27th March 2012 - Freegrounds Junior School

Hobb Lane
Hedge End
SO30 0GG
Telephone: (01489) 782295
Facsimile: (01489) 790282
E-mail: admin@freegrounds-jun.hants.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs D. Johnson, BEd, MSc
11th November 2015
Dear Parent / Carer
Thank you for your patience waiting for the postponed Year 3 parents evening. We are pleased to
say that we have now managed to rearrange this for Tuesday 24th November 2015.
In order to give all parents an opportunity to have an appointment with Mrs Pundsack we have
organised the schedule to run from 1pm through to 6pm on this day. We are hoping that this will
enable those who would prefer to make an appointment during the course of the afternoon.
We will be using the vacant classroom adjacent to the Year 3 shared area for appointments during
the afternoon so would ask parents to come into school through reception and sign in before going
through to the Year 3 shared area.
The system goes live from 5.00pm on Thursday 12th November 2015 until 5.00pm on Thursday
19th November 2015 for you to book your appointments. Any alterations after the closing date can
be made via the school office.
Of course we do appreciate that this date might not be convenient for you and of course you are
welcome to contact the school to make an alternative appointment before or after school if this is
the case.
Many thanks for your continued support
Yours sincerely
Deborah Johnson