Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children

Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Annual Report 2013 Text
Many Dreams. One Collective Vision.
2012 – 2013 Annual Report
The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
[Page 2]
Many Dreams.
One Collective Vision.
It’s the dream of a speech therapist to hear new words come out of her student’s mouth. The
dream of a mother to witness her child gain more independence. The dream of a sibling to see his
younger brother take steps on his own. But even more importantly, it is the dream of the
Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children (WPSBC) to unite these accomplishments,
forming one collective vision that
focuses on our students’ success.
Throughout this 2012-2013 report, you will see the power of individual visions, and the
incredible outcomes of uniting them into one. It is with a collective vision that the WPSBC moves
into the future, inspiring and empowering our teachers, our school, and of course, our students.
[Page 3]
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Table of Contents
4 – Letter from the Superintendent
5 – Year in Review
8 – Seeing Results: An Illuminating Approach to Education
9 – Destination Independence: Lessons from the Outreach Program
12 – Losing Sight of Differences: The Power of Play in the Blending Program
13 – Financial Statements
15 – Board & Staff
Donors & Bequests
[Page 4]
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to present you with the Western pennsylvania school for blind children’s 201213 annual report. This year’s theme “a collective vision,” was chosen to represent our entire
school community’s united efforts to enhance the lives of the hundreds of visually impaired
children, adolescents and young adults that we are so privileged to serve.
WPSBC strives to help our students become as independent as possible. Our work impacts
babies, students and young adults from throughout thirty-three counties in Western
Pennsylvania. Our commitment extends from our on-campus program for students who are blind
with multiple disabilities to the hundreds of students with visual impairment in their local
schools who get vital assistance from WPSBC Outreach staff.
Innovative services such as our blended childcare program, A Child’s VIEW, provide a chance for
sighted and non-sighted peers to learn and play together. Young adults ages 21-25 who are blind
and medically fragile can find appropriate post-graduate placement at our LAVI Program. These
initiatives are unique amongst schools for the blind and we are proud of continuing our 126 year
legacy of not only meeting our community’s needs but also reaching above the national standard.
The 2012-13 school year was remarkable in many ways. I invite you to learn more by reading the
enclosed stories.
We are grateful for the invaluable efforts of all who support WPSBC in so many ways. Thank you
for giving, sharing and working so effectively to ensure WPSBC’s continued success. I hope you
draw from these pages a source of personal fulfillment and satisfaction, realizing that with your
support, we were able to do so much.
Todd S. Reeves
Executive Director & Superintendent
Side Panel:
From our staff members and parents, to our educational partners, volunteers, donors and
trustees, each and every person helps us provide comprehensive educational services tailored to
empower boys and girls that face overwhelming challenges.
[Page 5]
A Collection of Highlights for the 2012 – 2013 School Year
September - The School’s 19th Annual Hilda M. Willis Creative Arts Series debuted with a funfilled, Mexican themed party featuring a performance by our amigos from Miguel’s Mariachi
Fiesta! Established to infuse art into the everyday lives of our students, the Creative Arts Series
challenges artists to adapt their work and make it interactive, allowing students with severe
disabilities to more fully participate in the performance.
October - More than 600 guests celebrated the dedication of our new Urban Trail, the capstone
project of School’s 125th Anniversary. Funded through the generosity of individuals, service
clubs, corporate and foundation donors, this new campus highlight is an innovative outdoor
classroom featuring a simulated cross walk and several sensory rich, exploratory components
for our students as they learn to travel safely outdoors using either a white cane or wheelchair.
November – Students and staff presented WPSBC items, information and memorabilia to
preserve in a time capsule in honor of our 125th anniversary. The time capsule is slated to be
reopened for our 150th anniversary in the year 2037!
December - The Holiday Season was ushered in with the two amazing performances by our
talented students and staff. Our youngest pupils presented “Through the Years,” a musical
journey that took audiences on a spirited trip from the Victorian Age through the Roaring 20s
and beyond! Our older students showcased their spirit and talents in the rousing song and dance
production entitled “A December to Remember”.
[Page 6]
April – The School’s 15th annual Librarypalooza was held in honor of National Library week. Our
students commemorated the occasion by participating in a read-a-thon and listening to nearly 30
different “Mystery Storytellers” who stopped by to share their love of literacy.
May – The culmination of our intense Middle States Accreditation process brought a site visit
team to the School that concluded: “The School is clearly fulfilling its mission. Its beautiful facility
is cheerful and joyful place with a serious purpose. From the moment we arrived, we could tell
clearly what the School is. Our entire committee came away from our visit knowing that we
learned much from the WPSBC community.”
June – Congratulations to the Class of 2013! This year we applauded six young men and women
as they graduated from the School. In addition, the Early Childhood Department celebrated
eighteen preschool graduates and thirteen kindergarten graduates at its promotion ceremony.
[Right Panel}
178 Enrolled Students Ages 3 – 21
142 Day Students
36 Residential Students
9 Young adults ages 21 – 25 participated in the LAVI (Learning Adventures for the Visually
Impaired) Post-School Adaptive Living Skill Service and Vocational Training Day Program
450 Students, families and educators served through WPSBC’s Outreach Program
34 Children ages birth – 5 attended A Child’s View, WPSBC’s on-site blended child care program
for children with or without visual impairments
[Page 7]
Image Caption: Instructor Linda Hohmann uses personalized techniques to encourage Kirby to
use his vision.
[Page 8]
Seeing Results: An Illuminating Approach to Education
Shining a flashlight to strategically illuminate the object in front of him, Instructor Linda
Hohmann patiently awaits a reaction from her student, Kirby Yoder. The overhead lights in the
classroom are turned off to create less visual distraction for Kirby, allowing him to concentrate
on the task at hand. Moving the device slightly to the left to reach Kirby’s preferred visual field,
Hohmann continues encouraging him to reach out and touch the big red switch.
Hohmann’s patience and persistence is rewarded with Kirby’s patience and persistence — he
moves his right arm and swipes, ever so purposely, at the switch activating a recorded message.
