TEL NO : 416-0221
July 2008
Volume 6, Number 7
BTQ: A Special
BTQ stands for “Beautifying the Quad”
which was launched on June 22, 2008, a
stormy Sunday with “Frank the
Typhoon” worshipping with us. Nothing could indeed deter the
church from undertaking this project, which serves as a special
Anniversary gift to the church as well as to the school, the Disciples
Learning Academy. It is cementing 2/3 of the quadrangle space
between the church and the school preparing it as dining place
during the Potluck Luncheon Fellowship after the Anniversary
Sunday Worship on July 27, 2008. The cost of cementing this area
has even been lowered down with steel for reinforcement not to be
purchased anymore as they will just be taken from the steel jutting
out in the unfinished floor of the DLA. To be shouldered will only
be 80 bags of cement and a dump track each for gravel and sand. A
skilled worker with two laborers will be hired to lay out the area
with steel and the men of the church are called on to render
volunteer service for the pouring of concrete on the floor. Target
date for the work is July 9-12, but fund campaign will last until July
27, 2008. As of June 29, 2008, amount generated was 5,670 +
The Board of Trustees has negotiated with the
construction supplier a term payment for constructions materials.
This BTQ, though not directly part of the Project Nehemiah church
building fund campaign, is considered as an important segment of
both church and school facilities development which would
primarily help in attracting more enrollees in the DLA. This
uncemented quadrangle space has been a great concern of the
school community as it affects the pupils’ learning environment,
being muddy on a rainy day and dusty on a sunny day causing also
health problems to some of the school children. Thus, to undertake
this project this Anniversary Month is such a good treat to the DLA
pupils, faculty and staff.
PN 5 Ceiling Works
Acuna, Emma
Baysa, Ellen Saquilayan
Belostrino, Jun/Elma
Barzaga, Nanette
Baroso, Nida
Cajudo, Juling/Angel
Candelaria, Maritess
Cantada, Sammy/Ruby
Cantada, Taleng/Roger
Capati, Dolores
Del Rosario,Linda
De Ocampo, Louie
Docusin, Apple
Fauni, Keilyn
Fauni, Lito/Shirly
Fauni, Shonnie
Fauni, Vic/Nares
Fauni, Toying
Fauni, Violy
Frani, Etti
Frani, Monina
Fulleros, Linda
Gacho, Chona
Gerero, Miriam
Gerero, Nathaniel
Gervacio, Cristy
Lubang, Ptr. Leng
Mabbatung, Susan
Medina, Marlene
Mendoza, Cecille
Osunero Family
Pelagio, Wilma/Gerry
Perlas, Gemma
Poculan, Ney/Mcdelter
Ramos, Willy/Raquel
Remulla, Nureng
Remulla, Romeo/Fely
Reyes, Cora
Reyes, Rizalina
Samonte, Aaron
Samonte, Anjell
Samonte, Allan/Joan
Samson, David
Sapida Baby
Sapida, Henry/Mitchie
Sapida, Mameng
Sapida, Rose
Sapida, Viring
Saquilayan, Leony
Saquilayan, Tita
Sarno, Rolly/Tey
Tabing, Malou
Tabing, Rosie
Toledo, Conchita
Tumitit, Rose
Other donors: members abroad and SCCD friends:
Camacho, Orlan/Sol Anonymous
Fauni, Milan/Arlene
Baluyos, Baldomero/Doris
Jardiniano, Ading
Fox, Mary Ann
Tirona, Benjie/Julie
Francisco Family
Timba, May
In related developments, the Project Nehemiah 5: Ceiling Works is scheduled to be put to a close on July 20, 2008. Having generated
a total of P163.150.00 from the time it was launched last year in July until June 29, 2008 PN 5 has completed the central section of the
sanctuary’s ceiling. The two wings are left undone with only labor cost needing funds as materials are still available. It is hoped that
in the coming three more Sundays of July before its closure, the needed amount would be received by the mercies of God!
