Southern State Community College Curriculum Committee – March 2014 MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Procedures Page 1 of 15 I. COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Medical Assisting and Procedures COURSE NUMBER: 1101 CATALOG PREFIX: MAST II. PREREQUISITE(S): Acceptance in the Medical Assisting Program CO-REQUISITE(S): MAST 1115, MAST 1111 III. CREDIT HOURS: 2 LABORATORY HOURS: 1 (2 contact) IV. COURSE DESCRIPTION: LECTURE HOURS: 1 OBSERVATION HOURS: 0 Introductory level course that includes an orientation survey of the occupation of the medical assisting educational and certification requirements. This course includes orientation to the use of the laboratory for practice and competency of skills to be gained throughout the medical assisting program and progresses to theory and techniques utilized by the medical assistant to perform fundamental skills in a clinical setting. A review of body systems and the specialty exams associated with Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Pediatrics are included along with routine room preparation, inventory and equipment maintenance are presented. This course includes the competencies of obtaining patient history, cleaning biohazardous spill, contaminated glove removal, hand washing, vital signs, patient exam, appropriate positioning and draping, Snellen exam, Ishihara exam, eye/ear irrigation and medication instillation, audiometry, use of the otophthalmascope, pediatric examinations and recording of this information on the patient record. This course follows CAAHEP/AAMA accreditation standards in place for Medical Assistants. V. GRADING: Grades are accorded using the following schedule: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 F = 0 – 79 Must repeat the course Successful attainment of the objectives of this course will be measured by the student passing all competency-based skills, written assignments, and a final course grade of A or B. Students will be graded on his/her performance of the competency-based skills listed in the course description. Students must pass all class tests before the competency score will be averaged into the grade as a score. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 2 of 15 Honesty and integrity are major elements in professional behavior and are expected of each Health Science Division student. Cheating is considered unacceptable behavior within all Health Science Division courses. Students having academic difficulties should seek guidance assistance from the instructor, academic advisor, or college counselor. A student observed or found to be cheating on a test or assignment in any Health Science Division course will be given a “zero” on the test or assignment. A written report of the incident, signed by the instructor and the student, will be placed in the student’s permanent file. This notice will remain on file and in effect for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the Health Science Division. Should a second incident of cheating occur in any Health Science Division course, the student will be given a failing grade for the course and will be dismissed from the Health Science Division for one year and possibly from SSCC, as per college guidelines. The “zero” grade for dishonesty will not be used as the drop grade in a course in which a drop grade option is given. If a student allows another student to copy or “cheat off” of their work than the same ramifications will be given to that student as well. The student witnessing cheating is morally obligated to report the incident to the instructor. VI. ADOPTED TEXT(S): Kinn's The Medical Assistant with Student Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual & ICD-10 Supplemental Package Young 12th Edition ISBN: 9780323280341 VII. COURSE OBJECTIVES: To provide a format for the achievement of professional competency in clinical skills performed in the medical office and the understanding of their application to real life or on-the-job situations. Medical Abbreviations: 1. Define abbreviations commonly used in the field of medicine and give their definitions. 2. Explain the use of medical abbreviations in written communications in the medical office. Objectives: MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 3 of 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Define, spell, and pronounce the terms listed in the vocabulary. Assess the importance of developing professional behaviors as a member of the allied health team. Apply time-management strategies to make the most of your learning opportunities. Use problem-solving techniques to manage conflict and barriers to your success. Integrate effective study skills into your daily activities. Explain the history of medicine and how it has affected today’s medicine. List several medical pioneers, and discuss the importance of their contributions to the medical profession. Explain the role of the world healthcare organizations. Discuss the various types of ambulatory care. Distinguish among different types of doctors and medical practices. Discuss various healthcare occupations and the role these professionals play in the healthcare industry. Briefly discuss the history of medical assisting as a profession. Differentiate between administrative and clinical medical assisting skills. Discuss the aspects of the medical assistant’s performance on a successful externship. Explain the meaning of the word professionalism. Discuss several of the characteristics of professionalism. Explain why confidentiality is so important in the medical profession. Differentiate between verbal and nonverbal