Xavier University Student Government Association Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 26, 2011 I. Call to Order: Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran (3:10) p.m. II. Roll Call: Not present: Nick Albin, Excused: Desmond Dodd III. Prayer: Given by Sarah Roveda, Zack Aliberti to give prayer at next meeting. IV. Approval of minutes: September 19th, 2011 minutes were approved without change V. Public Forum Kevin Tighe: Senate support of Multicultural Food Fair, spread the word. What time? 6pm, on the Yard Date? Wed 28th VI. Report of the Administration None VII. Opinion Entry Zach Aliberti I would first like to thank everyone for welcoming me into this year. I can say that I appreciate all of you for what you bring to the table. I believe we all carry unique talents, experiences, personalities, and skill sets – aggregated and you have a well-oiled machine. This being my belief, my personal expectation is to take the time to understand whatever issue it is that you or your committee is presenting at a senate meeting. Simply because I know that if someone in this room is bringing new business to the table, it must be something worth investing my time in understanding. Especially, if it is an issue that is of particular relevance to your committee and maybe not as much my own and subsequently something I have little knowledge of (for example an administrative or constitutional issue). Know that I will bring up conflicts, questions, and support ahead of time so that you can ensure the issue is given enough time for me to properly understand it and support the issue with praise or critique - so that we can pass the resolution or motion. Because again, I respect all of you for the unique, particular experiences and knowledge sets you bring to the table. And you can be sure that I will do everything I can to make my own opinions and concerns available to you ahead of time, especially the instances where you ask for my feedback ahead of time or if it is an issue I am not familiar with. It is important to me that issues important to you are supported – that to me is how a family or team works best. Thank you again Senate! Senator Savercool: Did you know I reflected on your motion from last week and regret not coming to you before vote? Johari Leaving early for class. Desmond Dodd It is my sincere apologize that I will be missing the majority of today’s meeting. It skipped my mind before I took the position that I accepted the responsibility of picking up my uncle today from the Dayton airport. Again I apologize for this inconvenience and I will make sure it will not happen again. Needom Mitchell I would like to share with the Senate that I have work at 5 on Mondays and will need to leave meetings at 5:15 from this date until the conclusion of the semester. In order to not disrupt the proceedings of the meetings I will quietly excuse myself from now on at 5:15. VIII. Scheduled Business Motion #12-029 Sponsor: Association Affairs Move to amend the Constitution by replacing Article IV Section 3b with “The Senate will approve or not approve all appointments and nominations with individual students or student organizations proposed by the Association president or the SAC. Decisions made by the SAC will only be reviewed when a matter of serious consequence is involved. Tabled Motion #12-032 Sponsor: Seth Walsh Move to amend Chapter XI of the Senate Rules of Order by replacing Matthew Whitehead with Seth Walsh. (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Stricken Motion #12-033 Sponsor: Association Affairs Move to amend Constitution by striking article VII section 5 (on the Lecture Series Chair) (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Senator Walsh: SAC voted last week to pass Passed Motion #12-034 Sponsor: Association Affairs Move to amend Senate Rules of Order by replacing “Senators are required to be present for the entire duration of the scheduled meeting, which are from 3:00PM on Mondays, unless excused by the presiding officer” to chapter two. Tabled Motion #12-035 Sponsor: Ryan Martin Move to accept President Alleman’s recommendations for the 2011-2012 Commencement Committee (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Passed IX. New Business Motion #12-037 Sponsor: Seth Walsh Move to suspend Chapter VII to vote on the Association Affairs Committee Chair appointment. Chapter VII will be reinstated immediately thereafter. Passed Chapter VII Suspended Motion #12-038 Sponsor: Seth Walsh Move to accept Kristin Sanfilippo as Association Affairs Committee Chair. (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Senator Roveda: Kristen on top of things; will do good job. Passed Chapter VII re-instated X. Standing Committee Reports Association Affairs, Senator Sanfilippo Not Emailed Club Relations, Senator Greene Hello Everyone. Since the new process has been passed, we’ve received four emails from individuals interested in starting clubs. Three of the four will now be receiving the activation packet, while one club’s description is very similar to that of Active Minds. As a result, we’ll be informing her of that and discuss the next steps she can take. Senator Roveda has just finished her draft of the club workspace rules and sent those to the committee, Senator Coordinator Walsh, and Dustin to be reviewed and commented on. In addition, Senator Savercool is still working