Project Nehemiah 6 is coming up with the Deacons studying when the appropriate time of launching would be made. We are awaiting
order from God, keeping in close step with His Spirit! Let’s watch for this in a prayerful spirit! Meanwhile our deepest gratitude to
the following donors for Project Nehemiah 5 Ceiling Works.
Summary Report of Project Nehemiah 5
Ceiling Works 300
Local Pledges
Members Abroad
SCCD Friends
Piggy Bank (Sun. Sch)
Others (levy from court case)
Construction in Progress as of June 29, 2008
Total Fund Generated for Project
Nehemiah as of June 29, 2008
Hearts Burning for God!
“Were not our hearts burning (within us) while he was talking
to us on the road and while he was opening the scriptures to
us?” was the remark of the two disciples walking on the road
to Emmaus with Jesus walking with them after his
resurrection. They didn’t know it was Jesus who joined them
regarding him as a stranger that was so out of touch of the
hottest events of the day by his question on what they were
discussing about and a follow-up question of “what things?”
Unknowingly, Jesus was engaging them in a deep
conversation about their faith to keep aflame the passion of
seeking God and choosing to follow and keep in step with
God’s Spirit. “Hearts burning” is not heartburn, as doctors
would diagnose. It isn’t a physical condition of the heart but a
deeply spiritual one were hopes are stirred up high, love is
made alive and a joyful feeling is elicited amid troubles.
Hearts burning for God is a passionate decision coupled with
action to allow God to transform one’s whole being by the
renewing of one’s mind, as Paul admonished in his letter to
the Romans, that we may discern what is the will of God –
what is good and acceptable and perfect.
“O Holy Spirit, Keep Our Hearts Burning for God!” is the
theme for the whole month of July, which is Anniversary
Month and culminating on the Anniversary Sunday theme of
“Keeping in Step with the Spirit of God.” It is a fitting
reminder that one’s heart would not be kept burning for God if
we don’t keep in close step with God’s Spirit in this life full of
temptations, distractions and tribulations. I remember a
friend, while discussing emotionally about this latest sea
mishap on Sulpicio’s m/v Princess of the Stars, asked, “Pastor
where are we now? “Pre-trib, post-trib or actual trib?”
Puzzled on what she was talking about, I asked innocently
“What “trib” are you saying?” It turned out that she was
referring to the word “tribulation” for “trib” connecting these
recent tragedies to Revelation’s picturesque description of the
Lord’s Second Coming. The faithful ones would be put under
severe trial or tribulation and tested on how strong they would
hold on to their faith in God. With an understanding of this
“parousia” or coming again of the Savior in millennial
periods, she was asking if the difficulties we are currently
experiencing is a preparation for the great tribulation to come
(pre-trib), actual tribulation or a kind of aftershock – post
tribulation. One wise voice came out saying that it’s “protrib”, the Filipino humor coming out, meaning “purotribulation” (always in tribulation). True indeed! Tribulation
cannot be contained in periods or epochs for we face them in
different levels every day in our walk with God.
This daily engagement with tribulations, however, will keep
our hearts burning for God. God is our only hope to be alive
and afloat in the sea of trials. Again I refer not to physical or
bodily life alone but a spiritual connectedness with God. We
are helpless in danger, in strong typhoons where in a flick of a
finger we die. Or even if we survive the storm and the lashing
waves, we still cannot escape death in whatever form. What is
important is the depth of our connectedness with God who
promised that nothing shall ever separate us from God, neither
death nor life (Romans 8). The love of God remains
unchanged but for us to truly experience and enjoy this we are
invited to respond to the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification
in our lives. Let God’s Spirit burn within us in order that the
impurities clogging our relationship with God would be
As the two disciples listened to the words of the “stranger”
who joined them on the road to Emmaus and as they allowed
this “stranger” to break the bread for them in their own house,
they recognized who that “stranger” was for their hearts were
set ablaze and made alive in love. They let the Spirit take
control of their minds and their bodies, hence, their eyes were
opened in faith that though the “stranger” vanished in their
sight, the experience of his presence led them to action,
sharing the good news of Jesus’ resurrection.
