SLN : 10489 Where:
M WF PSA 307
T ECA 225
Instructor: Phil Clark Office: PSA 641
Phone: (480) 727-7575 Office Hours: MW 2:30-3:10, T 4-6, F 2:30-3:30 & by appt.
Web Page:
Textbooks: "Calculus: Early Transcendentals", 5 th edition by James Stewart
If you do not plan to take MAT 272 you can also use "Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals",
5th ed., by James Stewart
"CalcLabs with Maple" by Yasskin, Barrow, et. al.
Content: We will cover roughly Chapters 6 through 11 of the text.
Prerequisite: MAT 270 Calculus I or the equivalent, or a passing score on the readiness exam.
Homework: We will be using WebWork for most of our homework. It has the advantage of being instantly graded as well as allowing multiple attempts at the same homework problem. Webwork is structured so it is possible for you to earn 100%. You should persist in working each assigned problem until you have found the correct answer.
You can continue to answer until it is due. No late WebWork will be accepted.
The WebWork site is
It also will be supplemented by some problems from the text. Problems from the book will be due in class on Fridays. No late homework will be accepted.
Computer Labs: There will be regular computer lab sessions. Students will be expected to complete all lab assignments. These labs will be graded. The computer lab is also available outside of class with the following hours
ECA lab hours: 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM M,T,W,TH
12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Sa,Su
Computer Software: The primary computer resource will be the computer algebra system Maple. This software is installed at all of the computing sites on campus. It may be purchased at the computer store in the Computing Commons or at
Attendance: Attendance will not be required but success in class has been shown to have a direct link with showing up. If attendance slips I will notice so please come to class.
Graphing Calculator: A graphing calculator is not required for this course but I strongly recommended.
The suggested calculators include the TI-83 or TI-83 plus and the Casio CFX-9850GB plus. NOTE:
Calculators with QWERTY keyboards or those which do symbolic algebra such at the TI-92s ,TI-89s,
Casio FX2 or 9970G's cannot be used in class or during an exam. You are responsible for knowing how your calculator works! There are also calculator handouts etc on the web at
Tutoring: The math department no longer tutors MAT 270. However, there is other tutoring available on campus (see below).
Engineering Tutor Center :
Location: ECF 102
Hours: to be annouced
Take advantage of this FREE tutoring available for you!
The Learning Resource Center is an additional source of good math tutoring. The Learning
Resource Center at Arizona State University provides tutoring, peer coaching, academic skills workshops, and software training to help students improve their academic performance and persist to graduation. One free hour of tutoring a week, or, for only $25 a semester you can receive 2-3 hours of tutoring each week.
Freshmen Year Experience tutoring program : Check their Website for fall hours. The tutoring sites are at Palo Verde East residential hall lobby, Manzanita residential hall lobby, and
Sonora 5th floor residential hall lobby. These tutoring services are for all ASU students. It's a free service. The sites have math, English, science, and other subject tutors. The math courses tutored are the 100, 200, and some 300 level math courses. Students can stop in the hours above without any appointment, just walk in and be tutored.
Point Distribution
Homework 25%
Computer Labs
Exam #1
Exam #2
Exam #3
Exam #4
Final Exam
Test Dates:
Exam #1: September 15, 16
Exam #2: September 20, October 1
Exam #3: October 28, 29
Exam #4: December 2, 3
Final Exam: Saturday, December 11th, 7:40-9:30 AM Location: to be announced
Tests will be taken in the Math Testing Center
Math Testing Center
The Mathematics Department Testing Center is in PSA 21 (basement).
To be admitted to the Testing Center you must have a valid ASU "Sun Card" and an official testing center label provided by the instructor.
The testing center is usually open 8:00 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. M-Th and 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday.
Make sure you arrive before 6:30 p.m. M-Th or 3:30 Fri. The testing center will not allow late entry.
Arrival before the door closes allows you an hour and a half to complete the test.
You should take exams as early as possible during the allotted time frame, since the center can get extremely busy in the evenings.
Grading Scale:
A (90% and above)
B (80%–89.99%)
C (70%–79.99%)
D (60%–69.99%)
E (below 60%) .
Makeup Tests: Will be given at the discretion of the instructor and only in the case of verified medical or other emergency. The instructor must be notified before the exam is given. Call the instructor's office or the
Mathematics Department Office (965-3951) and leave a message.
Final Exam Policy: The final exam schedule listed in the schedule of classes will be strictly followed. It is the policy of the Department of Mathematics that makeup exams will only be given for the following reasons:
(1) Religious conflict (e.g., the student celebrates the Sabbath on Saturday);
(2) The student has more than three exams scheduled on the day that includes the math final;
(3) There is a time conflict between a student's math final and another final exam;
(4) There is a last-minute personal or medical emergency.
The department reserves the right to request written documentation to substantiate any claim of hardship. In case (4), the student generally is given a mark of Incomplete provided that he or she has a passing grade going into the final exam and is able to take the final examination during the following semester. Makeup exams will NOT be given for reasons of non-refundable airline tickets, vacation plans, work schedules, weddings, family reunions, and other such activities. Students should consult the final exam schedule before making plans for the end of the semester.
Unrestricted Withdrawal Deadline: Fri., September 17 th
Restricted Withdrawal Deadline: Fri., October 29 th
Restricted Complete Withdrawal Deadline: Wed., December 1 st
Unrestricted Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from a course with a grade of W during the unrestricted withdrawal period. The instructor's signature is not required.
Restricted Withdrawal: In order to withdraw during this period, the student must obtain the instructor's signature. A grade of W will be assigned only if the student is doing acceptable work at the time of the request. Otherwise the student will receive an E.
Grade of Incomplete: A grade of incomplete, I, will be given only in the event that a documented emergency or illness prevents a student who is otherwise doing acceptable work from completing a small percentage of the course requirements.
Honor Policy: The highest standards of academic integrity are expected of all students. The failure of any student to meet these standards may result in suspension or expulsion from the University or other sanctions as specified in the University Student Academic Integrity Policy. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism or facilitating such activities.
The grade of XE: A grade of XE is reserved for "failure for academic dishonesty." The grade goes on the student's transcript; the student needs to petition to have it removed after 1 year.