“Kirby had a great evening last night and he enjoyed watching the movie ‘Mr. Popper’s Penguins’
with his friends,” the recorded voice of his residential night aide explains. Hohmann cheers her
pupil’s extraordinary effort.
Kirby, a sixteen-year-old student from Bulger, Pennsylvania, is a residential student in the
Secondary Department at WPSBC. Like more than half of our enrolled school-age students, Kirby
has Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) coupled with other significant physical and cognitive
challenges. The leading cause of visual impairment in children today, CVI is a neurological
disorder that affects the posterior visual pathways to the brain resulting in visual processing
difficulties. But with proper intervention and accommodations, WPSBC students like Kirby are
actually improving their visual functioning and increasing access to the world around them.
Modifications for CVI are individually tailored to each student’s preferences. For Kirby, that
includes reducing overhead lighting, presenting objects against a black background to reduce
visual complexity and shining supplemental light on targeted items.
“Prior to our CVI adaptations, Kirby generally just kept his head down and would not visually
interact with anything,” explained Hohmann. But after putting into place the techniques she
learned from Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy, WPSBC’s CVI Project Leader and an internationally
sought after expert on the disorder, “He’s much more alert and is quicker to respond
when I create an environment to encourage use of his vision,” Hohmann explained.
Often times it is a subtle clue like a change in facial expression or widening of the eyes that lets
Hohmann know that Kirby understands and is interested in the activity. But recognizing and
understanding these clues is what makes our work so effective. In fact, 82% of WPSBC students
with CVI that participated in a research study saw an improvement in the use of their functional
vision over the past two years.
Like many students with CVI, Kirby responds to the color red—so his spoon, cup and speech
generating device have been accentuated with shiny red Mylar tape to attract his attention. This
year, he has seen great strides in his ability to visually attend to these CVI adapted materials
during mealtime and hygiene routines. Hohmann and her educational team of physical and
occupational therapists, speech language pathologist and nurse work collaboratively to address
all of Kirby’s visual and health needs in order to support his educational growth.
Because nearly 180 enrolled students are disabled by blindness and additional complex
conditions, their educational services are very different from those provided to most elementary
and secondary aged pupils. At WPSBC, each boy and girl has an individualized education and
benefits from specialized instruction by teachers of the visually impaired and support services
such as occupational, physical and communication therapy, orientation and mobility training and
intensive nursing care.
With our teams of specialists working side-by-side with parents, Kirby and his classmates have
innovative opportunities to reach a higher level of self-awareness and fulfillment. “The staff at
the School has really helped us understand him more,” said Kristy. “It’s made a world of
difference for him and our whole family.”
[Graphic Quote]
“Kirby has thrived and blossomed at the School,” boasts his mother Kristy Yoder. “I can’t point to
one person; it’s collectively the whole community and their amazing input that works so well.”
[Page 9]
Destination Independence: Lessons from the Outreach Program
Nathan Sadler listens closely as cars zoom down the street only feet away from where he stands.
He approaches the busy crosswalk just as his Orientation and Mobility (O&M) instructor’s voice
from behind cautions, “Put your cane out and get ready because when it comes to traffic you
can’t take anything for granted.”
Nathan, a fourteen-year-old student at Butler Junior High School, heeds the warning and
properly sets his white cane out in front of him. It’s mid-afternoon during a school day and the
duo is on route to shop at a local supermarket, a functional, real-world opportunity for Nathan to
practice his safe outdoor travel skills during his weekly O&M lesson.
Like most other teenagers in his neighborhood, Nathan strives to fit in with his peers, not
wanting to be different. He likes music, motorcross racing and skateboarding. But Nathan, born
with glaucoma, requires special supports to help him realize his potential and reach his highest
level of independence. A white cane and telescope help Nathan compensate for his low vision
while on his route.
Nathan is one of nearly 450 children and young adults with a visual impairment from throughout
western Pennsylvania served in 2012-13 by WPSBC’s Outreach Department. He came to the
program after his mother noticed he was struggling at school, so she sought additional support
from WPSBC after a friend’s referral. Working in tandem with his school district and
Intermediate Unit, WPSBC supplements Nathan’s education by providing expertise and highly
trained personnel to help him learn to travel safely while using proper O&M techniques.
Orientation and Mobility instruction is a key component of the Expanded Core Curriculum, which
integrates essential life skills into the education of students who are visually impaired. These
foundational skills – including social interaction, independent living, and alternate
communication modes such as braille - not only help students with disabilities to access core
school subjects such as literature and mathematics, but also prepare them to one day live and
work independently.
Nathan is highly motivated to be independent, notes his O&M Instructor Deb McCune. And
although he confidently navigates the familiar Butler streets with some ease, traveling in
unfamiliar territories will present more of a challenge for Nathan as he grows up. Learning the
proper traveling skills is critical for Nathan’s safety and will provide the ultimate freedom in
From toddlers to teenagers, the School for Blind Children’s Outreach Department has programs
and services available to help youth with visual impairment break down the barriers that
hamper them from becoming as independent and successful as possible. The School proudly
collaborates with our region’s school districts and Intermediate Units to provide students with
visual impairments vital educational and supplemental services.
Focused on the unique needs of individuals with visual impairments like Nathan, the Outreach
Department provides early intervention, consultations, functional vision evaluations and training
throughout the state on issues and strategies related to visual impairment and blindness.
Specialty areas include low vision, cortical visual impairment, orientation and mobility, braille
literacy and skills of daily living.
{Graphic Quote}
“Deb has been nothing short of awesome, she has helped my son in so many
ways,” said Nathan’s mother, Cleo. “I would advise anyone that has a child struggling with their
vision to contact the School for Blind Children because they have so many resources to help.”
[Page 10]
Image Caption: Accompanied by his Orientation and Mobility Instructor, Deb McCune, WPSBC
Outreach student Nathan practices traveling safely with his white cane on his hometown streets
in Butler, Pennsylvania.
