Page 1/12 Des Moines Area Community College Course Information - Effective Date: January, 2007 Acronym/Number BIO 227 Title Historical Ref Marine Biology II Credit breakout 4 3 2 0 0 (credit lecture lab practicum work experience) PREREQUISITE(S): BIO 225 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the second in a series of two courses. The students will continue the study of polar, temperate, and tropical marine organisms and their environmental and ecological relationships. They will also examine the structure and function of marine flora and fauna using preserved and live specimens. The course includes hands-on laboratory activities, comparative anatomy, field observations, marine aquarium care, snorkeling, kayaking, and scuba. COURSE COMPETENCIES: During this course, the student will be expected to: 1. Examine invertebrate phylums and lower chordate phylums not examined extensively in Marine Biology I. 1.1 Review the classification of invertebrates presented in Marine Biology I. 1.2 Use a microscope and/or dissection to identify and compare (within phylums and between phylums), the form and function of external and internal anatomical features of these organisms; bryozoans (2), brachiopod (1), bivalves (4), gastropods (1), chitons (1 or 2), cephalopod (1 or 2), echinoderms (4-5), horseshoe crab, crustaceans (2-4), tunicate (1), and amphioxus. 1.3 Compare and contrast respiration, excretion, circulation, digestion, sensory perception, locomotion, any defense mechanisms, skeletal support (as appropriate), and reproduction in the animal groups listed in objective 1.2. 1.4 Perform oral and/or written tests to discern the fulfillment of objectives 1.2 and 1.3. 1.5 Summarize the method(s) of reproduction and recognize representative stages of life cycles for most of the animal groups listed in objective 1.2. 1.6 List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the rigid arthropod exoskeleton in comparison to the fluid hydrostatic skeleton of annelid worms. 1.7 Identify and compare the survival advantages and disadvantages an animal with radial body symmetry has over an animal with bilateral symmetry. 1.8 Explain the ecological roles of the organisms in 1.2. 1.9 Hypothesize why many critical sense organs are concentrated in the head region of “higher― animals rather than in other parts of their bodies. 1.10 Summarize information about Chaetognatha including food sources and ecological niche. 2. Examine marine fishes. 2.1 Be able to label the parts, markings, scale types, and tail shapes of fish. 2.2 Recognize at least 65 families of common Caribbean cartilaginous and bony fishes and Next Page Find Go to Page Thumbnail Index Image View Download a Copy Close