Class Officer Application Information Offices for February 2010-April 2011 Thank you for thinking about running for a Class Officer position for the 2010-2011 school year. Here is some information about the process as well as the requirements for running a campaign and the structure of the Student Government at Summer Creek High School. The following class officer positions are available. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Historian Election Process: 1. Students are to complete the application form, type a one page essay explaining why they want to run and what they hope to accomplish as a class officer, and get 3 teacher evaluations completed. 2. Students are to attend a mandatory candidate meeting at 8:45 on January 28th in Copper LGI. 3. Students may campaign from 7:00am on Monday, February 1st through the elections on Friday, February 12th. 4. Students will give a one minute campaign speech at the class meeting on Friday, February 12th. This speech must be approved by class sponsors before Friday. 5. All campaign materials (posters, fliers, buttons, etc.) must be approved by class sponsors. 6. Students may not use candy, gum, or any other food as part of the campaign. 7. All campaign material must be properly disposed of by 3:00pm on election day. 8. Balloting will take place following the speeches. 9. Votes will be tallied by the class sponsors. The winners will be announced by the end of the school day. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please speak with your class sponsor. Summer Creek High School Class Officer Application This application is to be completed and turned in to your class sponsors no later than 3pm Friday October 15. Print Student Name: ______________________________________________________ Year in School at this time: Select position of leadership and service you are seeking: Class President – The job description for Class President is: 1. To represent their class at all official SCHS student council and class meetings. 2. To support all SCHS activities, including social events, fund raisers and meetings. 3. To help foster positive relations and class activities with other local high schools. 4. To represent his class at various academic, social, civic and student-related programs. Class Vice President - The job description for Class Vice President is: 1. To support and assist the Class President at all times. 2. To take the place of the Class President when they are absent from their duties. 3. To support all SCHS activities, including social events, fund raisers and meetings. Class Secretary - The job description for Class Secretary is: 1. To support and assist the Class President at all times. 2. To support all SCHS activities, including social events, fund raisers and meetings. 3. To record and post in a timely manner minutes of any and all class meetings. 4. To do all the duties normally associated with the job of secretary at a class meeting. Class Treasurer - The job description for Class Treasurer is: 1. To support and assist the Class President at all times. 2. To support all SCHS activities, including social events, fund raisers and meetings. 2. To keep accurate records of all class financial accounts. 3. To present timely financial reports at any and all class meetings. 4. To appoint and supervise reliable students to collect funds at class sponsored events. I fully understand that being a class officer is a serious responsibility. I am also aware of the following requirements: 1. I must have and maintain at least a 2.5 G.P.A. to qualify for election and during the term of service. 2. I promise to actively support and attend all SCHS activities, including social events, fund raisers and meetings. 3. I understand that I am not eligible to run or may forfeit my position of service and leadership, if elected, should I be suspended from school, be placed on disciplinary probation or become academically ineligible. 4. I understand that I must be registered to attend SCHS for the 2010-2011 school year and will return as a SCHS student for the coming school year. I have read, certify and understand the requirements and promise, if elected, to fulfill the job description of the position of leadership and service I am seeking to the best of my ability. I also give permission to use the information provided on the other side of this form in preparing candidate information for voters. _________________________________________ _______________ Student Signature Date Class Officer Guardian Consent Form I support my student’s application to be elected to the above position of leadership and service to SCHS as a Class Officer for 2010-2011. I am aware that my student and I are responsible for the clean up of all campaign materials as well as any damage my student’s campaigning may cause. Guardian Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________ Guardian Signature Date Name: ______________________________________ ID: __________________ Position you plan to run for: _______________________________________________ Current Class Schedule: PERIOD SUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGNATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FULL NAME HOME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS ALL INFORMATION IN THIS APPLICATION IS ACCURATE AND I AGREE TO FOLLOW ALL ELECTION RULES AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. _______________________________ Candidate Signature _____________ Date Class Officer Teacher Evaluation Student Name: ________________________________ ID#:________________ Teacher: _______________________Subject: ____________________________ Teachers please complete this form as honestly as possible and place in Julie Sahmel’s box. This form is confidential. Thank you. Attends Class Regularly? Yes Is Attentive when in class? Yes Attends tutoring? Yes Satisfactory behavior? No No Excessive Absences Sometimes No Sleeps Talks Doesn’t need to Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Completes Assignments? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Passes Tests? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Is missing any work? Yes Have you had to contact parents? No Recently Previously Never Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Thank you so much! Please return to Mrs. Julie Sahmel! Class Officer Teacher Evaluation Student Name: ________________________________ ID#:________________ Teacher: _______________________Subject: ____________________________ Teachers please complete this form as honestly as possible and place in Julie Sahmel’s box. This form is confidential. Thank you. Attends Class Regularly? Yes Is Attentive when in class? Yes Attends tutoring? Yes Satisfactory behavior? No No Excessive Absences Sometimes No Sleeps Talks Doesn’t need to Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Completes Assignments? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Passes Tests? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Is missing any work? Yes Have you had to contact parents? No Recently Previously Never Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Thank you so much! Please return to Mrs. Julie Sahmel! Class Officer Teacher Evaluation Student Name: ________________________________ ID#:________________ Teacher: _______________________Subject: ____________________________ Teachers please complete this form as honestly as possible and place in Julie Sahmel’s box. This form is confidential. Thank you. Attends Class Regularly? Yes Is Attentive when in class? Yes Attends tutoring? Yes Satisfactory behavior? No No Excessive Absences Sometimes No Sleeps Talks Doesn’t need to Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Completes Assignments? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Passes Tests? Always Typically Sometimes Rarely Never Is missing any work? Yes Have you had to contact parents? No Recently Previously Never Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Thank you so much! Please return to Mrs. Julie Sahmel!