Difficult times ought not to weaken us and lose our passion for
the service of God! Let these propel us to move forward
especially as a church who in its 82 years have witnessed the
abiding presence and faithfulness of God. Let the prayer, “O
Holy Spirit, Keep Our Hearts Burning for God” be true in the
way we live, the way we talk and the way we share the love of
God. A Blessed 82nd Founding Anniversary Celebration!
Lectionary and Schedule of
Preachers for the Month of July
Anniversary Month
“O Holy Spirit, Keep Our
Hearts Burning for God!”
“Keep Our Hearts Burning as We Look Back”
OT: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; NT: Luke 24:13-35
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang
13 “Help Us See and Do Right”
OT: Deuteronomy 6:10-25; NT: Ephesians 4:20-24
Preacher: Pastor Ronell Hernandez
20 “Humble Us to Take Refuge in You”
OT: Psalm 9:1-10; NT: Matthew 23:1-12
Preacher: Pastor Ronell Hernandez
27 “Keeping in Step with the Spirit of God”
OT: Psalm 17:1-9; NT: Galatians 5:24-26
Preacher: Former Senator Orly Mercado
by: Rev. Ronell A. Hernandez
“Witnessing God’s Faithfulness”
achieving something that would make my parents happy
and proud. So I took a course that will sacrifice our being
together in exchange of dollars. I took up Bachelor of
Science in Marine Transportation. For almost 20 years, I
didn’t know my parents. I didn’t know their expectations,
their dream, and their plans for me and even for our
family until God worked beyond my foreknowledge and
awareness. God is great and faithful! (to be continued…)
(Part 1)
Christian Witnessing is the vital
expression of our faith. It can only
be expressed in the life of a
believer who has seen and
experienced the marvelous work of
God in Jesus Christ. From birth to
vacation with a family in which
Catholic faith and practice is observed. Regularly, every
Sunday my grandparents would bring me to Luneta Park
after attending a Catholic mass. Only when I had my first
grade in Unisan, Quezon did I become aware of the
Protestant services that included Sunday school which
my grandparents also encouraged us to attend. I praise
God for allowing me to grow up in a family of believers.
As the eldest grandchild in the Hernandez Family and
first born child of my parents Rowell and Nenita, they
agreed to have my infant dedication/baptism be done by
both ministers of the two denominations. Thus, a Priest
and a Pastor officiated the sacrament.
As early as 7 years old, we were introduced to
the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in a public school
where I was enrolled through the Catholic priests and
nuns who came to visit and teach. It was my first time,
though I didn’t know what it really meant. Then, we were
transferred to Philippine Christian University in Manila.
Here I initially learned some things about the Bible,
spirituality, faith in Jesus Christ through an Annual
Christian Formation Week where we had week-long
Bible classes.
Despite God being revealed to me at this young
age I didn’t live a Christian life as was expected of me. I
was drawn instead to other children of different values
and became playful in life. Then in High School I got
involved in a fraternity called “Scout Royal Brotherhood.”
I was recruited due to my interest in “SCOUTING” and
by a dream that someday I will be a member of a
popular fraternity called Alpha Phi Omega. I thought that
getting involved in such organization would make me a
disciplined person. Instead I strayed and it hampered my
schooling for quite sometime. In the said fraternity, I was
asked to steal a test paper in our Physics class. I was
deceived by “flattering” words that I was the only frat
member who got no bad records in the Guidance Office.
The favor will also “HELP” other frat members to pass
our examination. Unfortunately, to make the long story
short, I was called to the office and was ordered to bring
my parents to school.
My Dad was very disappointed and said these
words “Nakakahiya Ka!” (You’re a shame!) which
strongly hit my whole being. I asked myself, how could I
ever restore myself, my image, my integrity especially to
my family? Since, I was the eldest son, I dreamed of
Pastor Ronell installed to office. The newly called
Associate Pastor of SCCD Rev. Ronell A. Hernandez
was installed to office during worship service on June
15, 2008 by the newly elected Conference Minister of
Lowland Cavite South Manila Conference (LCSMC) Rev.
