FAMILY AND FRIENDS 4 AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH FOURTH YEAR COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT ............................... 3 2. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................... 4 3. KEY COMPETENCES.................................................................................... 5 4. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY ....................................................................... 20 5. CURRICULUM ............................................................................................. 21 5.1. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................ 21 5.2. CONTRIBUTION OF THIS AREA TO THE ACQUISITION OF KEY COMPETENCES .......................................................................................... 27 5.3. CONTENTS ........................................................................................... 29 5.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ..................................................................... 32 6. PROGRAMME OF UNITS ............................................................................ 34 7. CLASSROOM PROGRAMME ...................................................................... 63 Annex I THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES USING FAMILY AND FRIENDS 4 ............................................................................................ 133 Annex II. DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT............................................................................................... 172 2 1. THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT THE advantages and opportunities offered by the current educational legislation (LOE), the increasingly multicultural demands and needs of our society, along with the directives established by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, are three key aspects which are reflected in the Family and Friends project. With a marked vocation towards education and learning, where pupils learn English through motivating activities of a ludic nature which allow the foreign language to be acquired subconsciously and naturally, and which involve the challenge of boosting the ability of students to perceive the knowledge of a foreign language not only as one more subject but as the discovery of an outside world of which we all form a responsible part, the project promotes interaction in class in order to develop an attitude of awareness towards social norms and values, within the psychopedagogical principles upon which the curriculum design for the stage of Primary Education is based. The aim of our project is to ensure that students acquire all the skills stipulated by the LOE, focussing, logically, on the competence of linguistic communication, and laying particular emphasis upon social and civic competence, learning-to-learn and autonomy and personal initiative. In this project, teachers must create the necessary conditions for learning, with particular emphasis upon diversity. They will prepare and organise the work, helping to develop it; coordinate actions; encouraging positive attitudes towards English language and culture, attracting and developing pupils’ interest in the new and the creative, intervening in an active and reflexive manner, and treating mistakes as signs of progress.. Meanwhile, pupils must play an active role in in the learning process, being, as the LOE recommends, the centre of the process, and thus developing their autonomy and independence. 3 2. METHODOLOGY Family and Friends is a six-level series which proposes fast grammatical progression combined with a methodology focused on the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and the teaching of phonics. Family and Friends transcends classroom teaching, promoting the values of family and friendship, cooperation, help and gratitude. Vocabulary and grammar New language is introduced in connection with the topic of each unit. It appears in the students’ book via the flashcards and recordings and is practised with songs and games or activities designed to motivate students. Skills Every unit of Family and Friends contains a two-page section (“Skills time!”) devoted specifically to the development of the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Phonics Children will learn to associate each setter or group of letters with the sounds which they form, which enables them to decode new words and thereby improve their reading comprehension and their ability quickly to learn patterns of pronunciation or spelling. Family and Friends develops the concept of “synthetic phonics” in each unit to show how sounds and letters combine to form words. Stories Each unit contains a story in which new words appear in a fun and motivating context. These stories also permit cyclical revision of previously studied linguistic structures and provide new opportunities to practise material already encountered. Songs and chants In every unit there is a song in order for children to practise new language, new vocabulary and new sounds. Melody and rhythm are essential for the memorisation of new words. When they sing, children are able to shrug off their fears and shyness and practise language in a natural way with their peers whilst also enjoying themselves. 4 Songs, then, provide a good opportunity to introduce movement and fun into the classsroom Drama and Total Physical Response Students of any age, especially those who move well, benefit from methods which associate language with actions. The more body language is connected to the learning process, the more likely it is that students will absorb and retain information. For this reason, children are taught actions which accompany the songs or stories. In Family and Friends, children have the opportunity to act out the stories and perform in simple plays. One of the main obstacles when learning a language at any age is self- perception. Theatre appeals to children’s imagination and is an excellent way of interesting them in the stories and improving their communication skills. In this way children will learn to communícate and make themselves understood and will develop skills which will enable them to express themselves with greater fluency in everyday situations by practising in class with a story before experiencing the same situation in a real context. Values Values or civic education are a fundamental part of Family and Friends. It is essential to focus upon children as people beyond their linguistic skills and improve their behaviour and development of correct attitudes; as well as teaching them how their behaviour impacts upon their environment and peers. 3. KEY COMPETENCES In the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) definition of the curriculum, we find both the traditional components (objectives, contents, teaching methods and assessment criteria) as well as key competences. This is one of the guiding elements of the curriculum as a whole and, consequently, a guide in the processes of teaching and learning. In fourth grade of primary school pupils have to participate in the so-called diagnostic assessment, in which they have to demonstrate the acquirement of certain skills. This assessment does not have academic consequences for students, but the fact that the results help guide centres to take decisions regarding students’ learning gives us some idea as to how educational processes are conditioned by this element in the sense of being much more functional. In sixth grade of primary school the decision as to whether pupils are promoted to the subsequent level is partly based on 5 whether or not they have acquired the key competences, as a result of which they become a reference for student assessment. As opposed to an educational model focused upon the the acquirement of more or less theoretical knowledge, often unrelated, an educational process based upon the acquirement of skills emphasises, above all, the acquirement of some vital know-how, practical and integrated, know-how which students will have to demonstrate (this is rather more than functional training). In brief, a skill is the putting into practice and demonstration of the capacity to integrate knowledge, abilities and attitudes to resolve problems and situations in different contexts. In a very graphic and succinct manner, there is a definition of the putting into practice of acquired knnowledge, knowledge in action, in other words, mobilising knowledge and skills in a specific situation (real and different from the one in which these were learned), activating existing resources or knowledge (although one thinks they are absent because they have been forgotten). There is one aspect which should be highlighted, regarding what might be called the combined character of the skill: the pupil, via what he knows, must demonstrate what he can apply, but also what he can be. In this way we see how a skill integrates the different contents which are worked on in the classroom (concepts, procedures and attitudes), an example of integral training of the pupil. To summarise, we are acknowledging that the academic instiitution wil not only prepare students in the knowledge of technical and scientific know-how, but also as citizens, so they should evince a series of civic and intellectual attitudes which imply respect towards others, being responsible, team-work... Another aspect is also important: acquiring competences allows one to tackle the constant renewal of knowledge which occurs in any area of learning. The student’s academic training takes place in school over a limited number of years, but the need for personal and/or professional preparation never ends, so that a competence in the use, for example, of information and communication technology, will enable access to this tool to obtain the information necessary at any given moment (obviously, after analysing its quality). If we also bear in mind that it is often impossible to consider in depth all the contents of the curriculum, it is clear that the student must acquire this competence, that of learning to learn. In our educational system, the key competences regarded as those which students should possess when they finish their obligatory education in order to deal with the demands of their personal and working lives are as follows: 6 Competence in linguistic communication Mathematical competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Data processing and digital competence. Social and civic competence. Cultural and artistic competence. Learning-to-learn. Autonomy and personal initiative. But, what do we understand by each of these competences? In essence, and concentrating on the most important aspect of the school curriculum, each of them contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation: COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION This competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign language. MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE This competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. COMPETENCE IN KNOWLEDGE OF AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD 7 This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see how it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions. DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCE Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the communication of information and its transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential media for information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available. SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCE This competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and being a democratic citizen in the today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this competence means knowing how put oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, cultures and the culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility. CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCE This competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages the student’s own creative capacity. 8 LEARNING-TO-LEARN This competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE This competence refers to the ability to decide using one’s own criteria and to successfully take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school. The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical approach to the development of individual or group projects. How is each key competence attained by using this material? We are going to explain in brief the most relevant aspects of our project, subject to the denands of daily teaching practice at any given time.: In essence and reflecting the most significant elements of the school currículum, each competence contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation: A. KEY COMPETENCES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE LEARNING OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION This competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign language. 9 Foreign language learning contributes directly to the development of this competence, completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and expression to the general communicative competence of the student. All textbooks published by Oxford University Press offer a wide range of activities which encourage authentic communication in the classroom, with a systematic development of written and oral skills and opportunities for personalisation The first three lessons of each unit include communicative activities of the structures introduced in the unit (examples: pp.. 4 - 6,12-14, 20-23, 30-32, 3638, 42-44, 52-54, 58-60, 64-66, 74-76, 80-82, 86-88, 96-98, 102-104 y 108110). In the second lesson of each unit the unit story is personalised and acted out (examples: pp.. 5, 13,21,31,37,43,53, 57,65, 75, 81, 87, 97, 103 y 109). In the fourth lesson of each unit includes activities which help correct pronunciation (examples: pp.. 11, 17, 23, 33, 39, 45, 55, 61, 67, 77, 83, 89, 99, 105, 111. DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCE Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the communication of information and it’s transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential medium for information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available. Information and communication technology offers the possibility to comunícate in real time with any part of the world, as well as simple and immediate access to a constant flow of information which increases every day. Knowledge of a foreign language offers the possibility to communicate using new technology real, functional contexts for communication.. This competence consists of having the ability to obtain, process and communícate information and turn it into knowledge. 10 Family and friends includes a CD-ROM so that each pupil may play interactive games as well as practise the phonic lessons (examples: pp. 108 – 116 of the Work Book). SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCE This competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and being a democratic citizen in today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. competence Acquiring this means knowing how put oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility. Languages are used for social communication, but also as a vehicle for cultural communication and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves an understanding of cultural features and information related to the communities which speak the language. This favours an understanding of the society we live in through respect and acceptance of different cultures. Tolerance and integration are developed and an appreciation of features of, and differences in, cultural identity. Each unit includes activities which encourage good behaviour and respect towards others in different places and circumstances (examples: pp.. 5, 6, 9, 13, 19, 25, 31, 35, 37, 40, 41, 47, 53, 56, 57, 59, 63, 65, 69, 75, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 97, 100, 101, 103, 107, 109 and 112). At the end of the book the festivals, stories and cultural sections help students to be aware of the different areas covered in each unit. CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCE This competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages the student’s own creative capacity. 11 Learning a foreign language helps to develop this competence if the linguistic models contain, even in the limited way possible at this level, cultural information. This competence, then, encourages expression and communication in order to perceive and understand different realities and products of the artistic and cultural world. Artistic competence involves a basic understanding of techniques, resources and conventions related to the different artistic idioms, music, literature, visual and stage arts or different aspects of so-called popular culture. All the units of Family and Friends provide the opportunity to express oneself via dramatisations, songs , plays and wrtiten activities in both the students’ book and the workbook (examples: 4-24, 30-33, 36-39, 42-46, 52-56, 56-62, 6468, 74-78, 80-84, 86-90, 96-100, 102-106, 108-112; WB pp. 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 33, 39, 41, 45, 48, 50, 52, 53, 57-60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78-88, 92, 93, 104, 105 108 , 109, 118.) LEARNING-TO-LEARN This competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes. Learning a foreign language is far more effective if it includes contents directly related to reflection upon one’s own learning, so that each child identifies how to learn better and which strategies to use to improve. This involves the awareness of those capacities which form a part of learning, such as attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression and motivation, for example. Every activity in Family and Friends helps to develop this competence. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE 12 This competence refers to the ability to decide using ones own criteria and to successfully take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school. The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical approach to the development of individual or group projects. Decisions which result from reflection on the learning process favour autonomy. As autonomy and personal initiative often involve others, this competence necessitates social skills such as cooperation, flexibility, negotiation, teamwork, seeing others’ points of view, dialogue, and the assertiveness to explain one’s own decisions. Autonomy and personal initiative involve being able to imagine, begin, develop and evaluate one’s actions or individual or group projects with creativity, confidence, responsibility and a critical attitude. In this sense it requires the ability to revise previous ideas or create new ones, finding solutions and putting them into practice. The stories encourage cooperation and respect for others, teamwork, valuing the opinions of others, etc. Personal initiative is another competence to bear in mind within the different levels of Family and Friends, as it increases students’ self-confidence and the initiative necessary to carry out different activities and put them into practice in real life (examples: SB pp.. 4-7, 9-13, 15- 19, 21-29, 31-35, 37-41, 43-51, 5357, 59-63, 65-73, 75-79, 81-85, 87-91-95, 97-101, 103-107, 109-117; WB pp. 4-6,8-105, 108-118.) B. KEY COMPETENCES NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE This competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical 13 arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Using numbers and basic operations,symbols and forms of expression and mathematical reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more about quantitative and spatial aspects of reality and to resolve problems related to daily life. Part of mathematical competence is the ability to interpret and express with clarity and precision information, data and arguments. Different lessons of the Students’ Book (SB) and the Workbook (WB) include activities related to mathematics which interrelate two different subjects (examples: SB pp.. 7, 44; WB pp, 7, 60, 74). COMPETENCE IN KNOWLEDGE OF AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see how it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions. Interacting with the physical world, both in its natural aspects and those generated by human action, in such a way that facilitates the understanding of events, the prediction of consequences and activity directed towards the improvement and preservation of the conditions of one’s own life, that of other people and of all other living creatures. Taking as a starting point knowledge of the human body, nature, and the interaction of mankind with nature, this competence allows students to discuss rationally the consequences of different lifestyles and take decisions about a healthy physical and mental way of life in a healthy and safe environment. The responsible use of natural resources, environmental conservation, and preservation of individual and collective health are recognised as key to quality of life. 14 Different activities worked upon throughout improve pupils’ knowledge of themselves the various students’ books and of the physical world which surrounds them, as a consequence of performing the activities included in the books (examples: SB pp.. 8,9 26, 34, 69, 120 , 122,125 WB págs. 4,8,26, 46,47, 52, 70, 103, 106). Continuous learning In a competence there iis no knowledge which is only acquired in and valid for a particular subject (especially in and for this one). Everything students learn in different subjects (and not only at school) forms a background of culture and information which should serve them throughout their lives, which they should be able to use at specific moments and in differerent situations (language is, in this sense, paradigmatic) . For this reason, any of these competences may be achieved if not in all, certainly in most curriculum subjects and for that reason too these competences can be used and applied in all these subjects, regardless of in which one they have been acquired (transversality). Being competent should guarantee the completion of determined learnings, but also permit the attainment of others, both at school itself and beyond, a guarantee of continuous learning (or, in this case, the capacity to communicate in very diverse situations, some of which pupils themselves may not yet even perceive as likely in the future). Nevertheless, clearly there is an obvious interrelation between the different elements of the curriculum, one which we must highlight in order to make suitable use of all the curriculum subjects employed in the teaching-learning process. When in a didactic programme like this one the objectives of a unit are indicated formulated ( like the assessment criteria, in terms of abilities), we know that these determine the choice of contents, in the same way that we should employ assessment criteria which demonstrate whether or not pupils attain them. Thus, assessment criteria allow for a double interpretation: on the one hand, those related to the pupils’ learning as a whole, in other words, there will be some assessment criteria specifically linked to concepts, others to procedures and others to attitudes, as all of these contents need to be assessed because they were worked on in class and are those which are assesssed at different stages during application of continuous assessment; and on the other, there will be assessment criteria which have been formulated more with regard to their relationship with key competences. 15 The assessment of key competences is an assessment model which differs from that of assessment criteria, both because it is applied at different stages of other assessments, and because its purpose, though complementary, is different. If we assume that key competences involve a real and practical application of knowledge, abilities and attitudes, the way of checking or assessing whether the pupil has acquired them is to reproduce application situations which are as real as possible, and in these situations it is customary for the pupil to use this accumulated background (all kinds of contents) but to respond, above all, to practical situations. In this way, when we assess competences we are essentially, though not exclusively, assessing procedures and attitudes, which is why we relate them to assessment criteria that are more procedural and attitudinal. SUBCOMPETENCES The competences by their very nature are generic. To use them as a reference for pedagogical actions and to really demonstrate the competences acquired by the students, they need to be broken down into more specific objectives related to other elements of the curriculum. We have called these objective subcompetences, and without covering all the possibilities, they do include those most closely related to the subject curriculum and most prominent in all subjects on account of their interdisciplinary nature. In foreign language learning, these subcompetences are as follows (there are other competences/subcompetences which are also acquired in the area of Foreign Language–English, though not in this grade): Competence in linguistic communication Express thoughts, emotions, experiences and opinions orally and simply. Adapt spoken style to a variety of communicative contexts, taking into account nonverbal features and respecting norms of communicative exchanges. Understand social and cultural conventions when producing texts Understand a variety of texts types typical of the academic setting and understanding the communicative intention and formal features. Take pleasure in reading and use reading to discover other places, languages and cultures. Be conscious of the need to respect spelling rules in the production of written texts Understand principles of word formation as a means of extending vocabulary 16 Use a sufficient range of vocabulary to be able to express oneself orally and in writing in specific situations. Compose texts typical of the academic environment, appropriate to the communicative objective. Write texts to express ideas, feelings and experiences Data processing and digital competence Search for, obtain, process and communicate information in the foreign language, transforming it into knowledge, using the computer or the internet. Analyse critically the information obtained Social and civic competence Use dialogue as a basic tool for interpersonal communication and in the resolution of conflict. Understand the values which characterise a democratic society: freedom, solidarity, participation, citizenship, tolerance. Value linguistic diversity as a cultural advantage. Cultural and artistic competence Appreciate cultural diversity as seen though artistic statements. Learning-to-learn Understand and habitually use the main techniques and strategies which favour the intellectual process (summary, note taking, concept maps...). Use a variety of sources for finding and processing information Autonomy and personal initiative Show initiative and personal creativity Develop social skills. Mathematical competence Apply logical reasoning to chains of argument, identifying the fundamental ideas. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world 17 Recognise geographical spaces and conditions where other cultures are located or come from and which may determine and influence the development of these cultures. Identify questions or problems and obtain conclusions based on evidence. All these competentes and subcompetences bring into play different strategies and different linguistic and discursive skills are employed in a contextualised manner. Therefore, the activities in which the foreign language is used are set within fields which may be public (everything related to daily social interaction), personal family relationships and individual social habits), professional or educational. Students will use communication strategies in a natural and systematic manner in order to make effective the communication activities performed by means of communicative skills. The skills developed will be: productive (speaking and writing), receptive (listening and reading) and based on interraction or mediation. Learning tasks or activities integrate objectives, will constitute the core of didactic planning, and will contents and assessment, making up units of programming. Amongst other criteria, the design of activities and tasks has taken into account the stages to be followed in their development, prior knowledge, integrated treatment of linguistic components, skills and strategies, proposed final objectives and the classroom’s potential for adaptation and diversity. Learning English will not only provide students with competences in order to communicate, but also with cultural and social knowledge of the culture whose language they are studying, which will help them develop a personality which is open and tolerant towards what is different.. In this way one achieves the integral prepararation of the individual As we have noted, one of the characteristics of the key competences is that they allow for and encourage transversality in the learning with which they are associated, in other words, that which can and should be achieved, though from a different but complementary perspective, via the development of the curriculum of the various areas of the same educational stage. In this grade, these areas are Conocimiento del Medio, Art, P:E., Spanish Language, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Music and, optionally, Religion. 18 For the overall work required of teachers in this grade, we indicate in the table below the key competences which, as a minimum, should also be attained in other areas, in some with more interrelation and in others with less: KEY COMPETENCES* ÁREA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Science X X X X X X X X Art X X X X X X P.E. X X X X X X Spanish Language X X X X X X Foreign Language X X X X X X Mathematics X X X X X X X X *n.b.: 1. Linguistic communication. 2. Mathematics. 3. Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. 4. Data processing and digital competence. 5. Social and civic.. 6. Cultural and artistic. 7. Learning-to-learn. 8. Autonomy and personal initiative. As can be seen, the transversality of the key competences is evident, so within the framework of the centre’s educational standard criteria should be formulated for their collective treatment. 19 4. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY One of the elements upon which the LOE places most emphasis is attention to diversity. It is clear that the same educational method employed with a single group of students has differing results depending on each pupil’s knowledge and previous experience, their intellectual capacity and their interests and motivation with regard to teaching. This si why, on many occasions, we have to modify. or adapt contents or methodology in order that all pupils may attain the objectives established. Similarly, we should offer extension activities for more able or receptive students. attention to diversity should always be practised in both directions. Therefore, these differences should always be catered for, by presenting the same activities in different ways by means of the activities included in the students’ book and the workbook.. Teachers need to evaluate towards whom they should direct one type of activity or the other, and need to be constantly aware of these differences, not only when assessing, but also when teaching and planning the process of teaching-learning. Family and Friends includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils, depending on their needs and learning rhythm. Every lesson in our project includes ideas to help teachers respond to the different situations which arise in the classroom The Teacher’s Book suggests reinforcement and consolidation activities for students as well as notes for the teacher, teaching advice, better to deal with different types of student. In one of the components of the Teacher’s Resource Pack, , the Photocopy Masters Book, the teacher will find photocopiable consolidation and extension pages for each unit. . 20 Criteria and procedures adopted for the development of special curricular adaptation for students with special educational needs (The department can descfribe and detail these criteria and procedures here if necessary. If this is not the case then this section can be omitted) Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided b) For pupils with serious learning problems, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential). When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities. 5. CURRICULUM 5.1. OBJECTIVES General objectives of the stage 21 The demands and needs of 21st-century society have brought changes to the school environment, preparing pupils to live in an ever more international, multicultural, multilingual and technologically more advanced world. As a member of the European Union, our country is committed to the promotion of the knowledge of other community languages as is reflected in one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Meanwhile, the Council of Europe in the European Common Reference Framework for the learning of foreign languages establishes directives for both the learning of languages as well as for the assessment of competence in different languages. These guidelines have been a key reference in the elaboration of the curriculum. The Royal Decree of Minimum Education states that Primary Education will help develop in children the skills that will enable them to: a). Know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence and prepare for active citizenship and respect for the human rights and pluralism inherent in a democratic society. b). Develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, creativity and interest in learning c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, enabling them to function independently in the family and household, as well as in the social groups with which they will relate. d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and the non-discrimination of disabled people. e) Know and make appropriate use of the Spanish language and, in its case, the coofficial language of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits f) Acquire, in at least one foreign language, skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations. 