Biology 361 L02 (2010) Introductory Comparative Physiology Course Description Biology 361 is designed to provide an introduction to the physiology of excitable tissues (nerves & muscles), as well as regulatory systems, cell-cell communication (endocrinology) and sensory systems in animals. Prerequisites include Biol 201 (and thus Biol 200 and first year chemistry) Lectures emphasize the understanding of basic concepts in biology, such as the function of enzymes or the role of major cellular organelles, as well as the fundamental concepts in physiology, such as ionic mechanisms of generation of action potentials or cellular movement. In addition, the importance of evolutionary relationships is stressed throughout the course. Overall Course Objectives By the end of this course students are expected to: 1. Have developed thorough understanding of fundamental concepts in human physiology, interactions between major physiological systems, and the effects of selected pathological conditions on the function of these systems and their specific organs. Lecturer Dr. Robert A. Harris 604.822.5709 Office #: Rm. 1104, BioSciences Building Office hours: Monday 2:30 - 4 PM Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30 AM, or by appointment Lectures: BioSci 2000 T. Th. 11:00 – 12:30 Required Texts: Moyes and Schulte - Principles of Animal Physiology, 2nd ed. Optional (not required, but highly recommended): Medical Dictionary The Internet: The following web site will have the lecture slides posted in a downloadable format: Note: Although the internet has become a major source of scientific information you should remember that, unlike scientific papers or textbooks, most web sites do not undergo the process of peer review. Consequently, never assume that everything posted on the web is correct, and when surfing the net choose web sites that belong to well-established institutions such as major colleges and universities. Assessment: 50% - 2 Midterms (75 minutes, 25% each) 50% – Final Exam 1 Exams are mainly composed of short answer questions involving explanations and problem solving, as well as short essay questions. Exams are closed book. Lecture Grading Criteria (General Guidelines) A level (80-100%) - Work of Outstanding Quality Suggests that there is very high quality throughout every aspect of your work including outstanding to very good comprehension of the lecture material, ability to integrate information in a clear and logical manner, and a very high degree of engagement with and interest in the subject. B level (68-79%) - Work of Good Quality with no Major Weaknesses Suggests that there is generally a good quality throughout your work, with a few to several problems of minor significance. Good comprehension of lecture material with several to a few examples showing the ability to integrate information in a clear and logical manner. Relatively high to fair degree of engagement with and interest in the subject. C level (55-67%) - Adequate Work Suggests that there is generally adequate quality throughout your work with several problems of some significance. Fair comprehension of lecture material with a very few to no examples showing the ability to integrate information in a clear and logical manner. Minimal degree of engagement with and interest in the subject. D level (50-54%) - Minimally Adequate Work, Barely at a Passing Level Suggests serious flaws or deficits in the quality of your work with minimal comprehension of lecture material and no ability to integrate information in a clear and logical manner. Lack of engagement with and interest in the subject. F Level (0-49%) - Failing Work Inadequate quality of work for successful completion of the course. Please read the following carefully: It is easy to succeed in Biology 361, as long as you approach this course with certain degree of maturity and proper attitude. The few points suggest some strategies that you may find helpful in your study of the lecture material. 1. Always go over the slide set before coming to lecture. . 2. Study consistently. DO NOT wait with studying until last 48 hrs before the exam! The amount of information will overwhelm you, we guarantee it! It is much more effective to spend a short amount of time (even 15-20 min.) in the evening following each lecture trying to understand the material. This way you should establish good comprehension of each individual concept and can concentrate on putting the pieces together during 1-2 weeks before the exam. 3. Ask questions. I tried very hard to present the course material in a clear and easy to follow format. As you go through the material, first concentrate on understanding the material on its own, and then try to fit it into the context of a 2 function of a particular organ, a physiological system or the entire body. However, many aspects of physiology are complex. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK QUESTIONS each time you run into a problem. You can see me in my office (check my office hours), make an appointment, or simply talk to other students in the class or your study group (see below) but never leave questions unanswered, they like to show up on exams! 