Exercise and Sport Physiology (Option B3)

Exercise and Sport Physiology (Option B3)
Answer all parts of the question.
Question 5
(a) Describe the ATP/PC (alactic) energy system and give one reason why this system is used during
high intensity physical activity such as sprinting.
(b) Aerobic capacity or VO2 max is an important fitness component.
Define VO2 max and identify a common method used to evaluate it.
(c) A weight training programme can develop maximum strength.
Outline the main features of a weight training programme designed to develop maximum strength.
(d) Describe two types of stretching that could be used to develop flexibility.
Mark Scheme
(a) Describe the ATP/PC (alactic) energy system and give one reason why this system is used during
high intensity physical activity such as sprinting.
Description of system
1 mark per point max 4:
• An anaerobic reaction;
• takes place in the sarcoplasm;
• Breakdown of phosphocreatine (high energy phosphate compound);
• Exothermic reaction/energy released;
• Energy used to resynthesize approximately one ADP to ATP (endothermic reaction);
• controlling enzyme, creatine kinase;
• Speed of reaction.
1 mark per point max 1:
• Short metabolic pathway/small compound;
• PC readily available in the cell;
• Reaction does not require oxygen.
(b) Aerobic capacity or VO2 max is an important fitness component.
(i) Define VO2 max and identify a common method used to evaluate it.
• the maximum volume of oxygen that can be (taken in/transported and) utilised/consumed by the body in
one minute/per unit of time
• multistage fitness test/Harvard step test/Queen’s College step test/Cooper 12 minute run/PWC170 test/direct
gas analysis test in sports science lab.
(c) A weight training programme can develop maximum strength.
Outline the main features of a weight training programme designed to develop maximum strength.
General outline/ programme
1 form of intermittent/interval/circuit/pyramid training
2 can be altered (depending on level of fitness)/its flexibility
3 training principles apply/overload/progression/ specificity/warm up/cool down/medical check/pre-test
4 heavy weights/low reps/long rest between sets
Specific values/ session
5 (frequency) 3-7 times a week
6 (intensity) at 85% or more of 1RM
7 (time 1) 2-5 sets
8 (time 2) 2-6 reps
9 (time 3) with 3-5 minute rest between sets
(allow any number within range)
(d) Describe two types of stretching that could be used to develop flexibility.
4 marks in total
2 marks max for each type of stretching only two types to be given credit
(static stretching) .
1 static stretching
2 (an active stretch) involves a performer taking joint to a positionbeyond its point of resistance
3 (a passive stretch) uses a partner to move the joint to a positionbeyond its point of resistance
4 position is held for 6+ seconds
(ballistic / dynamic stretching)
5 ballistic / dynamic stretching
6 momentum is used to take a joint through its full range ofmovement
7 involves swinging / circling / bouncing
(PNF / proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
8 PNF / proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
9 Partner/performer takes joint to a position just beyond its pointof resistance
10 performs an isometric contraction (for 6-10 seconds)
11 muscle is relaxed and stretched again