1. RTI Tools For Baseline Data Collection, Interventions & Progress Monitoring DRA data is an excellent assessment tool. It will target the problem areas as they pertain to reading (Baseline & Progress Data). Using the DRA is the best starting point for a child who exhibits problems as they pertain to reading. 2. QSI: Qualitative Spelling Inventory for reading and spelling (baseline and progress monitoring). 3. Success Maker Lab reports in the area of weakness can be used to collect baseline data and can be used for progress monitoring. 4. Dolch Words- can be used to determine baseline as it pertains to word recognition. Download from http://www.mrsperkins.com 5. Accelerated Reader data can be used to determine comprehension level. 6. Chart Dog online – can be used to document baseline or progress monitoring data on frequency charts. 7. Aimsweb data 8. Strategies: for problem specific strategies, go to http://www.interventioncentral.org and click on intervention ideas. OTHER RESOURCES: RTI strategy database: http://www.rtitools.com/ ***Reading Strategies/Interventions Interventions to improve reading comprehension. https://www.msu.edu/course/cep/886/Reading%20Comprehension/main.html Strategies to help children who struggle with reading. http://www.readingrockets.org/helping GLRS: Alternative Strategies Manual is an online manual that consists of alternative strategies for problem learners. Strategies for behavior, reading, math, writing, etc. http://www.glrs.org/Alternative%20Strategies%20Manual.pdf Interventions/strategies regarding CLICK ON TOPIC AND HOLD DOWN CTRL KEY Functional Behavioral Assessment Social Skills Instruction Fluency Instruction Reading Recovery Phonics Instruction Co-Teaching Graphic Organizers High-Stakes Assessment Reading Comprehension Instruction Cooperative Learning Phonological Awareness Class-wide Peer Tutoring Mnemonic Instruction Formative Evaluation Direct Instruction http://www.teachingld.org/ld%5Fresources/alerts/#fluency Math Strategies/Interventions Curriculum-Based Assessment Math Computation Probe Generator http://www.interventioncentral.org/htmdocs/tools/mathprobe/addsing.php Numberfly is a free application that allows educators to create Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) progress monitoring probes of 3 types that assess students’ developing numeracy skills: Quantity Discrimination, Missing Number, and Number Identification. This application also includes instructions for administering and scoring these early math assessments, as well as suggestions for using Early Math Fluency Probes in a school-wide RTI Universal Screening. http://www.interventioncentral.org/php/numberfly/numberfly.php A Plus Math Flashcard Creator Design and print your own flashcards http://www.aplusmath.com/Flashcards/Flashcard_Creator.html Dr. Math is an online math tutorial service maintained by Drexel University in Philadelphia. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ This site presents several thinking strategies that can help students learn to master math computation and applied math problems. It is sponsored by the Special Education Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. http://www.unl.edu/csi/math.shtml The math corner is dedicated to providing teachers with necessary tools to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. http://www.updc.org/frame.html?content=http%3A//updc.org/initiatives/math/ind ex.html The Math that Count website has strategies, activities, interventions, and math applets. http://www.maththatcounts.com A list of intervention strategies and interventions. https://www.msu.edu/course/cep/886/Math/pg6.htm Moogie on the net offers Moogie on the Net is a totally free, elementary, middle, and high school math intervention and remediation software designed to assist teachers and their students with mathematics proficiency. www.emanualsoftware.com Behavior Interventions Behavior Doctor is a site that dedicated to providing proactive strategies and solutions for behaviors that adults wish to target for change in either their personal children or the students they teach. www.behaviordoctor.org The teaching tools are intended to assist teachers in problem solving a plan to support young children who are having challenging behavior. http://challengingbehavior.fmhi.usf.edu/tools.html Dr. Tom McIntyre, a former Fulton County special education teacher, created this website as a resource for teachers dealing with difficult behaviors. www.behavioradvisor.com Intervention Central offers free tools and resources to help school staff and parents to promote positive classroom behaviors and foster effective learning for all children and youth. www.interventioncentral.org The purpose of this tool is to provide you with a resource for handling student misbehavior. It presents a complete step-by-step approach to changing inappropriate student behavior to appropriate behavior. http://www.disciplinehelp.com/teacher/list.cfm?cause=All Easy way to chart data. http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/chartdog_2_0/chartdog.php