ICT as a Resource Literacy - Online Resources http://www.tampareads.com/phonics/phonicsindex.htm This site offers teachers free worksheets to teach both phonics and phonemic awareness. http://www.starfall.com/ Excellent site for early reading http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/lookcover/lookcover.html Look Cover Write and Check Primary school site as good as any commercial site as pupils can program their own ten spellings. http://www.scoilnet.ie http://tre.ngfl.gov.uk Teacher Resource Exchange e.g http://tre.ngfl.gov.uk/server.php?request=c2l0ZS5zZWFyY2g%3D&sf[searchTerm][]=dan+bunker &startPos=11 Dan Bunker (109 resources inc. Spelling Machine and Number Grid) http://www.readinga-z.com http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/index.html Resources for reading primary and post primary http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/download/download.shtml Bank of resources http://tre.ngfl.gov.uk/server.php?request=cmVzb3VyY2UuZnVsbHZpZXc%3D&resourceId=12446 Spelling Machine http://www.mape.org.uk/activities/discloze/index.htm Discloze http://www.literacymatters.com/resources.html Wide variety of age appropriate resources http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/kids/ Lots of interactive things to do. http://www.edhelper.com/ online programs for compiling resources http://www.schoolhousetech.com/ Free Resource Creation Software Basic Facts Worksheet Factory Basic Facts Bingo Word Search Factory Lite http://www.eslflashcards.com/ array of flashcards free pdf pages http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/index.shtml Words and Pictures http://www.learningpage.com http://www.abcteach.com/ online resources http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson169.shtml Ten Games for Classroom Fun! http://pbskids.org/lions/printables/games/wall_est.html Watson’s Wordwalls http://pbskids.org/lions/sitemap.html http://www.readinglesson.com http://www.literacytools.ie/home.cfm Adult literacy http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/storybook/ Online storybook for the young http://www.roythezebra.com/ online book http://www.speechteach.co.uk/p_resource/speech/thinkofa.htm A web site for parents and professionals supporting children with speech difficulties http://www.mdlsoft.co.uk/index.html TaskMagic Create Teaching Materials http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/langarts/links.html Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource Language Arts Resources & Activities Including: Phonics, Speech Tools, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, etc http://www.searchfreefonts.com/fonts/p23.htm free fonts for printables http://www.preschoolprintables.com/ http://www.educationalpress.org/educationalpress/ excellent for online creation of wordsearch, scramble… http://www.educate.org.uk Need to register(free) http://www.suelebeau.com/freetools.htm#quiz online tools for the teacher http://www.kidcrosswords.com/puzzle_makers/puzzle_makers.htm http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/comic/index.html comic strip creator http://www.puzzlemaker.com/ create word searches etc http://specialed.about.com/od/literacy/a/cloze.htm dolch cloze resources http://www.starfall.com/n/level-a/learn-to-read/play.htm?f http://www.m-w.com/ online dictionary and thesaurus http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/dynamo/den/spelling/index.htm Dynamo Spelling Spelling common words recommended by the National Literacy Project http://www.primarygames.com/see-n-spell/see-n-spell.htm magnetic letters on your fridge type game - You can choose which sounds you'd like to work with (short vowels, digraphs, plurals, etc.). http://games.funschool.com/game.php?g=1644&s=3&category=0&level=3 critter jumble http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/SRW1.htm Offers interactive exercises for children in vocabulary development e.g. opposites, categorizing words, suffixes, word -endings, Dolch words. Printable resources also available for teachers. http://www.robertmunsch.com/booklist.cfm books read by author story time comprehension and listening skills – mp3 recordings of his stories available for download http://www.mc3.edu/aa/lal/workshops/wksp_spelling/spellingrules.html Overview of some spelling rules and ways to aid pupils learning of spelling http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/lookcover/lookcover.html Look Cover Write and Check Primary school site as good as any commercial site as pupils can program their own ten spellings. http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/clickon/index.htm#num http://www.lancsngfl.ac.uk/curriculum/literacyresources/index.php?category_id=2 Literacy resources This section contains resources and websites that can support fiction and narrative elements of Literacy http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/spellits/index.shtml http://www.lancsngfl.ac.uk/curriculum/literacyresources/index.php?category_id=31 http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/downloaddepot.phtml#ReadingSkills Including Use the K-W-L (What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I've Learned) worksheet to help students become more actively involved in their reading http://specialed.about.com/cs/literacy/a/read.htm Myriad of resources www.toread.com Home page of John Nemes - lots of links to variety of resources http://www.family-friendly-fun.com http://www.wordsthatcook.org Words that Cook! - visit Monty and Laurie Joy Haas, publishers of Read it Aloud! A parent's guide to sharing books with young children and producers of the television program "Words that Cook! Parenting with Children's Books." Dyslexia International - Tools and Technologies http://www.ditt-online.org Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource http://members.tripod.com/~ESL4Kids/phonics.html A variety of lesson plans to develop phonemic awareness skills. It is most suitable for infants up to second class, even though the age referred to is from 4yrs. to 12yrs http://teacher.scholastic.com/clifford1/index.htm Clifford’s interactive site for young readers from Scholastic http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/phonics/student.cfm http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/ Interactive site that allows children to explore sounds through a variety of games and activities. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/adventure/index.htm Maggies Earth Adventure http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/ Excellent activities varied levels… http://www.gatfl.org/ldguide/read.htm Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technologies Big Picture E Big Book: Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings http://www.bbcschoolshop.com/search.asp?subject_topic=History&school_type=primary&submitt ed=1&sidebar=1&active=yes&isbn=515716 The Big Picture - Ancient Greece Interactive, whole-class teaching that brings key topics to life! Each screen of the E Big Book explores a different aspect of the topic using rich images, lively text, audio clips and motivating activities for history and literacy. Ideal for use on a whiteboard. http://www.meddybemps.com/5.1.html Chateau Meddybemps aid to early reading http://www.magickeys.com/books/ Try the updated Three Little Pigs motivate older pupils to revisit and maybe rewrite the classic tales of old Children's Storybooks Online A growing collection of large-print, illustrated stories for children from early readers to young adult readers. http://www.merpy.com/index_stories.html Interactive stories USEFUL Reference WEBSITES From Scoilnet Special Needs pages http://www.scoilnet.com/article.aspx?id=3266 Special Needs Articles http://www.namhi.ie/ namhi - National Association for People with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland http://www.teacch.com/ Programmes such as TEACCH, PECS and ABA help teachers to structure their classroom environments and assist people with autism. http://www.pecs.org.uk/html/faqs.asp http://www.behavior.org/autism/index.cfm http://www.aspire-irl.com/default.htm Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland (Aspire) http://www.autism.org Center for the Study of Autism (US) http://www.nas.org.uk National Autistic Society (UK) Report of the Task Force on Autism (PDF – 1 MB) http://www.education.ie/servlet/blobservlet/sped_autism.pdf http://indigo.ie/~dyspraxi/ Dyspraxia Association of Ireland http://www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/ Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource Ibid UK http://www.apraxia-kids.org/ Ibid US http://www.dyslexia.ie/ http://indigo.ie/~dyspraxi/ http://www.ldonline.org/ US http://www.education.ie/servlet/blobservlet/sped_dyslexia.pdf http://www.iol.ie/~isa1/ Irish Society for Autism http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3809/is_200201/ai_n9067699 These organizations perform research on electronic educational resources. California Learning Resource Network http://www.clrn.org/home The Florida Center for Reading Research http://www.fcrr.org The International Dyslexia Association (formerly the Orton Dyslexia Society) http://www.interdys.org LDOnline http://www.ldonline.org Dyslexia Awareness and Resource Center http://www.dyslexiacenter.org/main.shtml Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators http://www.ortonacademy.org/ Davis Dyslexia Association International http://www.dyslexia.com/ LD Resources http://www.ldresources.com/ Learning Disabilities Association http://www.ldanatl.org/ PedagoNet - Learning Resources Database http://www.pedagonet.com/ National Center for Learning Disabilities http://www.ncld.org/ The Grimes Reading Institute http://www.grimesreadinginstitute.com/ From The Dyslexia Institute ADHD www.addiss.co.uk www.l-a-c.com Advice Now www.advicenow.org.uk Advisory Centre for Education www.ace-ed.org.uk AFASIC (Speech and Language Impairments) www.afasic.org.uk Aimhigher Project www.achieveability.org.uk Amity www.amity.org.uk Anything Left-Handed - Information and products to help left-handed children and their parents. www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk Asperger Syndrome www.jkp.com/catalogue/autism Autism www.nas.org.uk www.autism-uk.ed.ac.uk Basic Skills Agency www.basic-skills.co.uk Becta www.becta.org.uk British Dyslexia Association www.bdadyslexia.org.uk British Psychological Society www.bps.org.uk Bullying Online www.bullying.co.uk Contact a Family www.cafamily.org.uk Community Legal Service Direct www.clsdirect.org.uk Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils (CreSTeD) www.crested.org.uk Council of Disabled People www.cdp.org.uk Crossbow Education www.crossboweducation.com DfES www.dfee.gov.uk DfES Inclusion http://inclusion.ngfl.gov.uk DfES Parent Centre Website www.parentcentre.gov.uk Disability Rights Commission www.drc-gb.org Dyslexia Association Birmingham www.da-bham.org.uk Dyspraxia Foundation www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk Dyslexia Resourceaid http://dyslexia.resourceaid.com Europe Regional Director www.welcome-2-europe.com Gabbitas Educational Consultants www.gabbitas.net Helping Children Communicate www.ican.org.uk Hornsby International