Saltfleetby Parish Council Minutes for



Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 4 th September 2012

6.30 pm in St Peters Church

Present: Chair Cllr Ms C Warwick

Cllr Mr F Smith

Cllr R James

Cllr Mr J Smith – 7.30pm

Cllr Mrs S Harrison

Cllr Mrs A Peace

Cllr M Hawes

Cllr L Dover – 6.45pm

Mrs J Brown - Clerk

There were 8 members of the public present & PC Glenn Palmer.

The Chairman welcomed PC Palmer & residents that had attended in order to discuss policing matters with him. PC Palmer introduced himself as being based at Mablethorpe as Beat Manager & Police Diver, having been based there for approximately two years & at Boston previous to that. He noted that the previous May

Lincolnshire Police (LP) had made changes to the way it worked & one change meant that the Beat Manager would be out in public more concentrating on community issues. When asked how big a team there was at

Mablethorpe he advised that in addition to himself there would be a new Sergeant & 3 PCSO’s covering the area with 14 or 15 police officers also based there with two new appointees imminent.

Questions from the floor:

Speeding through the village – this was raised as a major problem for Saltfleetby with drivers overtaking inappropriately & mounting a verge while a resident had been working on it; PC Palmer was asked what could be done via legislation to combat this; PC Palmer advised he was aware it was an issue & following debate over speed cameras & checks the issue of local fatalities was raised – near the school, at the crossroads & on

Three Bridge Lane - which PC Palmer believed gave the Parish Council grounds to argue for further action & lobby the Road Safety Partnership. The Chairman noted that the Archer unit had been deployed & the Council had been advised that the speeds obtained did not warrant further action although the Council saw that from that data there was a severe problem & it was agreed that the Council should lobby again noting the fatalities that had occurred & press for further action; PC Palmer to consider Archer results, obtain information on serious/fatal incidents & ask for it to be re-deployed. Clerk to forward Archer results to PC Palmer. Cllr

Harrison raised the Police budget & asked if that had ever been used towards funding the purchase of a speed sign for a village – PC Palmer was unaware but would check re any unused budget & possibility of grant for such a use & report back.

Residents raised various options to encourage lower speeds – police camera signs – PC Palmer advised that this would not be possible as they were only used in designated places; increased police presence in the village

– PC Palmer agreed to ask colleagues when time permitted to do ad-hoc speed checks & report actions taken back to the Council; additional 40 mph signs through the village – this was a Highways decision; reducing the speed limit to 30 mph – Lincolnshire County Council decision.

Communications – the web site that noted information on crime in villages was not up to date – PC Palmer advised that this was a Government initiative & not carried out by the Police & regretted it was not up to date.

The issue of crime being reported but no feedback given was raised & PC Palmer considered it appropriate that feedback be given; regarding warning other businesses when crime occurred at others in the area PC

Palmer believed this would be done if police could see a trend. Break-ins at Garage – none over last six


months but several previously taking scrap metals – PC Palmer noted a reduction in this type of crime currently. Drugs – not a large problem within Mablethorpe & he was not aware of any issues in Saltfleetby.

When asked regarding crime figures for the area PC Palmer could advise on the general area only but noted that crime was down & the Mablethorpe area was in the top 5 for reduction of crime in Lincolnshire. PC

Palmer to address gaps in communications.

It was noted that Saltfleetby was a rural village & when incidents occurred residents felt isolated – PC Palmer would endeavour to be seen more within the area following the changes in police work practices.

The Chairman thanked PC Palmer for attending & believed that serious issues had been raised and some progress in how to proceed had been made with his assistance.

Public Comments: Cllr Harrison as District Councillor raised the Community Safety Partnership information on the East Lindsey District Council web site & urged all residents to complete the question regarding priorities for the area .A resident thanked the Council & Clerk for ensuring that the larger bulb for the light at the end of Mill Lane was fitted. Work on Three Bridge Lane was raised, some had been carried out with other areas marked in yellow – the Clerk advised this normally indicated work still to be done; it was believed that temporary work only had been carried out pending a decision on the proposed wind farm.