on the club points system and keeping clubs update in terms of where they stand. Dustin Lewis: Club Points up on website? Senator Savercool: Waiting until club forming process is finish, but we can start doing that. Community Affairs, Senator Aliberti Community Reports: Evanston: Community Action Day was a success! We had over 20 students come out for an hour and a half clean-up. We walked around, picking up a total of 6 bags of trash; identified a handful of vacant homes that need attention; recruited one Evanstonian to volunteer for a half hour (clean up his corner); and trimmed overgrown bushes near Evanston Academy (beautiful school). Pickett Slayter-Harrington from the Community Building Institute was the volunteer coordinator along with resident and Beautification chair Angela Reagan. We ended the day with a conversation in Evanston where we learned a Neat Fact: During the week when school is in session, there are as many students (6000+) within Evanston as there are residents (6000+). An additional clean-up day was scheduled for 9am on October 22nd. CAC will be in attendance. Avondale: I attended Avondale’s community council for the first time last Tuesday. As with each of Cincinnati’s 52 neighborhoods – Avondale is a unique council. There were somewhere around 30 residents (more than a typical Evanston or Norwood council meeting). A serious group of individuals with a strong sense of community pride and as well as concern. The neighborhood officer Donald Jordan is heavily engaged in Avondale and was actually born there. Officer Jordan said he knows many of the dope boys on the corners as being Avondale natives – he has confronted drug dealers around the local school asking them to move during school hours – he has seen a positive response. Officer Jordan concluded with a demand that, Avondale “must take back its community.” The Avondale Youth Council—only officially recognized youth council in the city of Cincinnati—presented results from their self-initiated homework studies class. Bill Witten and Ozie Davis presented project reports on Avondale’s Comprehensive Development Corporation (ACDC not the same as 3CDC) and Avondale Community Council’s investment in purchasing a location on reading as well as the various Place Matters funded projects being initiated within Avondale. The meeting ended with a discussion of upcoming ballot issues: Issue number 2 (repealing senate bill 5) and House Bill 194 – which would eliminate all early and late voting polls as well as the ballot books that list what district voters are assigned to – We Are Ohio has identified the bill as a direct attack on Urban Votes. CAC Report: Senator Aliberti has compiled a list of projects (running, SR, and LR) to help keep CAC organized and prolific. Xavier Reports are still in the works – Councils will be emailed the Xavier report in advance before getting a spot on the Council agenda. A community section of the newswire was discussed as an opportunity for community promotions – Kevin Tighe from newswire will be sent an email this week to discuss such prospects. Senator Dodd is the primary contact for International Coffee Hour and will be reaching out to schedule a date this week. Senator Aliberti is the primary contact for the setting the date for CFJ Community Night – contact will be made this week. Senator Dodd has joined the Marketing and Beautification Committees on Evanston Community council. Senator Aliberti will be sitting on Safety and Housing Committee’s – fulfilling all of Evanston’s requested areas of need. Senator Albin is still deciding on a committee appointment since Norwood city council does not utilize resident volunteers – Avondale Finance committee has been one suggestion. CAC will officially be a recognized, active member of both Evanston and Avondale Community Council through a membership fee of $25ea. Membership will last for one year. Finally, the first meeting agenda was established and prioritized. In the next two weeks, CAC plans on meeting Mrs. Anzora Adkins (Evanston CC President and Cincinnati community leader), Pickett Slaytor-Harrington from CBI, Sean Rheney from Eigel Center, as well as Molly Robertshaw and Angela Grey from CFJ. Senator Martin: Buying Cincinnati Enquirer for SGA? Senator Aliberti: Looking into price and talking to enquirer Financial Affairs Committee, Senator Bousson Not a lot to report for FAC today because we had no Special Request submissions today. We reviewed the FAC constitution and made a few changes together. We will be following up with these changes next meeting after further review. Senator Martin: Is there a designated year to review. Senator Bousson: Not sure, have made the question but not followed through, will ask Ryan what to do. Student Life, Johari Idusuyi Not Emailed XI. Project Reports Nick Albin Last week, I successfully hosted To See Great Wonders Week. I would like to thank everyone who was able to help and support me during the week. Overall, I believe it was successful for its first occurrence. All six events drew attendance and it appeared to me that people really enjoyed the content of each program. This week I will be reviewing the attendance numbers and reflecting on the positive outcomes and the things I could do to make it better. I will be meeting with Dustin this week to review everything and compile a report to complement the business plan I completed over this