Pottsgrove High School Course Syllabus Course Information PUBLIC SPEAKING (ENG3360) Teacher Contact Information Mr. Kelly tkelly@pgsd.org webpage located at pgsd.org 610-326-5105 x. 6719 Course Description In this introductory speech course, students are exposed to a wide variety of speaking situations. Types of speeches include informational, persuasive, demonstration, impromptu, sales, oral interpretation, symposium, and valedictory. Since public speaking is the number one fear of most Americans, the class provides a supportive and low-key atmosphere to help students overcome their anxiety. Some memorable preparation activities include mock trials and survival simulations. Students have said: “Before this class, I never had the guts to speak in public.” “This class taught me to be more self-confident, to talk slower, and to use humor.” “It was one of the most helpful courses I ever took.” Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes Public Speaking is an elective course for juniors and seniors. The following are some of the Common Core standards reinforced through the course objectives. SL.3 Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. SL.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. Required Textbooks and Materials There is no class textbook. Instead students will be provided with handouts at appropriate times. All students must bring a notebook and a writing utensil to class everyday. Students will be provided with a blank VHS tape at the beginning of the year. Televisions throughout the school Course Syllabus Page 1 Pottsgrove High School Course Syllabus (including the library) are equipped for DVD or VHS playback. It is the student’s responsibility to watch the video and return it to class in a timely manner. Assignments & Academic Calendar PUBLIC SPEAKING COURSE OUTLINE I. Informational Speech A. B. C. D. E. F. Audience analysis Overcoming stage fright Speech organization Note card writing Speaking tips Outline writing 1. Introduction 2. Topic 3. Body 4. Conclusion II. The Mechanics of Speech A. Eye contact B. Pitch C. Projection D. Articulation III. Persuasive Speech A. “Vows” Mock Trial B. “The Persuasion Game” C. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence D. Speech on a topic of personal interest IV. Demonstration Speech A. Giving specific instructions B. 3 demonstration speakers from “how to” shows C. Demonstration speech on topic of choice V. Oral Interpretation A. Literary Analysis B. Manuscript marking C. Readings: poetry and prose D. Oral interpretation of student’s choice E. Reading the morning announcements with a partner VI. Sales Speech A. Sales psychology B. Speech incorporating persuasion and/or demonstration VII. Symposium A. “Hostage” scenario B. “Survival” scenario C. Perform assigned role in a topic relevant to Pottsgrove students Course Syllabus Page 2 Pottsgrove High School Course Syllabus D. As an audience member, ask questions and provide commentary VIII. Valediction A. Valediction “formula” B. Presenting a formal valediction IX. Impromptu Speeches A. “Bull’s Eye” Approach B. Types of impromptus 1. Introductions 2. Random topics 3. “Bag” speech 4. Pet peeve 5. Embarrassing moment 6. Student-generated topics 7. Awards/acceptance 8. Quotation These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher. Grading Guidelines Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills (Focus on Quality & Mastery NOT completion) 80% - Assessment (tests, quizzes, projects, performance) Building Knowledge and Skills (Explicit Feedback for Learner is Required) 20%- Homework, Classwork, and Class Participation/Engagement Grade Scale 100-93A4 92-85B3 84-77C2 76-70D1 69-60F0 Classroom and School Policies Class participation is crucial in a public speaking course. Consistent class attendance is important in meeting our goals. If a student is absent, he/she should take the responsibility to see the teacher promptly upon his/her return to turn in any work, present his/her speech, and/or find out what material was missed. For planned absences (field trips, college visits, dentist appointments, athletic contests), the student should approach the teacher prior to the absence to get any assigned work. While it is expected that students may be nervous about presenting in public, it is imperative that they be responsible and conscientiously prepare for their speeches. Students will always have several days’ notice before a speech is due, ample preparation time, multiple examples and guidance. On the due date, volunteers will be solicited first and then names will be randomly drawn. All students must come prepared to present. Failure/refusal to present will result in a 15-point deduction and the requirement to present first on the following class day. These guidelines are necessary to insure the forward progress of the class and its students. Students may receive extra credit at the end of the quarter (a 1 or 2 percent increase) through demonstration of concerted and positive class participation and outstanding citizenship. Course Syllabus Page 3 Pottsgrove High School Course Syllabus Late Work *Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills (Assessment) o Students are expected to complete all learning activities designated as assessment. o Students who are absent for a test, quiz, performance, or project will make-up the assessment in an interval equal to the absence. o Students who do not complete assessments by the due date must complete them within a three-day grace period, which will include a 10% penalty unless there are extenuating circumstances. Failure to complete the assessment within a fiveday grace period will result in the grade being converted to a zero. *Building Knowledge and Skills (Classwork, Homework, and Participation/Engagement) o Students will be given reasonable opportunities to complete building knowledge and skills as defined by the teacher. o Assignments not completed within three student contact days of the due date will be converted to a zero. o Some assignments may not apply to submission of late work. (i.e. graded and reviewed class work or homework) Technology Student speeches will be recorded for student self-analysis. Students will have a blank VHS tape for this purpose. Students are encouraged to utilize technology (youtube, etc…) as part of their visual aids with their speeches. Student Conduct & Discipline All school rules and expectations will be followed. Students are not to use cell phones, MP3 players, etc… in class at any time. These devices must be off and out of sight for the entire class period, or they will be confiscated and a referral written as per school policy. Academic Integrity School penalties for cheating and/or plagiarism are listed in the Student Agenda book. Course Syllabus Page 4