[Right panel]
“The Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV has been extremely grateful for the services and level of
support from the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children. It is evident that the staff
keeps current in the field and they work hard to help all students be successful in both home and
school environments. In addition, WPSBC has offered additional support in the areas of
professional development and consultation to the MIU IV teachers of the visually impaired. All of
these services have helped our students who are visually impaired and we look forward to a
continued partnership.
Lindsay McGaughey, Supervisor of Special Education-Early
Intervention – Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV
[Page 11]
Image Caption: Friends Abby and Penny met each other through the School’s blending program,
which promotes development for both sighted and visually impaired participants.
[Page 12]
Losing Sight of Differences: The Power of Play in the Blending Program
Young friends Abigail Zwick and Penny Scheuring have many things in common. Both girls love
playing dress up, doing art projects and are excited to start kindergarten together this fall at
Avonworth Elementary School. But it is their differences that actually brought the two pals
together. Six year-old Abby is blind and attends the School’s pre-school program for the visually
impaired while Penny, five years old, is a sighted student at WPSBC’s onsite child care center, “A
Child’s VIEW: Vision in Extraordinary Ways”.
Through a structured “blending” program led by Speech Language Pathologist Diane Evrard,
Abby and Penny played with a purpose that reaped benefits for both girls. Twice a week, Abby
would visit her sighted friends in child care for invaluable peer interaction. There, while
participating in circle time activities and free play, the girls gravitated toward each other and
soon became fast friends. Blended music and gym classes were also conducted, giving Abby a
chance to learn from her friend’s behavior, work on improving her social skills and develop
confidence playing with her typically developing peers.
While all of our enrolled school-age students have a diagnosis of visual impairment coupled with
other significant disabilities, some of our pre-school age pupils, like Abby, have the sole disability
of blindness. For these young boys and girls, the School’s Early Childhood Department provides
specialized instruction to foster school readiness as they prepare to transition to their local
public or private school.
“Watching Abby interact with her child care friends is a great assessment tool and enabled me to
pinpoint what skills we needed to work on to have her ready for kindergarten in public school,”
explained Megan Simmen, Abby’s certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired.
Peer relationships are important to the development of all children. Friends not only provide
companionship and recreation, but meet other needs as well. Through interactions with each
other, children learn valuable social skills. They learn how to do things like join groups, make
new friends, participate in group problem solving and manage competition and conflict. Most of
all, they have fun and become an integral part of their peer group and of society.
Courtney Carpenter, Abigail’s mother, said the blending opportunities were extremely beneficial
toward her daughter’s successful integration into kindergarten and beyond. “Abigail used to be
hesitant to go to new groups of children who were louder and outgoing, but now she’s more
comfortable, knows how to interact with the kids and fits right in,” she said.
Non-disabled children also benefit from the integrated program. They learn to accept differences
at an age when differences are noticed, but presumptions and prejudices have not yet developed.
Interacting with other young children who have a variety of needs teaches children how to focus
on the individual and not on the disability. They also learn when and how to help others, and are
not uneasy offering assistance when needed.
Learning to be a good friend and special helper to Abigail has helped Penny overcome her
shyness and develop an appreciation of people with different abilities. But for the girls, the
blending program activities were just a chance to hang out together and play naturally. That’s the
magic of the program, enhancing both girls’ development while having fun and forging
meaningful friendships.
[Graphic Quote]
This extra life lesson in compassion and acceptance has benefitted Penny on a number of levels,”
said her mother Diane Scheuring.
“A Child's VIEW: Vision In Extraordinary Ways” is an early childhood center located on the
Oakland campus of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, providing
comprehensive blended child care opportunities for typically developing children and those with
visual impairments ages 6 weeks to 5 years. This innovative program is designed to benefit all
children, no matter their ability levels or sensory deficits. For more information regarding
enrollment at A Child’s VIEW, please contact Dr. Rebecca Renshaw at 412 621-6005 or
[Page 13]
2012 – 2013 Statements
Financial Position
Cash and short-term note
Other current assets
Investments and funds held in trust
Net property, plant and equipment
Accrued wages and expenses
Accounts payable
Bonds payable
Bond premium/interest payable
Unrestricted net assets
Restricted net assets
[Page 14]
Notes: 1. The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis. Accordingly,
revenues and support are recorded when earned and expenses are recognized when liabilities
are incurred. 2. Depreciation has been recorded using the straight line method of depreciation
over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Buildings are depreciated over forty years, building
improvements over fifteen years, machinery and equipment and furniture and fixtures over ten
years, and vehicles over four years. 3. Bequests, realized gains or losses, and unrealized gains or
losses are not included in the Statement of Current Operating Activities. 4. Investments and
funds held in trust are stated at market value and beneficial interest in perpetual trusts is stated
at present value of future cash flows. 5. The June 30, 2013 financial statements will be audited by
Grossman, Yanak & Ford, Certified Public Accountants.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
School districts and intermediate units
Federal revenue
Contributions and private support
Net interest and dividends
Salaries and benefits
Contracted services
Operations and depreciation
Supplies and other program costs
[Page 15]
Board & Staff:
Board & Management as of July 1,2013
Executive Committee
L. Van V. Dauler, Jr., President
Laura B. Gutnick, Vice President
Todd Reeves, Secretary
Susan McAleer, Treasurer
H. Scott Cunningham
Joel M. Helmrich
Joseph A. Massaro III
Honorary Trustee
Ellen C. Walton
L. van
Albert W. Biglan, M.D.
Gabrielle R. Bonhomme, M.D
Thomas A. Karet
Harry G. Kilvanick
Alan Lantzy, M.D.
