Earnings and Productivity Statistics in October 2008 Employees Total nonagricultural payroll employment, at 6,195 thousand, decreased by 26 thousand or 0.41%) in October 2008. Among all industries, the service sector shared 52.39%. In comparison from October 2007 through October 2008, payroll employees increased by 24 thousand (or 0.39%). The average employment since January 2008 was 6,204 thousand, increased by 82 thousand (or 1.34%) than the same period of last year. The industrial sector increased 1.07% and the service sector increased 1.59%. Comparing the same period with last year, employees increased mostly in Manufacturing (29 thousand), followed by Other Services (16 thousand) and Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Establishment, Health Care Services (11 thousand). Turnover Rate The average accession rate within industry and service sectors in October 2008 came to 2.21 percent, decreased by 0.02 percent point than last month and decreased by 0.20 percent than the same month of last year, while the separation rate of 2.51 percent, down by 0.01 percentage point than last month and increased 0.32 percentage than the same month of last year. The average accession rate from January 2008 to October 2008 was 2.22 percent, down by 0.26 percent than the same period of last year. The industrial sector decreased by 0.31 percentage point, the service sector also decreased by 0.20 percentage point. The average separation rate was 2.20%, down by 0.08 percent than the same period of last year. The industrial sector decreased by 0.04 percentage point, the service sector also decreased by 0.15 percentage point. Earnings Average monthly earnings (including regular and irregular earnings) per employee at the industrial and service sector in October 2008 were NT$40,058. Comparing with last month and a year ago, it had increased 4.66% and decreased 0.27% respectively. The average regular earning in October was NT$36,988, 0.28% decreasing than last month and 0.03% decreasing than the same month of last year. The average monthly earnings and average regular earnings since January 2008 were NT$46,020 and NT$37,045, which increased 0.79% and 0.92% than the same period of last year respectively. After deflating by the Consumer Price Index (3.92%), the real average earnings fell 3.01% and the real regular earning fell 2.89%. Hours of work The average monthly hours of work (including regular and over-time) for industry and service sectors in October 2008 totaled to 185.9 hours which was 3.8 hours more than last month and 2.3 hours more than a year ago. The average working-hour since January 2008 was 180.3 hours; it was 1.0 hours less than the same period of last year. The top two industries with increasing working-hour were “Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Establishment” and “Trade Establishment” those reported 2.5 hours and 2.1 hours increasing respectively. Labor Productivity and Unit Output Labor Cost In October 2008, the manufacturing sector's labor productivity index was 137.80 (2001=100), decreased by 4.40% than last month and down by 9.61% than the same month of last year. The unit output labor cost index of the manufacturing were 68.96 (2001=100), that was 3.06% decreasing than last month and 11.35% increasing than the same month of last year. The average labor productivity index since January 2008 was 2.22% more than the same period of last year, while the unit output labor cost index since January 2008 was reported 1.51% decreasing. Released on 22th of every month Summary of Earning and Productivity Statistics in Taiwan Area Employees on payrolls Year month Industry & Industry Industry & services Services services Accessions Separations working (Thousand (Thousand (Thousand person) Average monthly person) person) hours (Hour) (%) (%) Manufacturing Mnotnly earnings of all employees Employees on Average monthly Average monthly Index of Index Of Labor productivity unit output Average Average regular payrolls working earnings of all earnings earnings (Thousand hours employees (dollars) (dollars) person) (Hour) (dollars) Labor Cost Average 1998 Average 1999 Average 2000 5795 5825 5925 2928 2920 2952 2866 2905 2973 190.2 190.2 190.1 2.57 2.63 2.59 2.69 2.41 2.60 39726 40908 41938 32028 33114 34009 2397 2411 2461 198.0 199.1 198.7 36546 37882 39080 84.93 90.70 96.36 103.51 100.01 97.38 Average 2001 Average 2002 Average 2003 Average 2004 Average 2005 Average 2006 5705 5598 5665 5833 5939 2802 2740 2767 2840 2860 2903 2859 2898 2993 3080 180.3 181.4 181.2 183.5 182.0 2.01 2.19 2.31 2.30 2.45 2.47 2.10 2.15 2.05 2.29 42042 41667 42287 43021 43615 34551 34837 34945 35333 35683 2348 2307 2346 2420 2430 184.4 187.6 188.3 190.7 188.8 38586 38565 39583 40611 41751 100.00 109.55 115.34 122.13 128.50 100.00 89.72 87.17 83.46 82.53 6038 2894 3144 180.8 2.55 2.35 44107 36126 2458 187.3 42293 134.47 80.57 Average 2007 Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6133 6160 6171 6184 6195 6204 6197 6174 6188 6190 6193 6202 6238 6240 6221 6195 2936 2951 2960 2967 2969 2961 2963 2947 2958 2959 2959 2959 2975 2975 2965 2950 3197 3209 3212 3218 3227 3243 3234 3227 3230 3231 3234 3243 3263 3264 3256 3246 180.3 170.8 188.2 187.1 183.9 180.3 188.2 146.0 182.9 180.9 183.8 180.1 189.5 183.4 182.1 185.9 2.42 2.57 2.41 2.16 1.87 2.22 1.94 1.83 2.48 2.13 2.16 2.12 2.62 2.52 2.23 2.21 2.24 2.61 2.19 1.90 1.69 2.20 1.92 2.11 2.21 2.08 2.06 1.99 2.16 2.46 2.52 2.51 45112 43346 40167 40080 44720 46020 67443 60898 40834 40722 41098 41823 43409 41999 42018 40058 36764 36891 36998 37000 37079 37045 37286 36682 37025 37174 37157 37003 37021 37015 37091 36988 2492 2505 2510 2518 2520 2516 2515 2506 2515 2519 2520 2518 2528 2523 2511 2500 187.5 177.1 196.1 194.4 190.1 186.9 195.4 149.6 190.5 188.1 190.7 186.7 197.1 190.1 189.2 190.9 43026 40359 38581 38363 40994 44058 67597 57819 38328 38556 39483 39676 40751 40152 40453 37821 144.51 155.78 152.45 149.47 146.66 146.95 144.87 159.73 148.33 147.99 148.90 147.73 143.08 149.93 144.14 137.80 76.24 70.12 61.93 63.44 70.70 77.04 114.76 116.27 65.13 66.52 66.79 69.07 69.44 67.69 71.14 68.96 -0.41 -0.51 -0.33 (3.8) (-0.02) (-0.01) -4.66 -0.28 -0.46 (1.7) -6.51 -4.40 -3.06 0.39 -0.33 1.05 (-2.3) (-0.20) (0.32) -0.27 -0.03 -0.39 (-5.2) -1.97 -9.61 11.35 1.34 1.07 1.59 (1.0) (-0.26) (-0.08) 0.79 0.92 1.16 (0.5) 0.81 2.22 -1.51 2008 Jan. ~ Oct. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. The Change compare with the last Month(%) The Change compare with the same month of last year(%) The Change compare with the same period (Jan.~ Oct. of last year(%) Unit of compiled: DGBAS,THE EXECUTIVE YUAN Date of compiled: Dec. 22 2008 Notes: 1. Numbers in quotation are time-increased or time-decreased or percentage 2. Index base year :2001=100 3.Average earning is the total of regular(basic salary, monthly bonus , fixed subsidy and good attendance reward) and irregular ( over-time ,annul bonus, flexible bonus not paid by month) earnings of employees on payroll. But not include the non-working reward such as insurance,pension.