communication. Discuss the value of touch in the communication process. Describe the elements of the transactional communication model. Explain some of the barriers to effective communication. List and explain the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Discuss defense mechanisms, and be able to recognize commonly used defense mechanisms. Describe the value of listening. List several ways to deal with conflict. Explain the stages of grief that patients go through when facing death. Recognize diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Apply the chain-of-infection process to healthcare practice. Summarize the impact of the inflammatory response on the body’s ability to defend itself against infection. Differentiate between humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Analyze the differences among acute, chronic, and latent disease processes. Compare viral and bacterial cell invasion. Specify potentially infectious bodily fluids. Integrate OSHA’s requirement for a site-based Exposure Control Plan into office management procedures. Explain the major areas included in the OSHA Compliance Guidelines. Apply the concepts of medical and surgical asepsis to the healthcare setting. Differentiate among sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization procedures. Demonstrate the proper hand-washing technique for medical asepsis. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 4 of 15 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. Demonstrate the correct procedure for sanitization of contaminated instruments. Apply patient education concepts to infection control. Discuss the legal and ethical concerns regarding medical asepsis and infection control. Employ the components of holistic care in the patient assessment process. Describe the components of the patient’s medical history. Display sensitivity to diverse patient populations. Recognize the importance of nonverbal communication when interacting with patients. Identify barriers to communication and their impact on patient assessment. Demonstrate professional patient interview techniques. Integrate detailed information about the chief complaint into concise, accurate documentation methods. Differentiate among various medical record systems employed in the physician’s office. Obtain a written medical history from a patient. Illustrate at least five guidelines for patient education that can affect overall patient wellness. Implement a variety of teaching methods and strategies that are responsive to individual patient needs. Describe the role of the medical assistant in patient education. Recognize the impact of cultural influences on diet choices. Analyze the relationship between poor diet and lifestyle choices and the risk of developing diet-related diseases. Describe the role of carbohydrates, fats, and protein in the daily diet. Explain the function of appropriate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and water in the diet. Apply Food Guide Pyramid guidelines to patient dietary recommendations. Interpret food labels and their application to healthy diets. Summarize the causes of eating disorders and obesity and their impact on patient health. Understand the role of the medical assistant in nutrition and health promotion. Demonstrate the nutritional labeling of food products to a patient. Cite the average body temperatures, pulse rates, respiratory rates, and blood pressures for various age groups. Describe emotional and physical factors that cause body temperature to increase or decrease. Obtain and record an accurate patient temperature using three different sites. Describe pulse rate, volume, and rhythm. Locate and record the pulse at multiple sites. Demonstrate the best way to obtain an accurate respiration count. Identify the different Korotkoff phases. Accurately measure and document blood pressure. Accurately measure and document height and weight. Convert kilograms to pounds and pounds to kilograms. Discuss the reasons that job search training is important to a medical assistant. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 5 of 15 74. Describe some of the errors that should be avoided on a resume. 75. Prepare a resume. 76. Outline the medical assistant’s role in preparing for the physical examination. 77. Summarize the instruments and equipment typically used by the physician during a physical examination. 78. Outline the basic principles of properly gowning and draping a patient for examination. 79. Compare and contrast the various positions that may be used during an examination, and identify the purpose of each. 80. Position and drape a patient in different examining positions while remaining mindful of patient privacy and comfort. 81. Outline the sequence of a routine physical examination. 82. Prepare for and assist in the physical examination of a patient, correctly completing each step of the procedure in the proper sequence. 83. Summarize the role of the medical assistant in the physical examination process. 84. Determine the role of patient education during the physical examination. 85. Explain the differences among an ophthalmologist, optometrist, and optician. 86. Identify the anatomic structures of the eye. 87. Differentiate among the major types of refractive errors. 88. Summarize typical disorders of the eye. 89. Conduct a vision acuity test using the Snellen chart. 90. Assess color acuity. 91. Illustrate the purpose of eye irrigations and the instillation of medication. 92. Properly irrigate a patient’s eyes. 93. Accurately instill eye medication. 