Maryjean A. Lovett
James K. Martin
Carole Miner Schuman
Jennifer A. Shuckrow
Joseph C. Wassermann
Todd Reeves, Executive Director/Superintendent/Secretary of the Board
Susan McAleer, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
Christine Roman, CVI Project Leader
Barbara Cunningham, Employee Relations Director
Brenda Egan, Early Childhood Department Director
Barry Fell, Related Services Director
Maryanne Loebig, Health Services & Residential Night Director
Beth Ramella, Outreach Director
Rachelle Rectenwald, Secondary Department Director
Rhonda Curry, Residential Night Manager
Nilda Delerme, Transitional Program Manager
Jan Hackel, Pre-school and Kindergarten Program Manager
Jan Husser, Elementary and Intermediate Program Manager
Dennis Kwiatkowski, Buildings and Grounds Manager
Jillian Pritts, Institutional Advancement Manager
Sharon Schmidt, Residential Manager
Greg Lazur, Assistant Residential Manager/Behavior Specialist
Jenifer Brander, Lead Behavior Specialist
Amanda Gallagher, Lead Physical Therapist
Mark Kislan, Lead Occupational Therapist
[Page 16]
Sharing Our Vision
In an on-going effort to advance our specialized field of education, members of our staff often
share their professional expertise and knowledge with colleagues and collaborators. We applaud
the following individuals for their commitment and extra efforts, which ultimately benefit not
only our students, but deserving children beyond those served by the Western Pennsylvania
School for Blind Children.
Jenifer Brander, B.A. Lead Behavior Specialist - Presented to Penn-Del AER Vision Conference
Principles to Practice: an Educational Team Approach to CVI & poster presentation
entitled CVI Collaboration Efforts & CVI and IEP’s: Case Examples
Megan Simmen, CTVI Teacher of the Visual Impaired - Presented to Penn-Del AER Vision
Conference Principles to Practice: an Educational Team Approach to CVI & poster presentation
entitled CVI Collaboration Efforts & CVI and IEP’s: Case Examples
Laura Dobrich, DBT, PCS Physical Therapist - Presented to Penn-Del AER Vision Conference
Introduction to ICF – Improving Participation of students with Multiple Disabilities through
Adapted Sports & Introduction to the Schroth Method for Scoliosis Management a 2-part
in-service to the Physical Therapy Department at Children’s Hospital
Jenifer Ellenberg, M.S. CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist - Poster presentation to the
Pennsylvania Speech & Hearing Association Adapting Partner-Assisted Communication Strategies
Diane Evrard, M.ED., CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist - Presented to Penn-Del AER Spring
Vision Conference Communication and Vision: When Worlds Collide
Beth Ramella, M.ED., TVI/COMS Director of Outreach - Presented to Penn-Del AER Vision
Conference APH + CVI = Great Instruction
Kim Snair, CTVI, M.ED. Teacher of the Visually Impaired - Presented to Penn-Del AER Vision
Conference Beyond the Phone Conference: Innovative Ways to Communicate Educational
Information to Parents of Children with Special Needs
[Page 17]
125th Anniversary Legacy Club
The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children would like to gratefully acknowledge the
generosity of those friends who contributed funds in support of our Urban Trail Campaign. The
following is a list of all individuals who made significant contribution of $125 or more between
January 1–December 31, 2012. Thanks to their support, the dream of creating a pathway of
independence on our Oakland campus became a reality.
Mr. Anthony Ambrosini
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Anke
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Arbasak
Mr. Kenneth John Barringer
Ms. Evelyn Belansky
Mr. Saul Bergad
Dr. & Mrs. Albert W. Biglan
Mr. Raymond Birch
Mr. Joseph A. Bodnar
Mrs. Nadine E. Bognar
Mr. Dennis R. Bonessa
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gray Bossard
Chuck & Jill Brodbeck
Ms. Frances S. Brosky
Ms. Janice L. Brosman
Mr. Charles E. Brown
Mr. Randolph E. Buczynski
Mr. William M. Cadwallader
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Canovali
Ms. Sue A. Carey
Ms. Courtney Carpenter
Mr. Nicholas Carper
Ms. Joanne Flynn and
Dr. Michael Cascio
Mr. James F. Cawley
Dr. Kenneth P. Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Chestney
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Cockrell
Mr. Russell W. Coe
[Side Panel]
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Conrad
Mr. H. Scott Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Daly
Mr. Ruzbeh C. Dastoor
Mr. & Mrs. L. Van V. Dauler, Jr.
Mrs. Jan E. DeBlasio
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene DeFrank
Mr. Ross DelBusso
Mr. Daniel R. Drischler
Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher
Mr. Charles H. Eckert
Ms. Veronica Ekeroth
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Evancic
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Barry P. Fell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Feller
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Fine
Ms. Cynthia Fischer
Ms. Suzanne Flood
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Flury
Ms. Amy Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey E. Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Garnder
Mr. Peter J. Gerstenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grejda
Mr. Robert W. Gunn
Ms. Laura B. Gutnick
Mr. Nicholas Hamilton
Mr. John R. Hardesty
Mr. William J. Harris
Ms. Anna M. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Horswell
Mr. Ryan K. Hubert
Dr. William H. Jackline
Mr. & Mrs. David Jester
Ms. Michelle M. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey O. Johnson
Mr. Timothy T. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kenney, Jr.
Mr. Raymond G. Kerston
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Kilkeary
Mr. Harry G. Kilvanick
Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Kistler
Dr. Sanford M. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Knoebel
Mr. & Mrs. John Kovacs
Mr. James R. Kukurin
Mr. William E. Kumer
Drs. Michael and Kathleen Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Lannis
Dr. Alan Lantzy & Dr. Christine
Roman Lantzy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Laver
Ms. Jayne Leone
The difference between a minimal education and an extraordinary one for the
children served by our School is due, in large part, to the support we receive from all of
our valued friends and donors. The School for Blind Children receives appropriation from
the state and local school districts, but those funds alone do not come close to meeting all of the
needs of our special students.
[Page 18]
Mrs. Elsie Y. Lewis
Ms. Maryanne Loebig &
Mr. Tony DeCarolis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lovett
Mr. David A. Lower &
Ms. Maureen R. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Z. MacDonald
Mrs. Ramona M. Manning
Mrs. Betty Jane Marcus
Mr. James K. Martin
Mr. Joseph C. Mator
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Mattozzi
Mr. Samuel A. McClung III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. McCulloch III
Mr. Austin McGrath
Mr. Donald R. McKee
Mr. Edward S. McKenna, Esq.
