(Available on the teacher’s web-site)
Written assignments are obligatory. Students who do not regularly submit at least 50% of the
assignments will not qualify for the teacher’s signature. If less than 50% of the assignments are
submitted by the end of the course (02 June 08), students will have to submit all the assignments
listed below and then wait for them to be corrected before getting the signature.
The assignments must be submitted handwritten. Exceptions are assignments no.15 (CV) and 20
(business letter)which are to be submitted computer-written.
Written assignments for submission
Most assignments can be found on the slides (teacher’s personal web-site). The list is based on
the following sources:
MacKenzie I. (2002): English for Business Studies, Cambridge University Press
C to C (CC)Littlejoh, A. (2005): Company to Company, Cambridge University Press
Reader 1 (2007/8), skripta u izdanju Katedre za poslovne jezike, Mikrorad.
1. Self assessment grammar test – Reader p 76
2. University essentials – R: p 6 – (slides: INTRO UNIV ESS and ECONOMY ECONOMICS new)
3. Presentations – R: p60 – fill in the blanks
4. Notes - R: p16 – write clearly structured notes based on the text
5. Galbraith vs. Friedman – The Role of Government – MK p129, 130 – write clearly
structured notes to show the differences between the two authors. (slides: TYPES OF ECONOMIES (PUB
and PRIV))
6. Types of economies – advantages and disadvantages – R: p13
7. R: p 26 + extra sheet – Read the text and write down the advantages of:
a) PLC over LTD
b) PLC and LTD over sole proprietorship and partnership
c) Partnership over sole proprietorship
d) LTD over PLC
8. Types of business organizations – R: p29
9. Company structure – R: p35 – fill in the chart
10. The matrix master – R: p38 (slides: COMPANY STRUCTURE)
11. Entrepreneurs - R: p18
12. Jared Diamond – notes (listening exercise based on MK)/Alternative ex.: MK, p.26, ex.3
13. Theory X and Theory Y – MK p30 – 1D Summarizing
Satisfiers and motivators – MK p31 – 1H Summarizing
14. The workers as adults – Arguments for and against theory X and theory Y - R: p40
15. Write a CV for an ideal candidate based on a job advertisement. Please enclose the job
advertisement you have chosen (computer.written ex.).
16. The Untouchables – R: p44 (slides: LABOUR RELATIONS (bez listenings) and EFFICIENCY AND EMPLOYMENT)
17. Company to Company (C to C) (find ex. on the teacher’s slides on business
18. Marketing - MK p 65 (slides: Marketing za web bez slika novo, (Product, Ads, Promotion) revision (1))
19. Promotional tools - MK p75 (slides: Marketing za web bez slika novo, (Product, Ads, Promotion) revision (1))
20. Letter writing – Company to Company p39. exercise 4.4. (computer-written ex.)