C.ex Coffs Camera Club Guidelines Website: www.cexcoffscameraclub.weebly.com Email: c.ex_camera_club@hotmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/CexCCC ABOUT THE CLUB The C.ex Coffs Camera Club is open to all members of the C.ex Coffs Club. Monthly meeting are held every second Monday of the month at the C.ex Coffs Club in Vernon Street, Coffs Harbour at 7pm (February to December). Competition entries to be submitted before 7:30pm Our objective is to provide a venue where C.ex club members, interested in photography can interact, share their images and improve their skills. We have regular competitions, workshops, photoshoots and guest speakers as well as participating and promoting photographic conventions such as Northern Zone and APSCON. Each month a newsletter is sent by email to each financial member, outlining future events relating to the Camera Club. HOW MUCH There is an annual Camera Club fee of $20.00, payable to our Treasurer at any club meeting. This fee enables us to affiliate with the NSW Federation of Camera Clubs (FCC) and covers minor clerical expenses. Raffle tickets are also on sale at each meeting, which assist with the running of the Club. MONTHLY COMPETITIONS The monthly competitions provide opportunities to display your images, see the work of others, and receive feedback. All images submitted must be your own original work. Each monthly meeting has a set subject which is published in the newsletter. Each member may submit 2 images in each section – Colour (A or B), Mono and Digital Each image may only be entered into monthly competitions once. ie you may not enter the same image in different categories. Members are required to mount prints on a piece of firm cardboard to assist display and presentation. Mounts may be purchased at specialist camera stores or online. Images entered into monthly competitions must have been taken within the last 3 years. The images entered are judged by either an accredited judge or the camera club members. Points are awarded for first place (4), second (3), third (2) and fourth (1). At the end of the year, the person who receives the most points in each category is the winner of that section for the year. There is also an award for Image of the Year. Members may submit 2 entries in each category but they must have been previously entered in monthly competitions throughout that year. Awards are given for each category. The annual presentation of awards is in February. This is also the time when club entries are chosen and collected for the Northern Zone Convention. This is an annual inter-club convention usually held in May at a different venue each year. Images may be digitally altered by the author, however as a club, we encourage the production of good in-camera images in preference to manipulated works of art. It is not permitted to allow anyone else to alter your images for you. Nature images must NOT be manipulated but adjustments such as exposure, levels, curves, contrast, saturation, sharpening and noise removal are allowed. Any technique that removes, moves or adds pictorial elements in an image is not permitted. For example, cloning and content-aware filling Page 1 of 2 Updated April 2015 COMPETITION DIVISIONS: Colour Prints B Category, Colour Prints A Category, Monochrome Prints and Digitally Projected Images. Colour Prints B Category B category is intended for beginners and newcomers as well as Juniors (12 – 17 years, accompanied by an adult). If there are sufficient numbers, a separate category will be created. New members will automatically be eligible for the B category, unless they make a request to a committee member that they be moved into A category and that request is agreed to. Maximum Print size is 6” x 8” with a maximum mount size of 8” x 10” B category members with 3 first place wins will automatically be moved up into the A category in the following competition year. No changes to category are permitted mid-year. At the end of the competition year, the winner of B category is promoted to A category. Due to point scoring, members must stay in the same category for the year. A category members cannot go back to B category. Colour Prints A Category A category is for more experienced photographers. A category has no size restriction. As a guide, most entries are 8”x 12” in a mount 12”x 16”. Monochrome Prints A photograph executed in black and white or in varying tones of only one colour. No size limitation, but preferably 8”x 12” in a mount 12”x 16”. Digitally Projected Images Jpeg format of max 1440 pixels horizontal x 1080 pixels vertical, maximum file size 2 Mb. Digital Image entries should be emailed to Frank at coffscameraclub@exemail.com.au by the THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE MEETING. include your name and title of the digital photo in the jpg filename. For example G.Smith-What a Photo.jpg include the words 'CAMERA CLUB' in your Email subject line We recommend sRGB colour profile. MARNIE YEATES NATURE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION Each year the Camera Club hosts a nature competition which is open to local photographers. These entries are judged by qualified nature judges and exhibited at the Bunker Gallery for the month. More information available in August. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Club’s officers comprise a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Organiser/s, and Ordinary Committee Members. These positions are filled at the AGM held in July each year. This also constitutes the Executive. Executive meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. The format for the monthly meetings is decided by the executive committee. The committee also decides monthly subjects, guest speakers, workshops, prizes and other club activities All members are encouraged to join the Committee to help make the Club more successful. Page 2 of 2 Updated April 2015