past summer. It is my hope to pass this project down in order for To See Great Wonders Week to become an annual tradition at Xavier University. In addition, I helped work on the NJSLC bid to host the conference at Xavier in 2013 with Senators Savercool, Colak, and Martin. I also met with Senators Idusuyi, Sanfilippo, and Walsh to work on our project to renew the image of SGA and improve our relationship with the student body. Zach Aliberti I have presented the idea of sponsoring a Community Day to give students and residents a chance to meet and put a face to an otherwise stranger. CAC will continue to brainstorm this potential project. Elizabeth Bousson None Joe Colak None Jared Green None Johari Idusuyi None Ryan Martin Not Emailed Victoria Masny None Needom Mitchell Not Emailed Narsinghani None Greg Rose Not Emailed Dustin Lewis: Share what the standard fee is for transaction? Senator Rose: Card 8-9%, credit cards 1-2% Senator Idusuyi: What else have you considered? Senator Rose: Kroger, but not getting far. AVP Gerlach: Have you talked to UC Bearcat Cash? Senator Rose: Will consider that. Sarah Roveda None Kristen Sanfilippo Not Emailed Meghan Savercool Not Emailed Senator Walsh: Good luck on NJLSC. Walsh None XII. Report of the President, Ryan Alleman I hope you all had a great fall break and ready to start fresh with your projects and initiatives. The Executives spent some of our break updating our platform and setting the stage for the coming weeks. Having said that, I wanted to update you on the projects I am heading up! 1.) MOSIAC, a group compiled by last year’s Execs (as well as OMA), is yet to get off get the ground for this year. I will be meeting with SDoD Nia Williams on Wednesday and will then follow up with Mr. Robert Clay, Director of OMA, so ensure that this gets launched, hopefully by the beginning of November. 2.) As mentioned last week, I am taking a look at why Xavier students pay so much for software. I will be presenting my findings in a meeting with John Mercer, Director of Purchasing and will get his input on the situation. 3.) For the new Senators- I made a mistake. I will be resending you the WhenisGood as I have accidently shredded my access code. Please respond ASAP so that we can get something on the calendar. 4.) Part of the Division of Student Life and Leadership’s sustainability goals revolve around the use of print material. I know Crystal mentioned it last week, but we are going through paper and toner like it is our job. I understand, some things must be printed, but please keep in mind how much you are using and how other students are essentially paying for you to use the printer. If our behavior with this doesn’t change, we will be looking at policies aimed at lessening the usage amount. 5.) Lastly, I have given up on the last person who did not turn in the yellow sheet questions I posed nearly a month ago. Having said that, I have compiled the complete report and will be sending that out sometime tonight. I encourage you to read it carefully and reflect on how we, as an Association, can better serve in our roles. Senator Sanfilippo: Money allocated toward safety published? President Alleman: Not sure. Senator Sanfilippo: Summary of Student activity fee? President Alleman: Not a lot of action, students not paying attention, but most continue to work for it. Senator Martin: Wasn’t there a reaction that students were upset about it last year? President Alleman: My perception that there was small group of students who mis-understood that it was a tuition increase. Will continue to follow up. XIII. Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach Thanks, Ryan for the cookies-- sorry I didn't remind you! Next week's snacks are from Seth. Here’s a project update: 1. Sarah Niemoeller Look out for an awesome display for the event which will be set up tomorrow stop by and check it out the event will take place on October 4th at 7pm in CLC 412. Be sure to stop by and check it out. It's really cool-- it's interactive and has barbed wire! 2. LGBTQ position GLSEN was great this weekend. We had about 6 SGA representatives! There was a lot of good information that we can definitely apply to the LTSI position. On that note, I met with Dr. Steve Yandell today, the advisor of XU Alliance. He's in full support. The LTSI position is moving along nicely. I hope to have all of the ends tied by the end of October. 3. Lawyer Referral Brief description: Chris kneflin will be available to students to give them information and answer questions regarding leases and other legal issues. Note that he will not represent students. He will be available to students on 10/6, 10/10, 10/20 from 6-9 pm. There will be 4 more sessions in the Spring. Something to help jumpstart this resource will be the forum on 10/3 @7-8pm. Somewhat of a panel discussion; there will be a landlord attending (Erik Zimmerman), the lawyer (Chris Kneflin), and a Norwood police officer and a Xavier police officer. Topics of conversation will revolve around leases, landlord expectations, Xavier police jurisdiction, and last but not least (and most likely the center of the majority of the discussion) Norwood police foot patrolling on the weekends. This is going to be an interesting group of topics to discuss that really will shed some light on so many issues which affect a ton of students (those already living off campus, those thinking about going off campus next year, and even anyone who goes to parties in the surrounding neighborhood on the weekends). Tell your friends, get them talking about these issues, and if you can, come to the forum. It's really relevant. 