Tercer semestre – en Boston

Maestría en Innovación Empresarial y Tecnológica
Master of Science in Technological Entrepreneurship
Preguntas Frecuentes
1.-¿La maestría es presencial o virtual? ¿Qué días y a que hora son las clases?
Esta maestría es presencial y es de tiempo completo dado que el esquema de trabajo es similar
a cuando los estudiantes de medicina hacen su residencia en el hospital. La idea es llevar pocos
cursos en el aula y enfocarnos principalmente al desarrollo de tu idea de negocio generando
prototipos, abriendo mercados, implementando tecnología apoyado por expertos y aprovechando
los múltiples laboratorios del Campus Monterrey.
2.-¿Qué costo tiene la maestría?
Este prostgrado tiene un costo de US37,000.00 por los tres semestres, incluyendo todos los
gastos de estancia, alimentación, viaje, y libros durante el semestre en Babson College, los dos
primeros semestres son en el Campus Monterrey. La cantidad es financiable a tres años al 12%
anual en pesos, o por Babson a tres años a una tasa de interés de prime mas cinco puntos en
3.- ¿Cuales son los esquemas de pagos para la colegiatura?
Puede ser en dos, cuatro, seis, hasta 12 pagos. Esto aunado a los esquemas de finaciamiento
Existen dos a 3 años, uno en pesos ofrecido por el Tecnológico a 12% de interés anual sobre
saldos insolutos y otro en dólares ofrecido por Babson a una tasa de interés del prime rate más
4.- ¿Existen algún apoyo como beca o sofol para poder financiarme los estudios?
Debido a que estamos en etapa de arranque, aun no se han formalizado las becas a las cuales
podríamos acceder. El proceso que estamos siguiendo es invitar al candidato interesado en la
maestría a aplicar llenando su solicitud. Simultáneamente estamos armando el fondo de becas
del programa. A más solicitudes más probabilidades de armar un buen Fondo de Becas – no
hay seguridad de ello
5.-¿Cuáles son los periodos de inicio y qué requisitos necesito para ingresar?
Iniciamos con el semestre de AGOSTO 2006 y los requisitos de ingreso son:
Idealmente 600 pts en el PAEP (equivalente al GMAT)
Idealmente arriba de 230 pts en el nuevo TOEFL
Llenar las solicitudes de ingreso de Babson y el Tec
Entrevista con uno de los miembros del comité de aceptación que confirme el nivel de
compromiso e interés del candidato
6.-¿El programa que otorga un año certificado del MBA es del Tecnológico o de la universidad de
La revalidación es para el MBA de Babson College, universidad ranqueada como # 1 en el
mundo en generación de empresas y destacada por dicho MBA. Te invito a conocer más en su
página web www.babson.edu/mba
7.- ¿Cuál es el plan de estudios con respecto a las clases?
Primer semestre – en Monterrey
- Taller/Proyecto de Innovación Empresarial I – Business Landscaping
 Reconocimiento del entorno
 Bosquejo de oportunidades
 Experimentación preliminar
- Contabilidad Financiera para la Innovación. – Dra. Guadalupe Ochoa Setzer – Profesora Titular
- Administración de la Mercadotecnia para el desarrollo empresarial – Dr. Carlos Ruy Martínez –
Director de la Maestría en Mercadotecnia – EGADE
- Innovación y Desarrollo de Nuevos Entornos de Negocio. – Flavio Marín Flores – Director,
Business Landscaping - División de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Segundo semestre – en Monterrey
- Taller/Proyecto de Innovación Empresarial II - Business Landscaping
 Desarrollo de un nuevo negocio
 Ciclos de experimentación y desarrollo de prototipos
 Consideración y evaluación de propuestas
- Taller/Desarrollo de un Nuevo Negocio
 Desarrollo de un plan de negocio – curso intensivo de dos semanas – dirigido por el Dr.
Julian Lange – exCEO Visicalc
 Comunicación efectiva en los negocios
 Ética y Valores
- Operaciones y Costos – Dr. Antonio Dieck – Director EGADE
- Fundamentos de organización y calidad para la Innovación – Dr. Humberto Cantú – Presidente
Consejo Nacional de Calidad.
