Chapter 6 – Physical Fitness

Chapter 6 – Physical Fitness
Lesson 1 – Components of Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness – the ability to everyday tasks without becoming short of breath, sore, or tired.
5 Components of Physical Fitness
1. muscular strength – the amount of force muscles apply when they are used.
2. muscular endurance – the ability to use a group of muscles over and over without getting
tired easily.
3. cardiorespiratory endurance – the ability of your heart and lungs to work efficiently
during physical activity.
4. flexibility – the ability to use joints easily.
5. body composition – compares the weight of fat in your body to the weight of your bones,
muscles, and organs.
heart rate – the number of times your heart beats per minute
resting heart rate – when you are resting your heart beat slows.
recovery time – how long it takes your heart rate to return to resting heart rate (RHR) after
Lesson 2 – How exercise and diet affect fitness
Exercise – any activity that maintains or improves your physical fitness.
Overload – to improve your fitness, you need to exercise your body more than you normally do.
This is the increased amount.
Lesson 3 – The benefits of exercise
The Benefits:
 Physical benefits
 Muscular & Endurance Benefits
 Social
Endorphins – your brain makes these chemicals when you have exercised for long periods of
Lesson 4 – Testing Your Fitness
Target heart rate – 60% - 85% of your maximum heart rate
Maximum heart rate – the largest number of times your heart can beat while exercising
Sports physical – a medical checkup before playing a sport
Body mass index (BMI) – a formula that uses height and weight to estimate body composition
Skin fold caliper – measures the thickness of each fold of skin.
Lesson 5 – Your fitness goals
FITT – Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Lesson 6 – Injury & Recovery
Acute injury – an injury that happens suddenly.
Chronic injury – an injury that develops over a period of time
Rehabilitation – the process of regaining strength, endurance, and flexibility while you recover
from an injury.
Muscle soreness – discomfort that happens a day or two after hard exercise.
6 Warning Signs of Injury
1. joint pain
2. tenderness in a single area
3. swelling
4. reduced range of motion around a joint
5. muscle weakness
6. numbness/tingling
RICE – Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
Lesson 7 – Exercising Caution
Active rest – reduced level of exercise
8 Ways to Protect Yourself while Exercising
1. warm up & cool down
2. stretch
3. don’t go too fast
4. improve your form
5. take a break
6. wear the right clothes
7. use your safety equipment
8. don’t exercise alone