94. Identify the structures and explain the functions of the external, middle, and internal ear. 95. Describe the conditions that can lead to hearing loss, including conductive, neurogenic, and congenital hearing losses. 96. Define the major disorders of the ear, including otitis, impacted cerumen, and Ménière’s disease. 97. Explain the various otic diagnostic procedures. 98. Accurately measure the hearing acuity of a patient by using an audiometer. 99. Identify the purpose of ear irrigations and instillation of ear medication. 100. Demonstrate ear irrigations. 101. Accurately instill otic drops. 102. Summarize the nose and throat examination. 103. Summarize CDC-recommended immunizations for children. 104. Demonstrate how to document and maintain accurate immunization records. 105. Compare and contrast a well-child and a sick-child examination. 106. Outline the medical assistant’s role in a pediatric examination. 107. Measure the circumference of an infant’s head. 108. Obtain accurate length and weight measurements, and plot growth patterns. 109. Accurately measure pediatric vital signs including vision screening. 110. Correctly apply a pediatric urine collection device. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 6 of 15 111. Specify child safety guidelines for injury prevention and management of suspected child abuse. 112. Describe the characteristics and needs of the adolescent patient. A. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Objectives meet AAMA/CAAHEP Entry Level content: Perform handwashing Dispose of biohazardous materials Practice standard precautions Perform telephone and in person screening Obtain vital signs Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and observations Respond to and initiate written communication Recognize and respond to verbal communication Advocate on behalf of patients Demonstrate awareness of how an individual’s personal appearance affects anticipated responses Recognize and respond to non-verbal communication Demonstrate awareness of the territorial boundaries of the person with whom communicating Recognize and protect personal boundaries in communicating with others Apply active listening skills Demonstrate sensitivity appropriate to the message being delivered Demonstrate recognition of the patient’s level of understanding in communications. Demonstrate empathy in communicating with patients, family and staff Analyze communications in providing appropriate responses/feedback Identify and respond to issues of confidentiality Use reflection, restatement and clarification techniques to obtain a patient history. Apply ethical behaviors, including honesty/integrity in performance of medical assisting practice. Perform within legal and ethical boundaries Establish and maintain the medical record Document appropriately Document patient care Perform risk management procedures Instruct individuals according to their needs Provide instructions for health maintenance and disease prevention Develop and maintain a current list of community resources to patient’s healthcare needs. Practice standard precautions Dispose of biohazardous materials Screen and follow up test results Obtain vital signs MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 7 of 15 Obtain and record patient history Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area Prepare patients for and assist with routine and specialty exams Prepare patients for and assist with procedures, treatments and minor office surgery Maintain medication and immunization records Maintain growth charts Perform patient screening using established protocols Respond to and initiate written communication Recognize and respond to verbal communication Recognize and respond to non-verbal communication Identify and respond to issues of confidentiality Establish and maintain the medical record Document appropriately Instruct individuals according to their needs Instruct and demonstrate the use and care of patient equipment Provide instruction for health maintenance and disease prevention Perform an inventory of supplies and equipment VIII. COURSE METHODOLOGY: This course may use lecture, discussion, video, chapter and workbook assignments, handin assignments, computer assignments, work projects, skill demonstration, skill competency, practical scenarios, patient simulation, and written tests as appropriate to the course objectives. Student medical assistants are expected to apply information and knowledge gained in this course to other medical assisting courses, including clinical assignments in MAST 1126, 2225, and 2226. IX. COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction to Medical Assisting: Chapter 1 Becoming a Successful Student Chapter 2 The Healthcare Industry Chapter 3 The Medical Assisting Profession Chapter 4 Professional Behavior in the Workplace Chapter 5 Interpersonal Skills and Human Behavior Chapter 27 Infection Control Chapter 28 Patient Assessment Chapter 29 Patient Education Chapter 30 Nutrition and Health Promotion Chapter 31 Vital Signs Chapter 58 Career Development and Life Skills Medical Assisting Procedures: MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 8 of 15 Chapter 32: Assisting with the Primary Physical Exam Chapter 37: Assisting in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Chapter 42: Assisting in Pediatrics Chapter 44 Assisting in Neurology and Mental Health SAMPLE Calendar Outline: WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 Orientation/Introduction, Abbreviations, Discuss Address Book, OSHA & MSDS Assignments, Team Leader Assignments (Monthly Inventory/Equip), Bb Supplemental HOME PREP: Chapter 1 Becoming a Successful Student HOME PREP: Chapter 2 The Healthcare