Ms. Elizabeth H. McMeekin
Mr. Andrew S. McSwigan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon
Dr. & Mrs. Milton Michaels
Mrs. Leona Mitchell
Dr. James Mondzelewski
Mr. Brian E. Moore
Mrs. Ruth Ann Morgan
Mr. Thomas V. Munns
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Munsch
Ms. Lora Murray
Mr. & Mrs. A.A. Murrer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Nimick
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. O’Neill
Mr. John D. Pace
Mrs. Mary R. Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Park
Mr. Gary E. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perlow
Mr. Mark Perrott
Ms. Ruth E. Place
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Reddinger
Mr. Scott Reed
Mr. Todd S. Reeves
Ms. Mary L. Renner
Mr. James Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Riske
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Robinson
Ms. Margaret Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Rose
Ms. Jeanne D. Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Rosenberg
Ms. Barbara J. Ruben
Mrs. Ruth M. Rump
Mrs. Helen L. Sachse
Mr. Charles M. Samuels, Jr.
Ms. Janine Schmeck
Mr. Daniel Schneider
Ms. Patricia Schwirian
Ms. Rachael Sepcic
Mr. & Mrs. Dale T. Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Shearer
Barbara A. Shrump
Drs. Janet & J. Matthew Simon
Mr. Paul M. Singer
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sirkoch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Skalniak
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Smith
Mr. George D. Staisey
Mr. John A. Staley IV
Ms. Patricia Staley
Mr. Joseph E. Starkey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Succop
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Umbach
Mr. Myles Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Walton
WPSBC Health Center Nurses &
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wiegand
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wild
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Yeargers
Mrs. Mary DeTemple Yuzuk
[Side Panel]
The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children would also like to thank the following
organizations who helped support the Urban Trail project.
Bannerot-Lappe Foundation
Bayer USA Foundation
Jack Buncher Foundation
Eden Hall Foundation
Hilda M. Willis Foundation
Lions Club of Pittsburgh
Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation
PTO of the Western Pennsylvania
School for Blind Children
Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation
The Buhl Foundation
The Grable Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation
[Pages 19 - 24]
Leaving a Legacy
A Lifetime of Learning
The following pages list the names of the generous people who helped to support the School over
the past 126 years by contributions through wills or bequests. These vital and meaningful
planned gifts underscore the donor’s commitment to the organization’s long–term success. Many
individuals have supported the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children by bequeathing
part or all of their estate to the organization. The following list is an acknowledgment of these
gifts and is cumulative, going back to the founding of the School in 1887.
Louis I. Aaron
Anna Elizabeth Abbott
William M. Achhammer
Louis Adamovitch
Abraham Adelman
Irma N. Agnew
Virginia Aiken
Charles M. Alexander
C.M. Alexander
Grace R. Alster
Charlotte M. Anderson
Rose C. McHugh Anderson
Charles Arbuthnot
Mary E. Armstrong
Zella Armstrong
Joseph A. Aronson
Emma L. Arthurs
Raymond Artz
William T. Aurentz
Sarah S. Austen
Fannie Reese Ayers
Virginia Bach
Ronald T. Bachmann
Morris Baer
Marie A. Bagwell
Utilles Baird
Georgie C. Baker
Ralph W. Baker
Elizabeth M. Bankel
James W. Bannister
Howard O. Barnes
Jean Barnhart
Anna Bowles Bartley
Lawrence Basile
Lucien Graham Bauer
Zelma Smith Bausch
Mary Bayard
Susan Bayard
Walter J. Campbell
William H. Bechtold
Anna E. Beck
Flora M. Beck
Marion J. Becker
William G. Beckman
Jean K. Beggs
Ann Marie Behen
Dorothy Jones Beidler
Martha L. Belknap
Thompson Bell
E.F. Thompson for
Elizabeth Bendrodt
John R. Benson
Phillis L. Bentz
Margaret Evans Berdan
Lillian Berkofsky
J. D. Bernd
Robert N. Bethell
W. S. Bickart
Julius S. Bickert
Emma W. Bihler
Elsie L. Bihlman
Sophia Binder
Mary M. Bindley
Myra J. Binsley
Susanna Bischel
Marion Blakeley
Anna Rachel Blanchard
Adele L. Blayney
Elise K. Bloom
Frederick W. Bloom
Emma M. Blum
Henry F. Boettcher
R. H. Boggs
Laura K. Bogler
Rinehart Bohn
Conrad H. Bokerman
George P. Bollman
Laura H. Borland
Henry W. Borntraeger
Helen B. Boswell
Louis Bowers
Dean A. Boyd
Callie Bragdon
Olive F. Bragdon
Elizabeth J. Brandon
Herman Brandt
Arthur E. Braun
Ethel C. Brawn
Kathryn E. Breitweiser
Mary E. Bridges
Emma Dale Harrison Broadhurst
Alice E. Brock
Anna Cloyde Brooks
Charles A. Brooks
Daisy C. Brown
Russell V. Brown
Carl W. Brueck
Grace H. Buck
Shirley Budke
William C. Buechner
Henry Buhl
Emma V. Bulger
Louise G. Bumgarner
Helen Borland Burchfield
Sara M. Burckart
Zita M. Byrne
Katharine P. Caldwell
Eleanor B. Calhoun
Clyde William Campbell
Emma M. Campbell
Henrietta T. Campbell
Margaret Shaw Campbell
Virginia Campbell
Rose Derov
Dallas Darow Fahey
Grace Carson
Julia Carson
Robert Carson
Evelyn E. Catanzaro
Milton Chait
Esther Chianese
Elizabeth R. Childs
J. Mabon Childs
Rose A. Choffin
Elizabeth G. Cisneros
Armede B. Clark
Marie E. Clark
Ella May Clarke
Helen Clarke
Helen P. Classic
Sara Agnes Clendenning
Mary Louise Cochrane
Carrie Cohen
Kate Cohen
Charlotte Collison
Cora Conley
Virginia French Conley
Vaseleke H. Constandy
Katherine Hunter Conroy
Grace Coulter
Sarah J. Craig
Dorothea Crane
Estella Wood Crane
Edwin R. Crawford
Stanley E. Crawford
Jane S. Cromer
Floyd W. Crowne
Grace A. Dailey
Alice H. Danahey
Elizabeth M. Darr
Samuel H. Darrall
Laura Jane Daryman
Mary E. Davidson
James R. Davis, Jr.