Emergencio Padillo who also preached on that day.
Rev. Ronell will serve his first term from 2008-2010. In
this July 2008 issue of the newsletter, his column “The
Disciples’ Eye” takes off with his personal testimony
describing his journey of faith. As Associate Pastor,
Pastor Ronell will be overseeing the Christian Witness
and Service as well as the Worship Life. Pastor Leng on
her part will be responsible for the CEN program on top
of the administrative works and other pastoral functions.
Sis. Wilma Pelagio, conference recognized Local Lay
Preacher will serve as Children’s Outreach/Sunday
School Coordinator.
Sunday School Promotion Ceremony held. The
annual promotion rites of the Children’s Sunday School
was conducted on June 29, 2008 during Children’s
Church hour wherein the Project Nehemiah 5 Piggy
Bank of the Sunday schoolers were also offered. About
15 children from various departments were moved on to
their respective levels and received by the assigned
teachers. To serve as part of the Sunday school
teachers’ pool this EY 2008-2009 are Sheila Cortez,
NKP; Princess Mabbatung, Younger Elementary; Mary
Jane Santos and Mischelle Quezon, Middle Elementary;
Reylyn Siervo and Miriam Gerero, Older Elementary;
Lina Reyes, High School. Adults Sunday School will
have a pool of teachers for the whole year namely Elder
Juliet Dayrit, Sis. Miriam Gerero, Bro. Ewell Barco and
other budding lay leaders.
Pastor Leng to attend UCWO GA. Pastor Leng is
attending the historical 1st General Assembly of the
United Church Workers Organization of the UCCP as
chairperson of its Worship Committee on July 15-18,
2008 at the National City United Church in Quezon City.
This national gathering with delegates coming from the
40 conferences of the UCCP from Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao Jurisdictions is expecting 150 to 200
participants which include the conference presidents of
the CWO. For LCSMC the two elected delegates are
Rev. Ruth Patio of UCCP Binakayan, Rev. Mario Jaca of
UCCP Evangel and CWO President Rev. Perfecto
Gianan Jr. of UCCP Makati J.P. Rizal. The theme for
this assembly is “The Church Workers United and
Uniting in the Service of God and God’s Household”
which will be organizational in nature with full support to
the final form of the Church Workers Magna Carta as
one of the concrete results. In related events, the Cavite
East Cluster Fellowship to which SCCD belongs elected
its leaders namely Rev. Ely Bautista of UCCP Real,
Coordinator; Pastor Golda Taopo of UCCP Carmona,
Secretary and Rev. Leng Lubang, Treasurer.
Former Senator to speak on 82nd SCCD
Anniversary. Former Senator Orly Mercado accepted
SCCD’s invitation to preach on
her 82nd Founding Anniversary
on July 27, 2008 with the theme,
“Keeping in Step with the Spirit
of God.”
Simplicity and
quietness which had been the
Anniversary celebrations during
the past years will continue to be
lived out especially at this time of
Luncheon Fellowship will be made more systematic this
year with the CWA (women’s group) at the helm of food
service. A sack of rice was donated by a family, sparing
church members from bringing rice on that day. Just
viands and dessert will be campaigned to be brought to
the dining tables. On the same Sunday, before worship
begins at the sanctuary, the ritual of hanging the
memorial markers on designated rooms shall also be
undertaken. Starting from the DLA Tirona Memorial
Library proceeding to the Villanueva Memorial MultiPurpose Hall, Hayag Memorial Conference Room and
ending at the Sapida Memorial Mezzanine at the
sanctuary, a simple ritual will be observed recognizing
the generous gifts of the descendants of said pioneers
and hanging the wooden marker made from the hundred
year old mango tree which was cut last year, 2007 in
May due to its dying condition. Pre-anniversary activities
include Wednesday Prayer Service on July 23 with Rev.
Noli Cababan as exhorter and Testimonial Evening the
following day, July 24 Thrusday featuring SCCD History
in powerpoint and testimonies on Gods’ faithfulness in
SCCD church life by senior church members.
SCCD Scholarship Program takes off.