Representatives from the Jubilee Committee had arrived & raised the Jubilee Garden that had been done opposite the Prussian Queen to permanently commemorate the Jubilee in addition to the events in June, which had been extremely well received by residents with many requests received to form other gardens through the village & the Committee wished for funding & support from the Parish Council, along with continuing to raise funds itself. Plans for additional areas were advised, a larger one with benches near St Peters Church & one by the Saltfleetby sign at the other end of the village & the Committee hoped the District Councillor would contribute also – Cllr Harrison advised the Committee to put a Constitution in place which made this easier.

Costing’s were considered to be in the region of £2,500 with maintenance costs estimated at £500 per annum to cover grass cutting/weeding & replacing plants as required. The Committee also raised comments from residents regarding the state of the grass verges & that they were not cut frequently enough. Clerk to place both items on October agenda.

12/207 Chairman’s comments - The Chairman noted the resignation of Ms Fenton with sadness, thanked her for all her hard work whilst a Councillor; Ms Fenton had resigned due to the intrusion placed on

Councillors by having to make declarations of pecuniary interest on behalf of partners/spouses.

12/208 Apologies for absence – Cllr Liller. The Clerk raised the issue of technical disqualification & it was resolved that the Clerk write to Cllr Liller regarding the demands placed on him by the Council & his preferred position with regard to this commitment.

12/209 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 rd July 2012. It was resolved that the Minutes were a true record & the Chairman signed them p SH s FS

12/210 Declarations of Interest - Cllrs Warwick, Dover & Peace – Personal Interest in Queens Jubilee

Events; Cllr Hawes – EnergieKontor Personal Interest.

12/211 Financial Matters

Accounts to be paid/authorised – Clerk’s salary & expenses for July (authorise only) & August; R

Covill – Cuts at St Clements Church & Bus Shelter - £72.00 (authorise only); R Covill – Parish

Paths - £348.00 (authorise only); J Brown – reimbursement for Hi-Lite Signs Ltd – St Clements signs - £11.70; Clement Keys – External Audit - £162.00; LALC – Health & Safety Training 4 th


April Lunch - £19.50; J Brown – reimbursement for Portable Hard Drive & case - £56.90. It was resolved to authorise the above payments p JS s LD

Accounts as at 30 th

June 2012 – The Accounts & Bank Reconciliation as at 30 th

June had been circulated & it was resolved to accept the accounts as correct. The Chairman signed the accounts & bank statements p AP s MH

Transfer of Funds from Nottingham Building Society to Lloyds TSB – The Clerk outlined the current standing of expenditure & it was resolved to authorise the transfer of £3,000 p LD s SH

12/212 Councillor Vacancies

– No requests for co-option had been received.

It was resolved that the

Clerk produce an item for the Marshlander p LD s CW

12/213 Bridle path at Sea View – Following debate It was resolved that Cllrs Harrison, J Smith & Dover form a Working Group to look into the existing network of footpaths & bridleways & creation of new & report back to Council p CW s LD; Clerk to place Saltmarsh on agenda for October to consider the issue of the footpath being closed to horses. Cllr Harrison to update the Clerk on previous Rights of Way correspondence with Highways in order for the Clerk to follow up.

12/214 Parish Paths – Footpath No 255 – The Clerk had written to the owners of the fallen tree who had arranged for it to be removed; the Clerk had advised the Contractor that access should have been restored.

Footpath No 226 – The Contractor had reported that on both sides the chicken wire fencing had been pushed into the footpath by foliage to such an extent it made it impossible to cut it back. Clerk advised to speak to

LCC regarding previous reports made on this footpath concerning dogs & action taken at the time & update on the current situation. Cllr James to update the Clerk on another potential path issue when clarified.

12/215 Vehicle Speeds – The Archer Unit results had been circulated & it was resolved that the Clerk forward the results to PC Palmer & ask him to discuss with other agencies p CW s LD

12/216 St Clements Burial Ground – Due to time constraints it was resolved to defer to October agenda

12/217 Planning Applications

Consultation: Smart Wind Round 3 Hornsea Zone – Development Update – Project One; Preliminary

Environmental Information Summary. Noted.

Notice of Planning Appeal by EnergieKontor UK Ltd, Land south of Carlton Grange, Thacker Bank, Great

Carlton/Gayton Le Marsh. Appeal starting date 22 nd

January 2013. Noted.

