Aide Memoire


Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

Aide memoire – ESSL Staff


Office Based Activities

(E.g. Computer work, paperwork, filing, reading writing etc)

This aide memoire is based on the Faculty of ESSL ’s Full Generic Risk

Assessment for “office activities” which can be found at the following link

Staff should know contact details for their local Health and Safety Co-ordinator

(HSC), First Aiders and Fire Wardens.

All accidents / incidents and near misses must be reported to your line manager &


This aide memoire details the minimum standards that must be in place and there is the expectation that this document is used in support of existing staff induction processes.


Display Screen Equipment

Verbal & Physical Violence

Handling money

Lone Working

Office Equipment

Electrical equipment



Use of steps


Kitchen Areas

Slips and Trips

Working environment

Manual Handling


First Aid

Interviewing/ meeting

New members of staff

Individuals – Pregnancy, Disability, Young persons

Students and Visitors

This aide memoire can be presented in different formats/ mediums to suit local preferences e.g. staff/ PGR handbooks or a School H&S booklet.

Additional supporting information can be found at (work in progress); and the University Health and Safety pages


Staff = University of Leeds employees and some

PGR’s (i.e. PGR’s who undertake work for and on behalf of the University)

Relevant School specific details can be inserted here:

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

1. Display Screen Equipment (DSE) – PC & Laptop use

Staff must complete both the DSE Risk Assessment AND the DSE online Training package see link .

Concerns from the on line DSE Risk Assessment are flagged automatically to the Health and Safety

Manager (HSM) who alerts the local Health and Safety Co-ordinator (HSC).

Concerns will be resolved locally by the HSC where possible or can be referred to Occupational

Health/HSM for more in depth assessment

The on line DSE Risk Assessment element should be repeated as necessary where any changes occur e.g. moving offices, receipt of new equipment; individual health concerns etc

Key Aspects of safe DSE Use:

Self help and taking regular short “micro” breaks from DSE work (hourly)

Awareness of a vailability of “free” eye tests for staff 1

Good posture and desk layout

Adjustable chair and under desk space

Using the correct DSE compliant chair and ensuring it is correctly adjusted

Need to report illness , injury or health concerns, at an early stage to line manager

Need to report defects and problems with equipment / furniture etc

 It is an individual’s responsibility to keep their work space/ office tidy

It is advisable to keep Laptop use to a minimum – excessive incorrect use can cause back and neck problems (seek advice from HSC)

Home working / work at home – may require a specific DSRA (seek advice from HSC)

The full version of the University Standards and guidance for DSE can be found at se/intro.htm


2. Verbal and Physical Violence and Aggression (in the office environment)

All incidents and concerns (physical and verbal) should be reported to the line manager, Security (if appropriate) & the Health and Safety Coordinator and recorded on Sentinel.

The potential for violence and aggression should be realistically assessed locally and if a significant risk is identified a specific risk assessment may be necessary.

3. Handling money, petty cash, banking etc

Any risks associated with handling of money should be assessed locally; if necessary a specific risk assessment / safe system of work should be in place.

4. Lone Working (or isolated working)

The risks of lone working should be assessed locally to ensure that activities can be carried out by an individual without significant additional risk to them.

In practical terms this often means having local workable & sensible arrangements in place e.g. a buddy / checking system/ building security etc

If risks are significant it may be necessary conduct a specific risk assessment and identify suitable controls to reduce the risk. Seek advice from the local HSC.

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

5. Office Equipment & Furniture

Where necessary staff should be instructed in the use of equipment and the hazards and risks associated with it & to ensure they use it in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. E.g. loose clothing and hair is kept away from any moving part.

In their respective areas staff must be aware and be able to identify any obvious defects e.g. defective plugs, overloaded or unstable shelving and report to the appropriate local contact. If serious defects are identified then items must be removed from use immediately.

6. Electrical Equipment

All electrical equipment undergoes routine visual inspection and testing as appropriate to the equipment i.e.

Portable Appliance Testing (PA Testing). Health & Safety Co-ordinators arrange this locally with a

University approved contractor.

Staff should be aware that all portable electrical items must have a sticker attached to show they have been

PA Tested; there will be a date indicated for next test and a ny “out of date” items should not be used without referral to HSC / HSM.

Staff should carry out a regular visual check of electrical equipment before they use it (if in any doubt it must not be used) – further guidance can be found at the link below.

Staff must not bring in any personal electrical items, they should ensure that individual sockets are not overloaded and in particular block type adapters must not be used.

The full version of the University Standards and guidance for Electrical Safety can be found at:

7. Asbestos and Asbestos containing materials

The University has an Asbestos register, identifying asbestos and its locations- this is maintained by

Estates Services.