Tercer semestre – en Boston
- Technology Entrepreneurship
- Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture
- Curso Optativo III
- Curso Optativo IV
Ver Programa Anexo – en Babson College
Esquema del Programa
Plan de
o Real
Programa de cursos Babson College
Course Listing for Partnership with Tec de Monterrey
EPS7500: Entrepreneurship
Faculty: Julian Lange at Tec in Spring 2007—requirement for all students
Interdisciplinary course that focuses on all aspects of starting a new business, with
emphasis on the critical role of recognizing and creating opportunities. Topics include attributes of
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial careers, evaluating opportunities, writing business plans, and
financing the venture.
EPS7505: Technology Entrepreneurship
required for all students
In order to be successful in high technology entrepreneurship, there are technologyrelated skills that are necessary beyond traditional business skills and entrepreneurial zeal.
These include managing an array of uncertainties including technology, market, resource and
organizational. The primary objective of this course is to give the student the formalized training
necessary to begin to understand and improve upon their skills in order to understand and
manage these uncertainties.
EPS7510: Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture
required for all students
Focuses on raising seed and growth capital from venture capital, business angels,
investment banking, and commercial banking sources; and financial problems unique to the
small- and medium-sized firm undergoing rapid growth. Examines actual proposals made to
venture capital firms, particularly in terms of their financial viability. Course also examines
financial management for entrepreneurs over the life of a business project. Includes financing
start-ups, financial planning for the nonpublic smaller enterprise, going public, selling out,
bankruptcy, sources of capital, and other related topics.
Students will choose 2 of the following 3 courses:
EPS7520: Managing Growing Businesses
Designed for students who want to manage growing companies in an increasingly
professional manner while still maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit that brought the company to
its current growth position. Also relevant for those who want to manage larger companies to
emphasize innovation and the management of opportunities rather than to concentrate on the
efficient management of ongoing operations. Subject matter is organized around the following
themes: measuring economic performance and obtaining information for management decision
making, management control systems for innovative companies, short- and long-run planning in
owner-managed businesses and entrepreneurship and managing (professional zing) growing
EPS7515: Leading Change/Growth in Family Firms
This course will explore the distinctive leadership strategies, structures, and skills
required to lead closely-held and family firms through change and growth. Because of the agency
relationship between ownership and management, closely-held and family firms have
idiosyncratic dynamics and strategic challenges when facing change and growth. Leaders and
consultants often overlook or intentionally try to ignore these unique issues with the result being
that their recommendations, strategies, or leadership activities are often less than successful and
at times even destructive.
EPS7574 or MKT7555: Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Exact course description to be determined.
Faculty Bios
Faculty are tentatively scheduled to include the following:
Julian E. Lange Ph.D. (Faculty Director)
Dr. Julian E. Lange is the Governor Craig R. Benson Professor of Entrepreneurship and Public
Policy and an Associate Professor at Babson College, where he teaches MBA, undergraduate,
and executive education courses in entrepreneurship and serves as faculty advisor to the Babson
Seed Capital Fund and the Babson business plan competitions. He previously served as faculty
director of the Price-Babson REFLECT conference for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
educators, and as faculty advisor to the Babson Entrepreneurial Exchange and the Babson
Entrepreneurial Review.
Dr. Lange, an accomplished entrepreneur, was CEO of Software Arts, creator VisiCalc – the first
electronic spreadsheet. He is also founder and president of Chatham Associates, a management
consulting firm that works with businesses to apply the principles of entrepreneurship in
identifying opportunities and enhancing net worth. Dr. Lange has more than 25 years experience
advising a wide variety of clients including start-ups, mid-sized and Fortune 500 companies, and
government agencies. Dr. Lange has also developed, directed, and taught in numerous executive
education programs and serves on boards of private sector firms and public agencies.
