Syllabus - Mrs. Sjuts' Science Site

Basic Physical Science Syllabus 2015-16
Mrs. Sjuts
Rooms: S328 and S330
Office Hours: By appointment before school or at lunch. I am not here in the
afternoons or after school.
Schedule: Period 2 – Basic Physical Science, S330
Period 3 – Honors Physical Science, S328
Period 4 – PLAN, office next to S328
Period 5 – Honors Physical Science, S328
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In Basic Physical Science students will learn about Physics
and Chemistry. Please see the Objectives for more details. We are blessed with
having a full year to complete a semester's worth of objectives. This allows us to
take our time and complete most of the practice during class.
EXPECTATIONS: It is never ok to be hurtful or disruptive. As a student in my
class you will be expected to follow the school-wide expectations:
Be Safe
Keep your hands, feet and legs to yourself. No horseplay or PDA.
Use all materials and equipment in a way that is appropriate for the classroom.
Help others.
Know and follow classroom routines.
Be Respectful
Respect others with your words and actions. “I was just playing” is no excuse.
Use school-appropriate language. No profanity, name-calling, yelling, etc.
Practice good listening skills. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before
Treat others’ as you would want to be treated.
Follow directions.
Have a positive attitude. Make a happy face 
Be Responsible
Arrive in class on time, seated with all materials when bell rings.
Carry your planner and wear your ID.
Participate in classroom activities and assignments.
Be prepared with class materials.
1. Attendance. Please come to class daily  There is no substitute for being in class,
and your success is directly influenced by your participation. I expect everyone to be in
class daily. If you must miss class, I expect that you will inform me and make
arrangements for getting class information and assignments. If you are unexpectedly
absent, you will be responsible for arranging to make up work. Passes will not be
written during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
2. Tardies. I know this class is 2nd period, but PLEASE be on time  All students are
expected to be seated with all of their classroom materials when the bell rings. The
warning bell serves as a reminder for this procedure. Upon arriving late to class,
students will get their materials, and be seated quietly so as not to disrupt the learning of
others. Don’t forget about Tardy Sweeps!
3. Grading.
A = 90-100
B+= 85-89
B = 80-84
C+= 75-79
C =
D =
F =
4. Homework. Most of our work will be done in class, but there will be times when you
will be expected to complete work outside of class.
5. Assessments. You will have a series of formative and summative assessments.
Formative assessments tell us what you know at that particular point in time. These will
be reading quizzes, labs, daily work, etc. They will be counted as 20% of your grade.
Summative assessments count as 80% of your grade and will vary from tests to projects
to papers. You will have a semester final as well. Retaking formative and summative
assessments is permitted.
6. Classroom Materials. You are required to maintain a binder or folder to keep your
notes, handouts, and homework. In addition, a pen/pencil and your planner are essential.
You are to bring all of your classroom materials every day unless otherwise instructed. I
will have a class set of books that must remain in my room at all times. Books can be
checked out in the library if necessary.
7. Electronic Devices. The use of chrome books, cell phones, iPods, and other
electronic devices must follow the stoplight expectations.
Red  bagged and turned off Yellow  used with permission only Green  in use
8. Lab Safety. You will be expected to follow the adopted safety rules by signing a lab
contract. Food and drink are not allowed in the lab area. All lab materials must be
handled with care and returned to their original spot.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES (Other reasonable procedures may be created or modified
as the semester progresses):
1. Raised hands. Students are expected to stay seated and quiet unless they raise
their hand and receive permission. This is one reason you must be prompt and
prepared with all of your materials. Also, I want to be sure everyone is able to hear
your questions and comments.
2. Visitors. When a visitor enters the room (administrator, another teacher, etc.) it is
expected that you will respect those visitors and myself as is normally expected by
staying focused on the task at hand.
3. Tests and quizzes. When a test or quiz is being given, at no time should anyone
be talking. If you have a question, silently raise your hand and I will assist you as
much as I can. This means, even if you are finished you must refrain from talking
until all tests/quizzes are turned in, and I have given the class permission. NOTE:
Talking during a test or quiz is in violation of LHS’s Academic Integrity Policy.
See details in your Student Handbook.