If asbestos is in a good condition and not disturbed (i.e. broken up) it is not present a hazard to building occupants.

Staff must report any damaged walls, floors and ceilings to Estates Help Desk (ext 35555) and HSC / HSM immediately.

No one is permitted to carry out work that interferes with the fabric of the building e.g. putting up shelves without permission from Estates Services.

8. Chemicals (Office / Work Use Only)

Office chemicals are low risk if used correctly & for their intended purpose.

Always follow manufacturer instructions on use, storage and disposal; for chemicals likely to be used in office environments this means simply following the instructions on the containers.

Large volumes should not be stored and staff must not bring their “own” chemical products for use in the workplace; this does not apply to personal use medicines etc

Staff should raise any health concerns relating to chemicals with their line manager e.g. allergies

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

9. Work at height or accessing high level storage e.g. shelves

Where possible working at height should be minimised /eliminated by storing materials at a height which is accessible without using foot stools or stepladders i.e. access equipment.

Where use of access equipment is unavoidable, items stored at height are limited to items that are not accessed frequently and are not bulky or heavy.

Secure & robust shelves/ bookcases etc are firmly fixed to wall & not overloaded

Safe access provided – e.g. enough space for maneuvering

Where required appropriate access equipment should be supplied readily available for use e.g. steps/ kick stools/ library steps etc, with staff instructed in correct use.

Staff must report faulty access equipment promptly so it can be removed from use immediately.

10. Fire

All staff must undertake the online fire safety training package annually (e mail reminders are also triggered automatically)

All staff must be provided with a suitable local induction in Fire Safety by trained Fire Wardens /HSC (or other nominated individual). The minimum information you should be provided with is:

What to do & not do if/ when the fire alarm sounds

Procedures in event of discovering a fire

Location of alarm call points & extinguishers

Location of blue fire instruction notices & details of assembly point/s.

Escape routes and alternatives if one route blocked

Not to use lifts (SSB – has a purpose built evacuation lift for persons with disabilities)

Details of the their local Fire Wardens

Disabled staff may need a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) drawing up (jointly developed and agreed with the individual concerned). Advice is provided by the Fire Safety Managers.

All areas are included in an Annual Fire Risk Assessment completed by the local Fire Wardens.

Regular recorded 6 weekly checks are carried out by designated trained Fire Wardens.

Fire evacuation drills take place annually and are recorded this provides an opportunity for staff in raising any issues or problems encountered.

The use of individual electrical heaters is minimized; staff aware of safe operation and keeping away from combustibles

Appliances should be turned off at the end of the working day.

The use of soft furnishings is kept to a minimum e.g. throws/ cushions

Use of naked flames is prohibited and there is no smoking allowed on the premises

The full version of the University Standards and guidance for Fire Safety can be found at:

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

11. Kitchen - Food & drink preparation areas

Kitchen areas should be safe by design & or layout e.g. hot surfaces obvious, workspace available, drink making areas must be kept clean and uncluttered.

Ideally trays shouldn't be used for transporting a number of drinks between floors, where possible lifts and trolleys should be used.

Kitchen areas must be kept clean and hygienic to minimise risk of infections with spillages cleaned up immediately.

12. Slips, Trips and falls

Good housekeeping practices should be carried out by all staff e.g.

Regular removal of rubbish.

Small spillages to be cleaned up immediately and large spillages to be reported appropriately e.g. to

Estates Cleaning Services.

Report damaged, defective floor or slippery surfaces promptly

Trailing cables not left in walkways, cable covers used where possible

Work areas and walkways kept clear of clutter

 Any rugs etc are checked by their “owners” to ensure they do not present a trip hazard

Corridors and staircases should be well lit

Deliveries of stationery & other resources should be put away immediately wherever possible.

13. Working Environment /Workplace

Some key aspects of maintaining a safe and healthy working environment are:

Means of lighting, heating, ventilation and cooling to be provided.

Reasonable ambient working temperature to be maintained above16 o C

Additional task lighting is provided where needed.

Space allocation is adequate for the tasks and the individual

There is access to drinking water

There are adequate toilet facilities for occupants

Good standard of housekeeping maintained /waste removal etc

Individual members of staff are responsible for keeping their work area/ personal office space tidy and in good order and for reporting any concerns to their Line Manager and local Health and Safety Coordinator in the first instance.

The full version of the University Standards and guidance for Working Environment can be found at:

Formal inspections and spot checks of all areas are carried out at least annually by Heads of School, Union representatives and health and safety personnel.