22 g) Develop basic Maths skills and initiative in solving problems that require elementary operations of calculation, geometry and estimates, as well as in being able to apply them to situations in everyday life. h) Get to know and appreciate their natural environment both social and cultural, as well as the possibilities for action and care of it. i) Get started in the use of information and communication technology to develop a critical mind to the messages they receive and produce. j) Use representation and artistic expression and start to build visual proposals. k) Value the importance of hygiene and the acceptance of one’s own body as well as that of others, respecting differences and using physical education and sport to encourage both personal and social development. l) Know and appreciate those animals closest to us and adopt forms of behaviour that contribute to their preservation and care. m) Develop emotional skills in all areas of personality in their relations with others and an attitude opposed to violence, prejudice and gender stereotype. n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes for the prevention of traffic accidents. Objectives of the area of foreign language 23 The area of foreign language is designed to train students to understand, speak and talk, read and write. Most of the learning opportunities are in the school environment. This circumstance demands the inclusion of diverse contents removed from the academic world such as those of social relations, mass media and the literary world (properly adapted) The axis of the area of foreign language, in the curriculum and in our project, is the achievement of an effective oral and written communicative competence in meaningful social contexts which will enable students to express themselves more and more efficiently and correctly encompassing all possible uses and registers as well as the use of communication strategies both verbal and non verbal. The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes that the objective of the teaching of a foreign language during this stage will be the development of the following abilities: 1. Listening to and understanding verbal messages in various kinds of interactions, using the information provided for the execution of diverse specific tasks related to students’ experience. 2. Expressing themselves orally and interacting in simple and routine within a given content and development, using procedures and verbal and non verbal language and adopting a rspectful and co-operative attitude. 3. Producing short simple texts with various purposes on topics covered in class with the aid of patterns. 4. Reading and understanding various texts, related to their experience and hobbies, texts to extract general and specific information in accordance with a specific purpose. 5. Learning to use with increasing autonomy all the means at their disposal, including new technology, to obtain information and to communicate in the foreign language. 24 6. Valuing the foreign language, and languages in general, as a means of communication and understanding between people of diverse origins and cultures and as a tool for learning different contents. 7. Expressing a receptive and confident attitude vis-à-vis their own ability to learn and use the foreign language. 8. Using knowledge and prior experience of other languages for a faster, more efficient and independent acquisition of the target language. 9. Identifying the phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation, as well as linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the target language, using them as basic elements of communication. Objectives of the area of foreign language and its integration within our profect The aim of the area of foreign language is to prepare people who can use it to understand, speak, converse, read and write, so its use should be the starting point from the moment teaching begins. The introduction of English in the first year of Primary Education is an experience which is currently being adopted in numerous schools, and stems from the premise that learning a second language at an early age contributes to the development of basic abilities. Primary education begins with a very elementary competente in the target language, so, throughout this stage, the knowledge, ability and experience in the languages the children know will be extremely important in order to understand and construct meanings, structures and strategies when participating in acts of communication. The elaboration of our project, which affects the organisation and contents of the programme, is closely linked to the psychopedagogic principles which serve as a foundation for the curricular designof Primary Education. It is our aim that our pupils acquire communicative competence in English via games and motivating activities, which at the same time promote effective learning. Whilst engaged in these activities they use the language to obtain information, express their own opinions and relate with others in a natural way. It is a question of reinforcing the students’ ability to perceive the knowledge of a foreign language not just as one more subject, but as the reflection of an outside world of which we all form a part. The objective, insofar as is possible, is to globalise experiences whilst not forgetting the specific stage of learning in which students find themselves. 25 : Methodological bases that inspire our work are as follows The starting point in the students’ learning is their previous knowledge; focusing on this may seem close and familiar to the students but with an aspect of fantasy to strike a balance between safety/well-being and interest/imagination. The student can transfer learned concepts and strategies to build meaning and attribute meaning to what he/she learns (Starting with what he knows and making hypotheses to make rules to help interiorize the new system) thus, enhancing their personal growth, development and socialization. Communicative situations that include humour and play capture the motivation of students and facilitate learning; It is therefore important to take into account the importance of songs and stories, the features of the characters, illustrations and even sound effects Children learn in different ways and at different speeds; for this reason our project is devised to be used with flexibility so that all group members can take part and find activities to which they can apply know-how and aptitude, facilitating the development of one's own daily awareness of achievement and progress. Our project provides extra support for those who need it, taking into account those cases in which progress does not respond to expectancy as well as those who may excel in their goal achievement and, due to lack in programmed activities, lose interest and become unmotivated. To remedy these situations the programme includes extension activities for the more advanced and reinforcement for those who may get bogged down at any time. These activities are in the Activity Book (at the end of the book: ’Extra Writing’ for each unit), in the photocopiable materials and the Resources Pack and notes in the Teacher’s Book. Children’s learning is more intense and effective when they are active; they need to exercise their action skills. Each of the units in our project provides a wide range of activities and teaching resources for participation. The student is the keystone in the learning/teaching process but his/her constructive attitude depends on the teacher’s intervention. This intervention must be both active and reflective and adapt to the student’s level using input to help the student interaction and feedback to contextualise activities and render meaningful answers with a view to promoting communication strategies, consolidating those already acquired and the admission of errors. 26 Consider both progress and the error as something natural in the learning process. Errors occur as a result of the underlying dynamism in comprehension and progressive mastering of the new language. We understand that errors occur when the child tries to anticipate the functioning of the language or when he transfers rules from his mother tongue in a natural process of acquisition. It is important to note the difference between error and mistake. Errors are believed to be systematic failings due to lack of knowledge. These errors will be dealt with when finishing oral interactions, in groups, taking into account that they take time to correct. A mistake is an occasional failure due to lack of attention which may even befall native speakers. Mistakes are not worthwhile correcting since they are not relevant to the teaching/learning process. The evaluation of individual and collective progress is an important factor in ensuring quality; We have provided an English language portfolio with photocopiable Self Evaluation sheets (Teacher’s Book) which will enable teachers to monitor their students’ progress. It is devised so that it can be adapted by teachers to their own specific needs Globalised learning will generate an apprehension of reality as a whole. Our project takes this into account offering activities related with other areas in the curriculum beginning with learning about the child, then moving on to the world around him; house, school, environment and society in general. In each unit, this development is reflected in those topics related to other areas in the curriculum; Environmental Education, Artistic Education, Mathematics, Physical Education, etc. 5.2. CONTRIBUTION OF THIS AREA TO THE ACQUISITION OF KEY COMPETENCES The Royal Decree 1513/2006 of minimum education indicates how this area contributes to the process of acquiring the key competences, so we make specific reference to the legislation in question. Learning a foreign language contributes directly to the acquisition of Linguistic Competence, completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and expression to the general communicative competence of the student. A communicative approach to language learning contributes to this competence in the same way as learning of the mother tongue. 27 Language is the principal vehicle for human thought, the most powerful tool for the interpretation and representation of reality the the instrument of learning par excellence, so the area, contributes towards both general communicative ability and to the competence of learning-to-learn. However, its main contribution ítems from the Fac. that the learning of a foreign language is far more effective if it includes contents directly related to reflection upon learning itself, in order that each child may identify how to learn better and whichare the most effective strategies.. Hence the introduction in the curriculum of a specific section reflecting upon learning itself. In addition, the decisions prompting this reflection favour autonomy, and in this sense, it might be said that the foreign language helps in the development of autonomy and personal initiative. All the above-mentioned competences are currently directly related to Data processing and digital competence. ITC offers the possibility of communicating in real time with any part of the world and also offers easy access to an incessant flow of information which is growing every day. Knowledge of a foreign language offers the possibility of communicating by using it. And, most important of all, the context of this communication is authentic and functional. This area contributes significantly towards the development of social and civic competence. Languages enable people to comunícate socially, but are also a vehicle of cultural communication and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves the knowledge of cultural traits and facts associated with different communities of speakers of the language. This learning, well directed from school, should develop into both the ability and desire to discover other cultures and relate to other people, speakers or students of the language. Meanwhile, knowledge of another language and of cultural traits different to one’s own help towards increased understanding and appreciation of one’s own language and culture and promotes respect, acknowledgement and acceptance of different cultures and behaviour, encourages tolerance and integration and helps one to understand and appreciate both similarities and differences between people. Finally, though to a lesser degree, this area assists the development of the artistic and cultural competence if the linguistic models used contain, the limitations of this stage notwithstanding, linguistic productions with a cultural component. 28 5.3. CONTENTS The Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas establishes the following contents for the area of foreign language in the second cycle of Primary Education. Block 1. Listen, speak and converse The linguistic model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and learning of the language. The discourse employed in the classroom is both the vehicle for and the object of learning, which is why the Curriculum and our project attend to both the knowledge of linguistic elements and the ability to use them for other communicative tasks. In addition, the linguistic model offered should be provided by a number of different speakers in order to reflect the variation and nuances which an environmental linguistic model offers speakers both in phonetic and prosodic terms and in the choice of specific expressions in recognised communicative situations. Hence the presence in the Curriculum and our project of the use of conventional audiovisual media and of IT and communication technology. The contents of this block for the second cycle for the areas of foreign language in accordance with the Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas are as follows: Block 1. Understand, speak and converse Listen to and understand progressively more complex oral messages, such as instructions or explanations, controlled oral exchanges or recordings on audiovisual or IT sources to extract global or specific information. Oral exchange in real or simulated situations providing verbal and non-verbal responses requiring a choice from a limited number of possibilities, in progressively less controlled contexts. Production of previously seen oral texts via active participation in sketches, songs, recitals, plays, controlled exchanges… or prepared by means of prior work with assistance and models, showing interest in expressing themselves orally in individual and group activities. 29 Development of basic strategies to improve comprehension and oral expression: use of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or the situation transferred from the languages they know to the target language. Assessment of the foreign language as an instrument of communication. Block 2. Read and Write This aims at discursive competence in writing. In the target language written texts are also models of textual composition and practice and acquisition of linguistic elements. The progressive use of written language will depend on the degree of knowledge of the code, which is directly related to the degree of security which the said code offers in the graphic representation of the sounds of the language. To overcome this lack of security, the Curriculum and our project include strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other conventional or digital means of consultation for the comprehension and composition of every type of text. The contents of this block for the second cycle for the areas of foreign language in accordance with the Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas are as follows: Reading and understanding different texts, digital or on paper, adapted to the pupils’ linguistic competence, to use global and specific information, in the execution of a task or to enjoy reading. Guided use of reading strategies (use of elements of visual context and of prior knowledge of the subject or situation transferred from the languages they know), identifying the most important information, deducing the meaning of unknown words and expressions. Reading and writing their own texts about everyday situations and their own experience such as invitations, congratulations, notes, warnings, brochures…. Composition, using models, of different simple texts, using familiar expressions and sentences, to transmit information, or with diverse communicative aims. Use of IT and communication technology to read, write and transmit information. I. Block 3: Knowledge of the language 30 Contact with and use of the target language, enable those learning it to elaborate an elementary conceptual system regarding how it functions. The starting point is the type of situation where its use involves the inference of rules concerning the functioning of the language so that pupils can acquire confidence in their own abilities. The contents of this block for the second cycle for the areas of foreign language in accordance with the Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas are as follows: Linguistic knowledge. o Identification of aspects of phonetics, rhythm, stress and intonation of the target language and their use as fundamental aspects of comprehension and production of brief oral texts. o Recognition and use of previously employed vocabulary and basic forms and structures particular to the target language. . o Association of spelling, pronunciation and meaning via written models, familiar oral expressions and establishment of analytical relation between spelling and sound. o Initiation into knowledge and use of basic strategies of production of texts (choice of addressee, purpose, planning, preparation of draft, revision of text and final version) using highly structured models. o Interest in using the target language correctly in different situations. Reflection upon learning. o Use of skills and procedures such as memorisation, word association and expressions with gestures and visual elements, observation of models, reading of texts, use of multimedia resources, for the acquisition of new vocabulary, forms and structures of the language. o Reflection upon their own learning and acceptance of error as part of the process. o Progressive use of graphic sources of consultation and information and of the possibilities afforded by this technology. o Confidence in their own ability to learn a foreign language and appreciation of teamwork. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness This block helps pupils to discover customs, forms of socialising, features and particularities of countries where the target language is spoken, in other words, ways of life different to their own. This knowledge will encourage tolerance and acceptance, 31 increase interest in knowledge of different social and cultural realities and facilitate intercultural communication. The contents of this block for the second cycle for the areas of foreign language in accordance with the Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas are as follows: Interest in acquiring information about the people and culture of countries where the target language is spoken. Knowledge of some similarities and differences in everyday customs and use of basic forms of socialising between countries where the target language is spoken and our own. Receptive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to one’s own 5.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The Real Decreto de Enseñanzas Mínimas establishes the following assessment criteria for the second cycle of Primary Education in the area of foreign language: 1. Participate in controlled oral exchanges referring to familiar topics in predictable communication situations, respecting the basic rules of exchange, such as listening to and looking at the person who is speaking. This criterion assesses the ability to express immediate needs such as asking permission, borrowing everyday objects, finding objects or people, talking about the weather or about likes and abilities. There will be assessment of participation in everyday situations such as routines, habits, language in class or simulated situations, dramatisations, songs or recitals. This criterion will also assess pupils’ attitude when participating in exchanges and their degree of interest in the contributions of others. 2. Grasp general meaning, and identify specific information in oral texts which are familiar and of interest to pupils. This criterion seeks to assess whether pupils are able to grasp the general meeting of an oral message, employing linguistic and non-linguistic elements present in the communication situation. It also refers to the ability to recognise 32 and extract familiar words and expressions which appear in longer expressions although the text is not understood in its entirety. 3. Read and grasp global meaning and some specific information in simple texts about familiar topics and with a specific purpose. This criterion assesses whether pupils are capable of reading, aloud too, different texts, appropriate to their communicative skills, such as notes, classroom rules, letters, posters or stories, containing familiar vocabulary and expressions, to extract general and specific information, employing fundamental reading comprehension strategies such as using elements of linguistic and nonlinguistic context, and transferring knowledge of known languages. 4. Write sentences and short texts in everyday and school situations and from models with a specific purpose and an established format, both on paper and in digital form. This criterion seeks to assess the ability to write diverse texts such as notes, Instructions or rules, letters, posters, brochures, comics or simple descriptions. It will assess the ability to use a model to produce a text with a certain degree of autonomy, as well as correct spelling as a result of the observation of models and the knowledge of the relationship between sound and spelling. 5. Use in a meaningful way forms and structures particular to the target language, including aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation in different communicative contexts. This criterion seeks to assess pupils’ ability to recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation when participating actively by listening to repeating and anticipating expressions in reading aloud activities and with the use of models. 6. Use some learning-to-learn strategies, such as requesting clarification, accompanying communication with gestures, using visual and bilingual dictionaries, recovering, seeking and compiling information about familiar topics in different sources and identifying certain personal features which help them to learn better. This criterion aims to assess the use of basic strategies which favour the learning process such as the use of visual resources and gestures, requesting help and clarification, gradually more autonomous use of bilingual dictionaries 33 and some basic technology. It will also assess the ability to evaluate their own progress, to provide examples of strategies to learn better and the acquisition of a degree of autonomy in the spontaneous use of simple, everyday forms and structures. 7. Appreciate the target language as an instrument of communication with other people and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak the target language. This criterion assesses whether pupils have an attitude of curiosity towards those who speak the target language or other languages different to their own, and also the capacity to appreciate linguistic diversity as an enriching element of society and value sociocultural particularities of speakers of other languages. 8. Identify aspects of everyday life in countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with their own. This criterion assesses the capacity to observe and identify differences and similarities in aspects of everyday life in countries where the target language is spoken with regard to timetables, meals, traditions, festivals and ways of socialising with people. The section Programme of Units of this document lists the assessment criteria and tools specific to each teaching unit. 6. PROGRAMME OF UNITS This programme and timing constitutes a timing and learning model for 4TH year of Primary Education, based on a 108-hour year, and considers the specific objectives of English as a subject. This is a timetable which is adaptable to the group/class profile as it may be used simultaneously with pupils with language-learning difficulties, as well as those of a slightly more advanced level. Furthermore, it may be adapted to the teacher and pupils’ own tastes and aims and to the evolution of the academic year. This is a guiding and extendable programme, with countless optional possibilities suggested in the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. Teachers may introduce these activities whenever they see fit, according to the needs and attitude of 34 pupils, bearing in mind learning rhythm – individual and collective – and available teaching hours. STARTER UNIT: BACK TOGETHER! I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify the names of the people in Family and Friends 3. - Converse using greetings, numbers, introductions, comparatives, superlatives, what they like or don’t like doing, what they would ask for in a shop, using the expressions: I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Sing a song. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to vocabulary studied in previous levels. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Sing a song. Identify specific words. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - Related to greetings, numbers, introductions, food… - Hobbies: word groups. - Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, song. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness 35 Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of the names of the people in Family and Friends 3 (SB&WB p. 4-6) - Dialogues using greetings, numbers, introductions, comparatives, superlatives, what they like and don’t like doing, what they would ask for in a shop, using the expressions: I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. (SB, p. 4,5 and 6) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - Song (SB, p.4) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to vocabulary studied in previous levels ( SB p. 4-6) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p.5 and 7) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (SB, p.4-7) Read a song. (SB, p.4) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and chant (SB&WB, p.7) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - Related to greetings, numbers, introductions, food ….(SB p. 4-7 and WB p. 4-7) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: 36 - I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. (SB, p. 4,5 and 6) - Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB&WB, p.7) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB&WB, p. 6 and 7) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB&WB, p.6 and 7) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.4-7; p.4-7) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.7) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB&WB, p.6 and 7) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB&WB, p.4-7) Participate actively in activities and group work.(SB&WB, p.4-7) III KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Converse using greetings, asking about name, age, what they can do, what they like or would like…(SB, p. 4,5 and 6) The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 4-7 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences via the course using the MultiROM Interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges (SB p.4, 5 and 6). 37 - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of coexistence: both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Sing a song. (SB, p. 4). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 4- 7) Act out a short story: ( SB p.4) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Manage one’s own skills. (WB, p.4-7). Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.4 a 7) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space . Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements, etc)...This competence is developed in the unit via Listen point and repeat: SB p. 7. 38 IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 4) Production of oral and written texts: Sing a song (SB p. 4) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Starter Unit – p.4-7) Activities in the reference sections: - Vocabulary: (Starter Unit) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Starter Unit VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Starter Unit (SB p. 4-7) Completion of WB activities (Starter Unit p.4-7). Self-assessment Teacher’s Resource Pack TEB p.6 39 Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Starter Unit Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p. 4-7 ;PMB) Tests Starter Unit, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: ( SB& WB p.4-7) - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR Multi- ROM 1 and PMB). (SB&WB, p. 4-7) - Act out a conversation (Role-play – (SB p.5) Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1 and PMB). - Describe photographs (Photo description (SB p.6 and 7) - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading ( SB p.4-7; WB p.4-7) -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1) Complete texts using different resources (Writing (SB p. 6 WB p. 4-7)- TR MultiROM 1 PMB) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, - Related to greetings, numbers, introductions, food... (SB & WB p.4-7) - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, (SB& WB p. and WB, p.116) I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. Reflection on learning (SB&WB p.5-7) Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. (SB&WB p.57) 40 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. ((SB p.4-7;WB, p.4-7) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. Teacher’s Resource Pack UNIT 1: THE FOOD HERE IS GREAT! I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify vocabulary related to a restaurant. - Converse using vocabulary related to a restaurant, eating habits, using the present simple and continuous and using words which indicate the frequency with which actions are performed and the expressions They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a narration. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to a restaurant Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Separate the syllables of a word. Identify sounds within a text. 41 BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - Related to meals in restaurants. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of vocabulary related to a restaurant. - Dialogues using vocabulary related to a restaurant, eating habits, using the present simple and continuous and using words which indicate the frequency with which actions are performed and the expressions: They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. - Song. - Narration. 42 BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to a restaurant. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Completion of simple written texts with words studied. Read a short story, a song and a narration. Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and a chant. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to a restaurant. - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant. Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom Participate actively in activities and group work. III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: 43 - Converse about what they do, eat… (SB, p. 8 and 9) - Narration (SB, p.12) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 8). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 8-13 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.8, 10,12, 13). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Sing a song and act out a short story. (SB, p. 9 and 10). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: International cuisine, TB p. 28) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 10) Act out a short story: ( SB p.9) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.108). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.12y 13). 44 Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.8 a 13) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by communicative activities in the unit: dialogues etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space . . Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning . This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Writing: SB p. 13. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 8) Narration (SB p.12) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a description (SB p. 9, WB p. 13) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.8 and 10) Write a description of their favourite food (WB, p. 13) 45 V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 1 – p.8 a 13) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 1-WB, p. 108) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 1-WB, p. 11) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 1 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 1 (SB p. 8-11) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 1, SB p. 12 and 13) Completion of WB activities (Unit 1, p.8 a 13). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 1 - WB, p.12 and 13). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 1 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 8, 10,12 and 13) Tests Unit 1, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB&WB, p. 8, 9, 10 and 12). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.9). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.12, 13). 46 BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.8, 10, 12; WB p.8-13) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 8-13)) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.8,9) - Related to food and meals in a restaurant. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB& WB p.9 and WB, p.108) - They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation.( SB& WB p.11) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 10 and 11; WB p.11) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.8,9,12;WB, p.8,9 y13) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB p. 28) 47 UNIT 2: WE HAD A CONCERT I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify nouns related to concerts and musical instruments. - Converse using vocabulary related to concerts, using the past simple of have and be and the past of regular verbs as well as adverbs of time which refer to the past, using expressions We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a poem. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to concerts Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Write simple written texts with words and expressions studied. Read a short story, a song, a poem. Identify when to double the consonant in the present continuous. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to concerts. