Stem Cell Symposium for CMS Teachers August 24, 07 Summary Notes Hosted by Jerry Brown, Principal, School of Biotech at Olympic High. Presenters: Dr. Jean-Luc Mougeot Dr. John Baker, Carolinas Health Care System (CHS) Dr. Lance Stell –Ethics at Davidson College David Carl- Chaplain (CHS) Honorable James G. Martin –former Governor of N. Carolina John Baker-Overview Disclaimer: None of the sponsors are engaged in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Reseach Tissue Engineering Applications-- Predictions: Near Future/ Now—Re-implantation of patients own tissue Ex: Dome of bladder rebuilt in bladder cancer Breast re-implantation 20 years or more out—Replace neurons ie: ALS or Parkinson’s Far future—create entire organ, such as a face for implatation Jean-Luc Mougot—The Uses of Stem Cell Research Totipotent Pluripotent Multipotent Zygote and Morula Trophoectoderm (blastodisc) Gastrula (3 cell layers) Differentiated Tissue Totipotent- may become any cell type Pluripotent – may become limited cell types Multipotent—may become only specific tissue type The greatest potential for research use at this time is in ADULT STEM CELLS. Located in areas such as basal layer of mammary glands, bone marrow, and crypt of s. int. Why? They are pluripotent (can form the 3 tissue layers), involve less ethical concerns, lower risk of tumor formation, easier to culture and maintain. Effective treatments used now: Cancer—bone marrow transplant- goes back many years. Immune Deficiency— Progress but not reliable treatments now: Spinal cord injury, Lou Gehrig’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s (Parkinson’s and Alzheimers research uses olfactory bulb stem cells) Skin: Burns and Breast cancer Bone regeneration In order to do research with living cells, tissues or organisms, there are several review boards and rigorous reporting on welfare of the material. Some current concerns Destruction of viable embryo, eugenics (creation of “perfect” humans), worldwide regulations, profiting from embryonic stem cells (ESC). Current challenges Decreasing risk to embryo, danger to patient, differentiated cells do not always function, More work in Adult Stem Cell (ASC) research is needed. Lance Stell-Ethics Ethics asks this question: “Can values based disagreements be resolved?” It provides a framework for answering this question (but does not try to answer it.) One way to view ethics related problems: The Goal is to Decrease Discomfort and Suffering Irreducible Values Pluralism—“Agree to Disagree” The US is the living enactment of this Social Experiment. Ethical Problem Non-human animals We base research on the assumption that animals shall bear the initial burden of discovery. (See Nuremburg Code—1947 and Declaration of Helsinki) This is not accepted by everyone. Some questions that classes can ponder and discuss? Who or what should bear the risks of discovery in medicine? What regulations or protections are currently imposed? If you disagree with using animals in research, are you willing to accept the products of such research for your personal benefit? (Denying these products would severely limit the medications or treatments that one could accept). David Carl Chaplain, CHS “I represent not the totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent but the omnipotent!” He was on the Body Worlds advisory committee and that experience taught him that we are wonderfully made. Serves on several CHS review boards and backed up that all research is well reviewed, animals must be well taken care of. Governor James G. Martin Princeton- Chemistry 2 terms as Governor Tuba with Charlotte Symphony In government, regulatory refers to what is prohibited. Funding determines what is encouraged. In 1993, funding for ESC research was already authorized, but a ban was place on ability to create or destroy new embryos. Only about 16 cell lines were available in 2001 when existing cell line funding was passed. So, states starting putting in $ for stem cell research. Our forefather, James Madison, predicted such a situation when he said that the states would become competitive laboratories. N. Carolina is the 3rd largest Biotech Research State with satellites in Winston-Salem, Wilmington, Charlotte, Greensboro, etc. Cord blood is being stored by families that can afford, but this has limited potential in research as they are multipotent. Panel Discussion Got into discussion of wealth related to healthcare, and made this notable comment: “Wealthy people are subject to a type of exploitation that ordinary people are not. They may be able to afford to take big risks and bet on a long shot.” “Look at someone’s budget to see where they price their values” Other remarks: “Given what their problem is, people can have remarkable tunnel vision about the cure, but remain remarkably ungenerous about the other advantages.” My question: “Does anyone have any objection to presumed consent for organ and tissue donation, and what is that objection?” Well, Spain has it. Trust issues, fear is an enormous factor here in the US. Cultural issues. Our big move is from presumption that you don’t want to donate to presumption that you want to be asked. N. Carolina may make the indication of heart on license a final word on donation. Issues of enhancement—making bigger, stronger, more beautiful. The only comment was that this is nothing new.