log on to the internet and go to www.mccall.com and select a pattern or patterns that you would need to use to
create your design. Print them out. Attach them to a posterboard along with your design croquis and a typed
explanation of how you would use the pattern to create your design.
Name _________________________________
Name _________________________________
Name _________________________________
From the European Aristocracy to the Aisles of Walmart
(A highly abbreviated history of the fashion industry as we know it today)
Prior to the 20th century (1900’s) fashion changed very slowly. In fact, it only changed every 50 to 100 years and
changed on the whims of the kings and queens of Europe. The high-waisted styles popular today are actually
adaptations of the personal style of Josephine Bonaparte (Napoleon Bonaparte’s wife) to free herself from the
bondage of the corseted garments of Marie Antoinette and to rebuild the French textile industry after the French
Revolution. Compare the painting of Marie Antoinette (below left) to the painting of a woman dressed in the
chemisette of the Regency Period (below right).
Instructions: in the red Clothing textbook, read the section entitled, “Designer Collections” (p. 122-125) and answer
the following questions.
1. What is the difference between the way garments were designed in the past compared to how they are
designed now? _________________________________________________________________
2. What is Couture? __________________________________________________________________
3. What is Haute couture? _____________________________________________________________
4. When did haute couture begin? ________________________________________________________
5. Who was the French dressmaker who started it? __________________________________________
6. For which French queen were the garments designed? _____________________________________
7. Who is considered the father of haute couture? ___________________________________________
Instructions: in the black Fashion textbook, read chapter 4, “The Development of Fashion” (p. 52-63). Answer the
following questions.
10. The basic style of dress as we know it today was adapted from where? ________________________
11. What was the switch that occurred during the industrial revolution? ____________________________
Name _________________________________
12. What were the 3 major developments that contributed to the switch?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
13. Where is the center of the garment industry in the United States? _____________________________
14. What are trade publications? __________________________________________________________
15. THINK! If one of the functions of a trade publication is to report trends and styles, what did Rose Bertin
develop and use that functioned much like a trade publication? _______________________________
16. Which trade publication is considered to be the “bible” of the women’s fashion industry? ___________
17. What is a trade association? __________________________________________________________
18. When did American dressmakers stop copying the French designers? _________________________
19. You now know that the designers of centuries ago created specific garments for a particular client. How is
that different from what the designers of today do? ___________________________________
Instructions: in the red Clothing textbook, refer to pages 124 to 125 starting with the heading, “Fashion Shows”.
20. In general, since the designers of today design their collections for the public rather than specific clients,
how are their collections introduced or presented? ___________________________________
21. The garments presented at the fashion shows have not been manufactured yet. How is ready-to-wear
different from the garments presented at the fashion shows? ________________________________
22. What is the literal translation for prêt-a-porter? ___________________________________________
23. What is licensing? _________________________________________________________________
24. What is the advantage of licensing for the customer? _______________________________________
25. What is the advantage of licensing for the designer? _______________________________________
Quite often a fashion trend starts on the runways at the fashion shows in
Paris but in a very short period of time appears on the displays and shelves of
discounters such as Walmart. How does that happen? Manufacturers of lowpriced clothing employ stylists rather than designers who copy or knock-off
runway introductions. The dress on the left in the photo below is a Diane Von
Furstenberg which retailed for approximately $400. The dress on the right is a
knockoff from Forever 21 which retailed for $32.80.
Instructions: refer to the section entitled, “Adapting Designs” in the black
Fashion textbook (p. 83) to answer the following questions.
26. What is a knockoff? ___________________________________
27. Why is fashion piracy common in the garment industry in the United
States? ________________________________________________
28. What is a ford? __________________________________________
Name _________________________________
Fashion Cycles
Through the history of western civilization, fashions have emerged, risen to popularity, and declined predictably.
Fashions changed slowly, at a rate of every 50 to 100 years until the 20 th century. Concurrent with the industrial
revolution, the introduction of the sewing machine and improved distribution of printed materials, fashion began to
change every decade. Since the introduction of the internet there is a deluge of fashion imagery. Consequently, the
transition from one style to another is relatively indistinguishable and there is much greater variety in what is
considered stylish.
Instructions: Refer to the black Fashion text, the section entitled, “Fashion Cycles” (p. 28&29) to answer the
following questions.
