Practice Test Answers: Literature & Rhetoric

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Part I: Unit Text Comprehension:
Part A: “The World on Turtle’s Back”
Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Why does the man go to the Great Tree at the beginning of the myth?
a. His wife wants some flowers.
b. He wants to make his pregnant wife happy.
c. The tree has been growing forever.
d. He wants to escape the Sky-World.
2. When the woman falls from the Sky-World, the birds' actions show that animals
a. do not care about others
b. fear others
c. depend on the help of others
d. care about others
3. Throughout the story, the actions of the gods show that
a. no one is as perfect as the gods
b. the animals are dependent upon the gods
c. the humans are smarter than the gods
d. the animals are more holy and respectful than the flawed gods
4. What does this creation myth explain about the Iroquois dance rituals?
a. Iroquois dance to worship the moon.
b. They dance in the same direction as the sun to honor the creation of the earth.
c. The muskrat created the first dance.
d. Only twins are allowed in the dance.
5. The arrows that the man brings to the girl represent
a. the twins
b. ocean waves
c. fish and birds
d. a dance ritual
6. The right-handed twin is angry because the left-handed twin
a. is his mother's favorite
b. creates more animals
c. kills their mother
d. is a better archer
7. The twins' creations in this myth tell you that Iroquois culture
a. believes in a balance in nature
b. bases its rituals on deer meat
c. respects the porcupine the most
d. wishes more medicines were made
8. The right-handed twin takes control of
a. his brother's life
b. all poisonous plants
c. the earth's animals
d. the daytime
9. During which of the following actions is the left-handed twin most likely present?
a. during planting
b. after sports
c. at harvest
d. during war
Part B: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
____ 10. What feeling does the author hope to cause in his listeners when he describes God as angry?
a. Fear
b. Pity
c. Shame
d. Foolishness
____ 11. What is Edwards’s purpose for his sermon?
a. To make people read their bible more
b. To encourage people to have a great change of heart and be “born again”
c. To get people to give more to charity
d. To make people start going to church more
____ 12. What kind of imagery shows up in Edwards’s sermon the most?
a. Happy, warm, encouraging visuals
b. Exciting, inspiring sounds and visuals
c. Scary, violent visuals, sounds, and feelings
Part C: “Speech in the Virginia Convention”
____ 13. Henry begins his speech with
a. strong demands for an immediate vote
b. firm requests for funds to pay for war
c. polite references and flattery of the other speakers
d. kind words for other states
____ 14. Henry sees the basic question of the debate as a choice between
a. war and peace
b. freedom and slavery
c. patriotism and disrespect
d. truth and imagination
____ 15. Henry says that the British obviously want to subdue the colonies because the British have sent
a. Taunting letters of refusal to their requests
b. Their political advisors to debate the colonists
c. Food supplies
d. Their armies and navies
____ 16. What persuasive device is Henry using in the following quotation? "Shall we resort to entreaty and humble
supplication? What terms shall we find which have not already been exhausted?"
a. repeated phrases
b. antithesis of ideas
c. rhetorical questions
d. parallelism of structure
____ 17. What might Henry have done with his voice and tone to emphasize his tone full of emotion in the following
lines from his persuasive speech? "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains
and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!"
a. increased the volume of his voice
b. slowed down while he spoke
c. sat down while he spoke
d. paused after every word
Part II: Examples of Literary Skills: The following are quotations from the stories we have read. These
quotations demonstrate examples of the literary skills we have been learning and discussing. Locate the
literary elements used in each of the following quotations.
Part A: Figurative Language: Match the following quotations by what figurative language is used in each.
a. simile
c. hyperbole
b. metaphor
d. personification
__C__ 18. “You are ten thousand times more abominable”
__D__ 19. “Justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow”
____ 20. “...that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood”
____ 21. “The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string”
____ 22. “You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of the divine wrath flashing about it, and ready every
moment to singe it, and burn it asunder”
_C___ 23. “You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince.”
__B__ 24. “You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince.”
__B__ 25. “The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect
over the fire, abhors you”
Part B: Persuasion Techniques: properly label the following quotations by what persuasive technique is
most prevalently used in each.
a. Logos
c. Pathos
b. Ethos
__C__ 28. “The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made
ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow. The glittering sword is
whet, and held over them, and the pit hath opened its mouth under them.”
__A__ 29. “And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the
last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the
__B__ 30. “…and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”
__C__ 31. “No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities of the very worthy gentlemen
who have just addressed the House.”
_B___ 32. “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us
into beasts.”***REMEMBER THE FOOT NOTE!
Part C: Propaganda Techniques: properly label the following quotation with the propaganda technique
used in each. Some of the answer choices may be used more than once. It’s possible that some may not be
used at all.
a. Bandwagon
d. Plain Folks
b. Name Calling
e. Testimonial
c. Glittering Generalities
__C__ 36. “The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”
__A__ 37. “Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we
possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.”
__B__ 38. “Is it that insidious* smile…” (*treacherous, dangerous, evil)
Part III: Cold Text: Look at the texts (story and commercial) which you haven’t been taught before. Use
your understanding of the elements we have discussed this unit to locate the correct answers.
Part A: “The Crisis” by Thomas Paine: Read “The Crisis” provided on the separate sheet of paper and
answer the following questions.
__D__ 43. When in lines 7-10 Paine refers to Britain’s “tyranny” and “impious” nature, he’s using what propaganda
a. testimonial
c. bandwagon
b. glittering generality
d. name calling
_B___ 44. Paine’s statement in lines 11-12 that he’s not a superstitious person and then his mentioning how God protects
the good are examples of
a. logos
c. pathos
b. ethos
d. card stacking
__D__ 45. The comparisons Paine makes between the king of England and the list of people at the end of paragraph two
is an example of
a. glittering generality
c. testimonial
b. bandwagon
d. name calling
__A__ 46. The story about the Tory (American colonist still loyal to Britain) father told in lines 19-24 is meant to be
used as
a. a Pathos appeal to vanity and pity: making c. a Pathos appeal to fear: making the
the listener feel superior to the selfish
listener afraid of how America will lose if
Tory and feel pity and love for their
there are too many people remaining loyal
children, thus driving them to fight
to Britain like this Tory and refusing to
join in the fight on the rebel side
b. an Ethos appeal: he’s pointing out how
d. a Logos appeal: logically America will be
he’s a warm and loving father-figure so
able to win the war if all of those colonists
that the listener will trust him
loyal to Britain would rather not fight
__B__ 47. Lines 29-30 is an example of what figurative language?
a. hyperbole
c. personification
b. simile
d. metaphor
__A__ 48. In line 31 from “I turn” to “friend,” Paine is using
a. Ethos - he wants them to see him as a
c. Logos - he’s revealing to the listener that
warm person
it’s illogical to see Britain as America’s
b. Pathos - he wants them to feel good about
__D__ 49. Lines 40-41 is an example of
a. Name calling: he’s calling the people who c. Testimonial: he’s giving the testimonial of
choose not to fight heartless cowards
all of the women and children who want
America to be free from British rule.
b. Pathos: appeal to vanity - he’s making the d. Both a and b
people who choose not to fight worry
about how they will look to their friends
and loved ones, making them worry
they’ll look like cowards
__A__ 50. Lines 44-45 “My own line...ray of light” is an example of which figurative language?
a. simile
c. hyperbole
b. metaphor
d. personification
__E__ 51. What imagery is used in lines 54-56?
a. sight
b. smell
c. taste
d. sound
e. both a and d