In faith
SCCD took off with its Scholarship Program at the
opening of classes in June for SY 2008-2009 despite a
small amount of seed money catering to 15 scholars
from elementary to college with the elementary pupils
enrolled at the church-founded school the Disciples
Learning Academy. A number of these scholars are
recipients of scholarship grant from sister churches in
the US AAEC (Asian American Ecumenical Fellowship)
and United Church of Christ Holmdel both in New
Jersey, and some anonymous individuals.
scholars receive 50% school fees support with the rest
of the cost shouldered by the parents who are church
members. Their names will be printed in the coming
issue of the church newsletter pending clearance from
the Scholarship Committee.
School Beats and Pieces
SY opens with permanent classrooms. After two
years of making do with temporary classrooms in the
west side of the school building, SY 2008-2009 opened
with two rooms now made permanent and one more
room on the 2nd floor housing Gr. 4 class. The NKP
classes had been transferred to the DLA building after
using the church CE Room for two years and is
gradually being improved complete with a playground for
its exclusive use. Though some portions are still made
up of temporary materials, location itself is permanently
designated now with Grade 4 to 6 classes on the 2 nd
floor and the primary on the 1st floor. Guidance Room
has also been moved to the 2 nd floor of the west section.
Facilities are to be improved extensively this year in
preparation for an exhibit cum open house in January
2009 during the DLA School Week celebration. There
are no new members of the faculty and staff this year,
getting no replacement for Teacher Lolit Ambay who has
moved on to another school. The current line-up of
faculty is as follows with their equivalent teaching load
Teacher Jingle Ancheta
Teacher Liza Mostar
Teacher Annalee Guitones
Teacher Malou Brazil
Teacher Johnirey Sapon
Teacher Anna Marie Cajelo
Teacher Cristy Gervacio
Teacher Janet Malcon
Grade 1 class
Grade 2 class
Grade 3 advisory class +
Bible 4 and 5
Grade 4 advisory class +
Science 3, Filipino 5-6
Hekasi 6, English 4
Grade 5 advisory class +
Math 4-6, EPP 4-6,
Filipino 6
Grade 6 advisory class+
Science 4-6, MSEP 4-6,
Computer 4-6, Sibika 3
Nursery/Kinder and Prep +
Bible 6 and Guidance
Office Work
English 5- 6, Head
Teacher Work and Library
Work, Gazette
An Opening Year Retreat of school personnel was
conducted on June 20, 2008 at the Saquilayan “kubo”
adjacent to Mary Cris Subdivision facilitated by Pastor
Leng Lubang who also serves as part time School
Director of the DLA. Joining the faculty are the staff
namely Rose Tumitit, Business and Finance Officer; Star
Frias, Secretary/Cashier; Mike Maike, volunteer
caretaker/gatekeeper and Tina Tirona, volunteer NKP
Teacher Aide.
BTFT and Enrolment Updates.
The Building
Through Five Thousand (BTFT) has generated thus far
an estimated amount of P260,000.00 from 50
This fund campaign has supported
significantly the Phase 3 construction of the school
building which now costs a total of P6,421,220.27 as of
June 29, 2008. Enrolment this school year suffered
another slight decrease which could be attributed to the
economic crisis and weak marketing strategy.
Breakdown is as follows:
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
PTA elects its officers for SY 2008-2009. The
Parents Teachers Association of the DLA elected its new
set of officers for this school year from the Homeroom
Presidents after holding the 1st Parents’ General Meeting
on June 6, 2008. Elected were
Mr. James Luna (Gr. 1)
Vice President Mr. Paquito Lopez (Gr. 5)
Ms. Aileen Agapay (Gr. 2)
Ms. Loida Timba (NKP)
Ms. Jonavi Pare (Gr. 4)
Ms. Trinidad David (Gr. 3)
Ms. Susan Mabbatung (Gr. 6)
School Calendar 2008-2009(important dates)
August 5-8
September 5
September 15-19
October 7-10
October 28-31
November 14
November 26-28
December 15-18
Dec. 22-Jan. 4
January 5
January 9
January 26-30
March 10-13
March 13-14
March 17-20
April 1
April 10
First Quarter Exam
Parents’ Meeting/Distribution of
Spiritual Formation Week
Second Quarter Exam
Semestral Break
Parents’ Meeting/Distribution of
Educational Trip
Third Quarter Exam
Christmas Break
Classes Resume
Parents’ Meeting/Distribution of
DLA School Week
Fourth Quarter Exam (Gr. VI)
Gr. VI Spiritual Retreat
Fourth Quarter Exam (Lower
Moving Up and
Graduation/Recognition Rites
Distribution of Cards
1. Hot dog. Because they are high in nitrates, the
Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children
eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't
live without hot dogs, buy those made without
sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and bacon. Also high in the same
sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other
processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The
saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.