Organizations that Dr. Lange has worked with include Pechiney, Siemens, the International Fund
for Ireland, the Amsterdam Institute of Finance, the Stockholm School of Economics, the
Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of
Massachusetts, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, the Office of the Governor of
New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Times-Mirror
Magazines, and Telenor. He was a founding trustee of the Massachusetts Software Council and
served as assistant professor of business administration (finance) at Harvard Business School.
In 2003 Dr. Lange was appointed as the Advisor on Entrepreneurship to Governor Craig Benson
of New Hampshire. Together with Governor Benson, Dr. Lange created and directed the
Governor’s Entrepreneur Workshops, which have been attended by more than 1200 business
owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. Dr. Lange was also appointed by Governor Benson as the
Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Start Up New Hampshire Business Plan Competition,
which has awarded $500,000 in cash prizes to entrepreneurs with the best plans for businesses
that will be started or expanded in New Hampshire. Dr. Lange has also worked with several New
Hampshire state agencies to assist them in making New Hampshire state government more
entrepreneurial. As part of this initiative, Dr. Lange and Governor Benson developed and
delivered workshops for New Hampshire state agency leaders to introduce them to the
entrepreneurial process and help them to implement entrepreneurship principles in furthering the
work of their agencies.
Dr. Lange’s research focuses on venture capital and angel investing, high growth entrepreneurial
ventures, distance learning, the use of technology in entrepreneurship training and education,
family controlled enterprises, and Internet opportunities for entrepreneurial firms. He has
published articles in leading journals including the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Venture
Capital, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, and International Management. He also coauthored the book The Construction Industry: Balance Wheel of the Economy (with D. Quinn
Mills), and is the author of “Entrepreneurs and the Internet Opportunity” in The Portable MBA in
Entrepreneurship 3rd ed. by William D. Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis, and “Entrepreneurs and
the Continuing Internet Revolution: The Expanding Frontier” in New Venture Creation, 6th ed. by
Jeffry A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli. His commentary on entrepreneurship topics has
appeared on National Public Radio and in TV interviews, in the American and international press,
and in such publications as the The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times,Money,and
Dr. Lange is a Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude graduate of Princeton
holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, and an A.M. and Ph.D.
Harvard University. Dr. Lange can be reached at the Arthur M.
Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457-0310; phone:
781-239-4178; email: langej@babson.edu .
University. He also
in Economics from
Blank Center for
781-239-5013; fax:
Les Charm
Professor Charm has been a partner in the firm of Youngman & Charm since 1972. The firm
specializes in directorship functions for firms owned and operated by entrepreneurs and in
assisting companies that are experiencing operating and/or financial problems. Youngman &
Charm has operated in a variety of industries, channels of distribution, and has been involved in
many successful financings and acquisitions and mergers.
From 1977 through 1990, Professor Charm was chairman and president of a major distributor
and specialty retail chain. He has been active in other specialty marketing companies, and served
as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Franchise Association from 1983 to
1988. He is currently director of the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England, as
well as director of several public and privately-held firms.
Professor Charm has taught throughout the world on a variety of topics regarding
entrepreneurship. He is on the President's Council at Babson, and is the recipient of the Appel
Award for Entrepreneurship. He is also a Babson undergraduate alumnus.
Ed Marram
Dr. Marram is responsible for all administrative activities and programs led by the Arthur M. Blank
Center for Entrepreneurship, the hub for entrepreneurial activity at Babson. Marram oversees the
implementation of outreach programs in entrepreneurship including the Babson College
Entrepreneurship Research Conference and the Symposia for Entrepreneurship Educators, and
supervises co-curricular entrepreneurship activities including the Babson hatcheries and the
business plan competitions. In collaboration with the Glavin Center for Global Management, he
creates international partnerships for research, teaching, and outreach that extend Babson’s
entrepreneurial brand worldwide.
Marram has developed a reputation for outstanding academic and technical accomplishments. An
adjunct professor at Babson for 20 years, he regularly lectures on entrepreneurship and issues
facing high-growth businesses in both graduate level and executive education programs. Marram
was an entrepreneur in the high-technology sector for more than 35 years; he was the founder,
president and CEO of GEO-CENTERS, INC., a high technology, professional services firm which
he sold in 2005. GEO-CENTERS, INC. was recognized twice by Inc. Magazine as one of the
fastest growing, privately-held companies in the United States.
