Create Denver Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF) Loan Application Package Thank you for your interest in the Create Denver Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF), a joint program of the Office of Economic Development (OED) and Denver Office of Cultural Affairs (DOCA). The CDRLF offers Create Denver--both start-up and existing creative businesses—in the City and County of Denver access to affordable and flexible business capital to increase income and build assets. The City of Denver requires the submission of a complete business plan with the following information as part of the CDRLF loan application process: Loan Application Cover Sheet Cover Letter Description of Business Project Proposal Marketing Plan Company Financial Statements (projected and/or current) Financial Data on Borrowers, Guarantors, etc. If you require assistance in putting together the complete business plan, please contact the Business Assistance Center, the City’s one-stop information center, at 720.913.1715 or send an e-mail to You may also visit the Business Assistance Center online or in the atrium at the Wellington Webb Municipal Building at 201 W. Colfax during regular business hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday. The Business Assistance Center can provide technical assistance and/or refer you to the numerous resources within the City & County of Denver or outside entities. LOAN APPLICATION PACKAGE Submit only those documents that are applicable to your project. If you have any questions regarding the applicability of any of the following documents for your loan application, please contact an Economic Development Specialist with the Office of Economic Development/Strategic Investments Group at 720-913-1999. Cover Letter Cover letter, signed by the borrower, requesting public financial assistance (indicate the amount requested from the City and the reason for the request). o Attach declination letters from financial institutions unable to participate. o Indicate the total project cost and commitments from financial institutions, investors and/or owners’ equity contribution to fund the proposed project Description of Business Name, phone number and current address (and proposed address, if different). o Include company brochure, or historical profile, and number of years in business. Current and proposed legal structure. o Include Articles of Incorporation and/or Articles of Organization, Bylaws, and Certificate of Good Standing; Trade Name Affidavit; Partnership Agreement; Borrowing Resolution and employer IRS number. Current and proposed management and staffing structure. o Include resumes of key management, hiring procedures, training programs, and wage scales. Description of current and proposed products and/or services provided by the business. o Include product or service brochures or specifications. Description of current facility and/or proposed facility. o Include a diagram of the building and site plan. Description of current and proposed equipment and other significant personal property. o Include equipment brochures or specifications. Business goals, objectives, and profit requirements. o Include a schedule for meeting business goals and objectives. Project Proposal Information about loan request including amount requested, purpose(s) and how the funds will support the business Itemization of project costs, including new assets to be acquired and their uses. o Include verification of significant costs (e.g. construction bids, invoices, real estate appraisals), and buy-sell agreements, leases, real estate contracts, etc. Construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates. o Include a profile of the contractor and the contractor's bonding capacity. Sources of funds for project costs, with rates and terms of debt financing. o Include commitment letters from participants. Description of benefits to the city resulting from this project. o Include estimates of increased tax revenues, spin-off development, new jobs created, new services to be provided to Denver area residents, elimination of environmental hazards, etc. Description of collateral and insurance policies being offered to secure the city's loan. o Include appraisals on collateral, listings of prior encumbrances, insurance policies, etc. Complete and submit Job Creation Grid (separate attachment) Marketing Plan Regional or national market and industry trends. o Include sources used to obtain market data. Target market and boundaries of service area. o Include profile of customers and competitors, and percentage of market required to break-even. Marketing strategy. o Include current and proposed pricing sheets and advertising samples. Current Company Financial Data (if applicable) Current and annual balance sheets and profit and loss statements, and complete federal tax returns (annual financial statements and tax returns for last three years). o Include an aging of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and an itemization of all long-term debt. Projected Company Financial Data (required) Projected annual balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements for a minimum of five years (monthly cash flow statement for first year). o Include a detailed list of projection assumptions and industry financial standards for comparison. Credit, trade and banking references. o Include the company's most recent credit report and copies of sales contracts, or letters- of-intent from potential customers. Listing of past due government obligations. o Include settlement agreements with government agencies and extensions for filing tax returns. Financial Data on Borrowers, Guarantors, etc. Current personal financial statements on all borrowers and guarantors, and on all Coowners, partners or shareholders with a 20% or greater interest in the business. o Include contingent liabilities and itemized personal gross income for each financial statement o Complete Personal Financial Statement worksheet (separate attachment) Federal tax returns for the last three years on all borrowers and guarantors. Include requests for extensions for filing tax returns. HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete and save the Loan Application Cover Page Complete and save Job Creation Grid Complete the Personal Financial Statement Email completed loan application package (including all attachments) to: a. Ginger White Brunetti, DOCA, b. Theresa Mendoza, OED, Note: Applications will not be processed until all required materials are received! APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS Applicant contacts City (DOCA/OED) for CERLF loan Applicant prepares Loan Application Package Refer to BAC, CEF or others for TA CERLF Application Process Completes/ submits Loan Application Package to OED CERLF Assessment Committee: review, interview, score and recommend or deny for further consideration If recommend: OED Loan Officer prepares summary for LRC (credit memo) Present to OED LRC for final approval If approved, Generate Form 42 If denied, DOCA notifies applicant DOCA notifies applicant Two (2) week process Note: Approval/declination of request within 2 weeks of receiving a complete loan package CONTACT INFORMATION DOCA: Ginger White Brunetti, 720-865-4314, OED: Theresa Mendoza, 720-913-1616, Business Assistance Center: 720-913-1715, Ciity Atty. drafts loan agreement Signature: borrower & city agencies Request loan closing documents Loan Closing Request draws w/documents or 50% advance Eight (8) week process Note: From initiation of Form 42 to loan closing and actual funding