American Studies

American Studies
Progressive Era (Ch 5 & 6)
Unit Test Study Guide
1. Progressivism
a. Who were they?
b. What were their
c. Definition of
2. George Bellows
a. Realism
b. Cliff Dwellers
c. Boxing Theme
3. Walter Rauschenbusch
a. Social Gospel
b. Hell’s Kitchen
4. Florence Kelly
a. National Consumer
b. Quote (We can protect
wildlife but…
5. Mother Jones
a. Children’s Crusade
b. Quote (The militant,
not the meek, shall
inherit the earth.”
6. Louis Brandeis & Mueller v.
a. Brandeis Breif
b. What was the case
c. Significance
8. Immigration (1880-1920)
a. Characteristics & numbers
b. Problems (xenophobia,
Nativism, The Passing of the Great
Race, literacy tests
9. Jane Addams & Hull House
a. services provided
10. Robert LaFollette & Wisconsin
a. Referendum, initiative, recall
11. WEB DeBois
12. Triangle Factory Fire
a. cause
b. outcome
13. Shoeless Joe Jackson & 1919
World Series
14. Ty Cobb
a. character (racial)
15. Teddy Roosevelt
a. First modern president
b. Bully Pulpit
c. Northern Securities Case
1. How holding companies
bypass Sherman.
d. How he became president
e. Square Deal
f. Pinchot v Muir view of the
g. Anthracite Coal Strike
of 1902
16. Upton Sinclair & The Jungle
a. What was it about?
b. Define muckraker.
c. His intentions v. the outcome
d. Meat Inspection Act
e. Pure Food and Drug Act
17. Plessy v. Ferguson
a. What was it about?
b. separate but equal doctrine
c. Jim Crow laws
d. Justice Harlan quote: “Our
18. Billy Holiday & Strange Fruit
a. Lynching
19. Booker T. Washington &
Tuskegee Institute
20. Election of 1912
a. Candidates
b. New Freedom v. New
c. Political cartoons
d. Where candidates would fall on
the political spectrum.
21. Wilson Progressivism
a. Underwood Tariff
1. How did it help the consumer
b. Federal Reserve System
1. How did it help restore public
22. Bossism
a. George Washington Plunkett