3. Doughnuts. Doughnuts are cancer-causing double
trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar,
and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high
temperatures. Doughnuts may be the worst food you
can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.
4. French fries. Like doughnuts, French fries are
made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high
temperatures. They also contain cancer-causing
acryl amides which occur during the frying process.
They should be called cancer fries, not French fries.
5. Chips, crackers, and cookies. All are usually made
with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose
labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally
contain small amounts of trans-fats.
1. No Breakfast. People who do
not take breakfast are going to
have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient
supply of nutrients to the brain
causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating.
hardening of the brain
arteries, leading to a decrease
in mental power.
3. Smoking. It causes multiple brain shrinkage
and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption. Too much sugar will
interrupt the absorption of proteins and
nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere
with brain development.
5. Air Pollution. The brain is the largest oxygen
consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air
decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain,
bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation. Sleep allows our brain to
rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will
accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping. Sleeping with the
head covered increases the concentration of
carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of
oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness. Working
hard or studying with sickness may lead to a
decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as
damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts. Thinking is
the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain
stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely. Intellectual conversations will
promote the efficiency of the brain
Keeping in Step
with God’s
by Anjell Samonte
A few weeks ago a new chapter in my life just
began with high school days finally closing and college
life coming in. Many say that college is a lot more
different than high school and after three weeks of living
in it I will totally agree. College life for me is more on
getting out of your comfort zone and standing up
independently. It is like a chapter in one’s life where one’s
views, stands and faith are put to test. This is where all
challenges are on a higher level and as they say “when the
going gets tough the tough gets going.” When one enters
college it is a necessity that this person sets goals and to
learn to prioritize what must be prioritized. Learn to place
first things first in order for the person to survive.
Prioritizing is a basic survival kit in the tertiary level. Of
course, who does not want to graduate on time and have a
good future?
The SCCD 82nd Anniversary theme, “Keeping In
Step with the Spirit of God” is a true hit to me. Definitely,
keeping in step with God is a must for me especially now
that I am living away from my family. Many temptations
surround me and the gravity of sin in the world cannot be
escaped, as I said, one is put to the test! I would always be
thankful to the people who taught me to be strong
especially with my faith. I can greatly say that it is a big
help to me - a firm faith in a “dodgy path”!
Whenever someone would ask me why UP? I
answer to myself, Why not? Who would not want to enter
UP? It is one of the most famous and prestigious
universities in the Philippines. It is a great privilege for me
to enter this kind of school. Then the follow-up question
would be, Why in Baguio? This would probably be the
harder query. Until now I still ask myself, “Yes, why in
Baguio would I want to study indeed?” Maybe because I
want a new atmosphere wherein I can focus more on my
studies; maybe I want to challenge myself if I really can
make it through or maybe I just want to learn more in a
different place with different people and culture.