Cllrs James & Hawes declared an interest on Town & Country Planning Application by the County Council to vary condition 1 of Planning Permission (E) S147/1388/07

Town & Country Planning Application by the County Council to vary condition 1 of Planning Permission (E)

S147/1388/07 to extend the timer period for the return of the existing classroom for a further 3 years, i.e. 31

July 2015. Saltfleetby Church of England Primary School, Main Road, Saltfleetby. It was resolved to support the application.

12/218 Village Hall Committee – The response from the Charity Commission regarding the question of

Trusteeship had been circulated. Following debate it was resolved that the Clerk approach Community Lincs for advice on the response & how to move it forward p LD s RJ

12/219 LALC AGM – It was resolved that Cllrs Warwick & Dover would attend on Saturday 13 th



12/220 Highways – Appendix A had been circulated; the Clerk advised that she had been informed that

North End Lane had no legal weight limit & therefore no Traffic Order to prohibit HGV traffic. Clerk to report

Bridge Rail repairs, grate opposite the chapel reported but not actioned & B1200 sloping so as to affect a residents property with excess rain water. Clerk to check on bollards positioned at Fishmeregate – wooden poles put in instead of concrete.

12/221 Publicity – Following debate it was agreed to liaise with the Jubilee Committee to see if something could be incorporated into their proposed installations. Cllr Warwick to action.

12/222 Asset Register – Cllr Dover to check on the benches at the Stump & arrange to have the filing cabinets moved.

12/223 Portable Speed Signs – Information had been circulated. Following debate the Clerk was asked to liaise with Highways regarding their sign.

12/224 Anglian Water – Email in response to general enquiry regarding extending the sewerage system within Saltfleetby had been circulated. The Clerk reminded Councillors regarding Declarations. Following debate it was resolved to include something within the next Newsletter to try and ascertain whether there was sufficient mandate from residents to warrant lobbying for connection of remaining properties to the main sewerage system p LD s JS. Cllr Warwick to action.

12/225 LCC – Lincolnshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2 – Stakeholders Consultation – It was resolved that Cllr Harrison complete the form & bring to the October meeting for acceptance prior to submission.

12/226 District Councillors Report

– There were grant pots of money that could be used towards SID signage from Community Grants at the District Council; Changes to Council Tax support scheme details were on the ELDC web site; the Draft Core Strategy October 2012 for East Lindsey would commence an 8 week consultation.

12/227 Queens Jubilee Events – Following debate on the Jubilee Committee’s representation & a resident’s comment regarding the spending of money donated by the Parish Council, it was agreed to place on the October agenda for decision, with a further item on the state of the verges.

12/228 Clerks Report – The External Audit Form had been returned with no issues, however previously the Fixed Assets had not been included but this had now been corrected & the notice regarding residents rights had been posted; VAT reclaim submitted for £278.91 & now received; Order issued as resolved to Contractor for bulb planting to a total cost of £200; Trip Hazard signs for St Clements Churchyard collected & handed to

Cllr Hawes; County Councillors Grant form re-submitted for project of infill hedging at St Clements

Churchyard – grant of £222.22 now received; Community Wildlife Grant following discussion the Clerk had submitted a request for funding towards ascertaining ownership of some parish paths; Additional price given of £150 for 30ms of hedging (patching), spirals & stakes with no charge for planting by a local Contractor.

12/229 Reports from Outside Bodies – None

12/230 Correspondence, the following items were noted:

Clerks & Councils Direct

The Clerk magazine

Improving Volunteer Management Booklet


Temporary Footpath Closure: Marshchapel & Skidbrooke.


Planning Decision Received:

Application N/145/01208/12 – Ms T ridings, The Old Orchard, Main Road, Saltfleetby. Planning Permission –

Partial change of use of land to form a cattery & erection of a detached building to form a cattery with 15 no. pens & an isolation unit which have already been erected which is an amendment to that previously approved planning application no. N/145/02174/11. Full Planning Permission.

12/231 Councillors Reports – Louth Town Football Club – it was believed that they were still waiting on one signature in order to fully proceed but appeared to be using the facilities more frequently.

12/232 Items for the Next Agenda – As above.

The meeting closed at 9.23pm. Next Meeting Tuesday 2 nd

October 2012 at 7.30pm



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