Julie Marie Davis
Lottie Davis
Bessie R. Dawson
Margaret E. Dawson
Harvey Deaktor
Samuel Deaktor
Lora M. Deane
Harry D. Deloe
Alexander Dempster
Peter Denby
Loretta DePerro
Mary DePippa
Thelma H. Gillespie
A. J. DeRoy
Fredericka Detrich
Alice Devey
Sara T. Dewsnapp
Emily Gertrude Davis Dible
Susanna Diffenbacher
Harry F. Domhoff
Jessie J. Domka
Amanda B. Donahue
Ruth E. Donnally
J. J. Donnell
Ruth E. Donnell
Tille Dorsey
Elizabeth Dougherty
Joseph M. Dougherty
Mary C. Dougherty
Ethel R. Douglas
Germaine A. Douteau
Alma F. Drake
Paul H. Drees
Lois A. Duer
William H. Duff, III
Elsie G. Duga
Louis S. Duncan
Mary L. Duncan
Mary I. Dunne
Thomas N. Dunne
O. M. Eakins
Dorothy M. Eardley
Mary E. Earl
Eliza T. Edwards
Margaret K. Ege
Benjamin Ehrenberger
Josephine M. Eichenlaub
Ola Edeburn Eick
Marjory S. Eiseman
Carl Walter Elsholz
Georgia Elton
June Y. Enelow
Leonard Enelow
Harry N. Englert
E. Marguerite Erhard
Elizabeth Braun Ernst
Ann Marie Esposito
Arthur Evans
Howard S. Evans
Oliver L. Evans
Thomas R. Evans, II
Laura Evans-Ford
Lois H. Fabiani
Mathilda Fagan
R. M. Head
Patricia Fallecker
Frances A. Faloon
Albert Farber
Rachel A. Farrington
Evelyn Fawell
Olga M. Fay
Viola E. Fehr
Mary Warfel Ferguson
Etta Pearle Fincke
Charles Finegan
J. B. Finley
Margaret H. Finley
Jeanette Finn
Helen J. Fleck
Lloyd Fleming
Robert W. Flenniken
Alice M. Flick
Daniel C. Flory
Myrtle Forsha
Gertrude Forster
Curtis S. Foster
Fay Foster
James Foster
Louis Foster
Ella H. Frank
Vera G. Franklin
Emanuel Frederick
Harry W. Freye
Jacob C. Fry
Grace A. Frye
Thomas B. Frye
Margaret F. Fugh
Carl J. Fuhr
Helen Ruth Fullerton
Louis M. Fushan
Jessie M. Galbraith
Katherine Clapp Galbraith
Margery Galer
Elisabeth E. Gannon
Gyla W. Gardiner
Esther L. Garber
Henry R. and
Doris T. George*
Minne B. Gerst
Charles C. Gerwig
Elizabeth H. Gettman
Flora M. Gilbert
Thelma Giles
Mable D. Gilleland
J. Laird Gillespie
Nannie A. Igram
Charles H. Gilmore
Ann Gilpin
Fannie I. Glass
Sara Glenn
Harry G. Goff
Minnie Klein Goldberg
Harry C. Goldby*
George Goodwin
Thomas C. Gordon
Alice Morgan Graff
Charles H. A. Graham
Caroline Graper
Ella Graubart
Albert B. Graver
Clara E. Graver
R. D. Gray
Ruth T. Gray
Mildred S. Greer
Sadie Grekin
Lillie Griffith
Margaret E. Grimpe
Michael A. Gross
Mildred Gross
Arthur M. Grossman
Martha Guenzer
Agnes M. Gulentz
Essie V. Gullett
Augusta S. Gundlach
Margaret A. Gundlach
Charles E. Gundy
Frances S. Gunn
Stella H. Guthrie
George Halpern
Lillian G. Hapern
Anne Halpin
George V. Hamilton
Marianne Rea Hamilton
Benjamin Hammond
Irma McDonald Harding
Edith H. Harper
Lola Harrison
Eliza D. Hartley
Helen Hartley
Goldyne Hartman
Mabel Daley Hartman
Mary K. Hartzell
Ida Hasson
Lloyd J. Hayden
Minnie B. Hayden
Charles Hays
Robert E. Hays
Hilda H. Laub
Alvin D. Headrick
Gertrude B. Heard
James D. Heard
John J. Heard
Jessie Heasley*
Annie May Hegeman
Anna Mae Heinlein
Hazel Helm
William A. Henderson
Carl C. Henning
Suzanne O. Henry
Dolly L. Hensel
Eva Herbst
Margaret M. Heron
Oliver S. Hershman
H. W. Hespenheide, Jr.
Harriet Hespenheide
Virginia V. Hewitt
Margaret Heyl
Joseph Hicklin
Anna A. Hicks
Lewis W. Hicks
Melinda Morrow Hicks
Wenman A. Hicks
William W. Hicks
Edna P. Hoag
D. Hoburg
E. Hoburg
Dorothea Van Buren Hoehl
Roxie Snyder Hoehl
Bertha C. Hoffrichter
M.K. Hohenstein
Christopher Holl
Jane Holmes
Nathaniel Holmes
Philip Edward Horn
Marie L. Hornberger
Portia T. Hosler
Charles E. Hoting
Mary E. Hoting
Evelyn H. Housley
May Howard
Mary A. Howe
Clara Boehm Howell
Nancy Howell
Frieda E. Hoy
Alexander Hreachmack
Rose M. Hughes
Mary A. Hughes Hunt
Helen M. Hurst
Irene G. Hutchinson
S. S. Marvin
Grace I. Irwin
Albert Isay
Mathilde Ittel
Fleda F. Iversen
John Jablonsky
Gertrude Jenny
Mary Jernberg
Fern MacLure Jobe
Laura T. Johnson
Agnes M. Johnston
Dorothy Layman Jones
Elizabeth G. Jones
Mary H. Jones
Thomas Lewis Jones
Helen Grace Jordon
Mary Junker
Oliver B. Kalar
Anna M. Kambach
Helen M. Karey
Rachel Katzenmeyer
G. A. Herman Kauffeld
Ethel Kay
Elizabeth H. Keating
Dorothy M. Kelly
Vivian Kelly
Nell Kennerdell
Annie Given Kerr
Laura Ketterer
Beatrice King
Fannie M. King
Willis L. King, Jr.