Industry HOME PREP: Chapter 3 The Medical Assisting Profession HOME PREP: Chapter 27 Infection Control Begin work on MSDS assignment and OSHA video/quiz (Bb Supplemental) CBE: Demo Competency Based Exams (CBE): biohazardous spill/proper waste disposal, PPE, glove removal (ketchup packet needed), handwashing (aseptic vs surgical) TEST Chapters 1-3 and Abbreviations (Bb) Chapter 27 Infection Control (cont) CBE: biohazardous spill/waste disposal; PPE, glove removal, handwashing (aseptic vs surgical) HOME PREP: Chapter 28 Patient Assessment; FINAL CBE: Infection Control. Begin Peer Medical History; Draw Education Presentation Topics Chapter 28 Patient Assessment (cont); CBE: Complete Peer Medical History and Begin Pt Assessment; HOME PREP: Chapter 31 Vital Signs FINAL CBE: Patient History and Begin Vital Signs TEST Chapter 27 & 28, OSHA Guidelines and Abbreviations (Bb); Chapter 31 Vital Signs (cont) CBE: Demo Vital Signs and Vital Sign Worksheets (5 Due Each Class) CBE: Vital Signs Begin Personal Diet Diary (next 14 days) Address Book Due; Begin Temperature Handout/Flyer CBE: Continue Vital Signs/Worksheets HOME PREP: Chapter 29 Patient Education HOME PREP: Chapter 30 Nutrition and Health Promotion Food Label; Diet Diary due; Work on OSHA Manual Project HOME PREP: Chapter 4 Professional Behavior in the Workplace; Begin Writing Resume; CBE: Vital Signs TEST Chapter 30, 31 & 29 (Bb) and Abbreviations MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 9 of 15 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 11 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 HOME PREP: Chapter 5 Interpersonal Skills and Human Behavior OSHA & MSDS assignments due; FINAL CBE: Complete CBE Vital signs; HOME PREP: Chapter 58 Career Development and Life Skills; Dress for Interview: Mock Interview/Career Services; Resume Due HOME PREP: Chapter 32 Assisting With Primary Physical Exam; VS Worksheet; Create Index Cards for Specialty Exams CBE: Demo Sterile Gloving; and CBE Demo Positioning Policy & Procedure Manual due TEST Chapter 4, 5, & 58 (Bb) and Abbreviations CBE Sterile Gloving and Positioning HOME PREP: Chapter 37 Eye and Ear CBE: Demo Eye/Ear Demo; Demo Nasal Installation; HOME PREP: Chapter 44 Neurology CBE: Demo PERRLA FINAL CBE Positioning CBE: Eye, Ear, Nose HOME PREP: Chapter 42 Pediatrics; Immunizations – Visit CDC for VIS and Current Vaccine Schedule CBE: Eye, Ear, Nose CBE: Demo Pediatric Weight, Length, Head/Chest Circumference, and Plotting Growth Chart, VIS Parent Education and Documentation Immunizations FINAL CBE: Eye, Ear, Nose CBE: Pediatrics CBE: Pediatrics cont TEST Chapter 32, 37, 42 (Bb) and Abbreviations CBE: Pediatrics cont. CBE: Pediatrics cont. FINAL CBE: Pediatrics Exam Room Inventory and Equipment Check FINAL EXAM (In Class) *Review Chapters 27, 28, 31, 47, 40 and surgical handwashing over break in preparation for MAST 2240* Spelling test will be given as designated by the instructor. Students are responsible for an additional 2 hr/week open lab time for practice/perfection of skill procedures for competency outside the regularly scheduled class. Sign in and out on lab attendance sheet. You cannot be over 4 hours behind or will result in a drop of 5 points from final average for each week behind. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 10 of 15 A patient nutrition education presentation is to be completed before the final exam. A flyer with patient information, including local support information, must be included. Assignment and topic will be determined by the instructor. An address book assignment will be turned in for a grade. This is to contain any addresses that you feel will be useful in a medical office, or clinic setting. A team project will be given, at the beginning of the quarter, for specific OSHA and MSDS Guidelines in the Medical Office. To be completed following office policy and procedure specifications. Vital signs, with chief complaint listed, are to be completed and turned in with accurately completed documentation. A total of 5 “patient” vital signs and chief complaints are to be turned in each class for 5 weeks of the semester for a total of 50 vital signs. Vital Signs are a course requirement. If vital signs are not completed you have not met course requirements and will not pass the course. Students will initiate the student Practicum Program Objectives (PPO) check off sheet and perform the CBE for OSHA Guidelines, obtaining patient history, cleaning biohazardous spill, contaminated glove removal, vital signs, handwashing X. OTHER REQUIRED BOOKS, SOFTWARE AND MATERIALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. XI. Stethoscope Blood Pressure Cuff Watch with a second hand Other at the discretion of the instructor EVALUATION: Knowledge of content is evaluated by written exam, student performance of competency based skills, assignments, and work projects per instructor. All exams are comprehensive. A quiz may be given at instructors’ discretion. Competency-based skill performance is required on each skill discussed and demonstrated. After completion of this course, the student will be requested to complete a form to assist in evaluation of course content and instruction. Class participation will be evaluated by the students’ ability to contribute to class discussion. Points will be deducted on all assignments and quizzes for incorrect spelling or grammar. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 11 of 15 Students must earn a passing average score on exams and must pass all competencies with accuracy rate of 85%. Failure in any of these areas will result in failure of the course. No make-up tests will be given. Sample Grading Scale: Vital Signs – Course Requirement Chapter Exams – 30% Passing Score Required as above Skill Competencies – 20% Passing Score Required as above Coursework/Work Product – 20% Final Exam – 30% XII. SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT RQUIREMENTS: Students will be required to complete a written test at the times designated in the Course Schedule. Students are required to participate in all class activities. To meet the objectives of each course in Medical Assisting, students must attend all scheduled classes. At the beginning of the quarter all instructors will pass out a “Class Schedule”, which lists all class meetings. If a student must miss class due to extenuating circumstances, than the student is expected to call and inform the instructor by either talking with the instructor, e-mail, or leaving a message should the instructor not be available. Students will be allowed two (2) class absences. Absences over two times will result in a drop of one letter grade from the final grade; the third absence will reduce a final grade of A to a B, or may drop the B to an F, therefore having to repeat the course. Two instances of significant tardiness or leaving early will be considered equivalent to an absence for purposes of this calculation. Students may withdraw from classes up to and including the week before final exams by giving written notice of their intent to withdraw to the Student Services Office. Attendance in class is an important part of the learning process. Excess absence may result in a failure. Faculty may count attendance as part of the grading policy and a failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade. Withdrawal from classes may affect the student’s financial aid. See the FEE SCHEDULE section of the College Catalog for the policy on refunds and financial aid. Faculty may recommend that the College withdraw students who have missed more than 20% of the total scheduled classes of a course and issue a grade of WI to the student. Any student who misses a scheduled competency, either demonstration or checkoff must make an appointment, within one week of return to school, with the instructor to make up MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 12 of 15 this portion of the class. Failure to do so will result in a “Fail” for the competency, therefore failure of the course. It is the students’ responsibility to make arrangements for this. XIII. OTHER INFORMATION: Classroom Conduct: Civility in the classroom is very important. As professionals, we expect students to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner. Disruptive, rude, sarcastic, obscene or disrespectful speech or behavior have a negative impact on everyone, and will not be tolerated. Students need to remember that the online discussion boards and chat rooms in the online course are considered classrooms and the same rules apply. Students will use these tools in the online classroom for information that pertains to the course; it is not to be used for personal exchanges of a social nature. If you engage in any such conduct you will be asked to leave and you will receive a “zero” for any work completed on that day. The instructor reserves the right to permanently remove a student from the class for inappropriate conduct after consultation with the Department coordinator and Academic Dean. Inclement Weather: In the event of campus delay (when this class start time is impacted by said delay) the class will begin at the scheduled campus opening time to complete any remaining class time permitted. FERPA: Work submitted in this class may be seen by others. Others may see your work when being distributed, during group project work, or if it is chosen for demonstration purposes. Other instructors may also see your work during the evaluation/feedback process. Student assignments and exams are kept on file for review by various Accrediting Boards of both the Medical Assisting and Institutional Boards. On occasion papers may be traded with another student or work-study for grading purposes. There is also a possibility that your papers may be submitted electronically to other entities to determine if references are cited appropriately. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Work submitted by the student must be the students’ own creation. The instructor reserves the right to fail any student who submits plagiarized or duplicated work. A grade of “zero” will automatically be given to the duplicated submissions. The instructor will be the sole judge in such cases. If a student cannot demonstrate conclusively that a work was not copied or plagiarized or, in the case of the original author, was copied without consent, the penalty will stand. DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities may contact the Disabilities Service Office, Central Campus, at 800-628-7722 or 937-393-3431. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 13 of 15 COMPETENCY BASED SKILLS EXAM -- SKILL CHECKOFF Lab participation is an important factor in lab performance evaluation. Students are to take individual responsibility for learning laboratory procedures BEFORE evaluation by an instructor. The laboratory will be open for individual practice during the hours posted. The initial skills checkoff will be scheduled by the instructor. Follow-up checkoffs will be done according to the procedure listed below. A. Students are required to successfully demonstrate skill mastery within 2 performance exams. Performance skills are weighted. B. If unsuccessful in 2 attempts, an unsatisfactory lab performance will result. Unsatisfactory lab performance at completion of the quarter will result in the grade of "F" for the entire course regardless of the theory grade. C. Only one attempt to perform the same lab procedure may be made each proficiency day. If the lab procedure is not completed successfully, the student will be required to reschedule the proficiency at an available time with the lab instructor before the date it is due. D. Checkoffs are to be scheduled during lab time and at other assigned times as scheduled by instructor. Each student may sign up only once for a skill until all students have had an opportunity to sign up for that skill. E. No books or notes are to be available during skill exam. "Patients" and assistants may not give clues or any verbal assistance during the tests. Before beginning the skill, each student testing needs to: a. get own assistant if needed. b. get own patient if needed. c. be ready to start at the appropriate time. d. present peer review papers and have name on all of them and give to evaluating instructor. e. present checkoff papers and have name on all of them and give to evaluating instructor. f. place peer review and checkoff papers in order of performance. F. Students are asked not to watch others being evaluated. Skill checkoff sheets are to be given to instructor before evaluation. Upon satisfactory completion, scores will be calculated and each sheet will be signed by student, partners and instructor. Skill checkoffs must be successfully completed in the lab before a student is permitted to perform them in the clinical setting. H. All written lab assignments must be satisfactorily completed and submitted on due date to pass the fundamentals skills course. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 14 of 15 PROTOCOL FOR PEER CHECK OFFS Each skill that is designated as a peer check off should be completed in the following way: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Practice, perform and document the skill with a lab partner from your lab group. Get feedback from your lab partner about your performance of the skill. Practice until you feel comfortable and have mastery of the skill. Have lab partner sign name and date to your skill sheet, indicating you have performed the skill correctly. Perform the skill for/with another classmate from each of the OTHER lab groups (2 other people-a total of 3). Have each of the other peers sign your skill/lab sheet as well, indicating you have correctly performed the skill. Students are not to sign off on a skill for others unless they feel certain that it has been performed correctly. Turn in or show signed lab sheets with accurate documentation to each Lab Instructor at time of competency performance or by the deadline date as designated by instructor. Please address all questions regarding specific peer check offs to the instructor from whom the assignment was obtained. MEDICAL ASSISTING LAB POLICIES Required Lab: The purpose of the Practice Lab is to allow the student a simulated patient care experience in order to become familiar with the required psychomotor skills for a course. Students are required to arrange time for 2 hours practice lab time outside of class weekly for practice of competency skills only. The student is scheduled for supervised practice lab during class with an instructor according to the requirements of a course. Attendance at supervised labs is required. Specific lab objectives written for each lab session must be satisfactorily achieved in order to successfully complete the course. Open Lab: The lab is available for self-directed student practice during the hours not utilized for instruction. The student should use the Open Lab Practice to become proficient in a skill BEFORE requesting an evaluation of the skill by the instructor. Students should sign in and out of the lab. The "sign-in" book is located on the counter of the lab and requests date, time, name, and procedure. MAST 1101 – Introduction to Medical Assisting and Medical Assisting Procedures Page 15 of 15 Equipment and Lab Maintenance: All equipment and supplies should be returned to the appropriate place after they are used for practice. No equipment may be removed from the lab at any time. Students are expected to leave the laboratory in order, which means cleaning up lab surfaces with appropriate solutions, making and straightening beds and returning models and equipment to appropriate spaces. All students are responsible for maintaining order in the lab as follows: See that the room is in order at the end of each class. 1. Beds neat and in proper place 2. Bed side furniture in proper place 3. All equipment and supplies returned to proper place 4. Mannequins secured in beds, chairs, or on carts 5. Lights off PROPER WASTE AND BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL Regular trash: Equipment packaging materials and instructional papers, food and drink containers, paper towels, newspapers, etc., lightly soiled gloves, band aids, cotton balls, gauze, used alcohol pads, feminine hygiene products from patients with no known bloodborne disease (excluding obstetrical waste), needleless syringes, empty medicine vials, unbroken/uncontaminated glass bottles or vials, empty iv bags and tubing. Infectious waste (Red Bags): Cultures, bloody gloves, pathological wastes, discarded vaccines, medicine vials (partially filled), and laboratory wastes that were in contact with infectious agents, laboratory wastes that were in contact with blood or body fluids. Sharps container (Red Plastic Container) Needles and syringes, lancets, slides, broken glass, razors, scalpel blades, guidewires, ampules.