1. What is a fashion cycle? ___________________________________________________________
2. Who are fashion leaders? __________________________________________________________
3. Who were the fashion leaders or trend setters in past centuries? _____________________________
4. Who are the fashion leaders today? ____________________________________________________
5. What are the six stages of the fashion cycle (refer to the burnt orange box at the top of p. 29)?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. Define social saturation. ____________________________________________________________
7. What happens when a fashion reaches social saturation? ___________________________________
8. Think Why is it important for a garment manufacturer to recognize the stage of a fashion cycle for a
garment that they are considering manufacturing?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
Name _________________________________
There are 3 clothing silhouettes that have repeated throughout history and continue to repeat today.
Instructions: Refer to the black Fashion text, the section entitled, “Silhouettes of Fashion Cycles ” (p. 29 & 30) to
answer the following questions and complete the graphic organizer.
9. What are the three basic silhouettes that repeatedly rose, peaked, and fell in popularity?___________
10. Although the same silhouettes rose and fell repeatedly, how did they vary? _____________________
11. How is the fullness created in the back fullness silhouette? __________________________________
12. How long does it take for fashion to cycle today? __________________________________________
13. What is the difference in the consumer of today compared to the consumer of yesterday? __________
Slim skirt all the way
around, can have raised
or lowered waistline.
Name _________________________________
The Fashion Police
What makes them right (or wrong)?
The world of fashion is full of self-appointed authorities, many of whom have little to no experience in the industry.
Rather, they have a public forum to voice their opinion as if it were gospel. Remember, there are six stages in the
cycle of a fashion. In this assignment you will have the opportunity to decide if the fashion leaders will fly or flop!
Instructions: Log on to the computer and go to www.eonline.com
Click on: Fashion Police
Scroll down the page. On the right side of the page you will find a red banner with the title, “Fashion Police”. Scroll
down a little more and click on: More photos
Before reading the commentary, simply look at the photo and fill in the first 6 columns. Then, read the commentary
and place a check in the fly or flop boxes, dependent upon the Fashion Police’s commentary. Then we’ll compile
our opinions and see if the Fashion Police are in agreement with public opinion!
-Your Opinion- -------------- Stage in Fashion Cycle --------------Fly
Flop Fashion
 End of
Fashion Police
Fly Flop
Name _________________________________
Who’s Who in the Fashion World
Many fashion designers have emerged since the end of World War 2. Some have had a short term effect on
fashion, others a long term impact. Each of the designers listed below have made a noteworthy contribution to the
fashion industry.
Instructions: for each designer listed below note his or her country of origin and their contribution to the industry.
Reference the red Clothing book, pages 126 to 131 AND the black Fashion book, pages 60 & 61.
Yves Saint Laurent
Photo on the left is Saint Laurent’s classic 1965
shift. Photo in the center is from Saint Laurent’s
2010/2011 summer collection.
Country of origin: _______________________
Known as: The King of Fashion
Known for: ____________________________
Jean Paul Gaultier
Photo on the left is his infamous corset for pop star Madonna.
Country of origin: _________________________________
Known for: _________________________________________________
Emanuel Ungaro
Dress in the photo on the left, vintage 1980. Dress on the right from Ungaro’s
Spring/Summer 2010 collection.
Country of origin: __________________________________________
Known for: _______________________________________________
Liz Claiborne
Country: ________________________________
Known for: _____________________________________
Name _________________________________
Tommy Hilfinger
Country: ______________________________
Known for: ____________________________
Donna Karan
Country: _____________________________________
Known for: ___________________________ ________
Calvin Klein
Country: ________________________________
Known for: ______________________________________________
Ralph Lauren
Country: ___________________________________
Known for: _________________________________________
Name _________________________________
What’s in a Name?
Instructions: Match the designer to the appropriate information.
1. Calvin Klein ____
2. Emanuel Ungaro ____
3. Frederick Worth ____
4. Donna Karan ____
5. Jean Paul Gaultier ____
6. Liz Claiborne ____
7. Oscar de la Renta ____
8. Ralph Lauren ____
9. Rose Bertrand ___
10. Tommy Hilfinger ____
11. Yves Saint Laurent ___
12. Coco Channel ____
A. Fashion Babies
B. King of Fashion
C. Father of Haute Couture
D. Prairie and other themed looks
E. Single sex clothing for men & women
F. Sensuously draped dresses, feminine prints and textures.
G. Sportswear designer, but more recognized for outrageous ad campaigns than actual
garment designs.
H. Fashionable clothing for working women.
I. Romantic garments that are very feminine.
J. Classic American styles & jeans with updated twists.
K. Simple clothing that stretch and move will.
L. Known for bringing “costume” or inexpensive jewelry to the masses and her classic