4. Substitute Teachers. If I am unable to be in class and have a substitute teacher
take my place for any amount of time, you will be expected and required to provide
the utmost respect for the substitute teacher by being courteous and fulfilling every
request. Failure to do so will result in morning detention with me. Please note—I will
take your feedback regarding the substitute into consideration when making sub
decisions in the future. **I will be gone October 4-14.**
5. Science Study-Time. Students with excessive absences/tardies, missing
assignments, unnecessary talking, and/or slipping grades may be assigned studytime with Mrs. Sjuts in the mornings or Science ARC after school. A call home may
be needed in order to ensure transportation. Failure to attend study-time may lead to
ARC and/or Saturday School. This is not a punishment; instead, it is an appropriate
consequence needed in order to ensure mastery learning.
6. Computer Lab. We will try to go to the computer lab to enhance student learning.
Failure to follow computer lab guidelines may result in a phone call home along with a
written apology note. No Facebook, Photo Booth, Twitter, Sports film, Pinterest,
Pinnacle, online shopping, or any other sites except for those assigned without
** GET HELP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Students who put off asking questions or
getting help when they need it tend to get further and further behind. E-mail me at or make an appointment asap. You can do it!!
** Check your grades often. If you wait until the last minute, it may be more difficult to
earn the grade you desire.
** Let your parents know how to contact me. If you get behind at all, it helps
tremendously for your parents and I to collaborate on effective ways to help you.
** STAY POSITIVE – Make it a great day or not, the choice is always yours!
Basic Physical Science 1st Semester Pacing
UNIT 1: Exploration – Scientific Method and Problem Solving (4 weeks)
**1st Week—Introduction, Expectations, Strengths/Goals, Study Skills
Week 1—Course Intro, Reading Strategies, Vocabulary Strategies, Observing/Inferring (Ch
1.1 and page 2)
Week 2—Science Skills: Measurement (Base units, Pre-fixes, Scientific Notation, Measure)
(pages 4-7)
Week 3—Science Skills: Collecting and Graphing Data, page 8
Week 4—Scientific Skills: Conducting an investigation, Safety, Review, Exam (pages 8-14)
UNIT 2: Motion (4 weeks)
Week 1—Distance vs Displacement, Scalar vs Vector (Ch 13.1)
Week 2—Speed vs Velocity (Ch 13.1, 2)
Week 3—Acceleration (Ch 13.2)
Week 4—Review, EXAM
UNIT 3: Forces (4 weeks)
Week 1—Balanced vs Unbalanced Forces (Ch 12.1)
Week 2—Friction (Ch 12.4-5)
Week 3—Gravity (Ch 12.2)
Week 4—Implications of forces, Review, EXAM
UNIT 4: Newton’s 3 Laws (4 weeks)
Week 1—Newton’s 1st Law (Ch 12.2)
Week 2—Newton’s 2nd Law (Ch 12.2)
Week 3—Newton’s 3rd Law (Ch 12.3)
Week 4—Review, EXAM
UNIT 5: Final Project and Exam Prep (2 weeks)
Week 1—Final Project TBA
Week 2—Final Exam Prep TBA
Honors Physical Science Semester 2
UNIT 6: Properties of Matter (5 weeks)
Week 1—Properties of Matter (Ch 1.2)
Week 2—Identify 4 states of matter (Ch 1.3)
Week 3—Behavior of Gases (12.7)
Week 4—Phase change (Ch 1.4)
Week 5—Review, EXAM
UNIT 7: Atomic Structure (5 weeks)
Week 1—Elements and Atoms (Ch 3.1-2)
Week 2—Parts of the Atom (Ch 3.3)
Week 3—Atomic Number and Atomic Mass (Ch 3.3-3.4)
Week 4—Electron location, Periodic Table Trends (Ch 3.6-3.9)
Week 5—Review, EXAM
UNIT 8: Classification of Matter (3 weeks)
Week 1—Pure Substances (Ch 4.1-2)
Week 2—Mixtures (Ch 4.3-4)
Week 3—Review, EXAM
UNIT 9: Physical/Chemical Properties & Changes (3 weeks)
Week 1—Physical/Chemical Properties & Changes (Ch 1.5)
Week 2—Physical/Chemical Properties & Changes (Ch 1.5)
Week 3—Review, EXAM
UNIT 10: Final Project and Exam Prep (2 weeks)
Week 1—Final Project TBA
Week 2—Final Exam Prep TBA