Intensified Algebra 1 Syllabus

Pottsgrove High School
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Academic Algebra 1: MTH 1300-1AF2
Algebra Numeracy: MTH 0013-2
Teacher Contact Information
Mrs. Jaime Reinhart
610-326-5105 x6610
If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask. I am available during fourth period and C lunch every day.
If that is not convenient for you and your schedule, I can arrange for help before or after school. Also, feel
free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns by phone or email. If you have any questions or
need any help throughout the school year, please do not be afraid to stop in anytime! I am excited to get to
know all of you! I look forward to a fun and successful school year. 
Course Description
Credits: 2
Intensified Algebra I is a comprehensive, extended-period course that is designed to help students who are
one to two years behind in mathematics re-engage as motivated learners and succeed in Algebra I within a
single academic year. It transforms the teaching of algebra for students who need additional time to
understand the mathematics. Upon completion of this course, most students will be advised to continue
their algebra and geometry learning with Academic Geometry (MTH2300) and Academic Algebra 2
Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes
The Intensified Algebra 1 Course…
 Targets conceptual understanding, associated skills, and related problem-solving and reasoning
 Incorporates routines and structures to help struggling learners access and organize their
understanding of crucial mathematics content.
 Strategically integrates review and repair strategies.
 Supports ongoing, distributed practice within the program’s daily lessons, homework assignments,
and embedded assessments.
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Pottsgrove High School
Course Syllabus
 Re-engages learners through multiple representations of mathematical ideas and through in-depth,
hands-on exploration tools – animations, simulations, and rich practice problems – that build
comprehension of key concepts.
 Integrates interventions from social psychology to motivate and develop students’ positive beliefs
about their academic abilities.
 Encompasses enhanced formative assessment strategies, including online assessments providing
useful hints and feedback, and real-time data to inform instruction.
 Includes supports for struggling students and for literacy and language development.
Required Textbooks and Materials: Intensified Algebra I - Volumes 1 & 2
Suggested Course Materials: Writing utensil (preferably a pencil) and a folder (or binder) to keep
assignments that are returned daily. All other materials will be provided.
Class Structure and Homework
Each day the students will follow the same routine: we begin with an opener to get their brains “warmed
up” and to introduce some important ideas or concepts and to share the day’s learning goals. Next, we
have our core activity that is the heart of our lesson. Next, we do homework processing. Homework
processing is a four-step process: in groups students compare answers and discuss, then as a class we
review several problems, students correct problems they got wrong and assess themselves with a red light,
yellow light, or green light, depending on their understanding of the ideas in the homework. Finally, they
turn in their homework to be checked by the teacher. Next in our lesson is the consolidation activity
where we review important ideas covered in the lesson. Finally, we do a wrap-up activity and assign
Because participating in discussions and activities is so important in helping students make sense of the
mathematics, this is also part of the students’ overall grade.
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Pottsgrove High School
Course Syllabus
Academic Calendar
Units Of Study
Unit 1: Getting started with Algebra
Unit 2: Introduction to functions and equations
Unit 3: Rate of Charge
Unit 4: Linear Functions
Mid-year Assessment
Unit 5: Linear equations and inequalities
Unit 6: System of Linear equations
Unit 7: Exponential Relationship
Unit 8: Quadratic functions and equations
End of the year Assessment
Approx. Time
21 Days
20 Days
20 Days
20 Days
21 Days
19 Days
20 Days
21 Days
Grading Guidelines – MTH 1300-1AF2 – (1 math credit)
Weighted System
Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills (Focus on Quality & Mastery NOT completion) – 90%
Assessments - Tests/Projects/Quizzes/Performance Tasks/Performance
Building Knowledge and Skills (Explicit Feedback for Learner is Required) – 10%
Homework, Classwork, and Class Participation/Engagement
Grading Guidelines – MTH 001302 – (1 elective credit)
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Pottsgrove High School
Course Syllabus
Pass/Fail grade based on participation. Weekly Participation Guide used in grading:
Participation Grading Sheet
Name ___________________________
Week of ___________________________
We have completed almost a full week of math class. Think about how well you participated in class this week.
Answer the following questions, as they will help you give yourself a fair participation grade for this week.
 Did you participate in the discussions and work diligently in your student workbook?
 Did you come prepared to class each day, with all of your materials, as well as having done your
homework, so that you could ask questions?
 Did you ask questions when you didn’t understand?
 Did you LISTEN carefully to others?
Now count your “yes” responses.
 If you answered, “yes” to ALL of them, HOORAY for you! You are doing a great job. Give yourself
a 5.
 If you answered “yes” to most (3) of them, give yourself a 4.
 If you answered “yes” to a couple (2) of them, give yourself a 3.
 If you answered “no” to several of these, give yourself a 2, and rethink your role in this class or talk
to your teacher.
I grade myself a ______ for this week.
The teacher gives me a ______ for this week. Comments: ___________________________
Signature _______________________________
Grades for all graded assignments will be uploaded to PowerSchool in a timely fashion. If you see a
discrepancy on PowerSchool, please do not hesitate to let me know. I want to make sure that your grades
are accurate online and if I make a mistake please don’t be afraid to point it out to me.
Technology is used as a tool for review, discovery and assessment. We will be utilizing computers and
graphing calculators frequently.
Classroom and School Policies
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Course Syllabus
Respect each other, yourself, and all adults.
Come to class on time! If you are going to be late, you must have a pass in order to enter class.
Be prepared for class each day. This means you should bring a pen/pencil, notebook or binder,
textbook, and a calculator.
Responsibility! If you are absent, you are expected to see me or consult my web page/Schoology to
make up any missed work as soon as possible (either in class the next day, study hall, PRIDE
period). I will not chase after you to make up work that you missed!!!
All missing assignment/assessment must be completed at school in a timely manner during Pride
period, study hall, lunch, before school, after school, a free period, or during class as arranged with
the teacher.
If an assignment is missed, an alternate assignment may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher
and a new timeline may be given for completion.
If you missed an assignment for some extenuating circumstances, please see the teacher personally.
All assessment must be made up within two weeks from the date of absence.
The faculty makes every effort to mark on a fair and accurate basis. Students are graded on a comparative
basis according to standards established by the individual teacher.
Numerical grades are used and are representative of the following degrees:
90 - 100 Excellent (A)
80 - 89 Above Average (B)
70 - 79 Average (C)
65 - 69 Below Average (D)
Below 65 Failure (F)
Student Conduct & Discipline/ Academic Integrity
All school rules will be followed and enforced in the classroom. See Handbook on school webpage for
more details:
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