4. SAC interviews Interviews starting tonight going throughout the week-- we got 18 applicants which is really exciting. We have 4 hours of interviews tonight right after this! Senator Bousson: People in favor of foot patrol? AVP Gerlach: No. Students feel Norwood police overactive. Senator Walsh: From CAC’s perspective, these are issue we address often. We’ll talk. XIV. Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran To start I would like to comment on the appointment of Senator to Assocation Affairs. I can say with strong confidence that this was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make, but I am satisfied with the outcome of the situation. Senate Coordinator Walsh has created a detailed timeline of events and expections for the transition period. Also, I would like to commend Senator Martin for his dedication and kindness through-out this process. His willingness to openly support his opponent speaks the capacity of his character and for that he should have the admiration and respect from all of you. So a big congratualations to Senator Sanfilippo and a deep appreciation for Senator Martin. Moving on, I have only received responses to the questions I posed last week from Sarah, Elizabeth, Kristin, Ryan, Joe, and Nick.- that is less than half you. I would really like for you to all submit your answers as this will help us form a dintictive vision for the Association and our work. If you have not done so, please turn these in by Wednesday at the latest. I wanted to mention that I had a great meeting with Adrian Schiess , Executive Director for Student Academic Support Services, earlier today where we discussed options for the Student Emergency Fund. As this was our first meeting, we did not come to a conclusion on what should be done, but rather left with visions for the near future. Lastly, I have to say, I was proven wrong this past Saturday….only partially though. Meghan and Ryan both made sure I was well aware that 15+ people attended Community Action Day, but unfortunatley my condition was that they be at Pregnancy Center East. Having said that, I have come to a promisenext meeting I will a treat/snack (larger than normal) for everyone to indulge in. Nick please don’t feel guilty about this one….you attend on Friday! Other than that, things have been going well, so if you ever want or need me for anything, please let me know. XV. Report of the Senate Coordinator, Seth Walsh I passed around a one on one signup sheet earlier and I hope you all were able to find a time that works to sit down and meet with me. This meetings will be pretty informal and will help catch me up on what you’ve been doing, establish a timeline from here on out for your project and will help me learn what your expectations are for me and you can learn my expectations for you. Also come prepare to answer the following question: What is your expectation for the Committee Chair Council? I can’t wait to meet with all of you this week and start to get to know you better. I want to congratulate Kristin on her appointment as Association Affairs Chair. I trust that she and the committee will continue on their track to winning Committee of the Year in my completely unbiased manner. Also congratulation is in order to Meghan for her ability to get 16 SGA Members and 2 future SGA members to attend the Community Action Day this weekend. Way to step up to the plate Senate! Make sure to hold LVP McMorran accountable for his promise of pizza next week. Finally, I wanted to fill everyone in on how the Elections will be handled this week. As you probably know by now, there are only 2 candidates who accomplished all of the steps to run so they will be the only two people whose names appear on the ballet Wednesday and Thursday. Two write in options will also appear on the ballet however in hopes of being able to generate two solid freshmen to fill the other two openings. In the event that no write ins accept the position, we will be discussing next week as a board how we wish to deal with the two vacancies. If you are interested in being a mentor, shoot me an email after the meeting and I will get you the application. They are due on Friday. Senator Aliberti: Concern for write in vote, person wasn’t that invested. May not want the position. Should we let people know about write in votes? Senator Walsh: Good idea to reach out to inform about write in. Senator Sanfilippo: How many write in votes do you need to have? Senator Aliberti: Majority. XVI. Report of the Senate Advisor, Dustin Lewis It's time for your SAC Attack: Horrible Bosses was the Late Night Movie last weekend and had an audience of around 600 people throughout the weekend. The movie had 300 on Thursday, 100 on Friday during MAD and 200 on Saturday. Muskies After Dark had 575 attendees, including 223 people in and out of the NexCyx concert at MAD. The SAC promo team hit the street on Saturday and canvassed Cincinnati again. Thank you to the Senators that have helped throughout this process. As Kevin explained in Public Forum, the Multicultural Food Fair will be held on Wednesday at 6pm. I hope you're all able to attend. The first Late Night Snack will