Review Sheet – Exam 2 - the Department of Psychology at Illinois

Review Sheet – for Exam 2 on Tues, April 5th
Psy 376 (Organizational Psych)
Spring 2005, Dr. Schneider
Chapter 6 – Motivation
 3 parts of motivation (arousal, direction, maintenance)
 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy (5 needs, what is nature of progression through levels?
Evidence for this model?)
 Alderfer’s ERG theory – how did he revise Maslow’s theory?
 Application of need theories in orgs
 Goal-setting theory – how do goals affect behavior?
o Applications – what kinds of goals work best? How?
 Justice theories
o Equity theory – how does it work? What is compared? Results of inequity?
Overpayment versus underpayment
o How can equity be restored?
o Procedural Justice – structural versus social dimensions
 Expectancy theory – VIE theory
o Components of valence, instrumentality, expectancy
o What does theory predict? How can it be used in orgs?
o Is there a conflict between expectancy theory and goal setting theory?
 Application of pay-for-performance plans and potential problems (white/blue collar
 Motivation through job design (see book)
o Hackman & Oldham’s Job Characteristics Model (5 core job dimensions, 3
psychological states, individual difference of growth need strength)
Chapter 8: Groups and Teams
 Components of definition of a group
 Models of Groups
o 5-stage Model of Group Development (forming, storming…see book)
o Punctuated Equilibrium Model
o Group members’ roles, norms, and status (see book)
 Group Performance
o Social facilitation effect and evaluation apprehension – what is nature of those
 Groups and Diversity
o Nature of group development in homogenous versus diverse groups
 Group Cohesiveness
o Factors that influence cohesiveness
o Negative effects of cohesiveness (groupthink, conformity)
 Social Loafing
o Why does it occur? On what types of tasks? How to reduce it?
o Impact of culture on social loafing?
 Group Structure
o Effects of group size on satisfaction, process loss
o Performance and Task Type – additive, disjunctive, conjunctive tasks
Research issues in studying groups – what kinds of things make it difficult to study work
o Differences between definitions of teams versus groups
Types of teams
o Cross-functional teams, problem solving teams, etc.
Team Building – what is commonly done? How does it work? Is it effective?
How to measure ‘team effectiveness” - what are some different options?
Virtual Teams –Electronic brainstorming – advantages/disadvantages? Boeing study on
its effectiveness
Flight Crews as teams – what does Foushee’s research indicate? How do team principles
apply here? What types of flight crews work best together?
Chapter 11 – Prosocial and Deviant Behavior
o Org Citizenship Behaviors
o 5 categories of behaviors
o What influences OCB?
o Whistleblowing can be viewed as OCB – see book (retaliation, etc.)
o Conflict
o Integration versus distribution dimensions (win-win versus win-lose orientations)
o Ruble and Thomas model – 5 styles of conflict management (how do they relate
to integration and distribution?)
o Culture, Gender, and Conflict – how do individualism-collectivism affect conflict?
Gender and cultural preferences for conflict management
o Conflict Management
o Bargaining zone model – initial point, target point, resistance point
o Stevens et al (’93) study on gender and salary negotiation – what were the results?
o 3rd party interventions – types of arbitration and mediation (differences betw them)
o Deviant Org Behavior
o Workplace violence and aggression – what is common? Impact of procedural
o National Crime Victimization survey – occupational diffs in violence at work,
types of aggressors
o Glomb aggression study – to what do employees attribute aggression?
o Video on Larry Jasion (postal worker); escalation of aggression
Chapter 12 – Influence, Power, Politics
o Definitions of influence, power, politics – differences between them
o Types of Power – French and Raven (position versus personal power and types within
o Empowerment – how is this a shift in traditional power structures?
o Structural Factors of Power – 2 models
o Resource Dependency Model – who is predicted to have power?
o Strategic Contingencies Model – who is predicted to have power?
o Power and Politics
o What conditions lead to political behavior?
o What are the negative effects of political behavior?
o Ferris et al reading on politics
o How can perceptions of politics be viewed as stressor?
o What are antecedents, outcomes, moderators of politics specified in their model?
o What were the results?
o New direction of ‘political skill’