Dyslexia Centre www.hornsby.co.uk I am Dyslexic web site www.iamdyslexic.com Inclusive Technology www.inclusive.co.uk Independent Schools Council Information Service www.isis.org.uk International Dyslexia Association www.interdys.org Independent, Boarding Schools and Residential Special Schools Directory www.isbi.com Just Giving www.justgiving.com Learning Difficulties Online ldonline.org Learner Support www.learnersupport.org Leicestershire Dyslexia Association www.lda-dyslexia.org.uk Listening Books www.listening-books.org.uk MyWaveLength www.mywavelength.com National Association for Gifted Children www.nagcbritain.org.uk Numicon Maths System www.numicon.com Online Health Resources - a directory of disability related websites www.onlinehealthresources.com/disabilities Raisingkids www.raisingkids.co.uk Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists www.rcslt.org Schoolsnet www.schoolsnet.com Scottish Dyslexia Trust Count Me In Project www.countmein.org.uk Schwab Learning www.schwablearning.org Skill — National Bureau for Students with Disabilities www.skill.org.uk Somerset Dyslexia Association www.somersetdyslexia.co.uk Special Needs for Kids web site www.special-needs-kids.co.uk Talking Point - information about speech, language and communication difficulties in children www.talkingpoint.org.uk Targets and Activities Project (TAP). www.commtap.org Teacher Training Agency www.canteach.gov.uk TimeBank www.timebank.org.uk Top Reference - A comprehensive reference web directory www.topreference.com UK Self Help Information www.ukselfhelp.info VIVID www.vivid.uk.net Volunteer Reading Help www.vrh.org.uk Waterstones www.waterstones.co.uk Other to Look At http://www.abcteach.com/index.html http://www.edhelper.com/ http://www.school.discovery.com Teacher Resources Teacher Resources Teacher/Student Resources Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/math Maths Worksheets http://www.4learning.co.uk Channel 4 Learning http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools BBC's Educational Website http://classroomclipart.com Copyright Free Images for Teachers and Students http://cybersleuth-kids.com Children's Internet Search Guide http://klnlive.factmonster.com Resources for Children http://www.schoolzone.co.uk Schoolzone education, free worksheets, lesson plans, resources http://ericir.syr.edu/ Research http://www.bconnex.net/~mbuchana/realms/page7/index.html http://www.education-world.com Lesson Plans http://www.worldbook.com http://www.discovery.com http://www.kingscourt.co.uk Kingscourt/McGraw-Hill http://www.diskovery.ie Online Catalogue http://www.avp.co.uk Online Catalogue http://www.avp.co.uk/aindex.htm Online catalogue Specific Apple Section http://www.r-e-m.co.uk Online Catalogue http://www.granadalearning.co.uk Granada Learning/SEMERC http://www.gsp.cc Software - DK http://www.cricksoft.com Software http://www.inclusive.co.uk Software and Hardware for SN http://www.reviewcorner.com/parents.html Software Reviews http://www.donjohnston.com http://www2.sherston.com/ Examples of Talking Books Dark Man Talking Books: Set 2 Ransom The Dark Man fiction books have been written for older pupils and young adults who are struggling to read. Oxford Reading Tree Treetops Talking Stories http://www2.sherston.com/default.aspx Extending the Talking Stories into KS2, Treetops Stage 10 & Stage 11 Talking Stories includes six new books that are full of colourful characters, motivating activities and engaging sound effects. Each book contains thought bubbles and predictive questions to encourage further discussion about the characters` thoughts and key events in the story. Wellington Square Levels 1-5 http://www.semerc.co.uk Trailblazers Interactive http://www.ransom.co.uk Wolf Hill Level 2 Talking Stories http://www2.sherston.com/default.aspx Inside Stories Sets 1 and 2 http://mcgraw-hill.co.uk/kingscourt/ Writing Focus http://www.granadalearning.co.uk Designed to stimulate and encourage writing, nine activities are provided covering both factual and creative writing. Pupils can build a scene using backgrounds and characters/objects from the wide range of clipart supplied, or can add their own pictures and then write about the scene. Pupils then have the option to create a comic strip, sequence video clips, record voice-overs, write play scripts, stories and biographies, develop arguments and create diary entries. Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource Numeracy - Online Resources http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html National Library of Virtual Manipulatives http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/ An animated, interactive math dictionary defining common math terms and concepts. [Requires Flash 5] http://www.rainforestmaths.com/ Huge variety of graded interactive materials. http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/Numeracy/materialmasters.aspx http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/mentalmaths/tabletrees.html http://www.math.com/homeworkhelp/BasicMath.html http://www.math.com/ http://www.math.com/students/worksheet/algebra_sp.htm Algebra worksheet generator Step by step illustrations http://www.mape.org.uk/activities/index.htm#Number%20Board Open Number Board http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/ Site dedicated to improvements in Mathematical Attainment levels http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/Numeracy/Animations/animations.aspx Very useful for teaching LS pupils equipment animations http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/index.asp?flash=true Roll dice/ probability Graph