The Greek Gods Close Notes Name _________________________________ Hour ____ 1- Out of Chaos appeared ______________________________ and _________________________. 2- From these two elements came ____________________ which was the most important so far. 3- To the Greeks, Eros represented a principle of ___________. They believed that it was Eros, which was capable of bringing an ordered universe out of Chaos. In its role as a principle of order, Eros performed the first marriage by bringing together ______________, the sky (father), and ______________, the earth (mother). 4- Gaea was both sister & wife to Uranus and bore him monsters: _________________________________, ____________________________________, and _____________________________________________. 5- Uranus was _______________ and _________________ of his children & feared they might ___________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6- To solve this possible problem, he __________________________________________________________ 7- Naturally, Gaea was very unhappy & plotted with ________________, the youngest of the Titans, to _____________________Uranus. 8- __________________, with his mother’s help, wounded Uranus with a long, curved knife and ____________________________________________________. 9- The youngest of 12 Titans, Cronus had ______ brothers & ______ sisters. However, his other brother & sisters (the Cyclops & Hundred-armed monsters) were still buried in the earth, breaking a promise to his mother that he would free them. 10- One of his sisters, _____________, he married. Together, they had ____________________. 11- Cronus worried that he might be overthrown just as his father was, so he _______________________ _________________________with the exception of Zeus. 12- With the help of Gaea (still holding a grudge about the broken promise), Rhea saved Zeus by giving Cronus __________________________________________________________. 13- Zeus was raised in secret on an island, & when he was ready, he __________________________________ ____________________________________________________. 14- Zeus was raised by ________________________ on the island of _________________________. 15- Zeus had many wives, but ruled ___________________________ with his sister & wife _______________. 16- He was the ruler of the _________________ & ___________________________. 17- Zeus divided the world among his brothers after _____________________________________________. 18- Zeus is _______________________________________________________________________________. 19- Oceanus was ______________________, & with __________________, his sister Titaness whom he married, they had daughters that were ______________________ known as the Oceanids. All the gods of all the streams & rivers on earth were their sons. After Zeus & the Olympians overthrew the Titans, ___________________became ruler of the ocean. 20- Coeus was the Titan ____________________, & Phoebe was said to be the Titaness of the moon.Together, they had 2 children. 21- Iapetus had 3 sons: ____________________(punished by Zeus to carry the earth on his shoulders for eternity), ________________________, & __________________________(punished by Zeus & later saved by Hercules). 22- ___________________ was the goddess of order, justice, & law. She is represented carrying a cornucopia & a pair of scales. She was the first to make prophecies & started the oracle at Delphi. She later gave it to Apollo as a birthday present. 23- _________________ was the most jealous goddess in all of Greece & persecuted many of Zeus’ mistresses. 24- She was the goddess of __________________, _________________& __________________. There are many stories of fighting between Zeus & Hera because of his affairs. 25- ___________________ is the Goddess of corn, grain & the harvest. ______________ abducted her daughter, _________________, & because of the arrangement between Zeus & Hades, _______________ was able to see her daughter for part of the year & the other half was spent with ______________. 26- Hestia is the ________________________________________. She is the most gentle of all the Olympians, and she gave up the throne for Dionysus. Hestia tended the sacred fire in the hall of Mount Olympus. 27- _________________ is the God of _____________, _______________, _____________, __________, & healing. Born the twin to Artemis, he is the son of Zeus and Leto (daughter of Coeus & Phoebe). The _________________________ was given to him. He is the father of many heroes such as Orpheus & Asclepius. 28- ___________________ is Goddess of the hunt, all newborn creatures & chastity. She is the ___________________________. When she was young, Zeus promised her that she would never have to marry. 29- Aphrodite is the Goddess of ___________ & ________________. She was the only Olympian to have no parents. She was born of the ocean’s foam & was led to Mount Olympus by the three Graces. Because of her great beauty, she was given in marriage to __________________________, _____________________. But, she was not very faithful and had many affairs. 30- The Three Graces: ______________________, ________________________, & _____________________. 31-Hephaestus was born __________________ & ________________, but married Aphrodite to _______________________________________________________. 32-Ares was the god of ___________. He was the son of Hera & Zeus. Ares loved the sounds of ________ & ________________. None of the gods on Mount Olympus liked him much due to his bloodthirsty nature. Aphrodite liked him only for his ________________________. 33-_______________ was messenger to the gods. He was the son of Zeus. He was brought to Mount Olympus after __________________ discovered ______________________________________________. He was the patron of liars, thieves, & gamblers. 34- __________________ was god of the sea. He was the ____________ of Zeus. When moody, he could create violent storms at sea & wreck ships & flood lands. However, when he was in a good mood, he could raise up new lands out of the sea.. 35-________________ was god of the ____________________, that all mortals feared. Though he lived in the ______________________, _________________ was still considered an Olympian.He lived a gloomy existence with his wife Persephone, whom he abducted. 36-__________________ was the goddess of war, ____________________,& the liberal arts. She was born fully grown from the head of Zeus. Athena was the patron to Athens & also aided many heroes: _______________________, _____________________, _____________________, & Odysseus. Chaos Uranus & Gaea Oceanu s & Tethys Hades Apollo Artemis Coeus & Pheobe Poseido n Aphrodit e Hermes Cronus & Rhea Zeus Hephestus Ares Athena Iapetus Hera Demeter Themis Hestia