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness 48 Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of nouns related to concerts and musical instruments. (SB&WB p. 14 and 15) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to concerts, with the forms of the past simple of have and be and the past of regular verbs as well as adverbs of time which refer to the past, using the expressions We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered. (SB&WB, p. 14-16 and 18) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.14 and 15) - Song (SB, p.16) - Poem (SB, p.18) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to concerts ( SB p. 14,16,18) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 18 and 19) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.16 and 18) Reading of a short story, a song and a poem. (SB, p. 14,16,18) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and chant (SB, p.17; WB, p.16) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to concerts.(SB p. 14,16,18y WB p. 14-19) - Hobbies: word groups. (SB, p.14,15 and 16) 49 Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - Expressions: We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered. (SBp.15, 16 and WB, p.108) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.17; WB, p.16) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB, p.17; WB, p.16) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB&WB, p.18-19) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.14,15 and 18;WB, p.14,15 and 19) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.34) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.8) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB&WB, p.18-19) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB&WB, p.14-19 ) Participate actively in activities and group work.(SB&WB, p.14-19 ; TB p.34) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about concerts (SB, p. 14 , 15, 16 and 18) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 14). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 14-19 50 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. SB p.18 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.14,16,18 and 19). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting their own tastes and listening to those of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a song, a description. (SB, p. 16 and 18). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. TB p. 34) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 16) Act out a short story: ( SB p.15) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.108). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.18 and 19) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.14-19) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by communicative activities in the unit: dialogues etc, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. 51 Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Listen and read: SB p. 8 IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. . Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 14) Poem ( SB p. 18) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (WB p. 16 and 17) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.14 and 16) Describe a photo of a concert (WB, p. 19) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 2 – p.14-19) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 2-WB, p. 108-109) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 2-SB, p. 17) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 2 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 2 (SB p. 14-17) Cumulative review (Unit 2, SB p. 18 and 19) 52 Completion of WB activities (Unit 2, p.14-19). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 2 - WB, p.18 and 19). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 2 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 14,16,18 and 19) Tests Unit 2, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB&WB, p. 14-16 and 18). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.15 and 18). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.18 and 19). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1 ; SB p.14,16,18; WB p.14-19) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 14-19) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.14-16) - related to the vocabulary of concerts - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB& WB p.15 and WB, p.108) 53 We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 16 and 17; WB p.16) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 16 and 17; WB p.16) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.14,15,18;WB, p.14,15 y19) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB p. 34) UNIT 3: THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify vocabulary related to a dinosaur museum. - Converse using vocabulary related to a visit to the dinosaur museum, using the past simple of irregular verbs and the interrogative particles What/ Which, and using the expressions: We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish. Understand simple oral texts related to objects they possess: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a non-fictional text. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts appropriate to their age and related to school outings. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. 54 Read a short story, a song. Recognise the use of the exclamation mark. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to the dinosaur museum. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of vocabulary related to the dinosaur museum. (SB&WB p. 2021) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to the visit to the dinosaur museum, using the past simple of irregular verbs and the interrogative particles What/ Which, and using the expressions: We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish (SB&WB p. 20-21 WB p. 109) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.20-21) - Song (SB, p.22) 55 - Non-fictional text (SB, p.24) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to the dinosaur museum. (SB, p.24-25) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 24-25) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.22 and 24) Read a short story, a song and a non-fictional text. (SB, p.20,22 and 24) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and chant(SB, p.23; WB, p.22) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to dinosaurs.(SB p. 20,22 and 24y WB p. 20-25) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - What/ Which, and using the expressions: We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish (SBp.21 and WB, p.109) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.23; WB, p.22) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB, p.23; WB, p.22) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB&WB, p.24 and 25) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.20,21,24;WB, p.20,21 and 25) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.40) Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB&WB, p.24 and 25) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom (SB&WB, p.20-25) Participate actively in activities and group work. (SB&WB, p.20-25 ; TB p.40) III. KEY COMPETENCES 56 Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about the visit to the dinosaur museum (SB, p. 20 and 21) - Descriptions (SB, p.24) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 20). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 20-27 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. WB p.25 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.20, 21 22, 24). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Sing a song performing actions. (SB, p. 22). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: The Jurassic coast, TB p. 40) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 20) Act out a short story: ( SB p.21) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.109). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.26 and 27). 57 Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit(WB, p.20-27) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by communicative activities in the unit: dialogues etc, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 20) Description (SB p. 24) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 21 and 25, WB p. 25) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.20 and 22) Write a description of a school outing for the school’s web page (WB, p. 25) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 3 – p.20-27) Activities in the reference sections: 58 - Grammar reference (Unit 3-WB, p. 109-110) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 3-SB, p. 23) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 3 VI. ASSESSMENT Summative assessment Summative assessment is a compendium of the contents worked on in units 1-3, both in the Students’ Book and the Activity Book activities and in the various activities suggested in the TB Family and friends 4 Units 1-3 (SB Units 1-3) Formative assessment Unit 3 (SB p. 20-23) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 3, SB p. 24-27) Completion of WB activities (Unit 3, p.22-23). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 3 - WB, p.24-27). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 3 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 20,22,24 and 25) Tests Unit 3, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB&WB, p.20-22 and 24). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.21). 59 - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.24 and 25). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.20,22 and 24; WB p. 20-25) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 20-25) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.20-22) - related to a visit to the dinosaur museum - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB& WB p.9 and WB, p.117) - We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 22 and 23; WB p.22) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 22 and 23; WB p.22) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.20,21,24;WB, p.20, 21 y25) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 40) UNIT 4: WHOSE JACKET IS THIS? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing 60 Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify sports. - Converse using vocabulary related to sports, using possessive pronouns and regular and irregular adverbs, using the expressions Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ theirs. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to sports. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Recognise the difference between it’s and its. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to sports. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ theirs. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken 61 II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of sports (SB p. 30 and 31; WB p. 28 and 29) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to sports using possessive pronouns and regular and irregular adverbs, using the expressions Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ theirs. (SB, p. 30 – 32; WB p. 28 - 30) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.30 and 31) - Song (SB, p.32) - Description (SB, p.34) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to sports ( WB p.28-33) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 34- 35) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.30 and 32) Read a short story, a song and description. (SB, p.30,32 and 34) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and chant. (SB, p. 33; WB, p.30) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to sports.(SB p. 30,32,34 and WB p. 28-33) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ theirs. (SBp.30-32) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.33; WB, p.30) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB, p. 32 and 33; WB, p. 30 and 31) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.34-35; WB, p.32-33) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.30,31 and 34;WB, p. 28, 29 and 33) 62 Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.46 and 50) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.34) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.34-35; WB, p.32-33) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.30-35 ; WB, p.28-33) Participate actively in activities and group work.(SB, p.30-35 ; WB, p. 28-33 ; TB p.46 and 50) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about sports (SB, p. 31 and 32) - Descriptions (SB, p.34) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 30). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 28-33 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.30, 32, 34 and 35). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a description. (SB, p. 34). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Football in the UK, TB p. 46) Basketball and netball TB p. 50) 63 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 32 and 34) Act out a short story: ( SB p.31) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material, Grammar reference (WB p.109). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.32 and 33). Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.28-33) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc). This competence is developed in the unit via Listen and read: SB p. 34 64 IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 30) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a dialogue and a description (WB p. 30) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.30, 34 and 35) Choose a sport and write the instructions to play it (WB, p. 33) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 4 – p.28 a 33) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 4-WB, p. 109) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 4-SB, p. 33) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 4 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 4 (SB p. 30-33) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 4, SB p. 34 and 35) Completion of WB activities (Unit 4, p.28 a 33). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 4 - WB, p.32 and 33). 65 Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 4 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 30,32,34 and 35) Tests Unit 4, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 30-32 and 34; WB, p. 28-30 and 32). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.31). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.34-35). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.30,32,34; WB p. 28-33) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 28-33) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p. 30 and 31) - related to the vocabulary of sports. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.31 and WB, p.29 and 109) - Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ theirs Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 32 and 33; WB p.30) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 32 and 33; WB p.30) 66 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.30,31,34; WB p. 28,29 y33) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB p. 46 and 50) UNIT 5: GO BACK TO THE ROUNDABOUT I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify vocabulary to give directions. - Converse using vocabulary to give directions using the imperative and the expressions We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn left. Go straight on at the roundabout. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand instructions. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age to indicate how to get somewhere. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Identify and write imperatives. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to directions to get somewhere. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn left. Go straight on at the roundabout. 67 Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of vocabulary to give directions. (SB p. 36 and 37; WB p. 34 and 35) - Dialogues using vocabulary to give directions using the imperative and the expressions We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn left Go straight on at the roundabout. (SB p. 36-38 and 40; WB, p. 34-36 , 40 and 110) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.36 and 37) - A song (SB, p.38) - Instructions (SB, p.40) 68 BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to directions to get somewhere ( WB p. 34-39) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 36 and 37) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.36 and 38) Read a short story, a song and instructions. (SB, p.36,38 and 40) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary. (SB p.39; WB, p.37) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to directions to get somewhere.(SB p. 36,38,40 and WB p. 34-39) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn left. Go straight on at the roundabout. (SBp.37 and WB, p.110) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SBp.39; WB, p.36) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics,(SB p. 38 and 39; WB, p. 36 and 41) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB p.40-41; WB, p. 38-39) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.36,37,40;WB, p. 34,35,39) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.52) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( WB p.38) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SBp.40 and 41; WB, p.38 and 39) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.36-41; WB, p.34-39 ) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.36-41; WB, p.34-39 ; TB p.52) 69 III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about how to get to different places (SB, p. 36 and 37) - Descriptions (SB, p.40-41) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 36). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 34-39 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. SB p. 40 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges (SB p.36,38,40 and 41). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Sing a song performing the actions. (SB, p. 38). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Traffic lights in the UK TB p. 52) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 38) Act out a short story: ( SB p.37) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material, Grammar reference (WB p.110). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections(WB, p.38 and 39) 70 Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit(WB, p.34-39) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)..... This competence is developed in the unit via Read the invitation: WB p.38. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 36) Description (SB p.40) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 40, WB p. 39) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.36y 38) Write an invitation and draw a plan (WB, p. 39) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB 71 Workbook (Unit 5 – p.34-39) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 5-WB, p. 110) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 5-SB, p. 37) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 5 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 5 (SB p. 36-39) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 5, SB p. 40 and 41) Completion of WB activities (Unit 5, p.34-39). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 5 - WB, p.38 and 39). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit:: - Unit 5 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 36,38,40 and 41) Tests Unit 5, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB p. 36-38 and 40; WB, p. 34-36 and 38). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.37). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.40-41). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.36,38,40; WB p. 34-39) Complete texts using different resources(Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 34-39) 72 BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.36, 37) - related to the vocabulary of directions to get somewhere. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.37 and WB, p.35 and 110) - We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn Left. Go straight on at the roundabout. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation.(SB p.39; WB p.36) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used .(SB p.38,39; WB p.36) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.36,37,40;WB, p. 36,37 y41) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 52) UNIT 6: THE BEST BED! I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify words for a description. Converse using vocabulary related to descriptions, using the comparative and superlative of long and irregular adjectives using the expressions: My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is the most expensive bed in the shop. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: 73 - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a fable. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to descriptions Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Find and differentiate between irregular plurals Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to adjectives to describe something or someone. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is the most expensive bed in the shop. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: 74 - Identification of words for a description (SB p. 42 and 43; WB p. 40 and 41) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to descriptions, using the comparative and superlative of long and irregular adjectives, using the expressions: My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is the most expensive bed in the shop. (SB, p. 42-44 and 46; WB, p. 40, 41,42,44, 110) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.42 and 43) - Song (SB, p.44) - Fable (SB, p.46) - BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to descriptions ( SB p. 42,44 y46) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 46 and 47) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.42 and 44) Read a short story, a song and a description. (SB, p.42,44 and 46) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary. (SB, p. 45; WB, p.42) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to descriptions.(SB p. 42, 44,46 and WB p. 40-47) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: -My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is the most expensive bed in the shop. (SBp.41, 42 and WB, p.110) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.45; WB, p.42) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics,(SB, p.44 and 45; WB, p.42 and 43) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.44 and 45; WB, p.42 and 43) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.42,43,46;WB, p. 40,41 and 45) 75 Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.58 and 62) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p. 47) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning (SB, p.46 and 47; WB, p.44 and 45) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom (SB, p.42-47 ; WB, p.40-45) Participate actively in activities and group work. (SB, p.42-47 ; WB, p.40-45 ;TB p.58 and 62) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Converse describing people and things (SB, p. 42y 43) - Descriptions (SB, p.46) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 42). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 40-45 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.42,44,46 and 47). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a description. (SB, p. 44 and 46). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Bank beds TB p. 58; Ants TB p.62 76 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 44) Act out a short story: ( SB p.43) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.110). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.44 and 45) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.40-45) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Writing (SB p. 47) IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. . Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 42) 77 Fable SB p. 46 Production of oral and written texts: Sing a song (SB p. 44) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.42 and 44) Write a story based on pictures provided. (WB, p.45) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 6 – p.40-45) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 6-WB, p. 110) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 6-SB, p. 45) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 6 VI. ASSESSMENT Summative assessment Summative assessment is a compendium of the contents studied in units 1-6, both in the Students’ Book and the Activity Book activities and in the various activities suggested in the TB Family and friends 4 Units 1-6 (SB Units 1-6) Formative assessment Unit 6 (SB p. 42-47) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 6, SB p. 42-51) Completion of WB activities (Unit 6, p.40-47). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 6 - WB, p.44-47). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit:: 78 - Unit 6 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 42, 44,46 and 47) Tests Unit 6, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; WB, p. 40, 41, 42 and 44). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.43). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.46, 47). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.42, 44, 46; WB p.40-45) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p.40-45) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, WB p. 40-47) - related to descriptions . - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.43,44 and WB, p.41,110 ) -My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is the most expensive bed in the shop Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 45; WB p.42) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 44 and 45; WB p.43) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.42,43,46;WB, p. 40,41 and 45) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 58 and 62) 79 UNIT 7: WILL IT REALLY HAPPEN? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify words related to space and space travel. - Converse using vocabulary related to space using the future forms: People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to space. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Find compound nouns. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to space. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: - People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of words related to space and space travel. (SB p. 52 and 53; WB p. 48 and 49 ) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to space using the future forms: People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. (SB, p. 52-54 and 56; WB, p. 48-50, 52 y111) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.52 and 53) - Song (SB, p.54) - A description (SB, p.56) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to space ( WB p.48,49 ) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 56-57) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.50 - 52) Read a short story, a song and a description. (SB, p.52 and 54) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary. (SB, p.55; WB, p.50) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to space.(SB p. 52,54,56 and WB p. 48-53) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 1 - People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. (SBp.53, 54 and WB, p.111) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.55; WB, p.50) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. (SB, p.54-55; WB, p.50-50) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.54-56; WB, p.50-52) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.52,53,56;WB, p. 48,49 and 53) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.68) Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.56 and 57; WB, p.52 and 53) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.52-57 ; WB, p.48-53) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.52-57 ; WB, p. . 48-53; TB p.68) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about space and the future (SB, p. 52 and 53) - Descriptions (SB, p.56) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 52). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 48-53 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 2 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.52,54,56 and 57). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place Artistic and cultural competence Complete a description. (SB, p. 53 and WB p.48). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Men on the moon, TB p. 68) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 54) Act out a short story: ( SB p.53) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.111). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.52 and 53). Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.48 a 53) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 3 IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 52) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 53 and WB p. 48) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.52 and 54) Write about their own floating city of the future (WB, p. 53) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 7 – p.48-53) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 7-WB, p. 111) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 7-SB, p. 55) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 7 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 7 (SB p. 52-55) Cumulative review (Unit 7, SB p. 56 and 57) Completion of WB activities (Unit 7, p.48-53). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 7 - WB, p.52 and 53). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 4 Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 7 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 52,54,56 and 57) Tests Unit 7 - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 52-54 and 56; WB, p. 48-50 and 52). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 53). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.56 and 57). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.52,54,56; WB p.48-53) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 48-53) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p. 52-53) - related to the vocabulary of space. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.53,54 and WB, p.49 and 111) - People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t Phonetics Apply knowledge acquired regarding pronunciation. (SB, p.55; WB p.50) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. (SB, p.54,55; WB p.50) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 5 Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.52,53 and 56;WB, p.48,49 and 53) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken.(TB p.68) UNIT 8: HOW MUCH TIME HAVE WE GOT? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify words related to airports. - Converse using vocabulary related to airports, using expressions of quantity, how much, how many, some and any, using the expressions: How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song - Understand a letter BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to airports. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Identify the uses of some and any. Identify sounds. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to airports. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 6 - How much Money have you got? I haven’t got much Money. We’ve got lots of Money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. Use and differentiate between sounds. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of words related to airports. (SB, p. 58,59; WB p. 54,55) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to airports, using expressions of quantity, how much, how many, some and any, using the expressions: How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. (SB, p. 58-60 and 62; WB, p. 54-56,58 and 111) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.58 and 59) - Song (SB, p.60) - Letter (SB, p.62) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to airports (SB, p.62-63) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 62 and 63) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.56-57) Read a short story, a song and a letter. (SB, p.58, 60 , 62 and 64) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 7 Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary. (SB, p.61; WB, p.57) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to airports.(SB p. 58, 60,62 and WB p. 54-59) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. (SBp.59, 60 and WB, p.111) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. ( SBp.61; WB, p.56) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, ( SBp.60 and 61; WB, p.56 and 57) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.62 and 63; WB, p.58 and 59) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.58,59,62;WB, p. 54,55,59) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.70 and 75) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p. 63) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning (SB, p.62 and 63; WB, p.58 and 59) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.58-63; WB, p.54-59 ) Participate actively in activities and group work.(SB, p.58-63;WB, p. 54-59 ; TB p.70 and 75) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 8 - Talk about holidays and plane travel (SB, p. 58 and 59) - Descriptions (SB, p.60 and 62) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 58 and 63). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 54-59 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.58,60,62 and 63). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. .. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a song, a description. (SB, p. 59 and WB p. 58). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: British currency, TB p. 70; The Royal Mail TB p.75 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 60) Act out a short story: ( SB p.59) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.113). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.58 and 59) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.54-59) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 9 Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and related to numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Writing: SB p.63. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 58) Description (SB p. 62) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 59, WB p. 58) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.58 and 60) Write a letter about holidays or a trip (WB, p. 59) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 8 – p.54-59) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 8-WB, p. 111) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 8-SB, p. 61) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 8 VI. ASSESSMENT Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 10 Formative assessment Unit 8 (SB p. 58-61) Cumulative review (Unit 8, SB p. 62-63) Completion of WB activities (Unit 8, p.54-59). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 8 - WB, p.58 and 59). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: : - Unit 8 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 58,60,62 and 63) Tests Unit 8, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 58-60 and 62; WB, p. 54-56 and 58). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.59). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.62-63). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.58,60 and 62; WB p.54-59) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 54-59) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB,p.58-59) - related to airports and trips. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 11 Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB, p.59,60 and WB, p.55 and 111) -How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 61; WB p.56) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 60 and 61; WB p.56) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 12 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.58,59,62;WB, p. 54,55 y59) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken.(TB p. 70 and 75) UNIT 9: SOMETHING NEW TO WATCH! I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify names of audiovisual material. - Converse using vocabulary related to audiovisual media, using the infinitive of purpose and how often, once, twice… using the expressions: I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week. - Understand simple texts in a classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a TV programme guide. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to audiovisual media. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Add the prefix un- to a word to give it a negative meaning happy, unhappy. Identify sounds within a text or a word. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to audiovisual media. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 13 - I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities. Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of the names of audiovisual material. (SB p. 64 and 65; WB p. 60 and 61) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to audiovisual media, using the infinitive of purpose and how often, once, twice… using the expressions: I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week (SB, p. 64-66 and 64; WB, p. 60-62 , 64 and 112) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.64 and 65) - Song (SB, p.66) - Understand a TV programme guide (SB, p.68) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to audiovisual media ( SB p. 64, 66 and 68) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 68-69) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.62 and 64) Read a short story, a song. (SB, p.64,66) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 14 Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary (SB, p.67; WB, p.62) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to audiovisual media.(SB p. 64,66,68 and WB p. 60-65) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week. (SBp.65, 66 and WB, p.112) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.67; WB, p.63) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, (SB, p.67; WB, p.62) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.68-71; WB, p.64-67) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.64,65 and 68;WB, p.60,61 and 65) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.76 and 80) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.66) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.68-69; WB, p.64-65) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom (SB, p.64-71; WB, p.60-67 ) Participate actively in activities and group work. (SB, p.64-71; WB, p.60-67 TB p.76 and 80) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 15 III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about audiovisual media (SB, p. 64 and 65) - Descriptions (SB, p.66 and 68) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 64). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 60-65 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises SB p. 68 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.64,66,68 and 69). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a description. (SB, p. 65, WB p. 60). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: The BBC, TB p. 76; How much TV do British children watch? TB p.80 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents( SB p. 66) Act out a short story: ( SB p.65) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 16 Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.112). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections(WB, p.64 and 67) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.60-67) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. . This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Read and learn: SB p. 66. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 64) Description SB p. 68 Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 65, WB p. 60) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.64 and 66) Write a TV programme (WB p. 65) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 17 V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 9 – p.60-63) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 9-WB, p. 112) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 9-SB, p. 67) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 9 VI. ASSESSMENT Summative assessment Summative assessment is a compendium of the contents worked on in units 1-9, both in the Students’ Book and the Activity Book activities and in the various activities suggested in the TB Family and friends 4 Units 1-9 (SB Units 1-9) Formative assessment Unit 9 (SB p. 64-67) Cumulative review (Unit 1- 9, SB p. 70 and 71) Completion of WB activities (Unit 9, p.60-67). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 9 - WB, p.66 and 67). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 9 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 64,66,68 and 69) Tests Unit 9, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 18 - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 64-66 and 68; WB, p. 60-62 and 64). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.65). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.68, 69). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.64,66,68; WB p. 60-65) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 60-67) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p. 64-65) - related to the vocabulary of audiovisual media. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.65,66 and WB, p.60 and 112) -I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 67; WB p.62) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 66 and 67; WB p.62) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.64,66,68; WB,p. 60,61 and 65) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p.76 and 80) UNIT 10: I´VE PRINTED MY HOMEWORK Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 19 I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify vocabulary to talk about computers. - Converse using vocabulary related to computers using the Present Perfect in its three forms and using the expressions: We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand information online. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to computers. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Differentiate between the parts of a sentence. Identify sounds in texts. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to computers. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 20 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of vocabulary to talk about computers. (SB p. 74-75; WB p. 6869) - Dialogues using vocabulary related to computers using the Present Perfect in its three forms and using the expressions: We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. (SB, p.74-76 and 78; WB, p. 68-70, 72 and 112) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.74 and 75) - Song (SB, p.76) - Understand information online. (SB, p.72) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 21 BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to computers (SB, p. 78 and 79) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). ((SB, p. 78 and 79) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.70 and 72) Read a short story, a song. (SB, p.74 and 76) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary (SB, p.77; WB, p.70) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to computers. (SB, p.74 and 75) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. (SB, p.74-76 and 78; WB, p. 68-70, 72 and 112) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.77; WB, p.70) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. (SB, p.77; WB, p.70) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt.(SB, p.78 and 80; WB, p.72 and 73) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.74,75 and 78;WB, p.68,69 and 73) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.82 and 87) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.79) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning (SB, p.78 and 80; WB, p.72 and 73) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom (SB, p.74-79; WB, p.68-73) Participate actively in activities and group work (SB, p.74-79; WB, p. 68-73; TB p.82 and 87) III. KEY COMPETENCES Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 22 Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about what they have done or why they have used the computer (SB, p. 74y 78) - Descriptions (SB, p.76 and 78) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 74). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 68-73 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises SB p.74 TB p.87 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges( SB p.74,76,78 and 79). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a song, a description. (WB, p. 68). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: British children and computers, TB p. 82; Instant messaging TB p.87 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 76 and 78) Act out a short story: ( SB p.75) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 23 Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.112). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.72 and 73 Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit( WB, p.68-73) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)..... This competence is developed in the unit via Listen and write the number: SB p. 79 IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 74) Description (SB p. 78) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (WB p. 68) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.74 and 76) Write about how to use the computer (WB p.73) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 24 V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 10 – p.68 a 73) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 10-WB, p. 112) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 10-SB, p. 77) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 10 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 10 (SB p. 74-77) Cumulative review (Unit 10, SB p. 78 and 79) Completion of WB activities (Unit 10, p.68-73). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 10 - WB, p.72 and 73). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 10 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 74,76,78 and 79) Tests Unit 10 - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 74-76 and 78; WB, p. 68-70 and 72). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.75). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.78, 79). Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 25 BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 74,76,78; WB p. 68-73) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 68-73) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB, p. 74 and 75) - related to computers. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.75,76 and WB, p.69 and 112) - We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. Phonetics Apply knowledge acquired regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 77; WB p.70) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 76,77; WB p.70) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 26 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.74-76;WB, p. 62,69 and 73) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 82 and 87) UNIT 11: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN…? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify names of places. - Converse using vocabulary related to names of places, using the present perfect + ever or never and using the expressions: Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis? … Understand simple oral texts within the classroom: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to names of places. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. and a historical text. Identify the main sentence. Identify the sound /e/ in a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to words expressing places. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 27 - Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis… Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of names of places. (SB p. 80 and 81; WB p. 74 and 75) - Dialogues with Vocabulary related to names of places, using the Present Perfect + ever or never and using the expressions: Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis? … (SB, p. 81- 84; WB, p. 74, 75,76,78 and 113) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.80 and 81) - Song (SB, p.82) - Description. (SB, p.84) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to names of places.( SB p. 80,82 y84) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 84 and 85) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.76 and 78) Read a short story, a song and a description. (SB, p.80,82 and 84) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 28 Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary (SB, p.83; WB, p.76) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to names of places. (SB p. 80, 82 y84 and WB p. 74-79) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis? … (SB, p. 81- 84; WB, p. 74, 75, 76, 78 and 113) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.83; WB, p.76) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB, p.83; WB, p.77) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.84 and 85; WB, p.78 and 79) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.80,81,84;WB, p. 74,75 y79) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.89 and 93) Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning (SB, p.84 and 85; WB, p.78 and 79) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.80-85; WB, p.74-79 ) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.80-85; WB, p.74-79; TB p.89 and 93) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 29 III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about the places where they have been (SB, p. 80, 81) - Descriptions (SB, p.82 and 84) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 80). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 74-79 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges( SB p.80,82,84 and 85). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. .. Artistic and cultural competence Complete sentences. (SB, p. 84). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Outdoor activities in the UK, TB p. 89 , British Polar explorers TB p. 93 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents( SB p. 82) Act out a short story: ( SB p.81) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 30 Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.113). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections(WB, p.78 and 79) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit(WB, p.74-79) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)..... IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 80) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 31 Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (WB p. 74 and 78) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.80 and 82) Write a diary about life on Elephant Island (WB, p. 79) VI. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 11 – p.74-79) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 11-WB, p. 113) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 11-SB, p. 83) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 11 VII. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 11 (SB p. 80-83) Cumulative review (Unit 11, SB p. 84 and 85) Completion of WB activities (Unit 11, p.74- 79). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 11 - WB, p.78 and 79). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 11 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 80, 82,84 and 85) Tests Unit 11, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 32 - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 80-82 and 84; WB, p. 74-76 and 78). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.81). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.84, 85). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 80, 82,84; WB p. 74-79) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 74-79) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.80, 81) - related to names of places. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB, p.81,82 and WB, p.74 and 113) -Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis? Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 83; WB p.76) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 82 and 83; WB p.76) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.80,81,84;WB, p. 74,75 y79) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p.89 and 93) UNIT 12: WHAT´S THE MATTER? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 33 BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify words related to illnesses. - Converse giving advice about illnesses, using should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t, using the expressions: You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to illnesses Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song, a poem. Use the connectors because and so to join sentences. Identify sounds within words. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to names of illnesses. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes… Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 34 Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of words related to illnesses. (SB p. 86 and 87; WB p. 80 and 81) - Dialogues giving advice about illnesses, using should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t, using the expressions: You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes. (SB, p. 87-88 and 90; WB, p. 80-82 ,84 and 113) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.86 and 87) - Song (SB, p.88) - Description (SB, p.90) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to illnesses (SB, p.90) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p.90 and 91) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.82-84) Read a short story, a song. (SB, p.86 and 88) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary. (SB, p.89; WB, p.83) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to illnesses (SB p. 80, 82 and 84 and WB p. 80-85) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 35 - You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes. (SB, p. 87-88 and 90; WB, p. 80-82, 84 and 113) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.89; WB, p.82) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, chant (SB, p.88 and 89; WB, p.82) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.90 and 91; WB, p.84 and 85) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities(SB p.86,87 and 90;WB, p. 80,81 and 85) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.94 and 98) Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.88-93; WB, p.82-87) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.86-93; WB, p.80-87) Participate actively in activities and group work. (SB, p.86-93; WB, p.80-87 ; TB p.94 and 98) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about illnesses and how to sep fit (SB, p. 86 and 87) - Descriptions (SB, p.90) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 86). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 80-87 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 36 Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.86,88,90 and 91). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a Description. (WB, p. 87). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: The NHS, TB p. 94 Farmers´ markets TB p.98 Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 86-88) Act out a short story: ( SB p.87) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.113). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections(WB, p.84 and 87) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit(WB, p.80-87) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 37 Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... .. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. . Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 86) Production of oral and written texts: Complete sentences (SB p. 87-88, WB p. 80-81) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.86 and 88) Write a description about how to be fit and happy (WB, p. 85) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 38 V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 12 – p.80-85) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 12-WB, p. 113) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 12-SB, p. 89) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 12 VI. ASSESSMENT Summative assessment Summative assessment is a compendium of the contents worked on in units 1-12, both in the Student’s Book and the Activity Book activities and in the various activities suggested in the TB Family and friends 4 Units 1-12 (SB Units 1-12) Formative assessment Unit 12 (SB p. 86-89) Cumulative review (Unit 12, SB p. 90-93) Completion of WB activities (Unit 12, p.80-87). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 12 - WB, p.84-87). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: : - Unit 12 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 86,88,90,93) Tests Unit 12, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 39 - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 86-88 and 90; WB, p. 80-82 and 84). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.87). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.90 and 91). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.86,88,90) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 80-85) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB, p. 86-87) - related to illnesses. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, -You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes. SB p.87, 88; WB, p.81 and 113) Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 89; WB p.82) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 8889; WB p.82) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.86,87,90;WB, p. 80,81 y85) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 94 and 98) UNIT 13: CAN YOU HELP ME? I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 40 BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify vocabulary related to smoothies. - Talk about smoothies using possessive and relative pronouns, using the expressions Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid. This is the smoothie which was in the Blender. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and using possessive and relative pronouns Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Find relative clauses in a sentence. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to different activities. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid. This is the smothie which was in the Blender. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 41 Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of vocabulary related to smoothies. (SB p. 96 and 97; WB p. 88 and 89) - Dialogues about smoothies using possessive and relative pronouns using the expressions Please, help me!; I’ll help you/ him / her; Pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid. This is the smothie which was in the Blender. (SB, p. 97,98 and 100; WB, p. 88-90, 92 and 114) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.96, 97) - Song (SB, p.98) - Description (SB, p.100) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and using possessive and relative pronouns. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 100101) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.98 and 100) Read a short story, a song... (SB, p.96 and 98) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary.(SB, p.99; WB, p.90) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - Related to different activities. (SB, p.96,98,100 ;WB p. 88-93) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 42 - Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; Pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid.; This is the smothie which was in the Blender (SB p.97,98 and WB, p.114) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.99; WB, p.90) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. (SB, p.98 and 99; WB, p.90) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.98,99; WB, p. 90,91) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.96, 97,100;WB, p. 88,89 and 93) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.100) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( WB p.91) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.100 and 101; WB, p.92 and 93) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.96-101; WB, p.88-93) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.96-101; WB, p.88-93; TB p.100) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 43 III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about different activities (SB, p. 96 and 97) - Descriptions of child heroes (SB, p.100) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 96). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 88-93 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.96,98,100 and 101). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place. - .. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a description. (WB, p. 88). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Strawberries, TB p. 100) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 98) Act out a short story: ( SB p.99) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.114). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.92 and 93). Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 44 Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.88-93) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning. This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Find and circle: WB p.91. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 96) Informative description. (SB p. 100) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (SB p. 97, WB p. 88) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.96 and 98) Write answers to a magazine (WB, p. 93) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 45 Workbook (Unit 13 – p.88 a 93) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 13-WB, p. 114) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 13-SB, p. 99) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 13 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 13 (SB p. 96-99) Cumulative review (Unit 13, SB p. 100 and 101) Completion of WB activities (Unit 13, p.88 a 93). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 13 - WB, p.92 and 93). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 13 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 96,98,100,101) Tests Unit 13, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 96-98 and 100; WB, p. 88-90 and 92). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 97). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.100-101). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 46 Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.96,98,100; WB p.88-93) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 88-93) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.96,97) - related to activities or events that have occurred. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.97, 98 ; WB, p.89 and 114) -Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; Pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid.; This is the smoothie which was in the Blender. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 99; WB p.90) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 9899; WB p.90) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.96,97,100;WB, p. 88,89 and 93) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 100) UNIT 14: WE WERE FISHING I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify names of family members. - Talk about family members using the past continuous in its different forms and using the expression was born, using What were you doing? I was Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 47 looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July. - Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a poem. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to different family members. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Recognise the structure and rhyme of a poem. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to happy memories. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July. ▪ Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities. Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken II. CONTENTS Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 48 BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of family members. (SB p. 102 and 103; WB p. 94 and 95) - Dialogues about family members using the past continuous in its various forms and using the expression was born, using What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July. (SB, p. 103104 and 106; WB, p. 94-96 ,98 and 114) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.102 and 103) - Song (SB, p.104) - Poem (SB, p.106) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to different family members. ( SB p.102,104,106) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). (SB, p. 106 and 107) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.96 - 98) Read a short story, a song and a poem. ((SB, p.102,104 and 106) Match words which have the same sound. (SB, p.105) Identify long and short vowel sounds within a text. (SB, p.105; WB, p.96) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: -related to family members. (SB p. 102, 104,106 and WB p. 94-99) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July. (SB, p. 103-104; WB, p. 114) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.105; WB, p.96) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics (SB, p.104 and 105; WB, p.96) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 49 Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.106107; WB, p.98-99) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.102,103,106;WB, p. 94,95 and 99) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.106) Accept and learn mathematical forms ( SB p.104) Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning (SB, p.106-107; WB, p.98-99) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.102-107; WB, p.94-99) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.102-107; WB, p.94-99; TB p.106) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Converse using the past continuous. (SB, p. 102 and 103) - Narrative poem (SB, p.106) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 102). The sections with activities contained in the W Bp. 94-99 Data processing and digital competence Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like:: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.102,104,106 and 107). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place..... Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 50 Artistic and cultural competence Complete a song, a description. (WB, p. 94). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: Freshwater fishing, TB p. 106) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents ( SB p. 104) Act out a short story: ( SB p.103) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.114). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.98 and 99) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.94-99) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... This competence is developed in the unit via Dates: SB p. 104. IV. LITERARY EDUCATION Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 51 This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 102) Poem ( SB p. 106) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a song, a description (WB p. 94) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.102 and 104) Write a description of a day at school (WB, p. 99) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 52 V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 14 – p.94-99) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 14-WB, p. 114) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 14-SB, p. 105) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 14 VI. ASSESSMENT Formative assessment Unit 14 (SB p.102-105) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 14, SB p. 106 and 107) Completion of WB activities (Unit 14, p.94 a 99). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 14 - WB, p.98 and 99). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing - Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: - Unit 14 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 102,104,106 and 107) Tests Unit 14, - Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 102-104y 106; WB, p. 94-96 and 98). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.103). Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 53 - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.106-107). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p.102,104,106; WB p. 94-99) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 94-99) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.102-103) - related to family members. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.103,104 and WB, p.95 and 114) -What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation.