AP Psych Cpt 7 SQ new book Cp 7 SQ New Book

Chapter 7 Study Question, AP Psych, new book
1. What is a fixed action pattern?
2. What role does the environment play in personal and species adaptation?
3. What is habituation, and what is its adaptive significance?
4. Describe Pavlov’s pioneering research on classical conditioning.
5. How do you create a conditioned response (CR)?
6. Under what circumstances are CRs typically acquired most quickly?
7. Explain the key factor in producing the extinction of a CR.
8. What is spontaneous recovery?
9. Explain the adaptive significance of stimulus generalization and discrimination.
10. What evidence led Thorndike to propose the law of effect?
11. Outline the ABCs of operant conditioning proposed by Skinner.
12. Identify the primary differences between classical and operant conditioning.
13. Why are antecedent stimuli important in operant conditioning?
14. How do secondary reinforcers become reinforcers?
15. How does negative reinforcement differ from positive reinforcement and punishment?
16. Explain how operant extinction, aversive punishment, and response cost differ.
17. How does stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination differ from operant generalization and
operant discrimination?
18. Describe four major schedules of partial reinforcement and their effects on behavior.
19. Are variable or fixed schedules more resistant to extinction? Why?
20. Describe the role of negative reinforcement in escape and avoidance conditioning.
21. How has operant training been used in educational and workplace settings?
22. How has operant animal training helped humans?
23. Explain how Bandura’s experiment illustrates observational learning.
24. How can observational learning promote prosocial behavior?