DRAFT MOULTONBOROUGH PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustee Meeting August 13, 2015 1:00pm PRESENT Laurie Whitley, Susan Bucknam, Barbara Sheppard, Deborah Smith, Meg Greenbaum, Carol Bamberry , Paul Smith, Alternates Richard Geden, Ginny Gassman and Ed Harrington, and Library Director Nancy McCue, APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Unanimously approved REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE JULY 2015 MINUTES Unanimously approved TREASURER’S REPORT-Susan Bucknam Accounts are balanced Expenses for the month of July were $2,570. Total income for the month of July was $10,192.47. The book sale produced $9342.76 of this income. Extensive discussion about transferring some of the checking funds to the Vanguard Wellington Fund. It was unanimously approved to move $25,000 to the fund. The sub-committee met to make sure Carol was totally up to date with the new system and everyone agreed it was operating extremely well. New checks have been ordered. LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT-Nancy McCue Circulation was down by 2% from July 2014. Online audio and E-books continue to be very popular. There were 95 new books added in July. There were 82 new patron cards issued. The program room was used 52 times. 627 people attended library sponsored programs with 52 attending programs sponsored by outside groups. AnneMarie’s classes continue to be very popular. A total of 64 people were given help during July, with a weekly user group of 25. The children’s summer reading program had 11 programs with 222 children and 132 adults in attendance. Patron count for week of July 6th-11th 1819. Discussed Don Campbell’s current schedule. There has been a significant drop in use of his services. We will stop offering them in September but will refer people to him if asked. FRIENDS OF LIBRARY REPORT-Paul Smith There are tickets now available at the library for the book author luncheon to be held on September 21st. The chocolate fund raiser will be on October 28th. Houses are still needed for next year’s house tour. There are currently 246 paid members-check to make sure you have renewed your membership. LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE-Meg Greenbaum Books are being purchased with monies donated by Lacy Irrigation. Unanimously voted to have Bartlett Tree do recommended tree work for $370. Looking for ideas for the large pot in the front. ART COMMITTEE-Meg Greenbaum and Ginny Gassman New England watercolor display in program room from August 15th-September. Jordan Prouty’s framed display of photographs will be given a permanent home in the main library. Discussed having the middle school students paint some pumpkins for the front of the library in October. Meg will check with the art department. OLD BUSINESS Walter Johnson has been hired as the new Town Administrator and will officially start September 1st. We are not interested in having lights on all night in the parking lot. It was unanimously approved to purchase a people counter presented by Paul Smith at a cost up to $500. The counting is currently done by the staff and this would be a more accurate and efficient way to keep track of the actual numbers that use the library. NEW BUSINESS Change the October meeting to the 15th. NEXT MEETING: September 10, 2015 at 1:00pm Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm Respectfully submitted, Deborah Smith Secretary