Customer Centric Global Market Planning


The Johnson Agency

"A Customer - Centered Global Market Development Process"

The Principle of "Customer - Centered Analysis and Planning"

To achieve the objective of being Customer Driven, Customer Focussed or to Satisfy Customer Needs, all audit, analysis and planning processes must start with the customer. A quick review of current practices and accepted literature will show that we are still product and market focused. The rush to embrace the customer has not been translated from Corporate Strategy to Business Audit, Analysis and Planning. The Johnson Agency has developed a new "Global Customer Focussed Strategy" that drives all company planning and opportunity development to ensure that corporate objectives are directly translated into functional plans for those companies who are committed to expand in the Global marketplace. Each step in the process assumes a high level of contact with the markets of interest to develop data and a hands-on awareness of the unique characteristics and rules that govern the sale. We have found through long experience that there is no substitute for first hand knowledge in Global Marketing.

Key Global Customer Analysis

Objective: To identify all potential customers on a global scale.

Active Market Locations/Market Share

Strategic Importance

Operational Style and Strategic Fit

Level of Trust/Reliability

Overall Attractiveness

Corporate Strategic Audit

Objective: To precisely define the company's commitment to Global Market development. Resulting plans must match the results of this audit

Are we committed to a customer-focused strategy?

Do the Board/Majority owners endorse the commitment?

Has this objective been incorporated in the current planning process?

What is our Sustainable Competitive Advantage?

What is the profit formula?

Does the company have a Global business objective?

What is the stated global growth objective outside of your national market?

What percentages of sales/profits are generated outside of your national market?

What percentage of equity is outside of your national market?

What resources are now committed/available for Global Market Development?

Staff, Locations, Job Descriptions, Prior Training for Position, Experience

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Teams, Tasks/Scope. Achievements. Competency reports for all.

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Budget. Year to date. Five year projections.

Global Organizational Structure.

Market/Country Analysis

Objective: Research to determine preliminary attractiveness

Relevant Economic Indicators

Does category, do similar products exist in market?

State of Market development relative to your market

State of Product development relative to your market

Promotional Methods employed

Selling Methods employed

Competitive Price/Quality Matrix & Profiles

Objective: To determine if your products will be competitive at retail

Collect samples of all directly and indirectly competitive product, customer pricing, packaging and promotional materials

Analyse competitive product using industry standards plus consumer features and advantages

Develop matrix axis's based on actual market conditions

Plot all product categories by competitor.

Create competitor profiles based on market information and customer feedback

Customer Purchase Behaviour/Product Benefit Bundle

Objective: To determine key consumer benefits, purchase behaviour and frequency

Estimate rate of sale, seasonality by product category

Determine fashion sense/current styles and colour, tastes or competitive specifications

Analyse differences in product use

Rank benefits sought

Define purchase behaviour by product type:

Frequency/time of purchase

Quantities/sizes purchased

Combination of products purchased

Time spent on purchase - considered or not

Individual or couple or group decision

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Identify preferred purchase locations

Determine all services offered in addition to product

Analyse actual on-site behaviour through observation to note any special needs:

Touching, smelling, squeezing, tasting

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Packaging needs for transport, re-use, multiples, promotion

Product Mix Analysis - Preliminary Margin Test

Objective: To create a potential product line/collection for launch. To conduct a preliminary margin test to determine viable markets for entry

Using the competitive product analysis results, select a targeted product/s for evaluation

Build a costing formula using all identified costs to create an in-market price to the customer

Modify product production cost within acceptable customer/competitor limits to achieve acceptable target margins

Eliminate those products that are not viable for margin or strategic reasons

Capacity, Resource, Deliverable Transfer Audit

Objective: To analyse if the company has the capacity to supply, both short term and long term and to what degree current deliverables can be transferred, what new deliverables are needed at what cost and time to produce.


Using the approved collection, analyse current unused factory capacity

Identify all planned changes in capacity, plus and minus for 5 years out

Identify opportunities to divert current production

Identify all sub-contract opportunities

Analyse final shipping unit to determine if investments are required for Global transport


Identify all existing materials/plans/events that are of use

Define stocks available

Analyse legal/strategic availability. Get written releases

Estimate all changes required by product by market. Do detailed cost/time estimates.

Identify all other non-existing deliverables required. Do detailed cost/time estimates.

Distribution Channel Audit & Cost Build

Objective: To identify the availability, estimated cost and time line of the distribution channel from factory to customer. To ensure that a viable alternative exists.

Current method of distribution for similar goods

Pipeline time line ex - factory to customer. Identify any problem points

Special crating requirements and costs

Additional entry paper, clearance costs, payment process and time required

Unique tax, tax on tax, one time tax, withholding tax possibilities

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Quality/range of services available: cleanliness, shrinkage, pick & pack

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Need/cost of in-market warehousing

Quality of management services available

Adoption of tracking/inventory management technology

Definition of point of transfer of title

Estimates of space requirement/transaction analysis - on a monthly basis

Proposals for services required

Cost estimate based on a preliminary sales volume forecast

Calculation of distribution cost per product SKU

Legal Audit of all existing distribution, representation, commercial agent agreements

Secondary In-Market Margin Test

Objective: To determine if your products will generate acceptable margins and be competitive as if you were competing with the local competition on a delivered in-market basis

Compute Delivered costs per product SKU by market

Model sell-in inventory and forecast turns

Create pricing scenarios based on expected customer margins and promotional plans

Evaluate product positioning based on final price/ quality

Develop Business Entry Path, Time Frame and Activity Cost Budget

Objective: To identify a realistic entry plan that matches the company's capabilities

Identify and rank target markets for first step and roll-out

Select all sub-contract suppliers and agree to all terms for doing business

Create an activity based PERC chart showing all key development steps and deadlines

Cost all activities and estimate cash flow requirements

Present to all Internal and External partners for approval and commitment to perform

Develop Customer Centered Business Case: Add 3 Year Sales Forecast & Profit Forecast

Objective: To develop a complete Customer Centered Business Opportunity Plan.

Present a strategic overview showing how this opportunity fits corporate objectives

Identify the customer-centered focus of the plan and future growth implications

List all attractive customers in the target markets, their market positions and plans

Present analyses identifying the current and long term strategic and financial potential

Create spreadsheets forecasting volume, per product SKU, per month, per year for 3 years

Compute revenue, cash flow and margin production per month, per year for 3 years

Identify all venture partners and their roles, contract terms and operational goals

Develop an internal organizational plan that will grow to manage the new business

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