Francis H. Kirker
Mathilda Klages
Samuel Sandor Klein
Raymond F. Klinzing
Beatrice Kohn
Margaret B. Kohn
Pearl O. Kramer
Arthur A. Kridel
Edith G. Krueger
Louise Kumer
Louise S. Kumer
George W. Kummer
Elbert N. Kunkle
Carol Kurtz
Norman Kuzma
Florence Barrett Ladd
Walter J. Laitsch
Bertha M. Landau
Joseph C. Lang*
Ethel LaSalle
Pauline Morgan
Henry A. Laughlin
Josiah Lazar
Robert G. Lea
Anna Ledrich
John M. Lee
Lillian F. Leff
Elizabeth LeGoullon
Leo Lehman
Myra Love Lermann
Bell McC. Lessenberry
D. D. Lessenberry
Yetta Levenson
David Levison
Ralph Levison
Sanford A. Levy
Harold J. Lewis
Laura E. Linke
Henry E. Linton
Richard Little
Dorothy Livingston
Margaret A. Livingstone
Marie Locher
Ida A. Lockhart
A. Howard Logan
Giambattista Lombardi
Helen Londo
Albert M. Long
Jeannette Long
Lillian Lonkowski
Sara H. H. Lopatnikoff
Emma Luderer
Ellen Ludwig
Margaret Lyle
Marguerite MacIntosh
Louise Maeder
Ella J. Maher
Annie W. Mahood
Emile Majerus
Nelle Mallison
Ida Mann
Julia Marchulinas
Ben Mardowitz
Melvin Markowitz
Julia Marks
Elsie G. Marshall
Irene Marshall
Anna Z. Martier
Elizabeth D. Martin
Fannie Martin
Nellie C. Martin
John Porterfield
Sara Jane Mascaro
Martha Lockhardt Mason
Mary J. Maund
Philomena Mauro
Mary H. Maury
Hugh McAffee
Katherine R. McAleer
Elizabeth Nelson McBride
Evaline B. McBride
Emma M. McCall
Alice M. McCann
Paul J. McCann
Grace C. McCombs
Aileen McCullough
Jayne E. McDaniel
Nell A. McDonough
Edmund McElwain
Kate G. McFadyen
Annabelle Livingston McKerahan
Helen J. McKesson
Helen R. Milar
Jesse C. McMillan
Florence D. McMillen
David C. McNary
Elizabeth J. McPherson
Mary McPherson
Howard W. Meider
Jennie King Mellon
Sara Mendelson
Ethel E. Merkamp
Louis A. Mertz
Celia Mervis
Willa Metz
Elizabeth K. Metzger
Bernard Meyer
Helen R. Milar
Annora S. Miller
Charles S. Miller
Edith S. Miller
Ella B. Miller
Ida Mae Miller
Francis B. Miller
Mary Jane Miller
Mildred Miller
Samual H. Miller
Torrence Miller
Ernestine T. Moenius
Jean Molchan
Clara H. Moore
Edna Gray Moore
Thomas B. Moreland
Irene M. Schmidt
Ruth E. Morgan
Catharine G. Morrow
Edith B. Morse
Carolyn Mortensen
Margaret Irene Moser
Jessie Movizzo
Charlotte Murray
Harry M. Murray
Margaret C. Murray
Wilfrid Murtland
Nellie A. Myers
Helen Donhoff Neely
Mary F. Nelson
Theodore Neppach
Regina U. Nestor
John Nesuta
Rose Neuman
Maxine Newcomer
Emma Nickel
Joseph Nicklin
Mary C. Niebaum
Ida J. Niemann
Howard A. Noble
William Norris
Fulton Clark Noss
Jane F. Novak
Mary M. Oberlin
Irene O’Brien
Thomas J. O’Donnel
Nelle M. Oliver
J. Henry O’Neill
Josephine T. O’Neill
William O’Neill
M. Oppenheimer
Clara A. Opperman
Rebecca J. Packer
Christopher L. Painter
Jacob Painter, Jr.
Mary D. Parkhill
Alex H. Patterson
Jacob W. Paul
Margaret S. Paul
Helen Penn
John P. Penny
Virginia Peters
George Pfeil
Charles J. Phillips
Myrtle C. Phillis
Karl A. Pillow
Titus G. Pope
Henry Kirke Porter
Vera H. Slater
Emily Powell
Amilia C. Proft
James A. Quinn
Helen M. Ragner
John R. Ranson
Dixie Walker Rea
Frances Rea
Elsie Rearick
Flora E. Reeg
Victor C. Reiber
William R. Reichle
Lois E. Reid
Wilson H. Remmel
Barbara Weinman Rickert
Mary E. Rieck
Earl H. Riefer
Matilda A. Rieger
Hilda S. Rieland
Dorothy Roach
Alice E. Robertson
Elizabeth R. Robinson
Joseph G. Robinson
Martha J. Robinson
Glen K. Rodemoyer
Marie Rohrer
Lucille R. Roithner
Samuel Marks Rose
Charles J. Rosenbloom
Freda Rosenblum
Dorothy Peoples Ross
Elizabeth Weaver Roth
Charlotte Rubenstein
Mary L. Rudolf
Wilma Ruf
Florence Rumbaugh
Mildred Rupp
Paul D. Sack
Elizabeth Salzer
Helen M. Santillo
Minnie Sartoris
Frank C. Sauer
Loretta A. Sauer
Miller C. Schafer
William. E. Schafer
Mary E. Schenley
Irving Schiffman
June Schiffman
Fred Schiller
Howard M. Schirra
Ethel R. Schmidt
Garnet B. Schmidt
Mary Crocker Sutton
Ruth B. Schmidt
Paul Schmitt
Lucy Ames Schmitz
Virginia Schomaker
Mollie Schonfield
Gretchen Schoonmaker
James M. Schoonmaker
Rebeka C. Schoonmaker
William F. Schoonmaker
Simon Schreiber
Wilhelmine Schreiber
Harry A. Schroedel
Letty F. Schulga
G.K. Schultise*
Paul G. Schultz
Charles E. Schultz
Charles H. Schultz
Elizabeth F. Schwartz
Paul H. Schweizer
John B. Scott
Joseph Scully
Rose Marie Scully
Issac Seder
Margaret K. Seely
Richard B. Seib
Horace Luther Seifert
Frank Sepic, Jr.