On my first week I learned from one of my
professors that being a UPian or a “iskolar ng bayan” is
really hard because of what he said which is meant to be a
joke but connoted a lot of meaning - “Entering UP is
harder but Going out of UP is the hardest.” True enough,
no pain no gain, thus, needed badly in my college life is
this admonition of to “Keep in Step with the Spirit of
Anjell Samonte is a regular contributor of DNews since
her high school days. Now in the University of the
Philippines Bagiuo as a Freshie taking up
Communications, Anjell is initiating this Youth Page in
the newsletter hoping that this would make the young
people more visible in church and claim their voice as
How Jesus Changed My Life
by Julienne Jeremy Reyes
I started to learn life’s values when I was 11 years of age and joined
the Communicants’ Class. The Communicants’ Class helps us gain a
deeper understanding on why we believe the Bible is God’s message
to us. It also helps us in our spiritual life.
What have I learned from this class? I learned something new, a word
that is called “wisdom”. It is not just a word but it is wisdom that we
can get only from the Bible and experience it in a personal way. It is
all about consideration, discretion, enlightenment, prudence or caution
and love for others. I learned that I can live without knowledge, but
through wisdom from God I learned how to value a person’s trust,
how to be considerate, how to make wise decisions, when to be alert,
and how to share my spiritual insights. I believe that being a Christian
is the best way to live my life. Devoting my self to the Lord is one of
the greatest lessons that I learned from this class. I’m happy to let
Him know that I’m one of Jesus’ believers and He is “MY SAVIOR”.
Yet I and my sister always fight for something. I feel sorry for what I
have done wrong. I’m not perfect. I could even make mistakes to my
parents, too. That is a thing that I want to change in me. I also realize
that being a part of the Church can make a big change in me. That is
why I hope my sister would also join fellowships in the church.
Currently, I join the CYF (Christian Youth Fellowship) in our church
with meetings held every Saturday at 7 in the evening. There is an
invited exhorter each week to teach us some lessons from the Bible. I
listen to what the speaker is saying because I want to learn more about
life as a whole and I want to gain more wisdom. I admit that there are
times I have difficulty listening because I get easily distracted by
things and people around me. There are also times that I cannot relate
to the message and I know it is just natural because I have not had lots
of experiences yet. Nevertheless I see myself as becoming more and
more interested in learning lessons about the Bible. I become more
serious in nurturing my spiritual life. I am not ashamed in letting
people know that I am a Christian unlike others who seem to be
embarrassed of it.
I also study how to play the drums and the guitar these days so that
when I am asked to play any of these instruments for Praise and
Worship it would not be that hard. I am becoming more active in
singing praises to the Lord. Sometimes, I get scared to sing in front of
our church mates. But they just tell me “wag kang matakot, para kay
Lord naman yan at siya naman ang kinakantahan mo eh” (Don’t be
afraid, it’s for the Lord anyway and it’s to Him that you’re singing!) I
get cheered up and overcome my fear.
This is how the UCCP-SCCD changed the careless Julienne Jeremy
Cantada Reyes into a religious child. I am very thankful that I begin to
experience this transformation when I joined activities and
fellowships in the church. I can now make friends and get along well
with others through wisdom that abide in me. Amen to Jesus Christ
my Savior!
Julienne Jeremy Reyes or JJ as fondly called is the eldest child of
Ramon Reyes and Daisy Cantada, and the grandchild of Elders
Taleng and Roger Cantada. JJ took her Communicants’ Class in
after which she became an active CYF member. She’s now a 2 nd year
high school student at Imus Institute. Her younger sister, Chelsea is
a Gr. 6 pupil of the DLA
Celebrants for
1 – Edna Garcia
2 – Eunice Manela
3 – Jojo Calungin
3 – Jayson Acuña
3 – Allyan Jell Samonte
4 – Princess Vi Quezon
4 – Julie Tirona
5 – Irish Sarita
6 – Joonie Acuña
6 – Loui Landicho
6 – Allan Samonte
8 – Siara Nina Matro
8 – John Ephraim Calles
9 – Marinet Calungin
9 – Johannah Christine
10 – Noemi Sapida
11 – Rhaulyn Arsenio
11 – Marilou Tabing
11 – Edna Tan
11 – Deneil Saquilayan
12 – Armando Madrid
12 – Lalang Gomez
13 – Janine Eline Fauni
14 – Julienne Jeremy
16 – Erwin Sarmiento
17 – Mary Jane Santos
17 – Romeo Remulla
17 – Krizzle De Ocampo
18 – Angeline De Ocampo
18 – Rylene Naty
18 – Elsa Fauni
19 – Richelle Ann Quezon
19 – Roel Sapida
19 – Andrew Ferrer
19 – Iony Faye Cantada
19 – Abigail Catayong
21 – Christopher Remulla
21 – Jun Belostrino
22 – Esmie Naty
22 – Rose Tumitit
23 – Alexander Constantino
24 – Mila Millana
24 – Aris Millana
24 – Celia Cantire
25 – Julius Purisima
25 – Cipriano “Jun” Gerero
27 – Michelle Delos Reyes
27 – Monneth Abas
27 – Ysaac Laurence
29 – Lilia Fauni
29 – Ghesan Marie Perlas
30 – Cenon Almendral
Loose Offering
Sunday School
Midweek Services
Mission Offering
Lovegift & Donations
Pistang Kabuhayan
Loose Offering
Sunday School
Midweek Services
Mission Offering
Lovegift & Donations
Sunday Worship
Wedding Anniversaries
15 – Felipe & leony Catayong
21 – Allan & Arlene Pedraza
27 – Danny & Wilma
28 – Bhudz & Machey
29 – Amiel & Ellen Sapida
30 – Sandy & Gemma Perlas
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
JULY 2008
Prayer Service
8:00 p.m
Pastor Leng
Church Bible
Study -8:00 p.m
Rev. Leng Lubang
Cell Group
Silvertown: 4 pm
Cell Group
Daang NIA cellgroup
Simborio 2 pm
CYF : 6 pm
UCM: 8 pm
Choir Practice: 8pm
BCE Meeting, 6 pm
Cell Group
Daang NIA cellgroup
Simborio 2 pm
CYF : 6:00 p.m
UCM: 8:00 p.m
Fellowship, 7 pm
Choir Practice: 8 pm
BOT Meeting: 7 pm
Malagasang 2E,
6 pm
Communion Sunday
Rev. Leng Lubang
Elder Sammy Cantada
Keilyn Fauni
Bible Study – 4
CWA Bible
Study &
Cell Groups
Mary Cris: 4 pm
Mary Cris: 5 pm
Sunday Worship
Rev. Ronell
JJ Reyes
BOD Mtg, 12 nn
Cell Groups
Mary Cris: 4 pm
Mary Cris: 5 pm
Bible Study – 4
Sunday Worship
Rev. Ronell
Marlene Medina
Wilson Almanzor
Bible Study – 4
CRO Presentations
CWA Bible
Study &
CWA Bible
Study &
Cell Groups
Mary Cris, 4 pm
Mary Cris: 5 pm
Council Mtg, 2 pm
Anniversary Sunday
Former Senator Orly
Cecille Mendoza
Allan Saquilayan
Bible Study – 4
CWA Bible
Study &
Prayer Service
8:00 p.m
Elder Sammy
Prayer Service
8:00 p.m
Pastor Ronell
Prayer Service
8:00 p.m with
Pastor Noli
Cababan as
Prayer Service
8:00 p.m
Sis. Wilma
Church Bible
Study -8:00 p.m
Rev. Leng Lubang
Church Bible
Study –8:00 p.m
Rev. Leng Lubang
Video &
Powerpoint - 7:00
Cell Group
Silvertown: 4 pm
Malagasang 2E,
6 pm
Board o
Meeting, 7:30
Cell Group
Silvertown: 4 pm
Malagasang 2E,
6 pm
Cell Group
Silvertown: 4 pm
Malagasang 2E,
6 pm
Cell Group
Daang NIA cellgroup
Simborio 2 pm
SS Teachers’
Monthly Reflection,
1 pm
CYF : 6:00 p.m
UCM: 8:00 p.m
Choir Practice: 8 pm
Cell Group
Daang NIA
Simborio 2 pm
CYF : 6:00 p.m
UCM: 8:00 p.m
DLA School Board
Mtg, 4 p.m.
Church Bible
Study –8:00 p.m
Rev. Leng Lubang