In 1999 and 2000, Marram was appointed to the Summer National Defense Science Board. He
currently serves on the College Advisory Council, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and the Chemistry Advisory Group at Tufts
University. He is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the Board of
Overseers for Children’s Hospital Boston, and previously served on the Health and Educational
Financial Authority (HEFA) of Massachusetts. He also serves on the boards of several privately
held companies.
Marram earned a Ph.D. from Tufts University and M.S. and B.S. degrees from the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst. He was named a Price-Babson College Fellow and received the Edwin
M. Appel Prize for Bringing Entrepreneurial Vitality to Academia.
Tim Habbershon
Mr. Habbershon joins the faculty as the founding director of the Institute for Family Enterprising
within the Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship at Babson College. He holds the
President’s Term Chair in Family Enterprising and is an assistant professor of entrepreneurship.
Mr. Habbershon comes to Babson with extensive experience as an institutional entrepreneur,
having established numerous higher education programs and centers. He works with large family
business groups worldwide, delivering executive education and personal consultations on
subjects such as strategic thinking, long-run wealth creation, organizational restructuring,
consensus building and family relationships, and multigenerational leadership empowerment.
Additionally, Mr. Habbershon is a founder and principal in The TELOS Group, a consulting group
that specializes in transition and strategy consultations to enterprising families.
Prior to Babson, Mr. Habbershon was the founding director of the Wharton Enterprising Families
Initiative at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and served as its director
for eight years. He was a lecturer in the management department and an associate with the Penn
Council for Relationships. Mr. Habbershon also the founded the South Dakota Family Business
Initiative at the University of South Dakota, and has founded and ministered to two churches.
While at Wharton, Mr. Habbershon developed the conceptual framework for family enterprising
that creates a nexus between entrepreneurship and family-based business. He has applied this
entrepreneurial framework to shaping education, research, and practice programs on
transgenerational, social, and economic wealth creation. Mr. Habbershon’s framework and
research on family enterprising has appeared in numerous articles in academic journals including
Family Business Review and Journal of Business Venturing, and he has presented his work at
research conferences nationally and internationally.
In the 2004-2005 academic year, in addition to directing the global networking and educational
efforts of the Institute for Family Enterprising, Mr. Habbershon will develop an integrated
mentoring curriculum for Babson students, as well as leading edge “powerful practices” research
and executive education programs
Brian Abraham
Dr. Brian Abraham joined the management team of Bluefin Robotics in June of 2005 as Chief
Operating Officer with responsibilities for all aspects of corporate operations.
Prior to his role at Bluefin, Dr. Abraham had joined Battelle Memorial Institute (Columbus, OH) in
2001 and served as the Director of Technology Development for the National Security Division
with responsibilities as follows:
Managed industrial fee for service programs including strategy development, business
planning, and sales and marketing activities.
Managed licensing, co-development agreements, joint venture partnership and new
venture creation initiatives.
Developed and managing critical client technology projects as well as projects to
enhance and improve technology capabilities.
Managed specific project technical, cost and schedule performance requirements aimed
to improve internal technology capabilities as well as customer programs.
Managed internal research and development activities including program selection and
milestone and budget adherence as well as program harvest.
Provided expertise to senior scientists in the development of emerging technologies
relative to market needs.
Provided expertise to corporate officers in intellectual property development, business
model development, and commercialization.
Developed internal processes and tools to evaluate potential investment opportunities,
acquisitions, partnerships and launching of new ventures.
Prior to joining Battelle, Dr. Abraham managed the NBC Detection Division for Bruker Daltonics
with international management responsibilities including research and development,
manufacturing, marketing, sales, and service. Dr. Abraham has also served as Vice President
and co-founder of technology-driven startup organizations based on University-sponsored
research. Dr. Abraham has lectured and been published extensively in areas ranging from
Analytical Chemistry to Technology Commercialization.
Note: This information is subject to change. A complete listing of Entrepreneurship faculty at
Babson College can be found on the website: