Info Lit Unit 10 (08) - Library

Information Literacy Unit 10: Supporting Learning
The following notes and quiz will assist you to find resources relevant to your ongoing studies
at University. These resources deal primarily with obtaining assistance about learning related
issues and cover both personal as well as academic support that is available to you.
Support for CQU Students
Central Queensland University offers many forms of assistance to its students. This
assistance can be found, for instance, on the CQU website, in the online student handbook,
in the Course Profiles, on the CQU Library website, or in person by consulting with staff
Support for CQU students can cover help with assignments, careers advice, general study
support, advocacy, and consultation services (if you have financial and/or personal issues
that are impacting on your studies).
CQU Website
The CQU website contains links to various support resources and services for students. You
can access these links from the Students link on the CQU homepage at:
Some of the main links of which you should be aware are:
Student Association (especially re social club activities and advocacy issues)
Student Ombudsman (if you have a complaint about a staff member, a course, or an
assignment, the Ombudsman can investigate your complaint)
Mathematics Learning Centre
Communications Learning Centre
Student Services
Communications Learning Centre (CLC) and Learning Skills Units (LSU)
ALL students enrolled in programs and courses at Central Queensland University can access
useful generic assessment advice on the CQU Communication Learning Centre (CLC)
website at:
This site contains information on different types of written assessment items (e.g. reports,
essays and abstracts), oral presentations, and writing and research skills. The homepage for
the Communications Learning Centre contains information about other services it provides.
This information is available for students studying in distance or flex mode, off-shore, or on
one of the Queensland regional campuses. Students are advised to investigate the
information is available. The CLC homepage is located at:
Students studying on any of the Australian International Campuses can make use of the
information provided on the above website. They can also access the resources provided by
the individual Learning Skills Units (LSU) on their campus. The LSU website details are as
Sydney campus:
Melbourne campus:
Brisbane campus:
Gold Coast campus:
General Support Services
For students studying in distance or flex mode, off-shore, or on one of the Queensland
regional campuses, you can find information about relevant Student Services at:
Student Services can assist you with information about career planning and writing job
applications (CVs). You can make contact if you are having personal, family and/or financial
difficulties or if you just need someone to talk to. Contact details for Student Services can be
found on their webpage.
The CQU Student Handbook is another source of useful information relating to a wide
range of issues affecting students.
Some of the important information you can find in the Handbook includes:
Information about courses and program structures
Admission and enrolment information (eg. ‘advanced standing’, transfer between
programs and/or campuses, dropping/adding courses)
Information about student support at CQU, including: student mentors, equity,
advocacy, counselling, and information technology support
The handbook can be accessed at:
The CQU Library
The CQU Library contains a large collection of resources available to students for borrowing.
In addition to discipline and topic specific resources, there are also books on time
management, general study skills, assignment writing, and presentation techniques.
The Library also provides many services for students, staff, and the community. To find out
more about how the Library can help you with your study, select the Information and
Services for…Students link on the Library homepage at:
Course Profiles
One of the most important things you can do to support your own learning and to maximise
your potential achievement at University, is to familiarise yourself with the contents of the
Course Profile for any course in which you are enrolled.
It is important to be aware of the desired Course Outcomes as an aid to focus your studies
in a course. By understanding the outcomes you are more likely to make informed decisions
about what is relevant and what is tangential to your studies and as such the time you spend
learning should be both more efficient and more effective.
The Proposed weekly schedule in a course profile is a guide to the timelines you should be
pursuing. Even if you are a student studying off-campus it is often still helpful to study things
in the order indicated in this timeline. Being aware of the due dates for assessment items to
be submitted is also important in planning your study time-management. If you roster in start
dates (ie. when you should start work on an assessment task) and do not just focus on due
dates, you will be able to manage your time even more effectively.
Sometimes, after you have been studying a few courses, it is easy to become a bit blasè
about the information you can obtain in a Course Profile. Both Information Literacy Topic 1
and now this last section of Information Literacy Unit 10 have been included in this course to
remind you to never underestimate the Course Profile as a source of support for your
Note: It is necessary to be familiar with the information above, including the information
contained within the links, in order to complete Information Literacy Quiz 10. You will find
the quiz listed when you select the Assessment link on the left of the course website.