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

14. Manual Handling

All staff should complete the online manual handling training which is mandatory for those staff whose job entails manual handling; and is deemed good practice for all other members of staff.

Note: “Bad backs” most commonly occur after a long period of poor lifting and moving techniques i.e. years; so it is good practice (at work and at home) for everyone to have a basic understanding of safe handling methods.

Lifting aids should be used where appropriate e.g. the use of a trolley for moving equipment rather than carrying boxes.

Heavy items should not be stored on high level shelving but ideally within easy reach and without the need to use steps etc.

Significant manual handling activities e.g. movement of exam papers across campus, office moves, major removals etc will be likely to need a separate assessment - if in doubt seek advice from the HSC.

If staff have pre-existing or develop health conditions it is important that they inform line managers as it may be necessary to seek the advice of Occupational Health.

The full version of the University Standards and guidance for Manual Handling can be found at:

15. Stress/ well being

The University has a documented policy on bullying and harassment

Good communication between managers and their staff is essential; staff are encouraged to raise issues with line managers / supervisors / in first instance if feasible.

Line Managers / Supervisors should be aware and responsive to stressors that may affect their staff and respond to any issues brought to their attention – seeking help and support from relevant departments e.g.

HR, Well being

Well being and other supporting services e.g. mediation, counselling are available for all staff see:

16. First Aid

Staff should be aware of their local First Aider/s, how to contact them and where the first aid boxes are located.

First aid notices should be in place and kept up to date and First Aid boxes stocked / checked by First

Aiders regularly.

It is the responsibility of the Heads of School to ensure adequate numbers of trained First aiders are available in their respective buildings/ areas.

17. Interviewing, meeting with staff students / members of the public etc

Where staff interact with students, visitors, or members of the public as part of their role role, consideration must be given to whether there are any risks to the individuals personal safety e.g. risk of violence/ assault

/ ability to summon help/ false accusation etc.

Consider also the need for privacy and confidentiality etc if necessary a specific assessment may be required; seek advice from HSC.

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

18. New members of staff

New members of staff and PGR students must receive an induction to the University (which includes basic health and safety information) for further details see:

The University induction process requires that staff receive local Health and Safety information pertinent to their School / area; this can be provided by line managers in conjunction with HSC’s subject to local arrangements.

Staff should be provided with this aide memoire as a supplement to the induction as it summarises the relevant control measures from the “Office Work” generic risk assessment.

Further information can be found at :

19. Young persons, work experience trainees, Disabled members of staff or pregnant / nursing workers

Some individuals may potentially be more vulnerable in some aspects of work & will often require individual risk assessments (or adaptation of existing ones) to be completed. It is important for staff to communicate with the relevant Line Managers and bring any personal issues to their attention.

Disabled members of staff will often require a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) – seek advice from local HSC, Fire Wardens.

A risk assessment must be completed for new and expectant pregnant mothers in order to identify any significant additional risks to the individual either as a consequence of the work or their condition.

There are specific guidelines in respect of hosting work experience students - in many cases they are likely to be under the age of 18 (seek advice from HSC)

20. Students & Visitors

All staff represent the University and so must take reasonable care of students (and fellow staff and visitors). This means you must co-operate with the University on health and safety and implement the standards and procedures found at .

Emergency procedures – If a student becomes unwell or has an accident, you should call a First Aider or

Security, and report accidents using local procedures through Sentinel (the online system). If emergency alarms sound, you should guide students (and visitors) to the appropriate assembly point and report any issues that may arise to local Fire Wardens / HSC’s or University Fire Safety Managers.

Specific responsibilities for staff supervising students:

When a student is under your supervision you acquire certain health and safety responsibilities; primary amongst these is the need to ensure that risks to students are controlled in line with the general duty of care. The best way to ensure this is by doing an effective risk assessment and putting in place any control measures you identify as necessary. In particular, you must ensure that students receive supervision and induction that is appropriate to the nature of their work, the risks involved and their experience.

Induction arrangements must be in place for all students covering basic H&S information also see:

The above paragraphs are an abridged extract from the University’s statement of practice “Staff responsibilities for student health and safety in activities related to academic work”

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Health & Safety Information for ESSL Staff 1

Information Sheet No: 1

Please note this Aide Memoire does NOT cover the following:

Fieldwork / off campus activities- refer to

Teaching / Lecturing Activities

High risk areas e.g. laboratories

Technician activities

 Placements (with other “employers”) of UoL students, Study Abroad

Events e.g. open days; seminars; summer schools etc

Work at home/from home

Contractors i.e. building or maintenance personnel working on our premises

If advice is required in relation to any of these topics please contact your local Health and Safety Coordinator in the first instance.

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