Queen Elizabeth High School Ysgol Uwchradd Y Frenhines Elisabeth Date: 07/10/2014 Our Ref: PAS/JAD Dear Parent/Carer Unison plan to take industrial action on Tuesday 14 October 2014. Unison is a Trade Union for non-teaching staff. The school will be open for all year groups. No canteen service will be available, so please provide your child with a packed lunch. A packed lunch will be provided for pupils eligible for free school meals. The 6th form café will operate as normal. Transport will operate as normal. The additional support provided by Teaching Assistants is unlikely to be available during 14 October. Where this is likely to cause significant disruption, the school will contact the parents of pupils affected in order to discuss appropriate arrangements. Industrial action can change at short notice and should this happen, notification will be posted on the school website. Yours sincerely P A Spencer Headteacher Queen Elizabeth High School, Llanstephan Road, Johnstown, Carmarthen, SA31 3NL Ysgol Uwchradd Y Frenhines Elisabeth, Heol Llansteffan, Tre Ioan, Caerfyrddin SA31 3NL TEL/FFÔN: 01267 245300 FAX/FFACS: 01267 238224 EMAIL/EBOST: office@qehs.carms.sch.uk WEB: www.qehs.carms.sch.uk Carmarthenshire County Council HEADTEACHER/PENNAETH: Mr P A Spencer Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin