UNIT OF STUDY: Elementary Spanish CLASS: Grades K-6 CONCEPTS: OBJECTIVES: 1. Kindergarten (introductory vocab.) PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES 1. A. Showing card/posters w/numbers B. Repetitions C. Large illustrated flashcards (LIF) D. LIF and imitation of animal sounds E. Construction paper sheets SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. A. Numbers 1-15 B. Hello and Goodbye C. 5 immediate family members D. 5 common animals RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. Resources/Evaluations for K-6 Evaluations will be from the oral responses of the students. Also, (in upper levels) drawings of what is spoken in Spanish. Some role playing situations will be used for upper levels. E. 5 basic colors (Concepts will be introduced and reviewed at various times throughout the semester) Someindividual and small group competitions will be used to reinforce vocabulary: a. stand-up vocab. review b. student-directed review c. word geography d. tic-tac-toe w/Spanish words e. category review f. group collaboration and collection of vocab. Resources: a. Large illustrated flashcards b. Visible objects c. Manual clock d. HS Spanish students as assistants Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor 1st GRADE (additional introductory vocab) Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor A. B. C. D. E. F. G. numbers 15-20 4 more family members Basic classroom objects Telling time (o’clock) Asking name and response 4 basic weather expressions Additional colors For K-6: Cultural topics and discussions will occur at the proper time of the year, ie. Cinco de mayo, day of the dead, breaking piñatas at Christmas time, introducing vocab of holidays, etc. family customs, traditions (exquinceanera) 2nd GRADE (vocabulary building) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor Units of 10 to 30 3 more family members Basic body parts (of face) Spanish “alfabeto” Additional classroom objects 5 articles of clothing Telling time (front half of hour) Asking and responding to “How are you?” Days of the week 3rd GRADE (additional vocab building) Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor A. Basic greetings and responses B. Introduction of “tengo” C. Introduction of “me gusta” D. Additional body parts E. Additional articles of clothing F. Units of 10 to 100 G. Telling time (back half of hour) H. Months of the year I. Telling the date 4th GRADE (continued vocab building) Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor A. In- depth greetings and responses B. Outdoors objects (10) around the school C. Introduce 5 common professions D. Introduce “Soy” with adjectives (see G) and some nouns E. Additional animals F. Vocab of table service G. Common adjectives (tall/short, blond/dark haired, etc.) 5th GRADE (additional vocab building with introductory grammar concepts) Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor A. Introduction of basic foods B. Introduce “me gusta” C. Basic stores and shops D. Introduce the concept of “gender” E. More adjectives and gender agreement F. Discuss the cognates and the similarities of Latin-based words 6th GRADE ( vocab building with more emphasis on grammatical concepts: ie. Verb conjugation, postion of adjectives, etc.) May 12, 2009 Revised on: May 12, 2009 (date of latest work) Elementary Spanish By: Kelvin Wolzen, Spanish Instructor A. Introduce more foods and drinks B. Introductory work with a few simple commands C. Introduce the verb “ir” and the “I” form (voy) D. Introduce modes of transportation E. Simple Spanish phrases with adjectives F. Simple verb conjugation, “Yo” form (use cognate verbs) G. Intro feelings and emotions with “estoy”