creator etc http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/afterschool/activities/math/factors.html#1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/maths/ 4-11 http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/maths/ 11-16 Older group http://www.mathlesson.com http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/numeracy.htm http://www.aaamath.com/ Hundreds of pages of Basic Math Skills. Interactive Practice on every page. An explanation of the math topic on each page. Several Challenge Games on every page. Math Problems are randomly created. http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jeather/maths/dictionary2.swf A free online Math's dictionary with clear illustrated explanations of mathematical terms, listed A to Z http://www.edhelper.com/math.htm http://www.edhelper.com/middle_school_math.htm http://www.numbergym.co.uk/swf/NewNGNumberWords.html Translate numbers into words? Drag and drop the words onto a sentence bar. When the answer's right, watch it explode! No spelling required. http://www.numbergym.co.uk/ variety of Flash based activities to illustrate and test certain math concepts http://www.mathsnet.net/dynamic/javasketchpad.html Interactive Java Sketch Pad Free interactive Geometry software. What is a …? What is meant by? Investigate and Construct. Visual interactive representation of many basic concepts. Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource http://www.coolmath4kids.com/times-tables/index.html http://www.coolmath.com/ http://www.counton.org/ Lots to explore and discover http://www1.tpgi.com.au/users/puzzles/page2.html Number and word puzzles http://nrich.maths.org/public/index.php Mathematical Enrichment www.mathcentre.ac.uk Help leaflets http://www.counton.org/gcseandalevel/test/index.html Sit an attainment test Automatically generated online and marked if you so wish http://www.counton.org/magnet/minus3/index.html Time games http://www.mathsnet.net/dynamic/cindy/index.html Interactive Geometry http://www.mathsnet.net/interactive.html http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/math/index.shtml Generate maths worksheets http://storynory.com/category/stories/ mp3 stories online http://www.10ticks.co.uk/hey_yall.asp National Curr Compliant maths worksheets http://wims.unice.fr/wims/wims.cgi Web interactive mathematics server. Interactive exercises, online computing tools, interactive puzzles, etc http://www.webmath.com/ Lots to explore for P + PP http://school.discovery.com/teachingtools/teachingtools.html http://www.mathsisfun.com/ http://www.hbschool.com/menus/math_advantage.html Interactive math puzzles, games, and activities, sorted by grades K through 8. http://www.teachingtreasures.com.au/maths/Maths_more.html http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/SRW.htm Kids Lab reading http://www.mathfactcafe.com/ Generate your own sheets http://www.mathplayground.com/index.html Math Playground is a teacher created learning site with fun and original math activities. The site contains math games, interactive word problems, Logo robot programming, problem solving and logic puzzles. http://www.softschools.com/ FREE Math worksheets and games Telling time, counting, algebra, place value. Useful for lesson plans, Language arts and social studies games for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, 3rd grade, fourth grade and 5th grade http://www.senteacher.org/ Freeware worksheet, card game and other printed resource generators :: Free software and weblinks for special needs teachers and carers. http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/853/PlaceValueChar tv4.swf Place value Chart includes A brilliant resource for learning or teaching place value.Excellent for teachers and pupils alike. Superb on interactive whiteboards. Different levels of difficulty which include decimals. http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/848/auto_indx.htm http://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/index.aspx Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09 ICT as a Resource http://www.skoool.ie/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/starship/maths/numberjumbler.shtml http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/explore_num_seq/eng/Introduction/default.htm Whiteboard resources introduction to number sequences http://www.crick.northants.sch.uk/crickweb.htm Variety of maths and literacy games on school website http://www.visualfractions.com/ help you understand and use fractions. http://www.mathsonline.co.uk/freesite_tour/wrkshtlbry/ks3mental/testC1-16.html Whether you are a teacher or pupil try this mental maths test generator for questions suitable pupils taking KS3 SATs. Print out the tests and answers. http://www.innovationslearning.co.uk/subjects/maths/activities/year3/symmetry/shape_game.asp Test your knowledge of 2d shapes to see if you know how many lines of symmetry they have. If you are not sure you can always check the shape facts. http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/SumSense/summulti.html This game against the clock will test your knowledge of your times tables http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/Mathmagician/cathymath.html http://www.projects.ex.ac.uk/trol/trol/ This link is to a bank of high quality maths teacher resources. http://www.bgfl.org/services/elearn/mathboos.htm Maths Booster Excellent interactive maths activities from Birmingham Grid for Learning http://www.mathcats.com/contents.html http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/ http://schools.becta.org.uk/ Loads to explore Ger O’Donovan- SMOTH 09