( SB p.105; WB p.96) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 104-105; WB p.96) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p. 102,104,106;WB, p. 94,96 and 98) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 106) UNIT 15: GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS I. TEACHING OBJECTIVES Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 54 BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participate in oral exchanges: - Identify words to talk about jobs. - Converse using the past simple, continuous and the particle When, using the expressions. When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom context: - Listen to and act out a short story. - Sing a song. - Understand a description. BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to jobs. Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer). Complete simple written texts with vocabulary studied. Read a short story, a song. Identify direct speech and write it between inverted commas. Identify sounds within a text. BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revise and identify vocabulary from the unit - related to jobs. - Hobbies: word groups. Understand and correctly apply grammatical aspects: -When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. Use and differentiate between sounds and letters. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics. Use revision and reflection strategies. BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities Show a positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 55 II. CONTENTS BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Participation in oral exchanges: - Identification of words to talk about jobs. (SB p. 108 and 109; WB p. 100 and 101) - Dialogues using the past simple, continuous and the particle When, using the expressions. When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. (SB, p.108,109, and 112; WB, p. 100-102 ,104 and 118) Comprehension of simple oral texts within a classroom context: - A short story. (SB, p.108 and 109) - Song (SB, p.110) - Description (SB, p.112) BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing General comprehension and identification of specific vocabulary in different simple texts, appropriate to their age and related to jobs. ( SB p. 108,110,112) Use of basic reading comprehension strategies (Point and answer).(SB, p. 112113) Completion of simple written texts with words studied (WB, p.110 and 112) Read a short story, a song... (SB, p.108,110) Identification of and differentiation between sounds in specific vocabulary and a chant. (SB, p.111; WB, p.102) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Revision and identification of vocabulary from the unit: - related to jobs.(SB p. 108,110,112 WB p.100-107) - Hobbies: word groups. Comprehension and correct application of grammatical aspects: - When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. . (SB, p. 109,110; WB, p. 115) Use of and differentiation between sounds and letters. (SB, p.111; WB, p.102) Recognition and reproduction of aspects of sound, rhythm, stress and intonation: phonics, (SB, p.111; WB, p.102) Use of revision strategies and reflection upon what has been learnt. (SB, p.112 and 113; WB, p.104 and 105) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 56 BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Learn basic forms of social relationship in the target language, participating in different classroom activities (SB p.108,109,112;WB, p. 100,101,116) Identify customs and features of everyday life typical of other countries and cultures where the target language is spoken (TB, p.116) Accept and learn mathematical forms. Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning ( SB, p.112-115; WB, p.104-107) Take advantage of learning opportunities created within and beyond the classroom .(SB, p.108-115; WB, p.100-107) Participate actively in activities and group work.( SB, p.108-115; WB, p.100-107; TB p.116) III. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic communication All the sections and activities in the unit contribute towards the development of linguistic competence in communication, especially: The section Listen and read or repeat to reference the functional language in the unit: - Talk about jobs (SB, p. 108 and 109) - Descriptions (SB, p.112) - Act out a dialogue (SB, p. 108). The sections with activities contained in the WB p. 100-107 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 57 Data processing and digital competence - Practise and become familiar with the functioning of different digital and IT competences using the MultiROM interactive exercises. Social and civic competence This competence is developed by working on essential communication skills like: - Dialogues and communicative exchanges ( SB p.108,110,112 and 113). - Socialising and participating in classroom activities, establishing and accepting norms of co-existence both in pairs and in groups - Exhibiting one’s own work and listening to that of others, putting oneself in their place... - .. Artistic and cultural competence Complete a song, a description. (SB, p. 110 and WB p. 100). Immersion in the language, tradition and culture of the English-speaking world (Cultural lessons: The UK-a sea nation, TB p. 116) Use the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning contents( SB p. 110) Act out a short story: ( SB p.109) Learning-to-learn Understand and use good learning habits in class: create a notebook/folder with the vocabulary studied. Use the reference material: Grammar reference (WB p.115). Manage one’s own skills in the review sections (WB, p.104 and 107) Autonomy and personal initiative Assume responsibility for the tasks and activities set out in the unit (WB, p.104107) Use the reference material recommended for the unit. Have at one’s disposal and employ social skills to interact, co-operate and work in pairs and in teams in a co-operative and flexible manner whenever required by the communicative activities in the unit: dialogues, etc Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 58 This competence consists of the correct perception of the physical space in which human life and activity develop and the ability to interact within that space. Mathematical competence Consists of the ability to use and relate numbers, basic operation, symbols and forms of mathematical expression and reasoning This competence involves the knowledge and use of basic mathematical elements (different kinds of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements etc)... IV. LITERARY EDUCATION This section develops the ability to interact with others, by means of the repetition of dialogues included in the unit as well as invented ones. It is important to highlight the creation of descriptive texts, which help to strengthen the language in both oral and written form. Literary genres: Dialogue (SB p. 108) Narration (SB p. 112) Production of oral and written texts: Complete a description (SB p. 110, WB p. 100) Reproduce a dialogue/song (SB p.108 and 110) Finish the story of Cinderella. (WB, p. 105) V. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Reinforcement activities Additional and alternative activities; TRB Workbook (Unit 15 – p.100-107) Activities in the reference sections: - Grammar reference (Unit 15-WB, p. 115) - Pronunciation bank (Unit 15-SB, p. 111) Extension activities Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack and TB Unit 15 VI. ASSESSMENT Summative assessment Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 59 Summative assessment is a compendium of the contents worked on in units 1-15, both in the Students’ Book and the Activity Book activities and in the various activities suggested in the TB Family and friends 4 Units 1-15 (SB Units 1-15) Formative assessment Unit 15 (SB p. 108-111) Cumulative review (Starter-Unit 1-15, SB p. 112-115) Completion of WB activities (Unit 15, p.100-107). Self-assessment Progress review (Unit 15 - WB, p.104 and 105). Assessment criteria BLOCK 1 - Oral communication, listening, speaking and conversing Understand the general idea and most relevant specific information of oral texts in different communication contexts related to the contents of the unit: : - Unit 15 Test Audio, Tests and Resource Multi-ROM 1. - Listening Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 108,110,112 and 115) Tests Unit 15, Express oneself and interact correctly and fluently in communicative - situations: - Ask and answer questions about the topic studied. Speaking Tests, TR MultiROM 1; SB, p. 108-112 and 114; WB, p. 100-104 and 106). - Act out a conversation (Role-play - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 109). - Describe photographs (Photo description - Speaking Tests, TR Multi-ROM 1; SB p.112 and 115). BLOCK 2 - Written communication: reading and writing Understand the information contained in written texts from different sources (Reading -Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1; SB p. 108,110,112; WB p. 100-107) Complete texts using different resources (Writing - TR Multi-ROM 1; WB p. 100107) BLOCK 3 Knowledge of the language Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 60 Vocabulary Know and extend vocabulary (Vocabulary- Test and Resource, Multi-ROM 1, SB p.108 and 109) - related to jobs. - Hobbies: word groups. Grammar Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, SB p.109,110 and WB, p.101 and 115) - When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. Phonetics Apply knowledge required regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 111; WB p.102) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 110,111; WB p.102) BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural features and intellectual awareness Show interest in learning the target language and recognise the enriching quality of linguistic diversity. (SB p.108,109,112;WB, p. 100,101,105-107 ) Identify cultural elements typical of countries and cultures where the target language is spoken. (TB p. 116) Understand and use correctly the grammatical structures learnt in the unit: (Grammar - TR Multi-ROM 1, - He’s going to play basketball tomorrow. Are you going to swim on the sea? Yes, I am./ No I’m not Phonetics Apply knowledge acquired regarding pronunciation. ( SB p. 111; WB p.102) Reflection upon learning Check whether basic strategies for progress in learning are being used. ( SB p. 110,111; WB p.102) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 61 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 62 7. CLASSROOM PROGRAMME TIMING FAMILY AND FRIENDS 4: YEAR 2010/2011* UNIT APPROX. Nº SESSIONS APPROX. TIMING (45 MIN PER SESSION) Starter: Back together! 4 3 hours* 1 The food here is great! 6 4 hours and 30min* 2 We had a concert 6 4 hours and 30min* 3 The dinosaur museum 7 5 hours and 15min* 4 Whose jacket is this? 6 4 hours and 30min* 5 Go back to the round about 6 4 hours and 30min* 6 The best bed! 7 5 hours and 15min* 7 Will it really happen? 6 4 hours and 30min* 8 How much time have we got? 6 4 hours and 30min* 9 Something new to watch! 7 5 hours and 15min* 10 I’ve printed my homework 6 4 hours and 30min* 11 Have you ever been…? 6 4 hours and 30min* 12 What’s the matter? 7 5 hours and 15min* 13 Can you help me? 6 4 hours and 30min* 14 We were fishing 6 4 hours and 30min* 15 Good news, bad news 7 5 hours and 15min* Culture ,Festivals and Extensive Reading 9 4 hours and 30min* e.g. approx 108 81 hours TOTAL NOTAS and OBSERVACIONES Extra activities programmed by the school *Each school will have to adapt this programme to its own situation and timetable. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 63 LAS SESIONES SON DE 45' CADA UNA DE MANERA ORIENTATIVA. CADA PROFESOR ADAPTARA ESTE ASPECTO A SU HORARIO and NIVEL DE CLASE La nomenclatura empleada en las tablas de programación de aula son las siguientes. Skills RC Reading Interaction Materials T-P Teacher-pupil WB Workbook comprehension OC Oral comprehension IW Individual work SB Students’ Book WE Written expression GW Group work TB Teacher’s Book OE Oral expression PW Pair work TRP Teacher’s Resource and Tests Pack OI Oral interaction PMB Photocopy Masters Book AS All skills TEB Testing and Evaluation Booklet Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 64 STARTER UNIT: BACK TOGETHER! SESSION OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1 Warm up. 45’ TB, p. 24 DESCRIPTION - Practise greetings. INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB Identify familiar characters from Family and friends 3. Remember the vocabulary related to greetings and introductions Flashcards 1-10 SB p.4 SKILLS - Listen to and sing a welcome song Revise vocabulary related to familiar characters Presentation of the unit contents and plan of objectives and activities. TRP SB CD Understand a short story SB p.5 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.4 -Wordlist, TB 24 Extension activities: - Optional activity: TB p.24 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 65 2 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.25 Development activities: (Grammar) Revise like+ -ing; can to ask permission and would like to ask for things in a shop. Revise countable and uncountable food nouns. - Identification of communicative purpose of sentences. - Use of different grammatical structures: I like reading. What would you like? I’d like some bananas. OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE RC, WE TP, TG TI SB CD TB Write sentences about what they would like. SB, p. 5 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.5 3 45’ Warm-up activity: TB p. 26 Development activities :.(Phonics) Revise the sounds:/mp/, /nt/, /Id/, /It/, /nt/ and /nd/ Talk about what they do in their free time. Revise the structure:He´s going to SB, p. 6 Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt - Identification of the sounds corresponding to some words - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. This weekend I’m going to… Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 6 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: Optional activities TB p. 26 Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press WB RC, OE P-A, TI SB TRP CD . RC, OC, OE, EE TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 66 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 27 Development activities: Identify new ways of saying the time. Revise the formation of the comparative and superlative. Revise the alphabetical order SB, p. 7 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 7 Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.27) -My family. Test, (TEB p.6) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Listen to, repeat and indicate the time. - Sentence endings, using the comparative and superlative. Write words in alphabetical order - Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB 67 UNIT 1: THE FOOD HERE IS GREAT! SESSION OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES 1 Warm up. 45’ TB, p. 28 DESCRIPTION Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.8 -Wordlist, TB 28 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.28 - Cut and make 1 PMB p.36 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press MATERIALES P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - Understand a short story SB, p.8 INTERACCION OC, OE - Identify vocabulary related to restaurants. SB p.8 Flashcards 1-10 SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities Match pictures and words. Memorise vocabulary. Introduction of unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members in a restaurant completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 68 2 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.21 Development activities: (Grammar) Revise the present simple and continuous and their use. Complete a text with the present simple and continuous using: They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Use of different grammatical structures: They usually wear blue uniforms. They are wearing white today. - Act out the story SB, p. 9 3 45’ Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.9 Grammar reference. WB p.108 Values 1 worksheets, PMB p. 6-7 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 29) Warm-up activity: Play: Freeze! TB p. 23 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn words which indicate how often something is done. Write sentences in present simple and continuous using adverbs of frequency Use the forms studied in the context of a song SB, p. 10 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 10 Grammar reference WB p. 108 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p. 30 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. - Play: Freeze! - P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE RC, WE TP, TG TI RC, WE TI SB CD TB Dramatisation of the short story Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt - OC, OE, Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. Learn a song . Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge WB WB TB RC, OE P-A, TI SB TRP CD . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 69 4 45’ 5 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.31 - Development activities (Phonics) Revise the pronunciation of the long sounds a and e Match these sounds with the letters: ai, ay, a_e, ee, ea, ey Identify these sounds in a text. SB, p. 11 Phonics cards 1-6 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 10 - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Listen to and read a text and identify sounds. - Identification of words which have a different vowel sound Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.31) Warm-up activity. TB p.32 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand an article in a school magazine Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of these words in a dictionary. Match specific information with the correct text. SB, p. 12 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 12 Language practice worksheet PMB p.2 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 32 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Revise phonemes Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE EO TI TG TB SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and suggested exercises such as finishing sentences, etc. - Recognise words and their meaning upon hearing or reading them. 70 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.33 Development activities (Skills Time!). Identify the eating habits of different families, after listening to specific information. Ask and answer questions about eating habits Identify the syllables in a word. SB, p. 13 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 12-13 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.33 Test Unit 1, TEB p. 7 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE - Listen to specific vocabulary - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Identification and separation of the syllables of a word TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 71 UNIT 2: WE HAD A CONCERT SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. Play: Miming TB, p. 34 Identify Vocabulary related to concerts SB p.14 Flashcards 11-20 DESCRIPTION - Play: Miming Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.14 -Wordlist, TB 34 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.34 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - Understand a short story SB, p.14 SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise vocabulary. Introduction of unit topic and vocabulary: short story about a concert and friends, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 72 2 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Snap! TB p.35 Development activities: (Grammar) Revise the past simple of be, have and regular verbs. Complete a text with the correct form of the past using: We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered 3 45’ Act out the story SB, p. 14-15 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.15 Grammar reference. WB p.108 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 35) Warm-up activity Play: TB p. 36 Development activities: (Grammar & Song). Revise adverbs of time to express the past: Yesterday, last week, last year, two days ago… Use the forms studied in the context of a song. SB, p. 16 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 16 Grammar reference. WB p.108 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.36 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Play Snap! - Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session - Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. - Learn and use different grammatical structures: We had a concert at our house. All our friends were there. The audience clapped and cheered - Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. - Learn a song . Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 73 4 45’ Warm-up activity.TB p. 37 Development activities (Phonics) Revise the sounds of the vowels: i, o and u Identify these sounds in words which contain the letters: igh, y, i_e, oa, ow, o_e, oo, ue, u_e Identify these sounds in a poem SB, p. 17 Phonics cards 7-15 - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Listen to and repeat a poem. Match sounds and letters. - - Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 16 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.37) 5 45’ Revision of phonemes Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB EO TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge and vocabulary. RC, WE TP, TG TB Warm-up activity. TB p. 38 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and Understand a poem. Identify Vocabulary and its meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary Match questions and answers. SB, p. 18 TB p. 38 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 17 Language practice worksheet PMB p.3 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 38 OC, OE Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description And completion of suggested exercises such as finishing sentences, etc. Recognise specific information upon listening to or reading a text - - 74 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.39 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to and Identify different activities musicales. Ask and answer questions about musical preferences Learn the rule about when verbs double the consonant in the present continuous SB, p. 19 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.18-19 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.39 Test Unit 2 TEB p. 8 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE - Listen to and identify different musical activities. - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Learn the rule about doubling the consonant in the present continuous. TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 75 UNIT 3: THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 40 DESCRIPTION SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB Observation of flashcards to introduce the vocabulary Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. - Match pictures and words. - Memorise vocabulary - Identify words related to the dinosaur museum SB p.20 Flashcards 21-30 - Understand a short story SB, p.20 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.20 -Wordlist, TB 40 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.40 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press MATERIALES Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about a visit to a dinosaur museum, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 76 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. OC, OE, TB p.41 Development activities: (Grammar) Read and listen to a text studied in the previous Learn the past simple of irregular verbs in session RC, OC, the negative form - Identification of communicative purpose of previous Complete a text with the correct form of the text. past simple, using: Learn and use different grammatical structures: - We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t to school. I saw dinosaurs. go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish. - I didn’t see fish. Act out the story -Dramatisation of the short story SB, p. 21 OC, OE Reinforcement activities Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has RC, WE WB exercises, p.21 been learnt Grammar reference. WB p.109 Extension activities: Completion of exercises to improve oral and written RC, WE Optional activity: (TB p. 41) skill. Values 1 worksheet PMB p.6-7 Warm-up activity: RC, OE TB p. 42 Participation in communicative exchanges to . Development activities (Grammar &Song). practise the structures learnt in a context of RC, OC, OE, WE Ask and answer questions in the past simple everyday language. Use the past simple to write about what they Learn a song performing actions did or didn’t do. Use the past simple in the context of a song SB, p. 22 Reinforcement activities Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and RC, WE WB exercises, p. 22 consolidate what they have learnt. Grammar reference. WB p.109 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.42 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE P-A SB CD TB TI, TP, TG TP, TG TI TI P-A, TI WB WB TB SB TRP CD TP, TG TI WB TRP TI TRP 77 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 43 Development activities (Phonics) Learn how the letters f and ph have the same sound Identify these sounds in a text Phonics cards 16-17 - Revision of phonemes studied Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Listen to and repeat a text. Classification of words including f and ph. - - OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG SB CD SB, p. 23 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 22 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.43) 5 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.44 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a non-fictional text Find words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of these words in a dictionary SB, p. 24 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 2 Language practice worksheet PMB p.4 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 44 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. RC, WE TI WB TRP TI TB EO TG RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Sing the song learnt in the previous session. Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the Description and completion of suggested exercises such as completing tables, sentences, etc. Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. RC, WE - - SB CD 78 6 45’ 7 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.45 RC, OC OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE Development activities (Skills Time!). Identify specific information about favourite things on a school outing Ask and answer questions about a school outing Identify the use of the exclamation mark. SB, p. 25 - Listen to specific information - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Write the exclamation mark Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 24-27 Writing skills worksheet PMB p.5 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.45 Values worksheet (Unit 3)PMB p.6-7 ( if not done) and TEB p. 9 Assessment exercises: Summative Test 1 p. 10 TEB Skills Test 1 p.12 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI Complete assessment activities from Units 1-3 WE, OE TI TRP 79 UNIT 4: WHOSE JACKET IS THIS? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up.: TB, p. 46 DESCRIPTION Identify different sports. SB p.30 Flashcards 31-40 - Understand a short story SB, p.30 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.28 -Wordlist, TB 46 - Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.46 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - SKILLS INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB -Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about sports. completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 80 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Word chain TB p. 47 Development activities: (Grammar) Learn possessive pronouns Complete sentences with the correct possessive pronoun: Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ Theirs Act out the story SB, p. 31 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.29 Grammar reference. WB p.109 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 47) Warm-up activity: TB p. 48 - Play: Word chain Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: Whose jacket is this? It’s mine/ tours/ his / hers/ ours/ Theirs - - Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. - Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 30 Grammar reference. WB p.109 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE RC, WE TP, TG TI RC, WE TI SB CD TB Dramatisation of the short story Development activities (Grammar &Song). Identify regular and irregular adverbs. Use adverbs to talk about how they did things in the past. Use adverbs in the context of a song. SB, p. 32 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p. 48 OC, OE, Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. Learn a song. WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 81 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 49 - Development activities (Phonics) Identify words which end in ll or which include rr. Find words which include this sound in a text Match the sounds with specific words SB, p. 33 Phonics cards 18-19 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 30 - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Listen to and repeat words. Match sounds and letters Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.49) 5 45’ Revise phonemes studied Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB OE TG SB CD Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercises such as finishing sentences Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - - P-A RC, WE Warm-up activity. TB p.50 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand an article about basketball in a teenage magazine... Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 34 Flashcards 61-66 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 31 Language practice worksheet PMB p.8 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 50 OC, OE 82 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.51 . Development activities (Skills Time!). Identify the children’s favourite sports after listening to a text. Ask and answer questions about their favourite sport Identify the differences between it’s and its SB, p. 35 - Listen to specific information Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Identification of the difference between it’s and its Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 32-33 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.51 Test Unit 4 TEB p. 14 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 83 UNIT 5: GO BACK TO THE ROUNDABOUT SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 52 DESCRIPTION SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB Observation of flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. - Match pictures and words. - Memorise vocabulary. - Identify directions to get somewhere SB p.36 Flashcards 41-50 Understand a short story SB, p. 36 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.34 -Wordlist, TB 52 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.52 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - MATERIALES Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about a family outing, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 84 2 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Cross the river TB p.53 Development activities: (Grammar) Identify the uses of have to & had to to express need Complete sentences with the correct form of have to Learn to give directions for how to get somewhere. We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn Left. Go straight on at the roundabout. - Play: Cross the river - Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: We have to go back to the roundabout. We have to hurry. Turn Left. Go straight on at the roundabout. - 3 45’ Act out the story SB, p. 37 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.35 Grammar reference. WB p.110 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 53) Warm-up activity: TB p.54 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Identify the uses of why and because. Use why and because in the context of a song. SB, p. 38 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 36 Grammar reference. WB p.110 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.54 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE RC, OE - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise . the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. RC, OC, OE, WE - Learn a song Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge TI TI P-A, TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 85 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 55 Development activities (Phonics) Pronounce words that end in c or in ck Identify words with those endings in a text Associate those sounds with words. SB p.39 Phonics cards 18-21 - - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Listen to and repeat words. - Find words in a text - Match sounds and letters. Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 36 Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.55) 5 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.56 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a text from a web page about hand-shadows Match words with their meaning in a text Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary SB, p. 38 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 3 Language practice worksheet PMB p. 9 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 56 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Revision of phonemes studied Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB EO TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercises such as finishing sentences etc Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. - 86 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.57 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to and Understand directions to get somewhere Give instructions. Identify and write imperatives. SB, p. 41 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 38-39 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.57 Values 2 worksheets, PMB p.12-13 Test Unit 5 TEB p.15 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Use of Vocabulary studied in this unit - Listen to descriptions of what is happening - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Identification and use of imperatives. RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 87 UNIT 6: THE BEST BED! SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. Play: Simon says TB, p. 58 Identify adjectives para describir personas o cosas SB p.42 Flashcards 51-60 DESCRIPTION - Play: Simon says Understand a short story SB, p.42 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.40 -Wordlist, TB 58 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.58 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about the family, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 88 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Word chain TB p. 59 - Play: Word chain OC, OE, Read and listen to a text studied in the previous Development activities: (Grammar) session RC, OC, Comprender la formación dthe comparative - Identification of communicative purpose of previous and superlativede adjectives largos text. Complete sentencescon la forma correcta del Utilización de diferentes estructuras grammaticales: comparativo o superlativo. My bed is more comfortable than this one. It’s My bed is more comfortable than this one. less expensive than a new bed. This is the most It’s less expensive than a new bed. This is expensive bed in the shop the most expensive bed in the shop Act out the story OC, OE SB, p. 43 Dramatisation of the short story Reinforcement activities Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has RC, WE WB exercises, p.41 been learnt Grammar reference. WB p.110 Extension activities: Completion of exercises to improve oral and written RC, WE Optional activity: (TB p. 59) skill. Warm-up activity: RC, OE TB p. 60 - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise . Development activities (Grammar& Song). the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. RC, OC, OE, WE Identify irregular comparative and superlative - Learn a song adjectives. Use irregular comparative and superlative adjectives in the context of a song. SB, p. 44 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 42 Grammar reference. WB p.110 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.60 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A SB CD TB TI, TP, TG TP, TG TI TI P-A, TI WB WB TB SB TRP CD TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP 89 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 61 Development activities (Phonics) Learn that the letters g and c may be pronounced with a soft sound: / d and /s/ Identify these sounds in texts and words SB, p. 45 Phonics cards 20-23 - - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Audición and repetición de palabras. - Relación de sonidos and palabras. Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 42 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.61) 5 45’ Revision of phonemes studied Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Warm-up activity. TB p.62 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 43 Language practice worksheet PMB p.10 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 62 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB OE TG Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the Description and completion of suggested exercises such as completing sentences, etc. - Recognise information upon hearing or reading a text. RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Development activities (Skills time!). Read and Understand a fable. Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 46 OC, OE SB CD 90 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.63 Development activities (Skills Time!). Identify the chronological order of a fable. Tell a story based on pictures. Identify irregular plurals SB, p. 47 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 44-47 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.63 Cut and make 2 PMB p.37 Values worksheet (Unit 6 PMB p.12 and 13 ( if not done) and TEB p. 16 7 45’ Assessment exercises: Summative Test 2 p. 17 TEB Skills Test 2 p.19 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE SB CD - Listen to specific vocabulary Write sentences using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Recognise verbs to express activities TP P-A WB SB TRP TB TG, TI Complete assessment activities from Units 1-6 WE, OE TI TRP 91 UNIT 7: WILL IT REALLY HAPPEN? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 64 Identify words related to space and space travel SB p.52 Flashcards 61-70 DESCRIPTION Understand a short story SB, p.52 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.48 -Wordlist, TB 64 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.64 - Cut and make 3, PMB p. 38 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 92 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Jump! TB p. 65 Development activities: (Grammar) Identify and Learn future forms with will and won’t Complete sentences with future forms. People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t Act out the story SB, p. 53 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.49 Grammar reference. WB p.111 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p.65) Warm-up activity. TB p. 66 Development activities (Grammar& Song). Learn words to Identify the future: next week, soon later, in a month time, on Monday… Use time expressions in the context of a song. SB, p. 54 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 50 Grammar reference. WB p.111 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.66 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Play: Jump! - Revision of vocabulary studied in the previous session. Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session - Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical forms: People will/ won’t travel in super fast planes. There won’t be any more long plane journeys. Will they go back to Australia? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t - Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. - Revision of Vocabulary. RC, WE TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. - Learn a song. . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP 93 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 67 - Revision of phonemes - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Development activities (Phonics) - Relación de sonidos and letras. Identify how the letters au, aw and or - Localización de sonidos en diferentes wordsy textos produce the sound / Identify this sound in texts and specific words SB, p. 55 Phonics cards 22-26 Reinforcement activities Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and -WB exercises, p. 50 consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.67) 5 45’ Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Warm-up activity. TB p.68 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 51 Language practice worksheet PMB p.14 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 68 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB EO TG Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the Description And completion of suggested exercises such as answers to questions, etc. Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand interviews. Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary SB, p. 56 OC, OE SB CD 94 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.69 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to specific information and identify the children’s predictions Give opinions about the future. Identify compound nouns SB, p. 57 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 52-53 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.69 Test Unit 7 TEB p. 21 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE - Listen to a text with specific vocabulary - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Identification of compound nouns TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 95 UNIT 8: HOW MUCH TIME HAVE WE GOT? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. Play: Musical cards TB, p. 70 Identify words related to airports. SB p.58 Flashcards 61-80 DESCRIPTION - Play: Musical cards Understand a short story SB, p.58 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 54 -Wordlist, TB p.70 -Values 3 worksheets PMB p. 18-19 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.70 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 96 2 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.71 Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. Development activities: (Grammar) Identify expressions of quantity. Complete sentences with expressions of quantity using: How much money have you got? I haven’t got much money. We’ve got lots of money. I haven’t got many pencils. I’ve got lots of pencils. - 3 45’ Act out the story SB, p. 55 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.55 Grammar reference. WB p.111 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 71) Warm-up activity: TB p. 72 Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE TI TI RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD Development activities (Grammar & Song) Identify the uses of some and any. Use the structures studied in the context of a song SB, p. 60 - Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 56 Grammar reference. WB p.111 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.72 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. Learn a songcompletándola acciones 97 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 73 Development activities (Phonics) Identify the different ways of pronouncing the ending –ed in the past simple of verbs. Identify these sounds in texts and specific words SB, p. 61 Phonics cards 24-29 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 56 Extension activities: -Optional activity: (TB p.73) 5 45’ - Revision of phonemes studied - - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Listen to and repeat words. Match sounds and letters.. Find sounds in texts. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Realización de ejercicios para reciclar and ampliar Vocabularyasí como su pronunciación RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB OE TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical Development activities (Skills time!). structures for the description and completion of Read and Understand a letter about holidays. suggested exercises such as finishing sentences, etc. Find words and their meaning in a text. - Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary SB, p. 62 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, WE Warm-up activity. TB p.74 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 57 Language practice worksheet PMB p.15 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 74 OC, OE 98 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.73 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to and Identify details about holidays Ask and answer questions about holidays Identify how to write an address on an envelope SB, p. 63 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 58-59 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: TB p.75 Test Unit 8 TEB p. 22 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC - Listen to specific vocabulary. - Representación de un Dialogue sobre vacaciones - Identificación and escritura de una dirección en un sobre P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 99 UNIT 9: SOMETHING NEW TO WATCH! SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. Play: Teacher can’t remember TB, p. 76 Identify words related to audiovisual media. SB p.64 Flashcards 81-90 DESCRIPTION - Play: Teacher can’t remember Understand a short story SB, p.64 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.60 -Wordlist, TB 76 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.76 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 100 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.77 Development activities: (Grammar) Identify the infinitive of purpose or intention. Complete sentences with the correct infinitive. I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week Act out the story SB, p. 61 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.61 Grammar reference. WB p.112 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 77) Warm-up activity: Play: Cross the river TB p. 78 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Identify the use of How often Use how often in the context of a song. SB, p. 66 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 62 Grammar reference. WB p.112 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.78 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG Dramatisation of the short story Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt OC, OE RC, WE TP, TG TI Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. - Play: Cross the river RC, WE TI - Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session - Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: I switched on the TV to watch sports. We went in the boat to see the dolphins. How often do you go to the cinema? Once a week SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. - Learn a songperforming actions 101 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 79 - Revision of phonemes studied Development activities (Phonics) - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Learn that words ending in er and or have the - Identification ofsonidos en las wordsde un texto.. same sound - Relación de sonidos and palabras. Identify this sound in texts. Associate this sound with specific words. SB, p. 67 Phonics cards 30-31 Reinforcement activities Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and -WB exercises, p. 62 consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.79) 5 45’ Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP SB CD RC, WE TI WB RC, WE TP, TG TB Warm-up activity. TB p.80 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a TV programme Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 68 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 63 Language practice worksheet PMB p.16 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 80 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical for the description and completion of suggested exercises, such as completing sentences, etc. Find words in the dictionary. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge 102 6 45’ 7 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.81 RC, OC Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to specific information and Identify favourite children’s TV programmes Ask and answer questions about favourite programmes Add the prefix un- to a word to obtain a negative meaning SB, p. 69 - Listen to specific vocabulary and match with pictures - Ask and answer questions using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Use of prefix un- to change the meaning of a word. Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 64-67 Pair work, TRP Writing skills worksheet PMB p.17 Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.81 Values 3 worksheet (Unit 9)PMB p.18 and 19 ( if not done) and TEB p.23 Assessment exercises: Summative Test 3 p. 24TEB Skills Test 3 p.26 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI Complete assessment activities fromUnits 1-9 WE, OE TI TRP 103 UNIT 10: I´VE PRINTED MY HOMEWORK SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 82 DESCRIPTION Identify Vocabulary referring to computers. SB p.74 Flashcards 91-99 Understand a short story SB, p.74 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.68 -Wordlist, TB 80 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.82 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about doing homework on the computer,, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 104 2 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: What’s missing? TB p.83 Development activities: (Grammar) Learn the present perfect affirmative. Complete sentences with the Present Perfect We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. Act out the story SB, p. 75 3 45’ Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.69 Grammar reference. WB p.112 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 83) Warm-up activity: TB p. 84 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn the interrogative and negative form of the Present Perfect Use the Present Perfect in the context of a song. SB, p. 76 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 70 Grammar reference. WB p.112 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.84 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: We’ve finished our homework. He’s put the books on the shelves. You’ve made a mess. Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have. / No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t printed the document. Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP -Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. - Learn a songy realización de las acciones. 105 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 85 Development activities (Phonics) Learn that words which include the letters ur and ir have the same sound / Identify this sound in texts Associate this sound with specific vocabulary SB, p. 77 Phonics cards 30-33 - - Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 70 Warm-up activity. TB p.86 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand, via a computer, instructions about how to send an email Identify words and their meaning in a text Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 78 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 71 Language practice worksheet PMB p.20 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 86 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Localización de sonidos iguales en textos. Relación de sonidos and letras. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.85) 5 45’ Revision of phonemes studied Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. - OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG SB CD Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercises. .. Recognise words upon hearing or reading them, matching them with the corresponding picture. RC, OC, OE WE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB 106 6 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Guess the word TB p.87 RC, OC Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to understand para que utilizan el ordenador los niños/as. Ask and answer questionssobre para que Use theordenador.. Identify las partes de una oración. SB, p. 73 - Listen to specific vocabulary - Conversar sobre el tiempo using las estructuras and Vocabularyaprendido. - Identification ofverbos and adjectives en una frase. Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.72-73 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.87 Test Unit 10 TEB p. 28 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 107 UNIT 11: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN…? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. Play: Musical cards TB, p. 88 Identify wordspara expresar lugares. SB p.80 Flashcards 100-109 DESCRIPTION - Play: Musical cards Understand a short story SB, p. 80 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.74 -Wordlist, TB 88 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.88 - Values worksheets, PMB p.s.24-25 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short storysobre la visita de un invitado especial en la escuela, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 108 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 89 Development activities: (Grammar) Identify the present perfect with ever Ask and answer questions with ever: Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t .She’s never been to an oasis? SB p. 81 Act out the story SB, p. 81 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.75 Grammar reference. WB p.113 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p.89) Cut and make 4 PMB p.39 Warm-up activity: TB p. 90 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Identify el Present Perfect with never. Use the Present Perfect with never in the context of a Song. SB, p. 82 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 76 Grammar reference. WB p.113 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.90 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press -Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session -Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. -Learn and use different grammatical structures: Has he ever been to a desert? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. Have you ever been to space? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t -Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP -Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. -Learn a song performing actions. SB TRP CD 109 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 91 Development activities (Phonics) Learn that words with ea and e have the same sound /e/ Identify words with this sound in texts Match this sound with specific words. SB, p. 83 Phonics cards 32-35 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 76 Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.91) 5 45’ - Revision of phonemes studied - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Identification of words with the sound /e/ in a text . - Match words and sounds.. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Warm-up activity. TB p.92 Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercisescomo comprensión de textos… - Reconocimiento de información al oir o leer un texto. - Localización de wordsy su significado Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. - Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a text about explorers Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of words in a dictionary. SB, p. 84 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 77 Language practice worksheet PMB p.21 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 92 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP RC, WE TI WB RC, WE TP, TG TB TRP 110 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.93 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to and Identify detalles sobre la vida en la Antártida. Entrevistar a un superviviente. Identify topic sentences para saber cuántos párrafos hay in a text SB, p. 85 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 78-79 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.93 Test Unit 11, TEB p. 29 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC - Listen to a text con información específica - Realización de una entrevista using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Identification oflos diferentes párrafos de un texto. P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 111 UNIT 12: WHAT´S THE MATTER? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION Warm up. TB, p. 94 SKILLS INTERACCION P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB Observación de flash cards para presentar el vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. - Match pictures and words. - Memorise Vocabulary - Identify names of illnesses SB p.86 Flashcards 110-118 Understand a short story SB, p.86 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.80 -Wordlist, TB 94 - Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.94 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press MATERIALES OC, OE Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 112 2 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Teacher can’t remember TB p. 95 - Game: Teacher can’t remember Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes Development activities: (Grammar) Identify the uses of should / shouldn’t Learn como dar consejos a alguien cuando no se encuentra bien. You should drink some water. You shouldn’t eat lots of cakes. Max couldn’t eat dinner, but he could eat lots of cakes - 3 45’ Act out the story SB, p. 87 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.81 Grammar reference. WB p.113 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 95) Warm-up activity: TB p. 96 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn the uses of could and couldn’t Use could and couldn’t in the context of a Song. SB, p. 88 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 82 Grammar reference. WB p.113 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.96 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG SB CD TB Dramatisation of the short story Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE TI TI WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. Learn a song 113 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 97 - Development activities (Phonics) Learn que las wordsterminadas en Ie and al tien the sound/əl/ Identify wordsque lleven esas letras en textos. Asociar este sonido a wordsespecíficas SB, p. 89 Phonics cards 34-37 - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Localización de wordsque contengan esas letras en textos - Relación de sonidos and palabras. Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 82 Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.97) 5 45’ Revision of sounds studied Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB Warm-up activity. TB p.98 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand leaflet about how to keep fit Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary SB, p. 90 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 83 Language practice worksheet PMB p.22 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 98 OC, OE Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercisescomo Identify palabras, completar frases, etc. Localización de specific informationpara completar frases - - 114 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.99 Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to and Identify details about the children’s healthy lives Describe what to do in order to be healthy Identify and Use because and so to join sentences SB, p. 91 7 45’ RC, OC - Listen to Descriptions with specific vocabulary - Write a description using the structures and vocabulary studied. - Use of and and but to connect sentences Reinforcement activities Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and WB exercises, p. 84-87 consolidate what they have learnt. Pair work, TRP Writing skills worksheet PMB p.23 Extension activities: Completion of exercises to consolidate oral Optional activity: Communication, TB p.99 expression. Values worksheet (Unit 12)PMB p.24 and 25 ( if not done) and TEB p. 30 Completion of suggested activities Assessment exercises: Summative Test 4 p. 31 TEB Complete assessment activities fromUnits 1-12 Skills Test 4 p. 33 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI RC, WE TI OE, OI OC, OE WE, OE WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI TI TRP 115 UNIT 13: CAN YOU HELP ME? SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 100 DESCRIPTION Identify words to make smoothies SB p.96 Flashcards 119-128 - Understand a short story SB, p.s.96 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.88 -Wordlist, TB 100 -Values worksheets PMB p.s.30-31 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.100 - Cut and make 5, PMB p.40 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press SKILLS INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB Observation of flashcards to introduce new verbs. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise verbos Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 116 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. . TB p. 101 Development activities: (Grammar) Learn possessive pronouns. Understand how to Use possessive pronouns in questions and answers. Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; Pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes.; Act out the story SB, p. 97 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.89 Grammar reference. WB p.114 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 101) Warm-up activity: TB p. 102 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn how to use relative pronouns. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid. This is the smoothie which was in the blender. Use relative pronouns in the context of a song. SB, p. 98 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 90 Grammar reference. WB p.114 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p. 102 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: Please, help me! I’ll help you/ him / her; Pour it into the blender. Chop them up. They saw us. Can I help you, dad? Yes.; Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE -Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. This is the boy who didn’t put the lid. This is the smoothie which was in the blender. -Learn a songperforming actions Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG RC, WE TI WB TRP RC, WE TI TRP 117 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 103 Development activities (Phonics) Learn that words ending in el and il have the sound /əl/ Identify words which have this soundin a text. Associate this sound with specific words SB, p. 99 Phonics cards 36-39 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 90 - OC, OE P-A - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds Identification of words which have this sound. Relationship between sounds, letters and words... RC, WE., CO TI, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.103) 5 45’ - Revision of phonemes studied. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Warm-up activity. TB p.104 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a text about child heroes Find words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary SB, p. 100 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 91 Language practice worksheet PMB p.26 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 104 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP RC, WE TI WB RC, WE TP, TG TB Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercisescomo acabado de tablas, frases, etc. Reconocimiento de specific informationin a text . - - Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge 118 6 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: order the letters TB p.105 Development activities (Skills Time!). Identify and number pictures after listening to specific information. Ask and answer questions about people’s work. Identify the use of relative clauses to give more information. SB, p. 101 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.92- 93 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.105 Test Unit 3, TEB p. 35 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE - Audición de información específica - Write sentences using the structures and vocabulary learnt. - Find relative clauses TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 119 UNIT 14: WE WERE FISHING SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 106 Identify names of family members SB p.102 Flashcards 119-128 Understand a short story SB, p.102 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.94 -Wordlist, TB 106 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.106 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press DESCRIPTION - INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about the family, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 120 2 45’ 3 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Smiley face TB p. 107 Development activities: (Grammar) Learn and use the forms of the past: continuous, affirmative, interrogative and short answers What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. Act out the story SB, p. 103 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.95 Grammar reference. WB p.114 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 107) Warm-up activity: TB p.108 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn to read and write dates. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July Understand how to use the form was born Use the form was born in the context of a song. SB, p. 104 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 96 Grammar reference. WB p.114 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.108 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Play: Smiley face Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: What were you doing? I was looking at photos. Was she making a smoothie? No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was. - - OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Dramatisation of the short story Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. RC, WE RC, OE - SB CD TB Participation in communicative exchanges to . practise the structures learnt in a context of RC, OC, OE, WE everyday language. My mum was born in 1981. She was born on 9th July - TI TI P-A, TI WB WB TB SB TRP CD TP, TG Learn a song. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP 121 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 109 Development activities (Phonics) Learn that words ending in tion and shion have the same sound Identify this sound in texts Associate this sound with specific words SB, p. 105 Phonics cards 38-41 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 96 - - Listen to, repeat and indicate sounds - Identification of words which have this sound in a text. - Relationship between sounds and letters and words. Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.109) 5 45’ Revision of phonemes studied Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 97 Language practice worksheet PMB p.27 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 110 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP RC, WE TI TB OE TG SB CD RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB Warm-up activity. TB p.110 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a narrative poem. Identify words and their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 106 OC, OE Learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description , such as finishing sentences, etc. Recognise words upon hearing or reading them. - - 122 6 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.111 . Development activities (Skills Time!). Listen to specific information and number the pictures Talk about memories. Identify the structure and rhyme of a poem SB, p. 107 - Listen to specific vocabulary - Write sentences about what the characters are wearing. - Identification of the structure and rhyme of a poem OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 98-99 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.111 Play script2, PMB p.34-35 Test Unit 14 , TEB p. 36 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press RC, OC P-A TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI 123 UNIT 15: GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 112 Identify words to talk about jobs SB p.108 Flashcards 129-138 DESCRIPTION Understand a short story SB, p.108 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p.100 -Wordlist, TB 112 Extension activities: - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.112 - Cut and make 5, PMB p.40 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press INTERACCION MATERIALES OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary RC, OE TI, TG TB - SKILLS Observe flashcards to introduce the vocabulary. Presentation of the unit contents and planning of objectives and activities. Match pictures and words. Memorise Vocabulary. Introduction of the unit topic and vocabulary: short story about the family members, completion of comprehension exercises: - Listen to a text Read the short story TRP SB CD 124 2 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p.113 Development activities: (Grammar) Contrast the use of the past simple and continuous. Learn how to use when with the past simple and continuous: When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. - Read and listen to a text studied in the previous session Identification of communicative purpose of previous text. Learn and use different grammatical structures: When I was working, the phone rang. They were smiling when I went in. - 3 45’ Act out the story SB, p. 109 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p.101 Grammar reference. WB p.115 Extension activities: Optional activity: (TB p. 113) Warm-up activity: Play: I’m still standing TB p. 114 Development activities (Grammar & Song). Learn homophones: there, they’re, their. Use there, they’re, their in the context of a song SB, p. 110 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 102 Grammar reference. WB p.115 Extension activities: Optional activity TB p.114 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Dramatisation of the short story OC, OE, P-A RC, OC, TI, TP, TG OC, OE TP, TG Completion of WB exercises to consolidate what has been learnt RC, WE Completion of exercises to improve oral and written skill. - Play: I’m still standing RC, WE TI TI SB CD TB WB WB TB SB TRP CD RC, OE P-A, TI . RC, OC, OE, WE TP, TG Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB TRP Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TI TRP - Participation in communicative exchanges to practise the structures learnt in a context of everyday language. - Learn a song with homophones. 