Application forms

National Spanish Honor Society Admission Requirements:
Be enrolled in Spanish 4 or above.
Satisfactory completion of application, essays, and teacher recommendation.
Cumulative 3.5 for Overall Spanish Study
Approval from all members of the JCHS World Languages Department.
Upon acceptance to NSHS, please submit as soon as possible:
 Payment of one-time dues ($25). Dues include graduation cord and NSHS certificate with your name.
Checks should be payable to John Champe High School.
Any student who maintains their membership through their senior year will be allowed to wear the National
Spanish Honor Society cord at graduation.
National Spanish Honor Society Membership Maintenance:
Attendance of mandatory Spanish Honor Society meetings.
10 hours per year of service (5 per semester) or scholarship to the Spanish Dept. YOU are responsible
to submit hours to your teacher at the end of each semester. Here are some possible service or
scholarship opportunities.
o tutoring students in need.
o assisting with induction ceremony
o taking the National Spanish exam
o assisting Spanish teachers with classroom tasks
o submitting work for publication in AATSP National Bulletin
o participation in Spanish Club different activities
o promoting the language at the middle school level
Continued enrollment in Spanish through high school
Enrollment in Spanish 5 or another language after completion of Spanish 4.
Maintain at least a 3.0 average in Spanish classes after being inducted.
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Application Form
Must be submitted to Sra. Salinas by October 16th
Are you applying to a college on October 16th as an early decision deadline? _____________________
Name ___________________________
Expected Graduation year__________________
E-mail __________________________
Telephone ____________________________
1st period teacher ____________________________
To be completed with your counselor:
Final Grade for Spanish 1
Final grade for Spanish 2
Final grade for Spanish 3
Final grade for Spanish 4
Overall average for Spanish:
Spanish classes taken (indicate honors or regular)
Current and Former Spanish Teachers ___________________________________________________________
Counselor’s signature with date: _______________________________________________________________
If you do not plan to study Spanish next year, please explain why.
Would you be interested in a leadership position? This would involve organizing the induction ceremony and
speaking in front of a large group in Spanish.
Essay # 1 (in Spanish)
¿Por qué es importante estudiar un idioma?
Essay #2 (in Spanish) Written legibly in ink and submit stapled to this form. Do not type.
o Level 4/5/AP: ¿Cómo te ha cambiado la vida después de estudiar el idioma español? (125
Teacher Recommendation for Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Students, please fill out the first 3 lines of this form and then give it to a current teacher.
Teachers, please return this form to Sra. Salinas by October 16th.
Student Name ________________________________________
Teacher Name ________________________________________
Classes for which you had this teacher _______________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please rate the student on a scale of 1-4. If you are unable to judge, please write NO (Not Observed)
Please reserve the rating of “outstanding” for students who are truly outstanding. Students will not be penalized
for “only being above average”.
4 = outstanding
3 = above average
2 = average
1 = below average
Student demonstrates a commitment to learning the content.
Student demonstrates proficiency in the content.
Student strives to be an excellent role model during class.
Student seeks out opportunities to make connections with the content and other
Feel free to add any comments below that will help us better evaluate the student’s application.
Spanish Teacher Recommendation for Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Students, please fill out the first 3 lines of this form and then give it to Sra. Salinas by October 16th.
Student Name ________________________________________
Teacher Name ________________________________________
Classes for which you had this teacher _______________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please rate the student on a scale of 1-4. If you are unable to judge, please write NO (Not Observed)
Please reserve the rating of “outstanding” for students who are truly outstanding. Students will not be penalized
for “only being above average”.
4 = outstanding
3 = above average
2 = average
1 = below average
Student demonstrates a commitment to learning the language
Student demonstrates proficiency in the language relevant to level of study.
Student uses the language whenever possible.
Student seeks out opportunities to use the language outside of class.
Feel free to add any comments below that will help us better evaluate the student’s application.