Honors English 9 Final Exam Study Guide

Honors English 9 Final Exam 2015
Study Guide
The test will be Scantron format, approximately 100 questions. Bring a No. 2 pencil.
I. Writing Knowledge
A. MLA format, citations, headers
B. Paragraph organization/essay organization, esp. related to argumentative writing
C. Titles: punctuation and capitalization
II. Literary Terms: know the terms we’ve studied all year (use your packet). You will be
asked to read several selections and apply these terms to new literature. Also, you will
be asked to apply these terms to literature we’ve read during second semester.
III. To Kill A Mockingbird
Review all quizzes, handouts, worksheets, notes, and writing selections done in class to
prepare. Review the novel for significant quotes and thematic ideas. The following
questions might help but are not comprehensive.
1. Review the characters: names, roles, etc.
2. What are the main plot lines in the novel? On whom do they focus? How do
they parallel the themes?
3. What symbols are in the novel? What do they represent?
4. Where and when does the story take place?
5. What lessons does Scout learn by the end of the novel? What quotations would
you choose to summarize the themes of the novel?
IV. Fahrenheit 451
Review all handouts, worksheets, notes, and writing selections done in class to prepare.
Review the novel for significant quotes and thematic ideas. The following questions
might help but are not comprehensive.
1. What is the setting of the novel?
2. Know the plot and sections of the novel, as well as any significance tied to the
3. Look at the plot as a series of cause and effect. Where does Montag’s
transformation begin? How? Why?
4. Describe the society in which Montag lives. Name at least five practices/features
that characterize that way of life.
5. What are some theme topics in the novel?
6. Study the significant allusions we discussed in class. To which does each refer?
What does each mean?
V. Vocabulary
Study the Greek roots and prefixes from this week. Know words parts and entire
VI. Application of Reading Skills
You will be asked to read several new poems, a short story, and a nonfiction
selection not covered in class this year. Be prepared to answer questions about each.
These will be comprehension and literary-based questions.