be this week, featuring Dewey's Pizza. Please note, the snack will be at 9pm this week - as opposed to the regular time of 10pm. Along with Late Night Snack, SAC is also doing an outdoor classic film, showing "Grease" on the big screen.. and yes, its the Sing-Along version. SAC has changed out the next Late Night Movie. Instead of "Crazy Stupid Love," they will now be showing "The Help," on October 6-8. I highly recommend you check out this film - in my opinion, it was one of the best films of the year. SAC will also be hosting a trip to see "Ides of March," the George Clooney/Ryan Gosling movie that was partially filmed on campus at around Cincinnati. The film screening will be on the release date, October 7th, however they ticket sign-ups will be held on Monday, October 3rd at 1:30pm in the Gallagher Student Center first floor atrium. I attended the LGBT Youth Conference with 6 SGA members as well as Molly Dugan from Student Involvement, Deanna Martin from Center for Faith and Justice, and 6 Alliance members. I believe this was a really great learning opportunity for the SGA members and I personally enjoyed the sessions as well. One session that I'd like to highlight was on Hate Crimes, Crimes and Bias Incidents. The session was geared toward college students and college staff and focused on explaining the differences between the three as well as walking through Ohio's hate crime laws. Interestingly, Ohio's hate crime laws do not include sexual orientation, sexuality, ability or gender - they are focused mainly on race, religion and ethnicity. Xavier students met students from UC, Miami and NKU, which was also great to exchange ideas and contact information. I will be attending a Graduate Student Reception tomorrow with Leah where I will hopefully be able to meet and interact with many graduate students, asking their opinions on what can SGA and Student Involvement offer to better meet their needs and serve this specialized population on campus. Just a reminder for the committee chairs, including Kristin now - please schedule 30 minutes with me in the upcoming week so that we can touch base and check in on your committees. Thanks to the chairs that have already scheduled with me. I want to also offer to meet with any senators currently working on a project - my schedule is posted on my door and you are always welcome to stop by or to write yourself in on my calendar! Finally, I'd like to offer some comments and challenges to the senate. Over the last several weeks, I have noticed a growing trend for this year - you are "Chapter Sevening" an awful lot. I have watched as the senate repeatedly suspends chapter seven, week after week, citing a need to "work for the students" as quickly as possible. My question is whether or not the students or the senate are truly benefitting from this behavior. I personally think that you are rushing too quickly on too many things - not taking time to allow motions business to rest on the docket for a week, while you have time to really reflect and discern over your decisions. There is a reason that your rules of order require all decisions to wait a week - you are supposed to take time to carefully consider your vote and to ask questions and debate/discuss among yourselves. I believe the senate has been failing to do this, to some extent and want to challenge you to limit the times you vote to suspend Chapter 7 in the future. Additionally, I have seen a rising increase in the amount of changes proposed to the Rules of Order and the Constitution. Again, I challenge the senate to really take time to reflect and discern on the business you are discussing and bringing forth each week - are you truly doing what is best for the student body when you are spending significant amounts of meeting time debating your own internal rules and procedures, instead of discussing your projects and initiatives to better the student body? I will be having more conversations in the coming weeks, starting with both Seth and AA (Kristin) where I will challenge the senate to consider making some expectations for one another - for example, maybe changes to the Rules of Order or Constitution should only be proposed at one meeting per month or every other month - to limit the amount of week after week debate and discussion as well as energy invested in your own rules and documents. I would like to ask for comments and discussion in my questions today. Do you agree with me or disagree? Senator Aliberti: Good idea if we had a copy of every motion and resolution emailed after every meeting. Senator Sanfilippo: Someone made an opinion entry last year addressing how Senate gets away from being engaged with student. Would appreciate a conversation about that. Senator Aliberti: Need volunteer for late night snack? Dustin Lewis: Talk to Leeann, she would appreciate it. Senator Martin: Would be nice if senators would have rules of order. Chapter 7 should be rarely. Senator Bousson: Clarify, we are reviewing constitution. Senator Roveda: Appreciate Dustin bringing concerns forward, speaking as a new senator, you help is valuable. Now is a good time to discern this. Senator Aliberti: CAC talked about prioritizing student opinion. XVII. Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey Sorry for not bringing your budget reports. Will be at my desk if you need to see them. XVIII. Pass the Gavel XIX. Adjournment: (4:40) p.m.