4. Study in small groups. It won’t be long before you will get to know other students in the class, you may know some already. Try to establish a small (3-4 students) study group as soon as possible. Try to get together once a week, more often closer to each exam, to reinforce each other’s comprehension of the material, ask and answer questions, etc. Such interactions will help you to assess your knowledge and point the areas that you overlooked in studying on your own. Course theme: How do animals sense and respond to their environment? More specifically, how do they sense their environment, how is this information communicated and integrated within the body (signaling – both the nervous system and the endocrine system), and how do they generate a response (muscular system)? Major topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cell Membranes Systems for homeostatic control in multicellular organisms Neurons and Nervous System Cell Signaling Sensory Systems Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle Endocrinology Expected Learning Outcomes: 1. - Mechanisms and regulation of cell signaling Students will be able to: Describe how chemical and electrical gradients are used to transport molecules across a cell membrane Calculate the membrane potential of a cell using the Nernst and Goldman equations Explain, using examples, how signal transduction pathways in cells allow for amplification of signals Describe how signaling pathways are stopped once they have been activated Describe in detail the mechanisms of G-protein signaling Predict how experimental modification of regulatory mechanisms (such as phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of receptors) of signaling pathways will affect the cell signal and the expression of target genes 2. How animals use sensory receptors to sense their environment Students will be able to: 3 - Interpret written or graphical information on stimulus intensity and action potential frequency to determine how a sensory receptor encodes stimulus intensity Explain the difference between tonic and phasic receptors Compare transduction of stimuli to action potentials for chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and photoreceptors Describe the structure and function of the vertebrate ear Describe the structure and function of photoreceptors, focusing on the rods and cones of the vertebrate eye 3. How neurons process and communicate information Students will be able to: Recognize the major structural components of neurons Describe the three phases of a neural action potential Explain how temporal or spatial summation of graded potentials can cause a neuron to reach the threshold required to produce an action potential Predict how changes in the structure, density, and diversity of ion channels will affect action potential shape Predict how changes in myelination and axon diameter will affect the conduction speed of action potentials Predict whether a neuron will fire an action potential, given experimental data Describe the mechanisms of synaptic transmission, using acetylcholine receptors as an example 4. Structure and function of the different regions and functional units of the nervous system in vertebrates Students will be able to: Compare the structure and function of the major regions (hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain) of the vertebrate brain Contrast the structural organization of cells within the brain, spinal cord, and nerves (in mammals) Contrast how the structure and function of the forebrain relates to intelligence in mammals versus birds Compare the structure and function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems 5. Molecular and mechanical processes involved in muscle function, and the regulation of these processes Students will be able to: Explain how actin and myosin interact to produce muscle contraction (the sliding filament model) Calculate changes in muscle band length during muscle contraction Graph how changes in sarcomere length affect force of contraction in both skeletal and cardiac muscle Explain how the timing of stimuli can cause summation and tetanus Contrast the structure and function of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibres in skeletal muscle and the metabolic pathways used by these fibres (the phosphagen, glycolysis, and oxidative systems) Compare the molecular and electrical properties of action potentials of cardiomyocytes and neurons Describe how an action potential from the pacemaker travels through the heart to cause contraction 4 - Contrast how heart rate (the rate of pacemaker potentials) is modulated by the parasympathetic nervous system versus the sympathetic nervous system Compare the structure and function of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle Compare, in detail, excitation contraction coupling in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle Propose reasons for improved or reduced performance at the whole animal level by integrating information on cellular and molecular mechanisms of nerve and muscle structure and function 6. How the endocrine system is used for communication Students will be able to: Predict the most likely communication system (nervous, endocrine, or paracrine) to be used by an animal for a given physiological task, based on the velocity and distance of the communication required Compare and contrast peptide, steroid, and amine hormones with regards to their release and transport throughout the body and their action on their target tissue Describe the pathways and regulation of the hormonal part of the vertebrate stress response Outline the common signal transduction pathways stimulated by hormones, which are found in complex animals Describe the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-glandular axis for the vertebrate pituitary hormones Compare and contrast the major hormonal systems across the vertebrates Biology 361 course schedule Winter 2010 Week 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 Dates Lecture topic Sept 9 Sept 14-18 Sept 21-25 Sept 29- Oct 2 Oct 5 Oct 7 Oct 12-16 Oct 19-23 Oct 26-30 Nov 2-6 Nov 9 Nov 13 Nov 16-20 Nov 23-27 Nov 30-Dec 4 Introduction to physiology and review of cell biology Cell biology and membrane transport, Introduction to nerves Membrane potential, Nernst equation and Goldman equation Action potentials, signal integration Signal integration (cont.) Signal transduction MIDTERM (in class) Sensory systems Cell movement, Skeletal muscles Skeletal muscle (cont), excitation contraction coupling Cardiac muscle MIDTERM (in class) Smooth muscle, Endocrine systems Endocrine systems (cont), Reproductive endocrinology Review (time permitting) 5