125 4 45’ Warm-up activity. TB p. 115 Development activities (Phonics) Learn some homophones Identify these words in dialogues Complete sentences with specific words - Listen to, repeat and indicate homophones. - Find homophones in dialogues - Complete sentences with the right word. SB, p. 111 Phonics cards 40-49 Reinforcement activities -WB exercises, p. 102 Extension activities: -Optional activity: Vocabulary (TB p.115) 5 45’ Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary. Warm-up activity. TB p.116 Development activities (Skills time!). Read and understand a fairy tale. Identify words from their meaning in a text. Check the meaning of the words in a dictionary. SB, p. 112 Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 103 Language practice worksheet PMB p.28 Extension activities: Optional activity, TB, P. 116 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press OC, OE P-A RC, WE., CO TI, TG RC, WE RC, WE TI SB CD WB TRP TI TB OE TG RC, OC, OE TI, TG, TP Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI WB Completion of exercises to extend grammatical knowledge RC, WE TP, TG TB - Learn and reinforce Vocabulary and grammatical structures for the description and completion of suggested exercises.. Recognise information upon listening too r reading a text. SB CD 126 6 45’ Warm-up activity. Play: Bingo TB p.117 Development activities (Skills Time!). Understand a conversation about some young people’s wishes and match them with their wishes Talk about their own wishes Use inverted commas to show what a person is saying SB, p. 113 7 45’ Reinforcement activities WB exercises, p. 104-107 Pair work, TRP Extension activities: Optional activity: Communication, TB p.117 Writing skills worksheet PMB p.29 Values worksheet (Unit 15) PMB p.30-31 ( if not done) and TEB p. 117 Assessment exercises: Summative Test 5 p. 38TEB Skills Test 5 p.40 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press - Play: Bingo - Listen to specific information. - Write sentences using the past and structures and Vocabulary learnt. - Use of inverted commas to show what someone says. RC, OC P-A OC, OE, RC, WE, TI Completion of proposed exercises to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. RC, WE TI Completion of exercises to consolidate oral expression. OE, OI OC, OE Completion of suggested activities WE, OE TP P-A SB CD WB SB TRP TB TG, TI Completion of assessment activities from Units 1-15 WE, OE TI TRP 127 CULTURE: AUSTRALIA SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 118 Learn some facts about Australia. Write about their own country. DESCRIPTION - Listen to and find on a map names or facts they hear Produce a description of their country, drawing a representative picture. SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A MATERIALES TRP SB CD TI, TG, TP TB p. 118 SB p. 120y 121 Reinforcement and extension activities - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.118 - Culture note: Australia. TB p. 118 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press TI Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary EO, RC, WE TG WB TRP TB 128 CULTURE: SPORTS EVENTS SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 119 DESCRIPTION Find out about famous sports events in the UK. - Listen to and read short texts to obtain information and complete some sentences. Write about a famous sports event - SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A MATERIALES TRP SB CD TI, TG, TP Write a description of a famous sporting event with a picture. TB p. 119 SB p. 122-123 Reinforcement and extension activities - Optional activity: Vocabulary, TB p.119 - Culture note: Famous sports events TB p.119 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press TI Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary EO, RC, WE TG WB TRP TB 129 FESTIVAL: BONFIRE NIGHT SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 120 Learn how Bonfire Night is celebrated. Listen to, read and learn a rhyme. Make a poster about Bonfire Night DESCRIPTION - Listen to and read texts about Bonfire Night. Listen to and recite a rhyme. Make a poster about Bonfire Night. SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A WE TI, TG, TP OE,RC, WE TI MATERIALES TRP SB CD SB p.124-125 Reinforcement and extension activities: - Optional activity:, TB p.120 - Culture note: The origins of Bonfire Night TB p. 120 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary WB TRP TI, TG TB 130 FESTIVAL : THE NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Warm up. TB, p. 121 Find out about the celebration and history of the Notting Hill Carnival Sing a song about the carnival. DESCRIPTION - Listen to and understand texts about this festival. - Sing a carnival song - Make a fancy dress hat. SKILLS INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A WE TI, TG, TP OE, RC, WE TI MATERIALES TRP SB CD SB p.126-127 Reinforcement and extension activities: - Optional activity:, TB p.121 - Culture note: The origins of carnival TB p. 121 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Completion of exercises to recycle and extend vocabulary WB TRP TI, TG TB 131 EXTENSIVE READING SESION 1 45’ OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES Read and understand different kinds of text Answer questions about the texts read DESCRIPTION INTERACCION OC, OE P-A, TI RC, OC, OE P-A WE TI, TG, TP - Read texts. - SB p.28-29, 50-51, 72-73, 94-95 and 116119 SKILLS Write sentences in answer to texts read. MATERIALES TRP SB CD TB p.126-127 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 132 Annex I THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES USING FAMILY AND FRIENDS 4 STARTER UNIT: BACK TOGETHER! Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Workbook Teacher’s book All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 7: Ask and answer about the time P. 7: Match the times with the clocks; Write the time Lesson 4: Lead-in Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Photocopy Master Book MultiROM All the activities P. 4: Find and circle the countries in red, the animals in blue, the food in green and the seasons in orange. Write four lists; Circle the odd-oneout Data processing and digital competence P. 7: Write the words in alphabetical order Social and civic competence P. 5: Ask and answer about Max, Amy, Holly and Leo; Write; Choose four foods you would like to buy, ask and answer P. 6: Ask and answer P.7: Ask and answer Cultural and artistic competence P. 4: Listen and sing; Listen and read Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 7: Draw the time Lesson 1: Warmer Lesson 2: Ask and answer about Max, Amy, Holly and Leo; Choose four foods you would like to buy, ask and answer Lesson 3: Lead-in; Ask and answer Lesson 1: Lead-in; Listen and sing + Optional activity; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Optional activity –Act out the dialogues– Songs 133 Lesson 4: Warmer Learning-to-learn All the activities All the activities All the activities All the activities Autonomy and personal initiative P. 5: Ask and answer about Max, Amy, Holly and Leo; Write; Choose four foods you would like to buy, ask and answer; Now write about what your friend would like P. 6: Ask and answer; Write about what you are going to do this weekend; Complete the words P.7: Ask and answer; Complete the sentences with er or est; Write the words in alphabetical order P. 4: Find and circle the countries in red, the animals in blue, the food in green and the seasons in orange. Write four lists; Circle the odd-oneout P. 5: Read and underline the adjectives; Write about you and someone else from your family; Write P. 6: Look at the table and answer the questions; Find the words that rhyme Lesson 1: Warmer; Listen and read Lesson 2: Lead-in; Write; Choose four foods you would like to buy, ask and answer; Now write about what your friend would like Lesson 3: Warmer; Leadin; Ask and answer; Write about what you are going to do this weekend + Optional activity; Complete the words + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Ask and answer + Optional activity; Complete the sentences with er or est; Write the words in alphabetical order + Optional activity Games Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 134 Unit 1: THE FOOD HERE IS GREAT! Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 13: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 8: Listen and read P. 9: Act; Read and learn P. 10: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 11: Writing P. 11: Listen and read P. 12: Listen and read a magazine article P. 12: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Workbook Teacher’s book All the activities All the activities P. 11: Skills Time! Lesson 5: Read again and write M, S, V or E + Optional activity P. 8: Read the sentences and number the picture P. 11: Write using the words above P. 108: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 2: Optional activity –Values 1– Lesson 6: Ask and answer about you Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activity; Optional activity –Cut and make 1–; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Read and learn; Listen and sing Lesson 4: Warmer; Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Optional activity –Guess the word– Lesson 6: Optional activity P. 11: Skills Time! P. 12: Read the text Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities All the activities P. 36: Cut and make 1 – Restaurant role play– Songs and phonics 135 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 9: Read and tick or cross; Write P. 10: Think of a girl, say and answer; Now write sentences about the girls P. 11: Write the words with long a in green and the words with long e in blue; Write the word that contains a different vowel sound P. 12: What do you eat for breakfast?; Read again and write M, S, V or E P. 13: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 8: Write P. 9: Grammar 1 P. 10: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 11: Find and circle the words; Circle the wrong word and write the correct word P. 12: Read the words and complete the table; Read the text and add full stops, capital letters, commas and question marks. P. 13: Answer the questions; My writing P. 108: Grammar Time –Write a menu–; Optional activity –Chant– All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Leadin; Optional activity –Slow Reveal–; Listen and read + Optional activity; Lesson 2: Warmer; Leadin; Read and tick or cross; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Leadin; Read and learn; Think of a girl, say an answer + Optional activity; Now write sentences about the girls Lesson 4: Lead-in; Optional activity –Lip Reading–; Listen and read; Write the words with long a in green and the words with long e in blue; Write the word that contains a different vowel sound + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; What do you eat for breakfast; Listen and read; Read again and put the sentences in the correct order + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Leadin; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write a or b; Ask and answer; Clap and count the syllables in these words All the activities P. 2: Look and complete; Look and write; Who makes the food in your house? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 136 Unit 2: WE HAD A CONCERT Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence All the activities Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book MultiROM All the activities All the activities All the activities Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 6: Write notes about you, ask and answer about you Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn + Optional activity Lesson 3: Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen to and read the poem; Optional activity –Phonics Poster– Lesson 5: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note; Optional activity –Poem– P. 3: Look and write All the activities P. 17: Skills Time! P. 18: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 19: Speaking P. 14: Write using the words above P. 17: Write using the words above P. 108: Grammar Time P. 14: Listen and read P. 15: Act; Read and learn P. 16: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 17: Listen to and read the poem P. 18: Listen and read a poem P. 19: Writing P. 17: Skills Time! P. 18: Read the description Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Songs and phonics 137 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 15: Write the correct words; Write P. 16: Look at the calendar and write; Write sentences about Lucy P. 17: Write the words with long i in green, the words with long o in blue and the words with long u in purple; Write the word that contains a different vowel sound P. 18: Describe what is happening in the picture; Read again and match the questions and answers P. 19: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 14: Circle the correct word and match the words with the pictures P. 15: Grammar 1 P. 16: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 17: Order the letters and write the words; Write True or False P. 18: Write each word with ing, use the double consonant rules; Look at the picture and write the labels; Read the description and write at the top, on the left, on the right, at the bottom. P. 19: Look at the picture and write T, B, L or R of the picture; My writing P. 108: Grammar Time All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Where was it?–; Listen and read + Optional activity; Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Write the correct word; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Look at the calendar and write; Write sentences about Lucy + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen to and read the poem; Write the words with long i in green, the words with long o in blue and the words with long e in purple + Optional activity; Write the word that contains a different vowel sound Lesson 5: Lead-in; Describe what is happening in the picture; Listen and read; Read again and match the questions and answers Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write True or False; Write notes about you, ask and answer + Optional activity; Optional activity –Find these things in the unit–; Write the verbs that follow the double consonant rules + Optional activity All the activities P. 3: Find the words; Look and write; What did you do yesterday evening? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 138 Unit 3: THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM Class Book Workbook Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world All the activities Data processing and digital competence P. 24: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 22: Write notes about you, ask and answer P. 25: Speaking P. 20: Read and circle the words below; Write using the words above P. 23: Write using the words above P. 109: Grammar Time P. 20: Listen and read P. 21: Act; Read and learn P. 22: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 23: Listen and read P. 24: Listen and read a nonfiction text P. 25: Writing P. 23: Skills Time! P. 24: Read the webpage Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities P. 23: Skills Time! P. 25: Look at the words about different school trips and write M, F and C. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities P. 4: What is your favourite place to visit? Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 3: Write notes about you, ask and answer; Optional activity –Create questions– Lesson 6: Ask and answer about the children above Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Listen and read; Optional activity – Phonics TPR– Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note All the activities Songs and phonics 139 Learning-to-learn All the activities All the activities All the activities All the activities All the activities Autonomy and personal initiative P. 21: Write; Write P. 22: Write notes about you, ask and answer; Write about what you and your friend did P. 23: Write the words with ph in green and the words with f in blue; Complete the words with f or ph P. 24: What do you know about dinosaurs?; Read again and match the sentence halves P. 25: Listening; Speaking; Writing P. 21: Grammar 1 P. 22: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 23: Match the words with the pictures; Write the words in alphabetical order; Read the class book and answer the questions P. 24: Write a full stop or an exclamation mark; Read the four sentences with exclamation marks again; Write these verbs in the past simple; Read the webpage and write P. 25: Look at the words about different school trips; Answer the questions about your school trip; My writing P. 109: Grammar Time Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –What have I got?–; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Miming game–; Write + Optional activity; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Write notes about you, ask and answer; Write about what you and your friend did; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Lead-in; Read and learnOptional activity –Do it!–; Listen and read; Write the words with ph in green and the words with f in blue; Complete the words with f or ph Lesson 5: Lead-in; What do you know about dinosaurs?; Listen and read; Optional activity –Target words TPR–; Read again and match the sentence halves + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again to find children’s favourite things; Ask and answer about the children above+ Optional activity; Read the sentences and write F or I. P. 4: Complete the puzzle and find the secret words; Look and write; What is your favourite place to visit? Word, Phonics and Grammar Games Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 140 Units 1–3: Review Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book All the activities P. 26: Review 1 – Circle the odd-oneout P. 28: Extensive reading – What are fossils?: Ask and answer P. 29: Extensive reading – The Story of Mary Anning: Ask and answer P. 28: Extensive reading – What are fossils? P. 29: Extensive reading –The Story of Mary Anning All the activities P. 26-27: Review 1 P. 28: Extensive reading – What are fossils?: Describe the pictures, What do you know about fossils; Read again and write True or False; Ask and answer P. 29: Extensive reading – The Story of Mary Anning: What is the girl doing?; Read and answer the questions; Ask and answer Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 6-7: Values 1 –Behaving in a restaurant– P. 27: Review 1 – My work All the activities P. 26-27: Review 1 All the activities P. 5: Read and add full stops or commas, then write the underlined words in the table; Complete the sentences; Match the sentences with the pictures P. 7: Write some rules 141 Unit 4: WE’RE HAVING FUN AT THE BEACH! Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 32: Ask and answer about people in the pictures P. 35: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 30: Listen and read P. 31: Act; Read and learn P. 32: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 33: Listen and read P. 34: Listen and read a magazine article P. 35: Writing Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book MultiROM All the activities All the activities P. 8: Find a fact about your favourite sport All the activities Lesson 1: Optional activity – Sports time– P. 34: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 28: Read the sentences and number the picture; Write using the words from the picture above P. 31: Write using the words above P. 33: Write the rules for football and volleyball in the correct boxes P. 109: Grammar Time P. 31: Skills Time! P. 32: How to play basketball Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 3: Ask and answer about the people in the pictures Lesson 6: Ask and answer about what you like doing Lesson 1: Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Sounds; Listen and read; Optional activity –Phonics poster– Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 6: Optional activity – Songs and phonics 142 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 31: Read and write a or b; Write P. 32: Ask and answer about people in the pictures; Now write sentences about the pictures P. 33: Write the words with ll in green and the words with rr in blue; Match and write P. 34: What do you know about basketball?; Read again and complete the sentences P. 35: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 29: Grammar 1 P. 30: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 31: Find and circle the words; Read the class book, circle the wrong word and write the correct word P. 32: Write ‘ in the correct places; Read the instructions and write P. 33: Look at the words about different school trips; Answer the questions about your school trip; My writing P. 109: Grammar Time Miming game– All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –I spy–; Optional activity –Sports–; Listen and read Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Whose is it?–; Read and write a or b + Optional activity; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Now write sentences about the pictures; Listen and sign + Optional activity Lesson 4: Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words with ll in green and the words with rr in blue + Optional activity; Match and write + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; What do you know about basketball?; Listen and read; Optional activity –Guess the word–; Read again and complete the sentences + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write a or b, Which sport do the children like?; Listen again and write True or False; Ask and answer about what you like doing; Write It’s or Its + Optional activity All the activities P. 8: Follow and complete the dialogues; Unscramble the adverbs and adjectives; Find a fact about your favourite sport and write All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 143 Unit 5: GO BACK TO THE ROUNDABOUT Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world All the activities Data processing and digital competence P. 40: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 32: Ask and answer about people in the pictures P. 41: Speaking Social and civic competence Workbook Teacher’s book All the activities All the activities P. 34: Read and circle; Now draw the route on the map P. 35: Write four directions to explain how to get to the station P. 37: Write using the words above P. 110: Grammar Time Lesson 1: Optional activity – Directions– Lesson 3: Give directions to a visitor at your school All the activities Cultural and artistic competence P. 36: Listen and read P. 37: Act; Read and learn P. 38: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 39: Listen and read P. 40: Listen and read an informative webpage P. 41: Writing P. 37: Skills Time! P. 38: Read the invitation P. 39: Write a party invitation and draw a map Learning-to-learn All the activities All the activities All the activities MultiROM All the activities All the activities Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 3: Ask and answer Lesson 5: Optional activity –Prepare two sentences– Lesson 6: Optional activity –Give directions to the landmarks–; Optional activity –Values 2– Lesson 1: Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read; Optional activity –Phonics poster– Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 6: Optional activity –Miming game– Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Photocopy Master Book Songs and phonics All the activities All the activities 144 Autonomy and personal initiative P. 37: Complete the sentences; Write directions to the park P. 38: Ask and answer; Now write sentences about you P. 39: Write the words ending with ck in green and the words ending with c in blue; Match and write P. 40: Have you seen any shadow puppet theatre?; Read again and write True or False P. 41: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 34: Read and circle P. 35: Grammar 1 P. 36: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 37: Complete the crossword; Read the class book, circle the correct word P. 38: Underline the imperative verbs, put the pictures in the correct order; Read the invitation and underline the imperative sentences P. 39: You are having a party, choose the kind of party from the words in the box and answer the questions; My writing P. 110: Grammar Time Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Complete the sentences; Write directions to the park + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Ask and answer; Now write sentences about the pictures + Optional activity; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words ending with ck in green and the words ending with c in blue + Optional activity; Match and write Lesson 5: Lead-in; Have you seen any shadow puppet theatre?; Listen and read; Read again and write True or False + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and point to the route, Where is Leo going?; Listen again and give directions for the route to Leo’s school + Optional activity; Give directions to a visitor at your school; Write the imperatives in these instructions + Optional activity P. 9: Where is she?; Match and complete the answers with Because; Choose a place on the map and write directions Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 145 Unit 6: THE BEST BED! Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 46: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 40: Read and circle the words below; Write using the words above P. 43: Write using the words above P. 110: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Social and civic competence P. 43: Ask and answer P. 47: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 42: Listen and read P. 43: Act; Read and learn P. 44: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 45: Listen and read P. 46: Listen and read a fable P. 47: Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 43: Skills Time! P. 44: Read the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf Lesson 2: Ask and answer Lesson 3: Talk about the pictures Lesson 5: Optional activity –Prepare two sentences– Lesson 6: Here is a modern version of The boy who cried wolf, look at the pictures and tell the story Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note; Optional activity –Who’s the winner?– Lesson 6: Lead-in; Listen to the fable; Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities All the activities P. 36: Cut and make 2 – The Girl and the Snake– Songs and phonics 146 Here is a modern version of The boy who cried wolf, look at the pictures and tell the story; Optional activity – Cut and make 2– Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 43: Write; Ask and answer P. 44: Talk about the pictures; Now write sentences about the pictures P. 45: Write the words with c saying s in green and the words with g saying j in blue; Write letter c that says s in green and letter g that says j in blue P. 46: Describe what is happening in the pictures; Read again and complete the sentences P. 47: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 41: Grammar 1 P. 42: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 43: Match the words with the pictures; Read the class book, circle the wrong word and write the correct word P. 44: Write the plural words; Where are these sentences from? P. 45: Read and put the pictures in the correct order; My writing P. 110: Grammar Time All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Adjectives and verbs–Listen and read + Optional activities Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Write sentences from the story–;Write; Ask and answer + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Talk about the pictures + Optional activity; Now write sentences about the pictures + Optional activity; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read + Optional activity; Write the words with c saying s in green and the words with g saying j in blue; Write letter c that says s in green and letter g that says j in blue + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; Describe what is happening in the pictures; Listen and read; Optional activity –A two-column table–; Read again and complete the sentences Lesson 6: Warmer; Listen to the fable and write a or b; Listen again and put the pictures in the correct order; Write the plurals that are different in red and the plurals that say the same in blue + Optional activity All the activities P. 10: Write the words and find them in the puzzle; Look and write the sentences; Write about your best friend All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 147 Units 4–6: Review Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book All the activities P. 46: Review 2 –Circle the oddone-out P. 50: Extensive reading – American Football: Ask and answer P. 51: Extensive reading – Usain Bolt: Ask and answer P. 50: Extensive reading – American Football P. 51: Extensive reading – Usain Bolt All the activities P. 48-49: Review 2 P. 50: Extensive reading – American Fooball: What do you know about American football?; Read again and answer the questions; Ask and answer P. 51: Extensive reading – Ussain Bolt: What is the text about?; Read again and write True or False; Ask and answer Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 12-13: Values 2 –Being helpful on the sports field– P. 47: Review 2 – My work P. 11: Look and complete the instructions All the activities P. 46-47: Review 2 All the activities P. 11: Write ‘s or ‘s got; Write it’s or its; Complete the instructions; Write the words in the plural form P. 12: Who is speaking? P. 13: Match the questions and answers 148 Unit 7: WILL IT REALLY HAPPEN? Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 53: Look at the picture, ask and answer P. 54: Ask and answer P. 57: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 52: Listen and read P. 53: Act; Read and learn P. 54: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 55: Listen and read Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities Lesson 1: Optional activity –The Moon– P. 56: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 48: Read the sentences and number the picture; Write using the words form the picture above P. 51: Write using the words above P. 52: Read the notes and match them with the sentences above P. 111: Grammar Time P. 51: Skills Time! P. 52: Read the text Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 2: Optional activity –Choose a positive sentence– ; Look at the picture again, ask and answer Lesson 3: Ask and answer Lesson 6: What do you think life will be like in 100 years’ time?, talk about some of these topics Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activity; Optional activity –Cut and make 3– Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; All the activities P. 36: Cut and make 3 – The Solar System– Songs and phonics 149 P. 56: Listen and read interviews in a magazine P. 57: Writing Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 53: Write; Look at the picture, ask and answer P. 54: Ask and answer; Now write sentences about the moon trip P. 55: Write the words with au in green, with aw in blue and with or in purple; Match and write P. 56: Describe what is happening in the pictures; Read again and match the sentence halves P. 57: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 49: Grammar 1 P. 50: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 51: Find and circle the words; Read and write True or False P. 52: Match the words to make compound nouns; Read and circle four compound nouns from Exercise 1 P. 53: Read the notes and write your own notes about schools in the futures; My writing P. 111: Grammar Time Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Optional activity –Make a poster–; Culture note All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –What’s missing?–;Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Write; Look at the picture again, ask and answer + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Chain game–; Ask and answer; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words with au in green, with aw in blue and with or in purple + Optional activity; Match and write Lesson 5: Lead-in; Describe what is happening in the picture; Listen and read; Read again and match the sentences halves Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write True or False; What do you think life will be like in 100 years’ time?; Write the words and match to the pictures + Optional activities All the activities P. 14: Use the affirmative or negative forms of will; Follow and write the sentences with I’ll; What did you do at the weekend? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 150 Unit 8: HOW MUCH TIME HAVE WE GOT? Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Workbook All the activities All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities P. 15: How many books, pens and pencils have you got? P. 61: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 60: Ask and answer P. 63: Speaking P. 54: Write using the words form the picture above P. 111: Grammar Time Cultural and artistic competence P. 58: Listen and read P. 59: Act; Read and learn P. 60: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 61: Listen and read P. 62: Listen and read a fable P. 63: Writing P. 57: Skills Time! P. 58: Writing Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 59: Write; Point and say P. 60: Ask and answer; Now write about what is in the shop P. 61: Write the ed words in All the activities P. 54: Circle the correct word, then match the words with the pictures P. 55: Grammar 1 Social and civic competence Teacher’s book Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 1: Optional activity –Values 3– Lesson 3: Ask and answer Lesson 6: Lead-in; Ask and answer; Optional activity –Write your address– Lesson 1: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read Lesson 6: Culture note All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Optional activity – Singular and plural–; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read All the activities Songs and phonics All the activities P. 15: Read and write True or False; Complete the sentences; How many books, pens and All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 151 green when they say t, in blue when they say id and in purple when they say d; Copy the table, listen to the words and write them under the correct heading P. 62: What do you know about Finn’s holiday; Read again and write True or False P. 63: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 56: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 57: Complete the crossword; Read and match the questions and answers P. 58: Write the lines in the correct order; Read the letter and write P. 59: Write an alternative sentence; My writing P. 111: Grammar Time and learn; Write + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Ask and answer; Now write about what is in the shop + Optional activity; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the ed words with in green when they say t, in blue when they say id and in purple when they say d + Optional activity; Copy the table, listen to the words and write them under the correct heading + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; What do you know about Finn’s holiday?; Optional activity –Good or bad–; Optional activity –Guess the word–; Read again and write True or False + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write L, N or R; Listen again and write a, b or c; Ask and answer; Read and tick or cross pencils have you got? 152 Unit 9: SOMETHING NEW TO WATCH! Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book MultiROM Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities All the activities All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 68: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 60: Read and circle the words; Write using the words above P. 63: Write using the words above P. 64: Read the last line of each description again and write the programmes in the order you would like to watch them P. 112: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 16: Look and write All the activities Social and civic competence P. 66: Ask and answer P. 69: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 64: Listen and read P. 65: Act; Read and learn P. 66: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 67: Listen and read P. 68: Listen and read a TV guide P. 69: Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 63: Skills Time! P. 64: Read the TV guide Lesson 3: Ask and answer; Optional activity –Who?, What?, How often?– Lesson 6: Lead-in; Ask and answer Lesson 1: Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Lead-in; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note Songs and phonics 153 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 65: Match and say, write; Read and match P. 66: Ask and answer; Now write sentences about how often you and your friend do these things P. 67: Write the words ending with er in green and the words ending with or in blue; Match and write P. 68: Which TV programme would you like to watch? Why?; Read again and complete the sentences P. 69: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 61: Grammar 1 P. 62: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 63: Find and circle the words; Read and write True or False P. 64: Write using a word with the prefix un; Read the TV guide and circle the words with the prefix un P. 65: Write each programme in the correct column; My writing P. 112: Grammar Time All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Optional activity – A three-column grid–; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Match and say; Read and match + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Ask and answer; Now write sentences about how often you and your friend do these things + Optional activity; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words ending with er in green and the words ending with or in blue + Optional activity; Match and write Lesson 5: Lead-in; Which TV programme would you like to watch? Why?; Listen and read; Optional activity –Jerry is brave and…–; Optional activity –Order the letters–; Read again and complete the sentences Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write S, J, E or K; Listen again and write True or False; Ask and answer; Write the words, add un to change the meaning + Optional activities All the activities P. 16: What’s the secret TV programme?; How often do you do the things in exercise 2? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 154 Units 7–9: Review Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book All the activities P. 66: Review 3 – Circle the odd-one-out P. 70: Review 3 – Ask and answer P. 50: Extensive reading – Travel: Ask and answer P. 51: Extensive reading – Gulliver’s Travels: Ask and answer P. 50: Extensive reading – Travel P. 51: Extensive reading – Gulliver’s Travels All the activities P. 70-71: Review 3 P. 50: Extensive reading – Travel: Where is Joe?; Read again and write yes or no; Ask and answer P. 51: Extensive reading – Gulliver’s Travel: Describe what is happening in the pictures; Read again and put the sentences in the correct order; Ask and answer Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 18-19: Values 3 –Thinking of others– P. 67: Review 3 – My work All the activities P. 66-67: Review 3 All the activities P. 17: Find the compound words and write them; Look at the postcard and answer the questions; Find adjectives that start with un P. 18: Look and number, write the sentences P. 19: Write six ideas for being thoughtful 155 Unit 10: I’VE PRINTED MY HOMEWORK Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 78: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary P. 68: Match the sentences with the pictures; Write using the words form the picture above P. 71: Write using the words above P. 112: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Social and civic competence P. 76: Ask and answer P. 79: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 74: Listen and read P. 75: Act; Read and learn P. 76: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 77: Listen and read P. 78: Listen and read online instructions P. 79: Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities All the activities Lesson 3: Ask and answer Lesson 6: Ask and answer, How often do you…on the computer? P. 71: Skills Time! P. 72: Read the text Lesson 1: Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn; Optional activity –Who says,…? – Lesson 3: Read and learn; Listen and sing Lesson 4: Warmer; Sounds; Listen and read; Optional activity –Phonics Poster– Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read Lesson 6: Culture note Songs and phonics 156 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 75: Write have/has and the past participle; Write P. 76: Ask and answer; Now write about what Ryan has and hasn’t done P. 77: Write the words with ur in green and the words with ir in blue; Complete the words with ur or ir P. 78: What is it about?; Read again and complete the sentences P. 79: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 69: Grammar 1 P. 70: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 71: Find and circle the words; Read, circle the wrong word and write the correct word P. 72: Read the sentences and write S, V and O above the words; Write sentences using the words from the boxes; Read and write the adjectives and adverbs P. 73: How do you use a computer?; My writing P. 112: Grammar Time All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Whispers–; Listen and read + Optional activities Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Write have / has and the past participle + Optional activity; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Ask and answer; Now write about what Ryan has and hasn’t done + Optional activities; Listen and sing Lesson 4: Lead-in; Optional activity – Lip reading–; Listen and read + Optional activity; Write the words with ur in green and the words with ir in blue; Complete the words with ur or ir Lesson 5: Lead-in; Look at the email, what is it about?; Listen and read; Optional activities –Write an invitation–; Read again and write the letters Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen and write R, D or B; Ask and answer, How often do you…on the computer?; Write the subject in blue, the verb in red and the object in green + Optional activities All the activities P. 20: Find and write; Complete the questions and answers; What can you do on a computer? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 157 Unit 11: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN…? Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 81: Ask and answer with your friends P. 85: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 80: Listen and read P. 81: Act; Read and learn P. 82: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 83: Listen and read Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities P. 21: Find the odd-oneout; Think about where you live and write P. 84: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 74: Write using the words form the picture above P. 77: Write using the words above P. 78: Read and underline the four topic sentences P. 113: Grammar Time P. 77: Skills Time! P. 78: Read the text Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 1: Optional activity –Values 4– Lesson 2: Ask and answer with your friend Lesson 3: Choose a person, ask and answer Lesson 5: Optional activity –Think of one questions to ask about the story– Lesson 6: Interview a survivor from Elephant Island Lesson 1: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn; Optional activity –Cut and make 4– Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; All the activities P. 36: Cut and make 4 – Have you ever…?– Songs and phonics 158 P. 84: Listen and read online instructions P. 85: Writing Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 81: Write; Ask and answer with your friends P. 82: Choose a person, ask and answer; Now write about what the people have and have never done P. 83: Write the words with ea in green and the words with e in blue; Match and write P. 84: What was The Amazing Escape?; Read again and put the sentences in the correct order P. 85: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 74: Circle the correct word and match the words with the pictures P. 75: Grammar 1 P. 76: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 77: Find and circle the words; Read and write True or False P. 78: Complete the paragraphs below with a topic sentence P. 79: Look at the pictures and write the words under the correct picture; My writing P. 113: Grammar Time Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Optional activity –A project about Ernest Shackleton– Lesson 6: Culture note All the activities Lesson 1: Lead-in; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Write Ask and answer with your friend + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Choose a person, ask and answer; Now write about what the people have and have never done + Optional activities; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Clap when you hear a sound–; Listen and read; Write the words with ea in green and the words with e in blue; Match and write + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; Look at the photographs, What was The Amazing Escape?; Listen and read; Read again and put the sentences in the correct order + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write a or b; Interview a survivor from Elephant Island; Read the topic sentences and match them to the correct paragraph below All the activities P. 21: Write the questions and answers about you; Think about where you live and write All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 159 Unit 12: WHAT’S THE MATTER? Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 90: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Social and civic competence P. 87: Ask and answer P. 88: Ask and answer P. 91: Speaking P. 83: Write using the words above P. 85: Complete the mind map P. 113: Grammar Time P. 84: Read the leaflet Cultural and artistic competence P. 86: Listen and read P. 87: Act; Read and learn P. 88: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 89: Listen and read P. 90: Listen and read an information leaflet P. 91: Writing P. 83: Skills Time! P. 84: Read the leaflet Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 87: Write; Ask and answer P. 88: Write; Ask and answer P. 89: Find the words ending in le and al; Copy the boxes and write the words under the correct All the activities P. 80: Match the sentences with the pictures; Look and write P. 81: Grammar 1 P. 82: Grammar 2; Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Lesson 2: Ask and answer Lesson 3: Ask and answer Lesson 6: What do you do to be healthy? Ask and answer Lesson 1: Listen and read + Optional activities; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –I spy–; Listen and read + Optional activities Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Write; Optional activity – Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities All the activities Songs and phonics All the activities P. 22: Look and write; Write suggestions about the people above; What couldn’t you do when you were eight? What All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 160 headings P. 90: Say three ways to stay healthy; Read again and complete the sentences P. 91: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press Phonics P. 83: Match the words with the pictures; Read and answer the questions P. 84: Complete the sentences with so and because P. 85: My writing P. 113: Grammar Time Write phrases on the board– Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn + Optional activity; Write + Optional activity; Ask and answer; Listen and sing Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Read again, find the words ending in le and in al; Copy the boxes and write the words under the correct headings + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; Look at the text and pictures below and say three ways to stay healthy; Listen and read; Optional activity –Order the letters–; Read again and complete the sentences Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write True or False + Optional activity; What do you do to be healthy?, ask and answer; Match the sentence halves + Optional activity can you do now? 161 Units 10–12: Review Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 86: Review 4 – Circle the odd-one-out P. 24-25: Values 4 –Safety outside– Cultural and artistic competence P. 94: Extensive reading – My Trip to the Rainforest P. 95: Extensive reading – Life in the Desert P. 87: Review 4 – My work Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities All the activities All the activities P. 92-93: Review 4 P. 94: Extensive reading – My Trip to the Rainforest: Which country is Maria in?; Read again and answer the questions; Ask and answer P. 95: Extensive reading – Life in the Desert: What do you know about deserts?; Read again and write True or False; Ask and answer P. 86-87: Review 4 P. 23: Look at the sentences and write S, V and O; Read the topic sentences and match them to the paragraphs; Add the information with because or so P. 24: Complete the sentences P. 25: Write sentences about the pictures above P. 94: Extensive reading – My Trip to the Rainforest: Ask and answer P. 95: Extensive reading – Life in the Desert: Ask and answer Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 162 Unit 13: THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS Class Book Workbook Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 101: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 96: Listen and read P. 97: Act; Read and learn P. 98: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 99: Listen and read P. 100: Listen and read online instructions P. 101: Writing P. 91: Skills Time! P. 92: Read the text Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 97: Read and complete; Write P. 98: The story of smoothie, say what happens in the pictures; All the activities P. 89: Grammar 1 P. 90: Grammar 2; Phonics All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities Lesson 5: Lead-in P. 100: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 88: Read the sentences and number the picture, Write using the words above P. 114: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 1: Optional activity –Values 5– Lesson 3: Optional activity –Work in pairs– Lesson 6: Think of a job, ask and answer Lesson 1: Warmer; Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note Lesson 2: Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read + Optional activity; Read again and look at the wrong word + Optional activity All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Who’s got the card?–; Listen and read + Optional activity All the activities Songs and phonics All the activities P. 26: Write the recipe; Circle the answers; When did you last help All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 163 Now write your sentences P. 99: Write the words ending in el in green and the words ending in il in blue; Complete the words with el or il P. 100: Where do the two events happen?; Read again and look at the wrong word and write the correct word P. 101: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 91: Find and circle the words; Read and match P. 92: Write the sentences with a sub clause P. 93: Teachers and doctors help us, write the words for each job; My writing P. 114: Grammar Time Lesson 2: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn + Optional activities; Read and complete; Write Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; The story of smoothie, say what happens in the pictures; Now write your sentences; Listen and sing + Optional activities Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words with el in green and the words with il in blue; Complete the words with el or il + Optional activities Lesson 5: Lead-in; Look at the text, Where do the two events happen?; Listen and read + Optional activity; Look at the wrong word and write the correct word + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and match; Think of a job, ask and answer; Write the sub clause in these sentences, then say each sentence without the sub clause + Optional activity someone? What did you do? 164 Unit 14: WE WERE FISHING Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 103: Look at the pictures, ask and answer P. 107: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 102: Listen and read P. 103: Act; Read and learn P. 104: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 105: Listen and read P. 106: Listen and read the poem P. 107: Writing Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities Lesson 3: Lead-in P. 106: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 94: Write using the words above P. 98: Read and write the rhyme words from Exercise 1 P. 114: Grammar Time P. 84: Read the leaflet P. 97: Skills Time! P. 98: Read the poem P. 99. My writing Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 2: Optional activity –Work in pairs–; Look at the pictures, ask and answer Lesson 3: Read the dates, ask and answer Lesson 6: Ask and answer, talk about your happy memories Lesson 1: Warmer; Listen and read; Culture note Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Optional activity –Do a project about your family–; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read; Optional activity –Phonics poster– Lesson 5: Listen and read the poem + Optional activity; Read again and write short answers + Optional All the activities Songs and phonics 165 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 103: Write; Look at the pictures, ask and answer; What were you doing at three o’clock yesterday afternoon? P. 104: Read the dates, ask and answer; Write about when you and your family were born P. 105: Write the words with tion in green and the words with shion in blue; Copy the boxes, look at the pictures below and write the words in the correct box P. 106: Describe what is happening in the picture; Read again and write short answers P. 107: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 94: Read and circle P. 95: Grammar 1 P. 96: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 97: Complete the crossword; Read and write True or False; Write about one of your relatives P. 98: Find the words that rhyme and write P. 99: Complete the mind map with words that rhyme P. 114: Grammar Time activity Lesson 6: Look at the poem again and answer the questions + Optional activities All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Teacher can’t remember–; Optional activity –Family Tree–; Listen and read; Optional activity – True or False?– Lesson 2: Warmer; Read and learn + Optional activity; Write; Look at the pictures, ask and answer; And what were you doing at three o’clock yesterday afternoon? + Optional activity Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn; Read the dates, ask and answer + Optional activities; Write about when you and your family were born; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and read; Write the words with tion in green and the words with shion in blue; Copy the boxes, look at the pictures below and write the words in the correct box + Optional activity Lesson 5: Lead-in; Describe what is happening in the picture; Listen and read the poem + Optional activity; Read again and write short answers + Optional activity Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; Listen and write the numbers; Listen again and write S, E or A; Ask and answer, talk about your happy memories + Optional activity; Look at the poem again and answer the questions All the activities P. 27: Read and complete the family tree; Look and complete the questions; What were you and your family doing at 7.30 p.m. yesterday? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 166 Unit 15: GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence All the activities Social and civic competence P. 113: Speaking Cultural and artistic competence P. 108: Listen and read P. 109: Act; Read and learn P. 110: Read and learn; Listen and sing P. 111: Listen and read P. 112: Listen and read a traditional story P. 113: Writing Workbook All the activities Teacher’s book All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities MultiROM All the activities Lesson 1: Optional activity –What do you know about Australia?– P. 112: Find these words in the text, guess their meaning and then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press P. 100: Read and circle the words; Write using the words above P. 104: Write using the words above P. 105: Read and number the pictures P. 115: Grammar Time P. 84: Read the leaflet P. 103: Skills Time! P. 104: Read the story of Cinderella Lesson 5: Find these words in the text, guess their meanings and check in the Workbook 4 Dictionary Lesson 2: Point to the pictures and say; Optional activity –Work in pairs– Lesson 6: Imagine the fish is giving you three wishes, what are they? And why? Lesson 1: Optional activity –Cut and make 5–; Listen and read + Optional activity Lesson 2: Lead-in; Act; Read and learn Lesson 3: Warmer; Read and learn + Optional activity; Listen and sing + Optional activity Lesson 4: Sounds; Listen and read + Optional activity; Listen and read + Optional activity All the activities P. 36: Cut and make 5 – Memory Game– Songs and phonics 167 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative All the activities P. 109: Match and write, then point to the pictures; Point to the pictures and say; Now write the sentences with When at the beginning P. 110: Write; Now talk about the picture P. 111: Read again and find the words from Exercise 1; Write P. 112: Describe what is happening in the pictures P. 113: Listening; Speaking; Writing Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 101: Grammar 1 P. 102: Grammar 2; Phonics P. 103: Match the words with the pictures; Read, circle the wrong word and write the correct word P. 104: Write the sentences with speech marks, commas or question marks; Read and write P. 105: My writing P. 115: Grammar Time Lesson 5: Warmer; Listen and read + Optional activity; Culture note; Optional activity –How many times…?– Lesson 6: Optional activities –Make a poster– All the activities Lesson 1: Warmer; Lead-in; Optional activity –Teacher can’t remember–; Optional activity –Family Tree–; Listen and read; Optional activity – True or False?– Lesson 2: Warmer; Read and learn; Match and write, then point to the pictures; Point to the pictures and say; Now write the sentences with When at the beginning Lesson 3: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn + Optional activity; Write + Optional activity; Now talk about the picture; Listen and sign + Optional activity Lesson 4: Warmer; Lead-in; Read and learn; Listen and read + Optional activity; Read again and find the words + Optional activity; Write Lesson 5: Lead-in; Describe what is happening in the pictures; Listen and read + Optional activity; Optional activity –How many times…?– Lesson 6: Warmer; Lead-in; What do they wish for? Listen and write L, R or A; Imagine the fish is giving you three wishes, What are they? And why?; Find the commas and question marks before the speech marks, then write the different verbs used + Optional activity All the activities P. 28: Complete the puzzle and find the answer to the question; Match and write; What job will you do one day? Why? All the activities Word, Phonics and Grammar Games 168 Units 13–15: Review Class Book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence Cultural and artistic competence Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative Workbook All the activities P. 116: Extensive reading – Gold Treasures: Ask and answer P. 117: Extensive reading – King Midas and the Golden Touch: Ask and answer P. 116: Extensive reading – Gold Treasures P. 117: Extensive reading – King Midas and the Golden Touch All the activities P. 114-115: Review 5 P. 116: Extensive reading – Gold Treasures: Describe the pictures; Read again and write the names of the places P. 117: Extensive reading – King Midas and the Golden Touch: What is the story about?; Read again and write yes or no Teacher’s book Photocopy Master Book All the activities All the activities P. 106: Review 5 – Circle the odd-one-out P. 30-31: Values 5 –Safety in the kitchen– P. 107: Review 5 – My work P. 29: Poem All the activities P. 106-107: Review 5 All the activities P. 29: Read the poem and choose the best summary; Look at the poem and answer the questions P. 30: Look again and write S or U P. 31: Look and read Extras: STORIES, CULTURE and FESTIVALS Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 169 Class Book Workbook Teacher’s book Linguistic competence Mathematical competence Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Data processing and digital competence Social and civic competence All the activities P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: Ask and answer P. 120-121: Australia – Ask and answer P. 122-123: Sports Events – Talk with a friend Culture 1 –Australia–: Ask and answer. Culture 2 –Sports Events–: Talk to a friend Cultural and artistic competence P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: P. 120-121: Australia – Listen and read; Factfile; Draw a picture about your country P. 122-123: Sports Events – Listen and read; Factfile; Draw a picture P. 124-125: Bonfire Night – Listen and read; Factfile; Say the rhyme; Make a Bonfire Night poster P. 126-127: The Notting Hill Carnival – Listen and read; Factfile; Sing; Make a carnival Culture 1 –Australia–: Culture note; Listen and read, find on the map; Draw a picture + Optional activity Culture 2 –Sports Events–: Warmer; Lead-in; Culture note; Listen and read; Draw a picture Festival 1 –Bonfire Night–: Warmer; Lead-in; Culture note; Listen and read; Read again and answer the questions; Say the rhyme; Make a Bonfire Night poster Festival 2 –The Notting Hill Carnival–: Warmer; Lead-in; Culture note; Listen and read; Read again and correct the sentences; Sing; Make a carnival All the activities Photocopy Master Book All the activities Culture 1 –Australia–: Warmer; Leadin Culture 2 –Sports Events–: Optional activity –Guessing game– MultiROM All the activities All the activities All the activities Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: Ask and answer P. 120-121: Australia – Ask and answer P. 122-123: Sports Events – Talk with a friend P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: P. 120-121: Australia – Listen and read; Factfile; Draw a picture about your country P. 122-123: Sports Events – Listen and read; Factfile; Draw a picture P. 124-125: Bonfire Night – Listen and read; Factfile; Say the rhyme; Make a Bonfire Night poster P. 126-127: The Notting 170 Learning-to-learn Autonomy and personal initiative headdress headdress All the activities P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: Read again and write True or False; Ask and answer P. 120-121: Australia – Write the missing adjectives; Ask and answer; Write about your country P. 122-123: Sports Events – Write True or False, correct the false sentences; Write P. 124-125: Bonfire Night – Answer the questions P. 126-127: The Notting Hill Carnival – Correct the sentences All the activities Culture 1 –Australia–: Listen and read, find on the map; Read again and write the missing adjectives; Ask and answer, change the words in green; Write about your country Culture 2 –Sports Events–: Warmer; Listen and read; Listen again and answer the questions; Write and draw a picture Festival 1 –Bonfire Night–: Warmer; Listen and read; Read again and answer the questions Festival 2 –The Notting Hill Carnival–: Listen and read; Read again and correct the sentences; Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press All the activities All the activities Hill Carnival – Listen and read; Factfile; Sing; Make a carnival headdress All the activities P. 118-119: Extensive reading – My Family and other Animals: Read again and write True or False; Ask and answer P. 120-121: Australia – Write the missing adjectives; Ask and answer; Write about your country P. 122-123: Sports Events – Write True or False, correct the false sentences; Write P. 124-125: Bonfire Night – Answer the questions P. 126-127: The Notting Hill Carnival – Correct the sentences 171 Annex II. DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2nd cycle primary School Address Town Province Post Code I. TEACHERS IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT 1 2 3 4 5 II. DISTRIBUTION OF PUPILS Level Number of pupils Number of groups III. STUDENT CHARACTERISICS (The department should describe the profile of the students using ther following areas as a guide:) – General characteristics – Characteristics of different groups – Characteristics of one particular group (Give details of basic objectives for dealing with these groups, prioritising the groups’ needs and outlining strategies to be used and their timing.) IV. PROFILE OF SCHOOL (omit those which are not relevant) Social level Geographical area High Medium Low Mixed City Centre Suburb Small town Rural Nº of students with Special needs: Observations: V. Learning characteristics of the different groups (omit those which are not relevant) General Group A Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group B Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 173 Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group C Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group D Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. VI. PRIORITISATION OF NEEDS (To be completed by teachers) General needs Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 174 Specific needs of different groups Group A Group B Group C Group D Specific individual needs Group A Pupil Group B Pupil Group C Pupil Group D Pupil VII. STRATEGIES (To be completed by teachers) a) With pupils b) With teachers c) With parents and tutors VIII. CRITERIA FOR GROUPING PUPILS (omit those which are not relevant) Human resources Support teachers Psychologist Criteria Alphabetical order Flexible grouping (specify what type and give reasons) Small support groups within/outside the mainstream class Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 175 Pupils with special sensory needs in different groups/classes IX. ORGANISATION OF SPACE AND TIME Material resources available in the school (omit those which are not relevant) Video - DVD TV Radio cassette/ CD player Video camera Computers Pizarra Digital Interactiva Internet connection(WiFi, others…) (Note here any observations about how, when and why these resources are used for English classes.) Spaces available in the school (omit those which are not relevant) Multi-use areas Language laboratory Computer room playground Gymnasium Teatro Library Criteria for use of common spaces (Note here anyobsdervations about when, how and why these spaces are used for English classes.) Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 176 Distribution of classroom space (omit those which are not relevant) Pupils’ desks arranged in rows Pupils’ desks arranged in “U” Specific corners: Class library, transversal topics, games, crafts, etc. Others X. OUTINGS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES COMMON TO THE WHOLE SCHOOL AND TO OTHER GROUPS (Note here any educational or other outings planned.) Group/s Profesores Outing and Term/ activity Dates Observations descriptions XI. CLASS TIMETABLES Teacher’s name and position: TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Teacher’s name and position: Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 177 TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Wed. Thursday Friday Wed. Thursday Friday Teacher’s name and position:: TIME Monday Tuesday Teacher’s name and position: TIME Monday Tuesday Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 178 Family and Friends 4 – Oxford University Press 1