Samuel Lloyd Shank
Barbara Shirk Shaw
John G. Sheafer
Hyman Shear
Jeanette B. Shear
Helen E. Sheffel
Joseph R. Shermer
Rose Levitt Shermer
William Sherwin
Leo S. Shipkowski
Harold G. Shirk
Norma Jackson Shirk
G. Albert Shoemaker
Ida Mae Shoemaker
Catherine Showers
John Shubelka, Jr.
Lena Sievwright
Luella M. Simonton
Ethel Seavey Simpson
Pearl I. Simpson
Ilene Sirocca*
Meyer H. Sivitz
Jean M. Slack
Vera Slater
Daisy A. Wickham
Carol Sloan
Louis M. Sloan
Hilda E. Sloop
Catherine M. Slowey
Edwin A. Smith
Esther Smith
Frances L. Smith
Marie R. Smith
Mabel L. Smith
Marion H. Smith
William M. Smith
William Metz Smith
Mrs. George C. Sneathen
Evelyn Carhart Snyder
H. C. Snyder
Mary Elise Snyder
Carrie Haws Sobey
Amelia Solomon
Alberta L. Sowash
Charles H. Spang
Norman Spang
Marjorie Spector
George J. Stanley
Martha S. Stanley
Wilmer T. Starkey
William Steele
Viola Steelman
Anna M. Steffler
Christina F. Steibel
Marie K. Steinecke
Ruth E. Steiner*
Paula Steinmetz
Mary A. Stenger
Elizabeth B. Stephan
Josephine A. Stephens
Marguerite Stevenson
Dolores Stewart
Ruth Stewart
Ambrose H. Stiffler
Marie M. Stockdale
Helen M. Stolzenbach
Emily Stoops
Ruth A. Stott
George Strasser
Mary Agnes Stuckey
Bertha E. Succop
Dorothy M. Suckling
Rosalie T. Suess
Grace Z. Sugerman
Helen W. Sullivan
Valerie Supuran
A cumulative list of
Mildred Sutton
Olive E. Swank
Gwen G. Swart
Helene I. Tadowsky
Charles L. Taylor
Margaret F. Taylor
William Thaw
Pearl L. Thayer
William G. Thiele
Vesta Thomas
Hazel O. Thompson
Hazel Van Buren Thompson
Marie N. Thompson
Oscar G. Tiedeman
Mary Cushing Tiotus
Elmer F. Toomey
Mary R. D. Torrance
Ernest Trent
Matilda S. Trudal
Mrs. Dagmar J. Turner
Frances Turner
Lillian W. Turner
W. Alfred Turner
Cora M. Tustin
Anna C. Unverzaget
Murmon T. Von Ordstrand
Ella D. Vaughn
Virginia D. Viverette
Agnes Voelker
Elizabeth M. Vogeley
Helene B. Volkwein
Wilhelmina Wagner
Frances C. Walker
Mary Elizabeth Walker
Rheyna Miller Walker
Forest F. Wallerstedt
Lena Sisco Walter
Elzey Thomas Walton
Dorothy Washchyshak
Marian Waugaman
William Weil
Joseph Weisbrod
Edith E. Weitershausen
Anna Welch
Mary Wellington
Ethel M. Wendell
Peggy Lee Wentzel
Elizabeth P. Wertz
Lorine A. White
Elizabeth C. Whitehall
Florence B. Whitwell
Jennie C. Widdman
Sara Cancelliere Wiegand
Myron P. Wiegand
Jebba Dixon Wiggin
Kathryn J. Wilcox
Frederick W. Wiley
Audrey E. Will
Cora Hubbard Williams
Joseph Williams
Marie K. Williams
David B. Wilson
Mabel (Mary) R. Gorman Wilson
Herman Windt
Charles Winfield
Hilda E. Winterling
Anna C. Wise
Marion S. Wissman
Patricia Witherow
Harry F. Wixfort
Helen M. Woerner
Helen Woerner
Mary B. Wolff
Betty Ann Wood
Winifred Woods
Grace Eisaman Wright
Eugene S. Wyler
John M. Yahres
Laura Yost
Helen Young
Margaret Young
Martha Young
Olga Yurkovich
Grace Zahnisger
Hattie I. Ziegler
Howard G. Ziegler
Margaret I. Zimmerman
Ange L. Zinkand
Katherine M. Zinkil
Raymond Zwolski
Nora C. Zydel
bequests from wills and estates.
*Denotes bequests which were
received between July 1, 2012
and June 30, 2013.
There are many ways to show your support, for more information on how you can help provide
learning that lasts a lifetime, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at
412-621 0100, email prittsj@wpsbc.org, or visit our website: www.wpsbc.org.
The mission of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children is to be a leading
institution for providing quality special education services that foster maximum
independence for children and young adults with visual impairment and multiple
Furthermore, the School’s outreach efforts are designed to assist all Western Pennsylvania
youth with visual impairments to reach their full potential by delivering programs and services
to them and their families.
The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
201 North Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1499
(412) 621-0100 | www.wpsbc.org