Syllabus Child Development Syllabus

Mrs. Merlini Rm 412
Child Development provides students with an understanding of how young children (from birth to age five) learn
and with techniques for teaching and parenting children. Areas of focus are physical, intellectual, emotional, and
social development. Child Development provides dual credit with local community and technical colleges with
completing the class with a “B” or better grade.
1. Participate in class activities and bring your curriculum book each day.
2. Complete and turn in all assignments on time (late assignment receive ½ credit).
3. Regularly attend class and be on time (habitual late arrivals will result in referral)
1. ATTENDANCE: Daily attendance is extremely important to meet the class goals. The
activities in this class require educational and social interactions with your peers and the
teacher. You will be expected to work with others in class on projects or for an
observation. If you choose not to attend class your grade will be affected. Some
assignments cannot be made up if you are absent.
2. GRADING - Students demonstrate their knowledge of Child Development and meet
standards by completing daily assignments, class activities, exams, and projects. All
assignments are points based and none are weighted more than others.
Grading Scale:
The basic rule for this class is simple, RESPECT.
Do not talk while I or someone else is talking.
Cell phones need to put away-you are not sneaky :o)
No waiting by the door before class ends, wait at or by your seat.
 10-10 rule: no passes out of the class 10 minutes after class begins or 1o minutes
before class ends
4. ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKEUP WORK – When you are absent do NOT come in
to class and immediately ask me what you missed. Check with peers first, the folder and
the calendar. If you still have questions, you can chat with me during down time or
tutorial. Assignments are required to be completed and turned in on or before the due
date. Late assignments will be marked down 10% for every school day late; after 5 days
you will only be able to receive a maximum of 50%. You will have one day for each
day absent to make-up work for absences. Student must see teacher before of after
school to receive missed work. You are responsible for taking care of all make-up
assignments finding out what you missed, when it is due, etc...(Not during class time). If
a student is making up work in class, it will be taken and the student will receive a zero
for the assignment.
Spiral Notebook
Paper, pen pencil
Child Development curriculum book (handed out in class).
Textbook: Children, The Early Years, Goodheart-Willcox, 2006.
Reasons to become a parent.
Preparation for parenting.
Good Parenting Qualities.
Parenting Challenges.
Stages of Development during early childhood (PIES)
Importance of self-esteem.
The importance of theorists that influence Child Developmental Theory.
Observing young children.
The importance of play.
Appropriate discipline
How to identify and prevent Child Abuse.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: You can help your student succeed in this course by
providing them with a quiet place to study, asking them questions about the class, and
encouraging them to use you as a resource on their coursework. Please feel free to contact
the instructor, Mrs. Merlini, at school if you have questions.
Thank you.
Child Development
As a student in Child Development, I will follow the rule of this class, RESPECT.
To do so I will:
1. Arrive to class on time.
2. Be nice to others and keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.
3. Use the pass to go to the bathroom only and leave my cell phone in class.
4. I will keep negative comments to myself.
5. Participate and remember to not stress my teacher out because she works hard and loves all
her students.
6. Be brave and ask even strange questions if I have them and be a better informed person.
7. Keep my cell phone away and off; my teacher will give a warning the very first time she
sees it out.
8. If I have my phone out in class a second time, my phone will be taken and must be
picked up from the main office by my parent.
*If I have a bad attitude or am disrespectful when asked to hand over my cell phone (even
the first time), I will receive Tuesday school.*
Cut along line and Turn In bottom portion of this page (keep packet for your records)
I have read and understand the
Course Expectations for Child Development
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________ Phone: _____________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________
Student Print Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________
Please return to class by: _____________ (20 points)